第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 7~ 8 教材复习(ppt课件) 2021年中考英语复习(ppt课件)(外研版)(广西).ppt

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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 8Book 2Modules 78中考考点中考考点精讲精讲考点1 Your bag mustnt weigh too much.你的包一定不太重。【Module 7 P56】重点突破 weigh的用法eg.I find it easy to weigh things with an electronic balance.我发现用电子秤称东西很容易。You always weigh less in the morning.在早晨你的体重总是会轻一些。Have you been on a diet?Youve lost a lot of weight.你最近在节食

2、吗?你瘦了好多。拓 展对重量提问,可以用以下几种句型:活学巧练单项选择1The baby elephant _ 100 kilograms when it was born.AweighBweighsCweighed Dweight2How much_ the big stone _?Perhaps the _ of it is 2 tons.Ais;weigh;weight Bdoes;weight;weighCis;weight;weigh Ddoes;weigh;weight C D 3A small gold fish_ about 5 grams.Aweigh BweighsCwei

3、ght Dweights单词拼写4I run for half an hour every morning to lose _(重量)5This kind of animal can _(重)more than 200 kilos.B weight weigh 考点2 But if you prefer,of course,you can stay in a hotel.但是如果你更喜欢的话,当然,你可以待在旅馆。【Module 7 P58】重点突破 prefer的用法prefer作动词,意为“更喜欢”,相当于likebetter,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。其常见搭配如下:eg.

4、I prefer to think of peace not war.我更喜欢思考和平而不是战争。Jack much prefers jazz to rock music.杰克喜欢爵士乐远胜过摇滚乐。He prefers swimming to surfing.与冲浪相比,他更喜欢游泳。Would you prefer me to stay?你愿意我留下来吗?She prefers to stay at home rather than go with us.She would rather stay at home than go with us.她宁愿待在家里,也不愿和我们一起去。活学巧练

5、单项选择1Miss Brown prefers _ at home to _ outside.Aread;walkBreading;walkCreading;walking Dread;walking2Nowadays,most people prefer to _ computer games rather than books.Aplay;reading Bplay;readCplaying;reading Dplaying;read C B 3They prefer _ dinner at home with their families rather than eat out.Ahav

6、e Bto haveChaving Dto having B 单词拼写4I _(宁愿)to live in the countryside because I want to have a quiet life.词形转换5My mother prefers _(stay)at home on the weekend.6She prefers making a present for her mother to _(buy)one.7My mother would rather take a walk than_(watch)TV after dinner.preferto stay buyin

7、g watchWe provide books,and we set tests every week to check your progress.我们提供教材并且每周设置测验来检查你的进步情况。【Module 7 P58】考点3 重点突破 辨析provide、give与offer考点含义及用法图解助记provide“提供,供应”,强调有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充足准备give(2016北海40题)“递给,赠送,传递”,为普通意义上的“给予”offer“主动提出,自愿给予”,对方可接受也可拒绝eg.Please provide us with some information on

8、this matter.Please provide some information on this matter for us.请为我们提供一些关于此事的信息。The old man gives everything he has to the country.那位老人把他所有的一切都献给了国家。He offered help to those students who are poor in maths after school.他主动提出放学后帮助数学不好的学生。活学巧练单项选择1The government has the responsibility to _ people _ n

9、ecessary medicine in this special time.Aprovide;withBgive;toCbuy;for Doffer;with2Peter _ to teach the kids waterskiing.Aprovided BgaveCsent Doffered A D3I_ my friend some flowers for her birthday.She was very happy to accept my gift.AprovidedBgaveCcaughtDsaved4This student is very polite,and he alwa

10、ys _ the old his own seat on the bus.Aprovides Bbrings Coffers Dtakes单词拼写5Fresh fruit and vegetables _(提供)all the vitamins for us.6The manager _(提供)him a good job,but he turned it down.A C provide offered语法知识语法知识梳理梳理1.并列复合句(and、but与or)(1)When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there?

11、你什么时候动身?你打算在那儿待多久?(2)It sounds crazy,but I dont know what to take.这听起来很疯狂,但是我不知道带什么。(3)Shorts are good,or you can wear light trousers.短裤就行,或者你可以穿薄裤子。【Module 7 P60】【Module 7 P60】【Module 7 P60】2that引导的宾语从句(见本书P173)(1)I can hardly believe were in the city centre.我几乎不能相信我们是在市中心。(2)I dont think they allo

12、w people to swim in the lake.我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳。【Module 8 P68】【Module 8 P68】(3)We thought somebody was moving about.我们认为有人正在四处走动。(4)Linglings uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here.玲玲的叔叔说摘植物的叶子是不对的,我们应该保护这里的一切。【Module 8 P68】【Module 8 P68】地方特色地方

13、特色专练专练Sanniang Bay is a national 4Alevel tourist area,which is located in Qinzhou bay in the southwest of Guangxi.It is 1 beautiful.It is famous 2 its blue sea,beaches,stones,green forests,fishing villages,and tides(潮水).It is also known as the 3 of Chinese white dolphins,a first class protected anim

14、al in China.It has an average annual(每年的)temperature of 22,so it can be 4 all year round.The 5 water quality of Sanniang Bay makes it a highquality natural fishing ground.6 is not only rich in oysters(牡蛎),prawns(明虾),dolphins,and other animals,but also a place for marine life(海洋生物)like sea birds,sand

15、worms shells,and water crabs.Tourists can take a boat to enjoy amazing seascape views and 7 dolphins.They can also go 8 in the ecological(生态的)pool in the woods and the bathing beach.People can visit local fishing villages to experience 9 like net fishing,sea fishing,oyster digging,and crab catching.

16、People enjoy many special performances 10 lots of local seafood in Sanniang Bay.Sanniang Bay is such a wonderful place that attracts many tourists from all over the world.()1.A.hardly Bnever Calmost Dreally()2.A.for Bas Cof Din()3.A.family Bhometown Cschool Doffice()4.A.hated Bvisited Cworked DdividedDABB()5.A.wise Bnecessary Cexcellent Dterrible()6.A.It BThey CWe DHe()7.A.look for Bthank for Cwait for Dstand for()8.A.shopping Bswimming Creading DrunningCAAB()9.A.exams Bgames Cactivities Dproblems()10.A.but Bso Cand DorCC


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