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1、国家开放大学电大一网一平台商务英语1一体化考试机考形考任务5题库及答案形考任务5题库一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1一Hi, Lily, what s up with Mike? I heard the boss yelling at Mike earlier today. 选择一项:A. It is better to tell someone to get it fixed.B. He was so scared.C. It s said that Mike made a mistake and then tried to c

2、over it up.试题2一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier. 选择一项:A.So be c釭eful with our job.B. We should also find what the customers think. C. Well, Mike isn t a fool, he won t do that again.试题3一Your request for compensation made me surprised. What happened? 选择一项:A. It s because of the qu

3、ality.B. It s true.C. There must be something wrong. 试题4We try our best to 选择一项:A.makeB.getC.meetyour requirement. 试题5I bet that Mike wished youhim that earlier. 选择一项:A. toldB. had toldC. have told试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T,错误为“F。Success and Failure It s clear that success and failure are i

4、mportant and common topics. Every business has its ups and downs, and so does every person. In other words, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Another common way of saying this is You win some and you lose some. Nobody wins all the time, not even in the great success stories that we read or

5、 hear about. Think of a successful entrepreneur. Now, do you think that person achieved great success on their first attempt? In 99% of cases, the answer is no. Every successful businessperson learned through failure. Now have a look at your favorite business news site. You 11 see that almost every

6、story can be put into either the category of success or that of failure. Businesses either grow or shrink but they don t remain the same. 1. Every person has his or her ups and downs. (T )2. A common savin11: You wi . A common saying You win some and you lose some means that sometimes we succeed and

7、sometimes we fail. (T) 3. Ninety nine percent of successful businessmen achieved great success on their first try.(F) 4. Successful businessmen learn through failure. (T)5. Businesses either shrink or remain the same. (F)一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题l一Hello, David! I haven t heard

8、 from you for a long time. How have you been recently? 选择一项:A. Long time no see. B. Not bad, thank you.C. That s ok.试题2一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier. 选择一项:A. We should also find what the customers think.B. Well, Mike isn t a fool, he won t do that again. C. So be careful with

9、 our job.试题3-Oh. But why didn t he just own up and tell someone?选择一项:A. You should have told him that earlier. B. So be careful with our job.C.He was too scared that he would be fired, I suppose. 试题4The re-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not_standard. 选择一项:A.onB. up toC.

10、within试题5It is better to tell someone to get it _. 选择一项:A. fixedB. fixingC. fix试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Clerk: Hello, Big City Electricity, how may I help you today? Peters: ( C) . Clerk: May I have your account number? Peters: Certainly, it s 4392107. Clerk: Thank you, is this Mr. Peters?

11、Peters: Yes, this is Mr. Peters. Clerk: Thank you. What can I help you with? Peters: (A) . Clerk: I m sorry to hear that ( E). Peters: The bill is 30吹higher than last month. Clerk: Terribly sorry for that. Let me ask you a few questions and then I 11 see what I can do. Peters: OK, Thank you for your

12、 help. Clerk: Of course, thank you for calling this to our attention. Now, how much do you usually pay for your electricity? Peters: I usually pay about $50 a month. Clerk: Thank you. ( D) Peters: $200. I can t understand why. Clerk: Yes, Mr. Peters. Was your usage different in any way? Peters: No,

13、it was an average month. Clerk: I m sorry there certainly seems to be a mistake. Peters: Well, I m happy you agree with me. Clerk: I ll contact a service representative. And what s your phone number? Peters: 408-533-0875 Clerk: (B) . We ll do our best to change this as quickly as possible. Peters: T

14、hank you for your help in clearing this up. A. I think I ve been overcharged for the past month.B. I m terribly sorry about the mistake.C. I m calling concerning my electricity bill.D. And how much did we charge on this bill?E. Why do you think we charged you too much?一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项

15、中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1一Your request for compensation made me surprised. What happened? 选择一项:A. It s true.B. It s because of the quality.C. There must be something wrong. 试题2一Hello, David! I haven t heard from you for a long time. How have you been recently? 选择一项:A. Long time no see. B. That s ok. C. N

16、ot bad, thank you.试题3-Oh. But why didn t he just own up and tell someone? 选择一项:A. You should have told him that earlier.B. He was too scared that he would be fired, I suppose. C. So be careful with our job.试题4We a工e entitled to cancel it if you fail to _ the contract. 选择一项:A.honorB.draw up C. sign 试

17、题5Every business has its ups and downs, and so_ every person. 选择一项:A.do B. is C. does试题6二、听力理解: 请听下面的对话, 根据对话内容从A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Picture-in-Picture 1. Why did David call John? ()A. He wanted to meet an old friend.B. He wanted to ask for compensation.C. He wanted to talk about a new contract.2. W

18、hat s wrong with the goods which David has bought? ()A. They are not up to the standard.B. They are not loaded on time. C. They are not properly loaded. 3. How did David prove that the goods have quality problems? ()A. He had them re-examined.B. He used them according to specifications.C. He looked

19、into the contract.4. What can David do if the goods do not meet the requirements? ()A. Honor the contract.B. Cancel the contract.C. Load the goods.5. How did John face this complaint? ( )A. He denied (否认)this problem.B. He didn t want to give a reply.C. He agreed to look into this problem seriously.

20、国家开放大学电大一网一平台商务英语1一体化考试机考形考任务1题库及答案形考任务1题库一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1一Could you give me an example of good team working there? 选择一项:A.Sure. I was the treasurer of the StudentsUnion.B. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan- Asia C. Sorry. I can see from your r

21、esume.试题2- Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?选择一项:A. Yes. I m glad to tell you that. B. Yes. My responsibilities are very important. C. Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of China. 试题3- I believed Ted only from his resume. In fact he is not qualified for his job.选择一项:A. I

22、m glad to hear that.B.Oh, it s such a pity!C.Oh, it sounds interesting!试题4Domingo Cafe, a modern European style cafe, is in the_area. 选择一项:A.downtown B. town C.down 试题5However nowadays, people_often find such advertisements on a website. 选择一项:A.muchB.moreC. a little试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选

23、项中选出一个最佳选项。How to Employ and Apply When a company needs to employ new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website. However nowadays, people more often find such advertisements on a website. Then people, who are interested, can apply for the job. They send in a letter (or an email

24、) and also a resume (or CV) as well. The two parts are very important in job-hunting. The former is used to apply for a certain position. The latter is used to introduce his or her education background and work experiences. But more and more companies may often ask people to fill out a standard form

25、. The company s Human Resources Depa工tment wi 11 then select the most suitable people to attend an interview. 1. According to the passage, where can we find job advertisements more often nowadays? ()A.In a magazine.B. In a newspaper.C. On a website.2. How do people apply for a job?( ) A. By phone.B.

26、 By email.C. Go to visit the company.3.Besides the application letter, what else is also important? ()A. A resume.B. A picture.C. A certificate.4. What do companies provide to job applicants nowadays before they apply for jobs? ()A. A standard form.B. An invitation letter. C. An email address.5. Who

27、 is in charge of selecting the applicants for the coming interview? ()A. The manager of the company.B. The Human Resources Department.C. The secretary of the manager.一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1Hello, Im John Taylor, the General Manager. And you must be. . .选择一项:A. Nice to meet

28、you. B. Im a secretary. C. Daniel Anderson. 试题2We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy. so youre a good planner. 选择一项:A. It s a pity.B. Really small C. V . very 1mpress1 ve 试题3- Could you give me an example of good team working there?选择一项:A. Sorry. I can see from your r

29、esume.B.Sure. I was the treasurer of the StudentsUnion.C. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia. 试题4The company s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people to an interview. 选择一项:A.joinB.attendC.go试题5Then people, _are interested, can apply for the job.

30、 选择一项:A. thoseB.whoC. they试题6二、阅读理解: 请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。If you don t have much experience of making phone calls in English, making a business call can be a worrying experience. Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in a foreign lang

31、uage by making notes in advance. And during the call they make notes while they re talking to help them to remember what was said. Although it s quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to rem

32、ember what was said. It s essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one of the speakers will send a fax or e-mail to confirm the main points that were made. Because it s so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone, it s a good idea to repeat any important

33、 information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you ve got it right. Always make sure you know the name of the person you re talking to. If necessary, ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure you ve got it right-and try to use their name during the

34、 call. And make sure that they know your name too. 1.If you don t have much experience of making phone calls in English, making a businesscall can be () . A. an easy thingB. a happy experienceC. a painful thing2. Most business people prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by makin

35、gnotes in advance because () . A. they are very carefulB. they don t feel confident enouthC. they don t want to miss any important information3. When the speakers reach an agreement on the phone, ()will send a fax or e-mail in order to confirm the main points that were made. A. one of themB. both of

36、 themC. none of them4. What does it refer to in the first sentence in Paragraph Four一一“it s a goodidea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you ve got it right ? ()A. important informationB. the other personC. a good idea5. The best

37、 title of thi is passage is ( A. The Importance of Taking Notes B. B usiness CallsC. Talking on the Phone一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1- Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?选择一项:A. Yes. I m glad to tell you that. B.Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of Chi

38、na. C. Yes. My responsibilities are very important. 试题2Hello, Im John Taylor, the General Manager. And you must be. . .选择一项:A. Daniel Anderson.B. Im a secretary.C. Nice to meet you. 试题3- I believed Ted only from his resume. In fact he is not qualified for his job.选择一项:A.Oh, it sounds interesting!B.O

39、h, it s such a pity!C. I m glad to hear that.试题4I was the 选择一项:A. treasureB.treasurerC.fund试题5of the StudentsUnion. I believe team work _ important. 选择一项:A.wasB.areC. is试题6二、请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为“T错误为“F。Ul舟20Task%203. mp31. Daniel invited John to the job interview. (F)2. Daniel worked in Corporate

40、Pan-Asia for 6 years. ( F )3. Daniel was in charge of the southwest region of Canada. ( F)4. A 50% increase in sales over a three-month period proved Daniel a good manager. ( T)5. Teamwork helped Daniel achieve an outstanding increase. ( T )一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题l We had a

41、very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy. so youre a good planner. 选择一项:A. Really small B.Very impressiveC. Its a pity.试题2- Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?选择一项:A. Yes. My responsibilities are very important. B. Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of C

42、hina. C. Yes. I m glad to tell you that. 试题3- Could you give me an example of good team working there?选择一项:A. Sorry. I can see from your resume.B.Sure. I was the treasurer of the StudentsUnion. C. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia. 试题4When a company needs to on a website. 选

43、择一项:A.useB.employC.retain试题5d new people, it may advertise the job I m particularly proud of _ I organized the finances. 选择一项:rn a newspaper or A.whoB.howC.which试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。John: Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today. Daniel: (C) John: I can see from your resume you were

44、 (D ) Daniel: Sure. John: (A) Daniel: Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of China. As a manager, I was responsible for a 50% increase in sales over a three-month period. John: (E ) Daniel: Thanks. John: What are the key reasons that helped you to achieve such an outstanding increase? Danie

45、l: (B ) A. Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?B. I believe teamwork is important.C. Thank you for inviting me.D. in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia from 2008 to 2012.E. Very impressive.国家开放大学电大一网一平台商务英语1一体化考试机考形考任务2题库及答案形考任务2题库一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题

46、1- When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co., Mr. Smith?选择一项:A. I11 leave for Shanghai.B. At 10:00 tomorrow morning.C. I11 meet the president of Bestway Co.试题2- Please make a detailed schedule for me.选择一项:A. Yes, I won t.B. No, I wil 1.C. Yes, I will. 试题3- Well, after my report, there11 be

47、a break for refreshments.选择一项:A. The break wont be long.B.All right, I11 see it.C. All right, I see.试题4They 选择一项:A. seem toB.see toC. look tohave no good plan for advertising on TV. 试题5There are some visitors _ to our marketing department next week. 选择一项:A.comingB.comeC.to coming试题6二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据

48、对话内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Picture-in-Picture 1. What did John ask Linda to do for him? ()A. He asked her to meet the guests.B. He asked her to make a detailed schedule for him.C. He asked her to make a cup of tea for him.2. What is Mr. Joness position in his company? ( A. He is the president of Bestwa

49、y Co. B. He is the general manager of Nile Co.C. He is the sales manager of Lee Brothers3. What will they do at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon? ( A. They 11 meet the guests. B. They 11 have trade fairs.C. They 11 have a board meeting.) ) 4. The bo江d meeting will be finished at tomorrow afternoon. ()A. 2:30

50、B. 3:30C. 4:305. Who11 meet Mr. Lee tomorrow afternoon? () A. BobB. JohnC. Linda一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1- We 11 have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won t we?选择一项:A. Its said the meeting is important.B. No. After the meeting, we 11 leave for Shanghai. C. Yes. A


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