《国际商务谈判(第二版)》课件Chapter 2.ppt

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1、 Chapter 2Staffing Negotiation TeamsChapter 02Staffing Negotiation TeamsThere is no“I”in“Team”,but there is“I”in“Win”.Michael JordanContents Background Information2 Section A Text Study 4 Humor5 Situational Dialogue 7 Words and Expressions1Section B Text Study6 Lead-in3 Exercises8Section A Basic Pri

2、nciples That Make You a Smart Negotiator Chapter 02Staffing Negotiation TeamsWords and Expressions1.bracket:vt.regard,perhaps wrongly,as belonging to the same group or type归入一类Most English people bracket American and Canadian accents together.大多数英国人都把美国音和加拿大音相提并论。2.diffuse:vt.(cause to)spread out fr

3、eely in all directions扩散;散开;传播The roses diffuse the scent to the air miles around.玫瑰花的香味儿弥漫在几英里的空气中。3.financial:adj.connected with money and finance 财政的,财务的,金融的Tokyo and New York are major financial centers.东京和纽约是主要的金融中心。backbackWords and Expressions4.ridiculous:adj.deserving ridicule;silly or unrea

4、sonable荒谬的;可笑的(文中指谈判过程中的小trick,小策略)His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area.在这个贫穷的地区,他的贵族气派显得很可笑。5.diversionary:adj.intended to take ones attention away from sth.转移注意力的Its thought the fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.人们认为火是囚犯们放的,是一种使人分心的策略。6.designate:

5、v.to say officially that sth.has a particular character or name;to describe sth.in a particular way 命名,指定This area has been designated(as)a national park.本区已被指定为国家公园。backbackWords and Expressions7.integrity:n.the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles;the state of being whole and

6、 not divided 诚实,正直;完整We must respect each others territorial integrity.我们应当尊重彼此的领土完整。8.simultaneous:adj.happening or done at the same time as sth.else 同时发生(或进行)的,同步的There were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels.反叛者同时发动了几起进攻。9.segment:n.a part of sth.that is separated from the other parts or

7、can be considered separately 一部分,一份,一篇,一段She cleaned a small segment of the painting.她擦干净了这幅画的一小部分。backbackWords and Expressions10.imperative:adj.(formal)very important and needing immediate attention or action 重要且 紧急的,迫切的,急需处理的It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.我们的当务之急是必须于下周完成。

8、11.cautious:adj.being careful about what you say or do,especially to avoid danger or mistakes;not taking any risks 小心的,谨慎的He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不承诺任何事宜。backbackBackground Information1.Key issues of a negotiating team 1)A negotiating team needs a skilled lea

9、der who can plan effectively,keep disagreements inside the team,and manage the flow of information to and from the team.2)Dont go into a negotiation with a second-rate team too much is at stake to use mediocre assistance.A team leader must select people whom he or she respects.It is more important t

10、o have“experts”at your side than“nice guys”.backbackBackground Information1.Key issues of a negotiating team 3)Never go into an important negotiation without“inoculating”your negotiating team.No plan is complete without considering how you will defend yourself against arguments.Use the devils-advoca

11、te approach to run through the other partys positions beforehand.4)Develop rules among your own people on how questions will be fielded.Sometimes it is best to have all questions directed only to the chief negotiator to give others time to answer.5)Recess and caucus frequently.backbackBackground Inf

12、ormation2.Negotiation rolesIn a negotiation,there may be many roles to be played,particularly if it is long and with high stakes.Not all of the roles below need be held by separate people,for example the leader may also play the relater or critic and the secretary may also be an observer.Roles that

13、may conflict with one another,such as relater and critic,however,are usually best separated and taken by different people.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation rolesCN(chief negotiator)or leader:CN is in general responsible for the negotiation team.CN is responsible for unifying the strategy,t

14、actics and overall style to be used by a negotiation team.CN has two roles,first to coordinate the actions of the team and second to provide the main“face”of the negotiating team.CN may be a senior person who has the authority to make decisions.There can be a risk in this,however,when the person is

15、not experienced in team negotiation and may make elementary mistakes that could cost their organization a great deal.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation rolesCritic:The critic is the“bad cop”of the team,always looking for flaws and problems.They may have an internal focus,criticizing their o

16、wn teams activities(in private,of course)and may focus more in the room,criticizing points made by the opposing team.The internal role is helpful for avoiding problems like complacency and antagonism where the team moves away from an effective way of working together or with the opposing team.Being

17、a verbal critic in the negotiating room can be useful for giving a focus for the opposing teams frustration,which the leader or relater may later offer to quell(in exchange for agreement,of course).It also frees up the leader and relater to build relationships without having to cope with criticism.T

18、he leader may also let the critic bring up a subject and then say something like“Well,she does have a point there”before taking it up as major topic.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation rolesRelater:The relater is the friendly face of the team.They build relationships with individuals in the

19、opposing team and may through this gain useful pieces of information.They also act to intervene when there is conflict between personalities and can act as mediator or other supporting roles.The relater may well avoid the harder substance of the negotiation,focusing more on relationships.However,the

20、y may at times need to use the relationship bridge to talk about aspects of the deal.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation rolesExpert:Experts may be rolled in and out of the negotiation to provide particular evidence or assessments in key areas,for example technology or law.Typically they do

21、not do any direct negotiating,but give information and answer questions.When they are not there permanently,they may need to be briefed before they enter the negotiating room so their comments can be adjusted to align with the position of their home team.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation r

22、olesRecorder:The recorder(often called a scribe,secretary,etc.)takes notes about what is said.In particular,they note what people are requesting and what offers are made.While they may occasionally ask questions to ensure they take accurate notes,they are mostly silent.This can let them act as anoth

23、er observer and they may make side notes that they can bring up with the leader or team later.backbackBackground Information2.Negotiation rolesBuilder:The builder is the person who creates the deals,putting together packages of things to exchange for other packages in return.They may also have a fin

24、ancial role where they assess the cost and value of items being exchanged.Often in negotiations,people over-value what they offer and under-value what they might receive.The builder seeks the truth of such positions and provides the leader with facts to enable a sound decision.backbackBackground Inf

25、ormation2.Negotiation rolesObserver:Consider having one person designated as an“observer”.The observer has a watching brief,in particular paying attention to the subtleties of words and non-verbal body language.They may pass notes to the leader about their observations and discuss what they see in b

26、reaks between meetings.Hence,for example,they watch for signs of lying and other tensions.While this is not an exact science,people do send many unconscious signals that other members of the team may miss as they focus more on the substance of the negotiations.backbackBackground Information3.Leaders

27、hip traitsTo succeed in business negotiations,CN should possess some key leadership traits if you seek to achieve objectives and results.Every leader has the characteristics of:Vision Passion Decisiveness Team-buildingbackbackBackground Information3.Leadership traitsThere are a total of 14 leadershi

28、p traits according to the US Marine Corps.Bear in mind that every leader does not necessarily possess all the 14 traits,and may be stronger in some than others.These traits are:Justice Judgment Dependability Initiative Decisiveness Tact Integritybackback.Background Information3.Leadership traitsTher

29、e are a total of 14 leadership traits according to the US Marine Corps.Bear in mind that every leader does not necessarily possess all the 14 traits,and may be stronger in some than others.These traits are:Enthusiasm Bearing Unselfishness Courage Knowledge Loyalty EnduranceWhich of the leadership tr

30、aits listed above do you think are essential in negotiation?backback.Background Information4.Select team membersIf the negotiation is to be effective,the team leader must choose members that can foresee the areas covered by the negotiation,and have the technical expertise to deal with the problems e

31、ffectively.Putting a team together is similar to assembling a jigsaw puzzle:there is no success unless all of the pieces fit.The negotiation team should include members in the following areas:Commercial:responsible for the negotiation on price,delivery terms,and commercial policy of risk-taking;Tech

32、nical:responsible for specifications,programs,and methods of work;backbackBackground Information4.Select team membersFinancial:responsible for terms of payment,credit insurance and financial guarantees;Legal:responsible for contract documents,terms and conditions of contract,insurance,and legal inte

33、rpretation;Interpreter:familiar with the foreign language needed as well as with related knowledge and good at cooperating with other personnel;Besides their professional skills,priority should be given to communication skills of the negotiation team members.backbackBackground Information5.Using tra

34、nslators or interpretersUsing translators or interpreters allows you the opportunity to give your complete attention to the negotiation itself.Both sides can negotiate more comfortably and it allows for a more productive environment.However,there are drawbacks to consider.Firstly,using a translator

35、distances the two parties,and makes it somewhat awkward to develop a more personalized relationship.Secondly,if your interpreter isnt as proficient as you thought,the context of translation could end up being“as clear as mud.”backbackBackground Information5.Using translators or interpretersThere are

36、 two types of translation services which could be employed in international negotiations.The first is called simultaneous translations whereby the translation is continuous.This type of translation service is generally used by larger international organizations or diplomatic functionaries.It require

37、s specially trained interpreters and expensive equipment.The second type is known as consecutive translations where one or more interpreters convey your message in segment form.The latter type of translation service is the more common one that is utilized in international business negotiations.backb

38、ackBackground Information5.Using translators or interpretersDepending on their proficiency and fluency,you will need a translator who is fully fluent translate your counterparts language into English,while the other can translate English into your language.Although this might sound strange,an interp

39、reters language skills may not necessarily be compatible for both languages.backbackBackground Information5.Using translators or interpretersWhen using translators or interpreters,the following rules have to be remembered:1)Get their credentials.It is imperative that you employ a competently trained

40、 professional translator.2)Brief your interpreter beforehand.You should explain the background and circumstances of the deal to be negotiated.It is also vital you clarify whether you want a word-for-word translation or a summary.3)Dont ramble on and on.It is best not to be too talkative.Speak in rea

41、sonable segments and ask your translator to ask you to speak up and repeat anything they need repeating to ensure accuracy.backbackBackground Information5.Using translators or interpreters4)Beware.Occasionally,an interpreter may try to take charge of the negotiation by putting in their two cents wor

42、th of business advice,particularly if they have some business background.They could have special interest in the deal and maybe want to get additional business come their way,later down the road.Be especially cautious if the interpreter is a middleman or an agent.5)Take a recess.Interpreting for lon

43、g periods requires intense concentration and can be very taxing.Try and give your interpreter a break every hour or so,or suggest that they use their own initiative to pause when they feel they need it.backbackBackground Information5.Using translators or interpreters6)Treat your interpreter as a pro

44、fessional.The more respect and professional courtesy you display towards your translator,the more he or she will feel like a valued part of the team.This sense of importance could encourage your interpreter to offer you valuable insights on the cultural nuances or personalities of your opposite numb

45、ers sitting across the table.backbackBackground Information6.How to become an effective negotiator?Here is an 8-point checklist you can review to understand what traits make an effective negotiator.It should help to find out where you are,and where you need to go.backbackBackground Information6.How

46、to become an effective negotiator?1)Knows whats going onWe cannot be effective negotiators if we dont know or have a handle on the goals and objectives of our company or organization.We have to be tuned in to the strategic aims of what management is striving to attain.Otherwise,we will find ourselve

47、s in the situation of“the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing.”Naturally,it is clearly up to management to plainly state and communicate these objectives throughout the strata levels of its personnel.If you find yourself in a situation where you arent clear where your organization is

48、going,you need to find it out and get it right.Good negotiators always have their finger on the pulse and thrust of the long-term goals and objectives of their company or organization.backbackBackground Information6.How to become an effective negotiator?2)Prepare prepare prepareA good negotiator can

49、 only be effective when they are prepared.We have to do our homework and research before the negotiation,or else we will be left groping about in the dark.We need to have all our ducks in a row by gathering all the available and applicable information to have on hand when we need it.To be unprepared

50、 is just asking for trouble.backbackBackground Information6.How to become an effective negotiator?3)Learn probe learnAn effective negotiator also has the ability to snoop like a nosy detective.When we sit down with our counterparts,we often dont have a lot of information about the aims of the other


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