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1、A1A2一一.基本概念:名词性从句的功能相当于名词,它在基本概念:名词性从句的功能相当于名词,它在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语和同位语。结构是句子+引导词引导词+句子句子,关键是要抓对引导词。列表如下:,关键是要抓对引导词。列表如下:A3二.名词性从句常用句型1.It 作形式主语的几种主语从句It be+adj.+thatIt be+noun+thatIt+verb.+thatIt be+p.p+thatA4(1)It is+adj.+从句Its certain that 肯定 It is possible that.很可能sb be possible to do(x)It is(un)like

2、ly that.(不)可能=sb be likely to do(v)It is obvious that 很明显It is clear that很清楚It is important(vital,necessary,essential,surprising natural,strange,)that+.(should)do虚拟语气A5(2)It is+n.+从句Its no wonder that难怪.It is a pity/shame that.遗憾的是 It is a surprise that 令人惊奇的是 It is a fact that 是事实It is common knowl

3、edge/sense that 是常识Itis no wonder that难怪Thereis no doubt that毫无疑问There is no need for sb to do没有必要做某事that.+clause句式辨析A6(3)It+be+过去分词+从句It is said that.据说 It is known to allthat.众所周知,我们都知道 As we know,=Asis known to all,It is reportedthat.据报道 It is believedthat.据信;人们相信 It isestimatedthat据估计It is learn

4、edthat据悉,人们得知 It must be admitted that必须承认 It cannot be denied that 不可否认 It must be pointed out that需指出的是It is said/reported/learned/estimated/well-known/believed that.据说/据报道/据悉/据估计=sb/sth.is reported.to do/to have done/be doing.A7It is orderedcommandedIt is suggestedadvisedproposedthat+(should)do.建

5、议It is required(要求)requested(请求)that+(should)do.命令that+(should)do.虚拟语气A8It(so)happens that sb=sb.happens to do 某人碰巧做某事It seems/appears that.似乎.It looks as if/though看上去好像It doesnt matterwhether/wh-不论(是否)没关系It doesnt make any difference/makes no difference(to sb.)whether/wh-.不论(是否)不重要,没影响It occu rred

6、to sb/struck sb that某人突然想到It didnt occur to sb that某人没想到It never occurred to sb that某人从没想到 It turns out that.结果是(4)It+不及物动词+从句A92.宾语从句宾语从句1 it 用作形式宾语think(consider,suppose,believe,find,feel,make,)+it+adj./n.+that.make it a rule/clear/(im)possible/known to do/thattake it for granted that/take it into

7、 consideration that2 I doubt whether/wh-I dont doubtthatDo you doubt that?3 I wonder whether/wh-虚拟语气I suggest/insist/require/request/demand/orderthat(should)doA103.表语从句1 The reason why.is/was that.原因是.2 This/That is why这就是的原因。3 Whatworries/delights/surprises/disappoints/puzzlessb is that令某人.的是.4 It

8、is no longer what it used to be/it was.The suggestion/advice/proposal/requirement/request/order/commandis that +(should)do be done虚拟语气A114.同位语从句Word came that的消息来了The news came thatsb leave word that.某人留下的消息The story goes that故事这样讲到.There is no doubt/possibility/evidence thatI have no idea wh-/thatA

9、n idea occurred to sb thatDespite/in spite of/for all/Regardless of the fact that.the suggestion/proposal/requirement/request/order/demand that(should)do虚拟语气A121 It is important(vital,necessary,essential,surprising natural,strange,)that+.(should)do 2 It is suggested/ordered/required/advised/requeste

10、dthat+(should)do3 The suggestion/requirement/request/order/demandis that+(should)do 4 I suggest/propose/insist/require/request/demand/orderthat(should)do5.the suggestion/proposal/requirement/request/order/demand that(should)do6 wish that(did/were/had done/would do)7 Its high time that should do/did5

11、.虚拟语气中的名词性从句A13三、写作中的名词性从句一篇作文,在适当的地方恰当地放置一两个从句,不仅会让作文更耐读,而且作文分值会有所提高。名词性从句中,宾语从句使用频率最多,同时,名词性从句的一些特殊句式在写作中也经常出现。A14(一).用名词性从句连接下列句子:1.Liuxiang had an operation and has recovered.That is reported.2.He made a decision.He would accept his ugly wife.3.Could I recognize him as he came in the room.That w

12、as the problem.A154.When will she recover?She had no idea.5.I made a suggestion.The suggestion is that he should gothere at once.6.He can have one million pound.That is what he really wants.She had no ideawhen she will recover.What he really wantsis that he can have one million pound.I made a sugges

13、tionthat he should gothere at once.A16Card 1translation3 points1.他说的很有趣。(主语从句)Whathe said is interesting.A17Card 23 points2.我听说他获得一等奖。(宾语从句)I heard thathe had won the first prize.A18Card 33 points3.北京不是过去的样子了。(表语从句)Beijing is not whatit used to be.A19Card 43 points4.他考上重点大学的消息令我们很兴奋。(同位语从句)The news

14、thathe was admitted to a key university made us excited.A20Card 54 Pointstranslation5.据报道,这本书的中文版本(version)在2011年年初就开始出售了。(2011,广东,基础写作)It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in early 2011.A21Card 64 points6.这本书讲述了作者是怎样怎样用中国传统的方法教育自己的两个女儿的.(2011.广东)The book tellshow the au

15、thor educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way.A22Card 74 points7.真正的朋友会尽其所能来帮助你。(whatever)(话题:朋友)The true friends will dowhateverthey can do to help you.A23Card 84 points8.毫无疑问,练字不会妨碍学习,反而还有助于学习。(话题:学习习惯)Thereis no doubtthat practising hand writing doesnt get in the way of our study

16、,on the contrary,it does good to it.A24根据以下信息写一篇连贯的短文,尽可能运用名词性从句。昨天我从朋友那听到消息说李华给我写了一封信。在信中,她说她已经习惯了新学校的生活。上周末,她们去了一个叫卡巴的地方,在那里看到的一切令她难忘。但她所不能理解的是为什么有人不喜欢那里的文化。她还表达了一个愿望:我们经常给她写信。卡巴:KarbaTask2:A25I heard the news from my friend that Li Hua wrote a letter to me.In the letter,she said she had been accu

17、stomed to the life in the new school.Last weekend,she went to a place called Karba and what she sawthere would be in her memory forever.However,what she couldnt understandwas why some people dont like the culture there.She also expressed a hope that we would often write to her.A26四名词性从句在高考基础写作与读写任务中

18、的运用1.调查表明,虽然明星受到62%男生与56%女生的欢迎,男孩子倾向于(tend)喜欢体育明星。(宾语从句)2.有现象表明(demonstrate),父母是女孩的第二最受欢迎的偶像。(主语从句)3.他建议,应该避免过度用眼(overuse),鼓励多参加户外活动。(宾语从句)4.同时他提醒我们,握笔的姿势也与近视有关(related to)。(时间状语从句)5.前往动物园的人很想和动物拍照,这也是情理之中的(reasonable)。(主语从句)6.我们不能参加会议真遗憾。7.你不知道那些日子我们有多忙。8.他们表达了要再来中国的愿望。9.你们愿意写什么话题就写什么话题。10.毫无疑问,我们的

19、朋友约翰会来加入我们。A27参考答案:1.The survey shows that though stars are popular with both boys(62%)and girls(56%),boys tend to love sport stars.2.It is also demonstrated that parents are the second most popular with girls.3.He suggested that overuse of eyes be avoided and more outdoor activities be encouraged.4

20、.He also reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to short-sightedness.5.It is reasonable that many people who go to the zoo want to take photos with the lovely animals.A286.It is a pity that we cannot attend the meeting.7.You dont know how busy we were in those days.8.They expressed the hope that they would come to China again.9.You can write whatever topic you want to.10.There is no doubt that our friend Tom will come around to join us.


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