Unit 5 Working the land 主语从句 (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Discover Useful StructuresUnit 5 句子句子 类型类型简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句主句主句形容词性从句形容词性从句(定语从句定语从句)名词性名词性从句从句副词性从句副词性从句(状语从句状语从句)主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句从句从句5.To find your way can be a problem.4.Smoking is bad for you.1.Jane works hard.2.You are a student.3.The old should be respected.Whats the subject

2、?(什么是主语?)(什么是主语?)6.What she said is not yet known.结论:结论:主语是句子说明的人或事物,一般放在主语是句子说明的人或事物,一般放在_。一个句子来充当一个句子来充当_叫主语从句。叫主语从句。句首句首主语主语主语从句作主语主语从句作主语名词作主语名词作主语代词作主语代词作主语形容词作主语形容词作主语动名词作主语动名词作主语动词不定式时作主语动词不定式时作主语课文原句回顾1.However,concerned him most was farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a s

3、erious shortage of food to eat.2.this could be done was a challenging question at the time.3.However,it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.4.Today,is estimated about 60 percent of domestic rice.5.impresses people most about Yuan Long

4、ping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.whatthatHowwhetheritthatWhat1.The man is looking at you.2.You are a student.3.To find your way is a problem.4.Smoking is bad for you.5.What you need is a book.6.That Tom will come here excites me.7.When they will turn up is uncertain.8.It is a pity th

5、at you didnt see him.Find out the subject in the sentences.用作主语的从句叫主语从句。用作主语的从句叫主语从句。什么是什么是主语从句主语从句 在主从复合句中,充当主语的从句是主语从句。它是名词性从句之一,使用陈述句语序。引导的连接词有从属连词、连接代词和连接副词。引导主语从句的从属 连词有:that、whether、if引导主语从句的连接连词有:who、whoever、whom、whose、what、whatever、which、whichever引导主语从句的连接副词有:when、where、how、why“缺什么补什么缺什么补什么”

6、原则原则缺主语,指人用缺主语,指人用_,指物用指物用_缺宾语,指人用缺宾语,指人用_ _ _,指物用指物用_缺时间状语用缺时间状语用_;地点状语用地点状语用_;原因状语用原因状语用_;方式状语用方式状语用_;定语用定语用_;什么都不缺用什么都不缺用_,缺缺“是否是否”_whowhowhatwhatwho/whomwho/whomwhatwhatwhenwhenwherewherewhywhyhowhowwhich/whosewhich/whose 主语从句的连接词主语从句的连接词thatthatwhetherwhether主语从句语序 When will he come is not know

7、n.When he will come is not known.主语从句一律用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语在后。例如:Whether they would support us was a problem.What she said is true.Where she is from is unknown.When they will start is not known yet.1.That Yuan devoted all his life to developing hybrid rice moved all people around the world.2.Whether it wa

8、s possible to develop a hybrid plant was a matter of great debate.that _成分,成分,_意义,意义,_省略。省略。whether _成分,成分,_意义,译为意义,译为_。从属连词从属连词引导主语从句只起引导作用,在引导主语从句只起引导作用,在主语从句中主语从句中不充当任何成分不充当任何成分。不做不做是否是否无无不能不能不做不做有有1.:that、whether、ifWho will go makes no difference.What we need is more time.Which book I shall choo

9、se hasnt been decided.Whoever breaks the law will be punished.who在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。what在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。which在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。whoever在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。2.连接代词连接代词:who、whoever、whom、whose、what、whatever、which、whichever宾语宾语什么什么主语主语谁谁主语主语无论谁无论谁定语定语哪一个哪一个连接代词1.1.连接副词连接副词Wh

10、en we will leave hasnt been decided.Where the meeting will be held is not known.Why he cries is not clear.How she keeps healthy is a secret.when在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。where在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。why在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。how在主语从句中充当在主语从句中充当 _,译为译为 _。3.连接副词:when、where、how、why连接副词状语状语什么时候什么时候

11、状语状语哪里哪里状语状语为什么为什么状语状语怎样怎样1._ you said yesterday is right.2._ she is still alive is exciting.3._ he lost the bike worried him a lot.4._ he lost yesterday is his bike.WhatThatWhatThatwhat 既引导从句,又在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语,而that 只引导从句,不在从句中充当成分。探寻规律探寻规律1 1:主语从句主语从句 主谓一致主谓一致 问题问题1.Whether the patient will be taken

12、 _ unknown.2.When and where the patient will be taken _ unknown.3.When the task can be finished and whether he can have a rest _ unknown.4.What he wants most _ staying with his family.What they need _ masks(口罩口罩).is单个从句做主语,谓语大多数使用单个从句做主语,谓语大多数使用_ (单数?复数?单数?复数?)单数单数由由两个连接词两个连接词引导同一个主从,谓动使用引导同一个主从,谓动使

13、用_(_(单数?复数?单数?复数?)单数单数主语为主语为andand连接的两个主从时,谓动使用连接的两个主从时,谓动使用_(_(单数?复数?单数?复数?)复数复数whatwhat在主从中做宾语时,谓语的单复数取决它后面的表语。在主从中做宾语时,谓语的单复数取决它后面的表语。areareis is areareisis陈述语序陈述语序主语从句一律用主语从句一律用_即主语在前,谓语在后。即主语在前,谓语在后。陈述语序主语从句的主谓一致问题are当单个主语从句充当句子主语时,谓语动词用单数;当两个或两个以上的主语从句充当主语时,谓语动词用复数。探寻规律探寻规律3 3:主语从句太长怎么办?主语从句太长

14、怎么办?That all countries work together is important.用一个用一个 It 来解决问题!来解决问题!It is important that all countries work together.主语从句为了避免头重脚轻现象主语从句为了避免头重脚轻现象,用用itit做做_,而把从句放在后面充当而把从句放在后面充当_。真正的主语形式主语主语从句一般放在句首,但有时为了使句子结构平衡,避免“头重脚轻”,常用 it 作形式主语,而把从句放在后面。1.That the earth moves around the sun is well known.It

15、is well known that the earth moves around the sun.2.That she has made such a mistake is a pity.It is a pity that she has made such a mistake.3.Whether hell come here isnt clear.It isnt clear whether/if hell come here.注意:主语从句位于句首时,不能用if 引导,主语从句后置时,才可以用if引导。有时用有时用it作形式主语,将主语从句后置作形式主语,将主语从句后置,这样做是这样做是为

16、了避免句子头重脚轻。为了避免句子头重脚轻。1)It is obvious(that)he doesnt like the gift.1)2)It is a surprise that he finished the work in such a short time.3)It is reported that china had sent another spaceship.4)It happened that he was out that day.1)It+be+形容词形容词+that从句从句2)It+be+名词名词+that从句从句3)It+be+动词的过去分词动词的过去分词+that从

17、句从句 4)It+不及物动词不及物动词+that从句从句It 作形式主语的句型作形式主语的句型ItIt作形式主语的常见句型:(1)It+be+形容词(obvious,true,surprising,wonderful,possible,likely,certain)+that 从句(2)It+be+过去分词(said,reported,thought,expected,decided,announced,suggested等)+that从句(3)It+be+名词词组(a pity,a shame,good news,an honor,no wonder等)+that从句(4)It+动词/动词短

18、语(seem,appear,happen,matter,turn out,occur to等)+that 从句1.你做的任何事都是正确的。_2.手表属于谁是未知的。_3.我们需要的是时间。_4.大家相信善行会带给我们好运。_1.你做的任何事都是正确的。_2.手表属于谁是未知的。_3.我们需要的是时间。_4.大家相信善行会带给我们好运。_Whatever you did was right.Whom the watch belongs to is unknown.What we need is time.It is believed that good deeds will bring us f

19、ortune.1.Match the sentence parts.1.Match the sentence parts.(P53P53)1.remains an unanswered question.2.is an important topic for us to research.3.is that these chemicals may even cause cancer.4.these vegetables can even be planted without any soil through this new technology.5.is the reason why som

20、e people prefer to live in the country rather than in the city.A.What worries many people B.That the lifestyle is slower and healthierC.How we can find a suitable solution to produce sufficient food D.When these wheat farmers will join this pilot experiment E.It amazed all of us thatDCAEBDiscover us

21、eful structures:Subject clausesDiscover useful structures:Subject clauses12431.the fact that the vegetables look beautiful on the outside 2.the thing that she is unhappy about 3.the way that they are going to spend their retirement 4.the question whether they can live a healthy life Discover useful

22、structures:Subject clausesWhat I have forgottenisItWhosehas notMake sentences using subject clauses with the help of the clues.1.he said/reasonable2.she will accept the invitation/not clear yet3.the animals are moving to/not exactly known4.you have recovered from your illness/a grat relief to us.5.h

23、e has become distant recently/my concernWhat he said is reasonable.Where the animals are moving has not been exactly known.That you have recovered from your illness is a great relief to us.Whether she will accept the invitation is not clear yet.Its my concern why he has become distant recently.Rewri

24、te the sentences using subject clauses1.We wanted to know where he had lost the laptop.2.The way in which he did the experiemnt was puzzling to other people.3.Do they use too many chemical pesticides?I worry about this most.Whether_Where he had lost the laptop was what we wanted to know.How he did t

25、he experiemnt was puzzling to other people.Whether they use too many chemical pesticides worries me most.1._ he will succeed is certain.2._ he will go there is still a mystery.3._ he said is not true.4._ will happen to the world is difficult to predict.5._ we will go camping tomorrow depends on the

26、weather.6._ will take the place of our original headmaster hasnt been decided yet.7._ he gave up the chance of studying abroad is unknown.8._ we will have the picnic next week is being discussed.9._ he hid the money is to be found out.10._will be chosen our new monitor is still unknown.11.It is by n

27、o means clear_ the president can do to end the strike.12.It remains to be seen _ the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice.13._ you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes.1.Fill the blanks with the right words.1.Fill the blanks with the right words.ThatWhetherWhatWhere/When/How/WhyWhowhetherwhatWhatWhatWhetherWhoWhyWhen/WhereThanksThanks


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