《国际学术会议英语》课件Chapter 10.ppt

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1、Part II Oral Presentation Skills Chapter 10 Chapter 10Pronunciation Pronunciation and and IntonationIntonationTask Objectives You will learn to show an attracting rather than detracting presentation by getting to knowhow to pronounce words correctlyhow to pronounce words correctlyhow to decide when

2、and where to stress the how to decide when and where to stress the words and phraseswords and phraseshow to avoid speaking in a nomotonehow to avoid speaking in a nomotoneTask PreparationRead the following two texts loudly in your group.Pay attention to the boldbold words and the CAPITAL words that

3、you need to put emphasis on.After that,decide which one in your group read them best and why.Task PreparationA.A.In his bookbook,Gladwell argues Gladwell argues that INITIAL IMPRESSIONSor GUTFEELINGS are quite rationalrational.However,that this“split-secondsplit-second”thinkingthinking process moves

4、 process moves FASTER than what we usually associate associate with thinkingthinking.If YOU are one of these peoplepeopleand there are MANY of usBlinkBlink provides“PROOF”that youre actually quite a RATIONAL HUMAN BEING.Task PreparationB.B.In this day and ageday and age,factsfacts,statistics statist

5、ics and other numbers numbers are used to proveprove EVERYTHING.IntuitionIntuition,gut feelings gut feelings and personal preferences personal preferences are all OUT THE DOOR.Of course,there ARE somesome who are tryingtrying to battlebattle this trendtrend.RecentlyRecently,Malcolm Gladwell Malcolm

6、Gladwell wrote BLINK,a best-seller best-seller which exploresexplores the USEFULNESS of makingmaking SPLIT-SECOND DECISIONS based on INTUITION rather than careful careful consideration consideration of all the facts and figuresfacts and figures.Skill FocusI.Pronounce words correctlyCreate lists of y

7、our key wordsCreate lists of your key words It is essential that you create a list of key words that are contained in your speech or slides.You should pay attention to the words that might be used in questions from the audience too.Skill FocusI.Pronounce words correctlyFind out the words you mispron

8、ounceFind out the words you mispronounceDo an Internet search:“Chinese+English pronunciation+Typical mistakes”.Write out your entire speech and convert it into a PDF file.Use the Adobe reader to read your speech.lListen for vowel soundslUnderstand which words you cannot pronounce and replace words t

9、hat are difficult to pronouncelMake a list of words that you find difficult to pronounce but which you cannot replace it with other wordsSkill FocusI.Pronounce words correctlyPractice the pronunciation of keywords that Practice the pronunciation of keywords that have no synonymshave no synonymsBreak

10、 down the word and identify which part is causing you problems.Practice the difficult word by reading it in association with the familiar words,like:getmetmetalmethod.Skill FocusI.Pronounce words correctlyPay attention to the irregular pronunciationsPay attention to the irregular pronunciationsSkill

11、 FocusI.Pronounce words correctlyEnunciate numbers very clearlyEnunciate numbers very clearlyHelp your audience by writing any important numbers directly onto your slides.Note where the stress is:thirteenteen,thirthirty.Skill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:two syll

12、ablesWord stress:two syllables If its a two-syllable word that is not a verb,then put the stress on the first syllable.But,some words change stress depending on whether they are nouns(on first syllable)or verbs(on second syllable).Try to pronounce these words:contact(n.),exploit(n.),increase(v.),ins

13、ert(n.),object(n.),present(v.),progress(n.),record(n.),report(v.),research(v.),upset(v.).The vast majority of British surnames and place names have the stress on the first syllable.e.g.Thatcher,Newton,BristolSkill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:compound nounsWord s

14、tress:compound nounsA word that is made up of two words has the stress on the first syllable,but there are some exceptions.Pronounce the words below and find the exceptionsboyfriend,everyone,feedback,headline,highlight,income,input,afternoon,interface,interview,layout,newspaper,outcome,overview,podc

15、ast,sidetrack,understand,supermarket,switchboard,workshopSkill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:three syllablesWord stress:three syllables Most three-syllable words(nouns,verbs,and adjectives)that dont have a suffix(e.g.,un-,pre-)have the stress on the first or secon

16、d syllable.Only a few have the stress on the third syllable.Pronounce the words belowexpertise,introduce,Japanese,personnelSkill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:multi-syllablesWord stress:multi-syllables Words ending with-able,-ary,-ise,-ize,-yse,-ure have the stres

17、s on the first syllable:suitable,secretary,categoryWords ending with-ate,-ical,-ity,-ment,-ology have the stress on the third to last syllable:graduate,immediate.Some exceptions(stress on second syllable):equipment,fulfillment.Words ending with-ial,-ic,-cian,-sion,-tion have the stress on the penult

18、imate syllable:appearance,artificial,specificSkill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:multi-syllablesWord stress:multi-syllables Most words ending with-ee have the stress on-ee:attendee,employee,interviewee.An exception(stress on second syllable):committee.The majority

19、 of other multi-syllable words have the stress on the second syllable(e.g.,identify,particular,parameter,enthusiasm),but some on the third(e.g.,fundamental,correspondence).Skill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesWord stress:multi-syllablesWord stress:multi-syllables A number of c

20、ommonly used multi-syllable words are usually pronounced without certain syllables(i.e.,the ones in italics below are not pronounced in normal speech):average,business,category,Catholic,comfortable,difference,evening,general,interested,interesting,laboratory,literature,medicine,preferable,reference,

21、temperature,vegetable,WednesdaySkill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesAcronymsAcronymsAcronyms are pronounced in three ways:with each individual letter pronounced separately and with equal stress on each letter:DVD,EU,UN,WWW.like a normal word:NATO,UNESCO,URL.like a normal word

22、but with vowel sounds added:FTSE(pronounced footsie).Skill FocusII.When and where to stress the words and phrasesSentence stressSentence stressRead the sentences below and discuss with your group member why we should stress that word.I am a software software developer.I am a software developerdevelo

23、per not a software salesperson.I want to show show you.I want to show you you not them.This has happened happened several times.I can assure that this hashas happened several times.Skill FocusII.Avoid speaking in a monotoneVary your voice and speedVary your voice and speedYou need to vary your speed

24、,volume,pitch and tone to show the audience what is important about what you are saying.When you want to stress a word in a sentence,you should:say the word more slowly(and perhaps a little louder)than the ones before and the ones after;raise the volume of your voice a little;give your voice a sligh

25、tly different tone or quality.Skill FocusII.Avoid speaking in a monotoneMark up your script and then practice reading Mark up your script and then practice reading it aloudit aloudYouYou cancan useuse thethe marksmarks below:below:slash(/)indicates where you want to pause.double slash(/)indicates a

26、longer pause.boldwords that you want to stress in each phrase.CAPITALSthese are words that you want to give particular emphasis to.underlineindicates the stress within a particular word.insert in brackets the sounds of words or syllables.Skill FocusII.Avoid speaking in a monotoneMark up your script

27、and then practice reading Mark up your script and then practice reading it aloudit aloudRead the paragraph below loudly.Pay attention to the use of the marks.FirstFirst of all/thank you very very much/for comingcoming here today.My names Carlos Cong Carlos Cong/and I am currently doing researchresea

28、rch into psycholinguisticspsycholinguistics sy/my/at the University of YorkYork./Id like to show you/what I I think/are some INCREDIBLE results/that I got while.Skill FocusII.Avoid speaking in a monotoneAvoidAvoid er,er,erm,erm,ahahTry not to make any non-verbal noises between words and phrasesRecor

29、d yourself and listen to your voice criticallyUse pause/breathe instead of say“er”Check Your UnderstandingI.Please decide whether the following statements are true or false based on the“Skill Focus”you have read.1.You can find synonyms for non-key words and thus replace words that are difficult to p

30、ronounce with words that are easier.2.A word that is made up of two words has the stress on the first syllable,for example:afternoon,understand.3.All the acronyms are pronounced with equal stress on each letter.4.Normally we stress adjectives rather than their nouns,because adjectives often carry th

31、e key information or can help to distinguish one thing from something else.5.When you want to stress a word in a sentence,you can say the word more slowly.TTFFTCheck Your UnderstandingII.Choose the best choice for the following questions.1.Which of the following words has the stress on the first syl

32、lable?A.biologistB.photographerC.psychiatristD.secretaryCheck Your UnderstandingII.Choose the best choice for the following questions.2.Which of the following has a different vowel sound?A.knewB.stewC.fewD.sewCheck Your UnderstandingII.Choose the best choice for the following questions.3.Which word

33、has the correct stress in British English?(Stress syllables are in capital letters)A.ADvertisementB.adVERtisementC.adverTISEmentD.advertiseMENTCheck Your UnderstandingII.Choose the best choice for the following questions.4.Below are four-syllable words.Which one has a different stress pattern?A.rece

34、ptionistB.biographyC.disqualifyD.operationCheck Your UnderstandingII.Choose the best choice for the following questions.5.Which word has a different vowel sound?A.headB.saidC.madeD.bedCheck Your UnderstandingIII.Read the sentence aloud using the stress word marked in bold.Once you have read the sent

35、ence aloud a few times,match the sentence version to the meaning below.1.I I said she might consider a new haircut.2.I saidsaid she might consider a new haircut.3.I said sheshe might consider a new haircut.4.I said she mightmight consider a new haircut.5.I said she might considerconsider a new hairc

36、ut.6.I said she might consider a newnew haircut.7.I said she might consider a new haircuthaircut.A.Not just a haircut.B.Its a possibility.C.It was my idea.D.Not something else.E.Dont you understand me?F.Not another person.G.She should think about it.Its a good idea.1.I I said she might consider a ne

37、w haircut.C.It was my idea.2.I saidsaid she might consider a new haircut.E.Dont you understand me?3.I said sheshe might consider a new haircut.F.Not another person.4.I said she mightmight consider a new haircut.B.Its a possibility.5.I said she might considerconsider a new haircut.G.She should think

38、about it.Its a good idea.6.I said she might consider a newnew haircut.A.Not just a haircut.7.I said she might consider a new haircuthaircut.D.Not something else.Check Your UnderstandingCheck Your UnderstandingIII.III.Tips and Notes纠正和完善自己的发音与音调不仅重在日常的练习,还应在每次会议发言前做好充分的准备。你可以在发言前写出发言稿,总结出此次发言时的keywor

39、d list,从而找到自己需要特别注意的单词,然后确认每个单词的发音。如果某些单词太复杂,无法纠正发音,则用容易发音的同义词替代。最后,勾划出重读及停顿,反复练习。必要时,也可以将自己的发言练习进行录音,以便更好地发现自己在发音与音调方面的不足,及时完善。Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup thethe followingfollowing scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.1.There are two main advantages of thes

40、e techniques.First,the sample needs very little or no pre-treatment.Second,you get a quick response.Mass spectra are really hard to interpret.So we decided to use two types of analysis:principal component,and complete-linkage cluster.We did the analysis on the relative abundance of peaks.All this me

41、ant that we could compare,differentiate and classify the samples.Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup thethe followingfollowing scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.1.There are two mainmain advantages/of these techniques.FirstFirst,/the sample needs veryvery little/o

42、r nono pre-treatment./SecondSecond,/you get a quick response./Mass spectraMass spectra are reallyreally hard to interpret./So we decided/to use twotwo types of analysis:/principal principal componentcomponent,/and complete-linkage clustercomplete-linkage cluster./We did the analysis/on the relativer

43、elative abundance of peaks./AllAll this meant that/we could comparecompare,/differentiatedifferentiate/and classifyclassify the samples.Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup thethe followingfollowing scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.2.The scenario is a typical wir

44、eless network.There is a single base station in the middle and subscriber stations around it.We used a simulator to help us understand two factors.First,how the power saving mechanism influences how users perform.Second,the effect that power saving has on the environment.Another important aspect.Tes

45、ting.Testing can be classified in different ways depending on which part of the network you are testing and on how you are doing the testing.Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup thethe followingfollowing scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.2.The scenarioscenario/is

46、a typicaltypical wireless network./There is a single base station in the middle middle/and subscriber stations around around it./We used a simulatorsimulator/to help us understand twotwo factors./FirstFirst,/how the power saving mechanism influencesinfluences how users perform./SecondSecond,/the eff

47、ecteffect that power saving has on the environment.Another importantimportant aspect,/TestingTesting./Testing can be classified in differentdifferent ways/depending ondepending on which part of the network you are testing/and onon how you are doing the testing.Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup theth

48、e followingfollowing scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.3.Now I want to move on to a new project called“Template”.Imagine you want to prepare a new presentation for a client,or write out the minutes of a meeting youve just had or generally just produce a new doc

49、ument.Well,now you have templates to do this.Then you can store all the documents you produce on Template.Let me show you an example of a presentation template.So whenever you want to prepare a new presentation,you simply follow this template.Task RealizationI.MarkI.Mark upup thethe followingfollowi

50、ng scriptscript andand readread itit loudlyloudly inin youryour group.group.3.Now I want to move on to a newnew project/called/“TemplateTemplate”./Imagine you want to prepareprepare a new presentation for a client,/or writewrite out the minutes of a meeting/youve just had/or generally/just producepr


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