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1、中 考 专 项 复 习 阅读理解的方法与解题技巧阅读理解的方法与解题技巧 1.细节理解题 2.推理判断题 3.词义猜测题 4.主旨大意任务型阅读理解任务型阅读理解一 对于直接事实题,采用对号入座的方式即可解答。对于间接事实题,考查的内容往往在文中有所隐含,或者选项部分把某处换了个表达方式以此来增加难度。平时要注意同一个意思的多种表达。干扰项:(1)选项注意极端词(any,most,all,must,every.),需逐一核对(2)无中生有(3)与原文相反(4)半对半错(5)偷换概念 针对文章事实和细节进行提问,比如when、where,how,why,what,who,which等进行提问。1

2、.When did the accident happen?2.How long did the fight last?3.Which of the follwing is not mentioned in the passage?原 文:Often,these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them.Why is it difficult to find a wild bees nest?A.Its small in size.B.Its hidden in trees.C.Its covered with wa

3、x.D.Its hard to recognize.答案:B 解析:根据“these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them”可知选B。阅读推理题是一种难度较大的题型,要求考生在通篇理解文章的基础上去领悟作者的言外之意,并对作者的态度、观点、写作目的意图、文章的寓意等作出正确的推理判断。这类题要求我们由“已知的”去推断“未知的”,属于一种深层次的理解。一、推断文章出处、体裁等 1.The passage is most probably _.2.The passage is most probably taken

4、from a_.二、判断作者或读者身份 1.The author is probably a/an_.三,推断文中代词所指代的内容 1.what does“it”refer to?Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up?If you answered yes,you should try a new kind of exercise:aquatic(水中的)exercise.Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land,but you do it in a swimming

5、pool.More and more people are trying aquatic exercise.Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land.Why?You weigh about 90%less in the pool.It is better for your knees than running or walking.Water is about 1,000 times thicker and heavier than air.and easy to learn.It doesnt require any spec

6、ial skills.You dont even need to know how to swim.Aquatic exercise is for everyone.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A.Culture.B.Health.C.Nature.D.Travel.解析 本文主要谈论的是水中锻炼的好处,因此这类文章应该出现在杂志的“健康”部分。故选B。The text is written mainly for those _.A.who go to work early B.who want to lose weight

7、 C.who stay up late D.who eat before sleep 答案:B 解析:由第三段首句“But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when youre trying to lose weight”和第四段反复出现lose weight可知答案。超纲词我们可以通过文章其他解释,同义,暗示来确定含义 常用的设问:1.What does the underlined word vital mean?2.The underlined word“counselor ”means-in

8、 Chinese?If he thinks he can invite me out,he is all wet.I dont like to be with him.,The underlined phrase“all wet”means_ A.drunk B.sweating C.happy D.wrong 解析:根据下文“我不喜欢跟他在一起”可知,他如果认为能约我出去,那就“错了”。因此D是正确答案。英语的文章讲究使用主题段和主题句。的主旨常在首句、尾句、首尾句或段落中,而整篇的主旨往往隐藏在首段或尾段。主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,主题句根据段落的写作手法的不同可能在

9、段落的开头,也可能出现在段落的中间或末尾。段与段之间常用词语连接,承上启下,使文章行文连贯,逻辑严密。为突出主题,作者可能采用来组织文章,通过举例、比较、类比等手法来透彻。.常用的提问句式常用的提问句式 1.The first paragraph is mainly about_.2.What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5?3.What is the main theme of the passage?4.The passage is mainly about _.5.What can be the best tit

10、le for the passage?6.What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?7.What does the author intend to tell us?8.The author of the passage aims to-。What is the main theme of the passage?A.Having a goal is vital to success.B.Being good is different from being great.C.One cannot succeed without time

11、and practice.D.Luck,talent and family help to achieve success.答案:C 解析:第一段讲了成功的一般因素:天赋,家庭背景和运气。第二段,即成功需要实践和时间。任务型任务型 近几年,中考任务型阅读大都是“句子还原”类的,大多以说明文为主,记叙文为辅。需要理解事件的发展顺序或文章的逻辑顺序以及段落句子之间的逻辑关系。)Starting high school is a great experience for any teenager.Whether you are coming from a middle school grades s

12、ix through eight)or a junior high school(grades seven through nine),different.1 .You will face being in a new school,making new friends in an unfamiliar class and getting to know new teachers.These new teachers will usually have higher academic(学术的)levels than your middle and junior-high school teac

13、hers.2 In return,they expect you to work hard and develop your skills.On top of all this,peer pressure(同伴压力)to drink and smoke often increases in high school.3 .5 Although there is a lot of pressure,it is nothing you can not deal with.If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is wron

14、g,talk to a friend,parent,or counselor to find a solution(解决).4 you are not succeeding academically,find someone to help you.If you feel lonely,try to join a school club or group to make new friends.5 With time,you will come to be thankful for everthing about your experience.On the point of starting

15、 your high school,are you ready?根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。A.You will experience many changes.B.They want to help you get into college.C High school may seem discouraging at first.D.They are there to help you get into this great new time in your life.E.Besides,the pressure could als

16、o come from grades,loneliness and so on.对于说明文/议论文,我们首先读第一段的前两句和最后两句,再读中间段的前两句,最后读最后一段的前两句和结尾两句。对于散文/记叙文,我们先阅读文章的第一部分,扫读主语,谓语,连接词,对文章有个大概的了解后仔细阅读最后一段。如果在读完每一段的首句和末句后还是无法了解段落主题时,再看一下含有连词()或副词()的句子。略读略读 抓住文中的重点词汇或段落进行,以迅速获取文章大意或中心思想的基本阅读方法。对一些不影响整体理解的细节可以略过。2:2:查读查读ScanningScanning 查读的关键其实就是一边在心中默记要找的信

17、息,一边快速阅读全文,与带着问题阅读类似。第一篇文章最适合用这种方法了,当然做应用文和考查细节/全文主旨的题目时,查读也是适用的。具体有3点要注意:1.在应用文中定位特定部分 2.在出现关于问题时,查找部分 3.在出现考查细节的问题时,先看问题,再查找选项相关内容 3:3:分解阅读分解阅读|根据意义单位解析长句子根据意义单位解析长句子 了解在何处分段有利于我们理清复杂句的结构,进一步提升阅读速度。请牢记下面4句话:1.在句子前接较长的副词、副词短语、状语从句时,在主语前断开 2.主语较长时,在前断开 3.句子较长时,在介词、不定式、动名词、分词前断开 4.有从句时,在连词、关系词前断开 Eg:

18、But the bottom line/is that eating/in the morning/is important/when you are trying/to lose weight.Step1:略读原文快速获取文章主旨大意。只看总括性的话,忽略细节与阐释。并且要做标记,一般标记关键词和转折词。Step2:提取题干关键词。Step3:扫读原文找题眼的关联处并标记。Step4:精确比对选项做判断。Once it where you still need people to push you,then you dont need to be doing it 如果你做什么还要别人逼你的话,那你大可以放弃了.


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