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1、 Secretarial Procedures&Secretarial English2Study Tasks for the Eighth WeekoSection Two,Unit FourteenoAbout the Mid-term Examination3Section Two,Unit Fourteen oIf you aim to make a success of your secretarial career,and whatever career may follow that,your success will depend on much more than your

2、practical skills.No matter how good your shorthand or typing skills,or your ability to present documents effectively,you will not get far if you cannot get along with people.oOral communication is the life-blood of our personal and business lives.Our ability to communicate is a process which begins

3、in childhood;the roles we play become gradually more complex as we become adults and assume more responsibility.4Face-to-face CommunicationoIn your business life you will probably spend much more of your time talking and listening to colleagues and clients than writing and reading.Problems will need

4、 to be discussed,information requested,instructions given.To achieve co-operation and effective teamwork,good human relations skills must be developed.oFace-to-face communication can take a variety of forms:n a private discussionn a conversation over lunchn a gossip in the liftn a chance meeting in

5、the corridorn an informal gathering of staffn instructing subordinatesn dealing with clientsn formal meetingsn interviews n conferences/seminars5Face-to-face CommunicationoIn face-to-face communication,you have various means of conveying information intonation of the voice,facial expressions,gesture

6、,posture and movement.These factors add impact to a meaning,and they combine to provide an instant impression in a way that written communication or telephone calls cannot.oFace-to-face communication has many advantages.Most importantly,it is immediate,so there is more chance of understanding being

7、achieved quickly.It is also possible to obtain instant feedback.oOf course,there are also disadvantages.Inaccuracy may result due to there being no permanent record.It is also often less concise because it is not prepared as carefully as written communication.oMost people find talking easier than wr

8、iting because phrases can be used in speech which would be unacceptable in written communication.However,if understanding is to be complete and effective,language needs to be chosen carefully.Effective oral communication should be planned just as carefully as planning what you are going to write.Fle

9、xibility is provided,however,in that it can be changed if necessary.6Checklist for Effective face-to-face Communication Let us consider:1.Plan what you will say.Prepare supporting notes and gather any relevant documents.2.Consider the person to whom you will be speaking.Take account of their positio

10、n,background knowledge and experience.3.Speak appropriately to the situation.Be chatty,friendly,informal or formal,etc,in accordance with the situation and the topic.4.Be open-minded.Consider the matter from the other persons point of view and be as open-minded as possible,but have counter-arguments

11、 ready just in case they are required.5.Consider the location.You will feel more comfortable in a familiar environment.Try to avoid distractions like telephone calls or other interruptions.6.Dress appropriately.Your appearance indicates your personality and what you represent.7Speaking in PublicoAlt

12、hough you may never aspire to address audiences as a professional speaker,the chances are that you will be required to give a talk,explain a procedure or propose some plan in the course of your career.oWhen faced with such a task,you should aim to communicate with your audience and not feel intimida

13、ted by them.Every good speaker suffers from nerves or butterflies.A certain amount of tension is not a bad thing.It means the speaker cares about getting through to the audience and about putting on a good performance.oCommon faults include not identifying the main ideas to be put across.This result

14、s in your talk being vague and ineffective,sliding from one point to another without clear indication,or repeating points already made.If a speaker is not thoroughly prepared and is disorganized,the audience will feel their time has been wasted.8Speaking in Public:Preparing the MaterialoYou must be

15、certain of what you want the audience to learn from your talk.Know your facts by doing reading and research.Your talk should progress logically,using these guidelines:nAcknowledge the person who has introduced you to the audience.nIntroduce your subject clearly and concisely,outlining the purpose of

16、 your talk and what you hope to achieve.nUse key sentences to introduce each main point.nExplain and expand with details,examples,or short stories to illustrate each point.nRecap with a summary or restatement of the main point.nEnd your talk on a positive note.Have a closing sentence ready.Nothing l

17、ets down an audience more than:“ell,I guess thats all I have to say.”9Speaking in Public:An ExampleThe Company Anniversary PartyoTen years ago today,Mr.Hsu rented a small apartment not far from here,which some of the older employees may remember.Pretty soon he had hired a few of his classmates,and t

18、here they were hiring people,too.Now there are over a thousand of us.oOur products are sold in over sixty different countries.Of course,the bottom line is.well,the bottom line,and our company netted over eighty million dollars last year.We all have reason to be very proud.oIn ten years,Mr.Hsu has br

19、ought us from a one-room business to the fifth-largest peripherals manufacturer in Taiwan.Im confident that we will see even greater success in the decades to come.10Press ReleasesoA press release is an announcement made to the press and other media about anything which is considered to be newsworth

20、y.It can obtain useful free publicity for those who issue the press release.oThose who receive it may ignore it,publish an edited version,publish it as written,or contact the initiator to make a more detailed report.oSome reasons for sending a press release to the media are noted here.Can you add to

21、 this list?nrelocation of officesnintroduction of new productsnpurchase of new capital equipment or buildingsnchanges in top personnel 11Compiling a Press ReleaseoNinety percent of press releases issued are thrown straight into the editors waste-paper basket.Only 5-10 percent are used.To stand any c

22、hance of escaping the editors waste-paper basket,specific writing skills are needed.Headline Compile an appropriate but snappy heading Opening Grab the editors attention and ultimately the readers with a good headline and opening paragraph.Include the most important message in this opening.Middle Ke

23、ep central paragraphs short and self-contained so that the editor can cut them out if necessary without ruining the sense or the flow.Write in an interesting,punchy style.Even what may seem an uninteresting event can be made into an effective story by using appropriate angles and wording.Close It ma

24、y be appropriate to finish by repeating the main message again,by summarizing,or perhaps including a quotation from a key person.12Style and LanguageoWhen you issue a press release you will be writing on behalf of your company,but care must be taken to ensure that your release does not sound like an

25、 advertisement or an invitation.Your press release should be worded so that it can appear in a newspaper with as little change as possible.It is useful to imagine you are“wearing the hat”of the newspaper editor while you are compiling a press release,i.e.use third person.oRemember that a flat,vague,

26、dull,boring or long-winded press release will end up in the waste-paper bin.Using short sentences,write your press release in a snappy,crisp,punchy style,and remember it must answer the following questions:nWhat What is happening?nWho Who is involved?nWhere Where is it happening?nWhen When is it hap

27、pening?nWhy Why is it happening?13LayoutoA press release is formal communication from an organization,so it should be presented on letterheaded paper.The following format is then recommended:_British NEWSTELECOM RELEASE Sheffield&LincolnRG/ST District Office Telephone House Charter Square 1 March 19

28、90 Sheffield S1 1BA Telephone Sheffield 732640 PUBLICATION DATE:6 MARCH 1990 COMPUTERISED TELEPHONE EXCHANGE AT LINCOLN From today,all British Telecom customers in the city of Lincoln can reap the benefits offered by their new,full computerised telephone exchange.Now,all 25,000 customers can look fo

29、rward to faster connections,clearer calls,with fewer wrong numbers or crossed lines,and take advantage of a host of exciting new facilities known as Star Services.In addition,optional itemised bills at no extra cost will ensure that customers can keep a track of their calls.District Exchange Service

30、s Manager,John Lashmar,commented“I am delighted to see this extensive modernisation programme come to fruition in Lincoln.It will enable BT to offer a first-class communications service to all its customers in the city.”end-Contact:Ron Gee,Press Relations Manager;Sheffield(0742)708267 British Teleco

31、mmunications pic Registered Office 81 Newgate street LONDONECIA 7AJ14The Secretarys Role in CommunicationoIn an efficient company,systems of communication will be laid down in accordance with the structure of the organization.The systems complexity will be influenced by the size of the organization,

32、as will the degree of formality.However,such systems should not be too rigid,and they should allow room for improvements to be suggested and implemented if necessary.As a secretary,you should:nBe objective about your limitations and deficiencies in your use of language.nExtend your knowledge of lang

33、uage by reading.nPlan all your communications carefully,whether oral or written.nUse clear,simple language,and appreciate the same used by others.nDevelop the ability to be critical in all your communications,and aim to improve constantly.nConsider other peoples viewpoints and try to foresee problem

34、s which could occur from your dealings and communications with them.nBe open-minded and willing to adapt and change methods or procedures if necessary.nSuggest to superiors any improvements which could be made in presentation methods or language used in communications.nSet and maintain high standard

35、s in all your methods of communication,in terms of language and presentation.15The Secretarys Role in CommunicationoCommunication is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the secretarys role.It is also developing at an increasing rate.As such,all secretaries should endeavor to keep up to date

36、 with new methods,equipment and subsequent changes and improvements which they bring about.Bearing in mind the above factors,we have a checklist for effective communication:nThink clearly.Think before you speak or write.nListen intelligently.Remember that communication is a two-way process.Listening

37、 is just as important as speaking.Similarly,try reading your written message as if you were the recipient,and consider if it will be effective.nSelect appropriate media.Consider carefully the method to be used for communicating your message.It should be appropriate to the desired objective.nTime you

38、r communication appropriately.Consider when the communication should take place,and how long it should be.nUse appropriate language.Use words which are relevant to the topic and which will be understood by the recipient.nObtain feedback.Obtain feedback to ensure that the communication was effective.

39、16Public RelationsoWhat is PR?Public relations(PR)is the communications process which strives to foster an audiences understanding about and acceptance of a person,organization or issue.It can be used to meet various objectives,such as shaping public attitudes on important topics or helping business

40、es grow.More importantly,public relations can help you accomplish the specific goals of your firm in terms of presenting an image,increasing visibility and generating business.As a communications process,public relations involves a wide range of activities.You may choose to work with the local press

41、,place advertisements in community journals,send direct mail packages to small businesses in your town,host a special event for community leaders,or publish a client newsletter.17Public RelationsoWhat is Communication?Exchanging Information Sharing Emotion InteractionoPR Purposes Conveying Messages

42、(1)External Communications (2)Internal Communications Achieving Mutual UnderstandingoPR Activities Publicity through Mass Media Advertising&Promotions Daily Tasks18Public RelationsoExternal Communications Press Release Press Conference Press Notice Mail ShotsoInternal Communications Memorandum Notice Circular/Survey House JournalsoLetters of Etiquette


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