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1、潮阳区2022-2023学年度第一学期高二级教学质量监测试卷英语第一部分:单项选择题(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)1. Please show me your health code, either on Wechat or Alipay. Here it is.A. Its nothingB. Be carefulC. Go aheadD. No problem2. Do you agree to my plan of climbing a mountain this weekend?_! Its one of my favourite sports.A. Crazy ideaB. A

2、bsolutelyC. GoodnessD. No way3. My computer crashed when I was just playing the game. What should I do?_, and check it tomorrow morning to see what happens.A. Leave it aloneB. Help yourselfC. That dependsD. Keep in touch4. - Children should be taught how to behave properly in public.- _. Good manner

3、s should be adopted from an early age.A. Good for you.B. Thats all right.C. Thats a good point.D. It depends.5. Tony said he could fix my bicycle,but I really doubt it._.Hes very good at this sort of thing.A. Dont worryB. I couldnt agree moreC. Of courseD. A piece of cake第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)第一节四篇阅读

4、(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AWant to learn Chinese characters, study the Chinese language, meet new friends, and show off your artistic skills? Join the 2022 Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition Calligraphy and Painting Challenge!What are submissions about?

5、The calligraphy and painting challenge has two categories, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival. Submissions for one or both are welcome. Submitters may choose to participate in the calligraphy group, the painting group or both. When can I submit?Phase One, Mid-Autumn Festival: From June 20 to2:0

6、0 pm of Aug. 25. Phase Two, Spring Festival: From June 20 to 12:00 pm of Jan. 6, 2023. Overdue submissions will be rejected. (For mailed original works, the submission time will be determined by the postmark or processing date of the delivery service. )Who can submit?All Chinese language enthusiasts

7、 from around the world. No age limitation. The submitter must be a non-Chinese speaker, with a non-Chinese nationality. What were looking for?We accept soft pen calligraphy works. Writing styles are not limited. No limitations on painting forms: Chinese paintings, oil paintings, watercolors, gouache

8、s, sketches, prints, comics, computer paintings or others. Participants can shoot video to show the intention or meaning of texts, and share stories of his or her painting and calligraphy works. Your submission will only be valid if its submitted with your calligraphy or painting works. Via email Se

9、nd an email to chinesebridge.6. When can a participants work be submitted for Phase One?A. On Aug. 15.B. On Jan. 1.C. On Sep. 15.D. On June 19.7. What can we learn from the text?A. Participants cannot choose both categories.B. The competition is intended for all Chinese globally.C. Neither calligrap

10、hy writing styles nor painting forms are limited.D. The time of mailed submissions depends on delivery service.8. Which of the following submissions are not qualified?A. An oil painting by an exchange student from German.B. A calligraphy work of Chinese character of Fu.CA video alone sharing stories

11、 of your painting.D. A watercolor by a three-year-old African.BI didnt sleep well for several days, worrying about the wildfires in several parts of Chongqing. Chongqing had witnessed several forest wildfires this summer due to the worst heat wave and drought since 1961, when such statistics were fi

12、rst recorded. Like most people from Chongqing, I felt I must do something to help stop the fires spreading. Although forest firefighting forces from three provinces arrived to help, the local government called for volunteers and disaster relief materials for different fire scenes around the city. Th

13、ousands of people from all walks of life quickly responded to the call. Many delivered various materials needed for fire rescue work, such as bottled water, food, fire extinguishers, helmets, lights, chainsaws and medical supplies. Hundreds of people with related skills and experience signed up as v

14、olunteers. Facing challenging weather and mountainous terrain, young men felled trees and helped put the fires out. Women organized supplies, while motorcyclists transported firefighters and materials on newly formed unpaved mountain paths that were used as fire barriers. I cannot ride a motorcycle,

15、 and do not have any medical skills. I decided to do everything I could for the hard-working volunteers, which included taking them cold fruit tea. When I arrived at an assembly (集合) point at the foot of Jinyun Mountain at noon, hundreds of volunteers wearing yellow vests and helmets, with towels so

16、aked in cold water on their necks, were waiting for orders. I met one of my friends, who had been working day and night to cut down trees to make fire barriers. He was told to go home to take a rest the next morning, but he returned to the assembly point in the afternoon after having a brief lunch.

17、“I cannot sit at home and watch the fire approaching our man-made barrier,” he said.9. What was a cause of the wildfires in Chongqing?A. Campfires.B. Record-high temperature.C. Little rainfall.D. Careless behaviors.10. What did the author do to help the fire rescue?A. Providing medical help.B. Trans

18、porting firefighters.C. Offering cold drinks.D. Cutting down trees.11. Why did the authors friend stay at home so briefly?A. He could hardly fall asleep.B. He wanted to work with other firefighters.C. He had no time to take a rest.D. He was concerned about the wildfires.12. What can we learn about t

19、he volunteers from the passage?A. They were professional and committed.B. They played a key role in fighting fires.C. They were united and tireless.D. They made great sacrifices.CSeoul, South Korea Most weekends, the narrow alleys of Itaewon, the neon-lit nightlife district in South Koreas capital S

20、eoul, are busy with partygoers and tourists. Now its the site of one of the countrys worst disasters.At least 151 were killed in the crush, with dozens more injured. Authorities have now launched an urgent investigation to find out how what was supposed to be a night of celebration went so horribly

21、wrong, as families across the country mourn and search for missing loved ones.Heres what we know so far.Itaewon has long been a popular place to celebrate Halloween, especially as the holiday became more popular in Asia in recent years. Some even fly into Seoul from other countries in the region for

22、 the festivities.But for the past two years, celebrations were softened by pandemic restrictions (防疫限制措施) on crowd sizes and mask orders.Saturday night marked the first Halloween since the country lifted these restrictions lending it particular significance for many eager young people in Seoul, as w

23、ell as international visitors including foreign residents and tourists.Hotels and ticketed events in the neighborhood had been booked solid in advance, and large crowds were expected.Witnesses told that there was very little if any crowd control before the mass of people turned deadlyVideos and phot

24、os posted to social media show people crammed together, standing shoulder to shoulder in the narrow street.After the first emergency calls came in around 10:24 p.m., authorities rushed to the scene but the large crowd of people made it difficult to reach those who needed help.The thousands of people

25、 in Halloween costumes contributed to the widespread sense of confusion and disorder. One witness described seeing a police officer shouting during the disaster but some celebrators mistook him for another partygoer.The cause of the crush is still under investigation, though officials said there wer

26、e no gas leaks or fires on site.13. What do we know about the deadly Halloween disaster in Seoul?A. Rescue and first aid were provided by authorities immediately.B. As much as 151 were killed, most of whom were foreign residents and tourists.C. For the past two years, public events have been banned

27、to ensure people safety at Itaewon.D. Celebrating Halloween is not unusual for Itaewon.14. Why were the crowds so big on this Saturday night?A. Because tens of thousands of people flooded into the area to celebrate Halloween.B. Because there were not any officials trying to limit the number of peopl

28、e entering the area.C. Because the official was not monitoring crowd amount in real time.D. Because the country lifted pandemic restrictions.15. What does the underlined word “ solid ” in paragraph 7 mean?A. completely hard, not softB. without any spacesC. not liquid or gasD. certain or safe16. What

29、 was the official response?A. They had sent a large number of police and security forces to this part of Seoul.B. They still didnt know how the traditional Halloween celebrations turned into a disaster.C. They had called an emergency meeting.D. They had identified the dead.DPolice should be allowed

30、to use facial recognition to investigate specific crimes and to protect the public at major events, according to the first national survey of the publics attitude to the technology. However, they are opposed to unrestricted use while two thirds (65 percent) of the public believe an absolute ban on t

31、he police would be wrong, Up to 70 percent backed its use to analyse faces on CCTV (闭路电视) to catch a suspect in an investigation or in day-to-day policing to prevent crime at events such as football matches or carnivals, The technology enables police to scan crowds and pick out faces that match huge

32、 databases of suspects.There is, however, far less tolerance of its use by private (私人的) companies, whether to monitor shoppers or workers, or in schools if it was to be used to track childrens behaviour or expressions. By a majority of almost two to one, the public believes that organizations shoul

33、d seek the permission of people before they start using facial recognition. Most also want a pause on any further use of the technology until publicly-agreed guidelines are in place on when and where it should be used.More than half (55 percent) of the public believe the Government should limit poli

34、ce use of facial recognition to criminal investigations, though half also saw it as no different to taking photographs or using CCTV. Of those who were comfortable with its use, 80 percent said it was because it was “beneficial for the security of society”,There was also a majority in favour of the

35、technology where there was personal benefit, with 54 percent backing its use to unlock a smartphone by recognizing an owners face and with passport checks at airports where it can speed up queues.17. Why is the technology of facial recognition significant to the police?AIt helps them better investig

36、ate criminal cases.B. It is a good way to control private companies.C. It can recognize and catch suspects.D. It mainly gets fully support from all walks of life.18. What can we know about the technology according to paragraph 2?A. It is believed to go against publicly-agreed guidelines.B. It is hel

37、pful to track students behavior at home.C. It is a potential threat to privacy.D. It is popular among shoppers, workers and private companies.19. What conclusion can we draw about the application of the technology?A. It should be banned totally.B. It should be open to police undoubtedly.C. It is a d

38、ouble-edged sword.D. It benefits the society in every aspect.20. What is the best title for the text?A. Should the police free use facial recognition?B. Should facial recognition be applied to airports?C. Should facial recognition protect the privacy of the public?DShould private companies use facia

39、l recognition without limit?第二节七选五(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Have you had a talk with someone, and think you are paying attention to him or her, only to realize shortly afterwards that you cant remember what he said? Oh, perhaps you fail to focus while he is

40、 speaking and miss the message that he is trying to deliver. _21_: TVs, radios, traffic noises, telephones, laptops and so on which can make it difficult to listen with our full attention.But how can we listen more effectively? _22_. Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn said, “Its time for mindful listening to

41、come in. Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, with a purpose, at the present moment and non-judgmentally.”_23_? Jon Kabat-Zinn describes three key elements of mindful listening that we can use to improve our listening skills.First of all, be present. When we listen mindfully, our

42、focus should be on the person we are listening to without distractions. _24_. By doing so, we can understand a situation from someone elses point of view. After all, we often see the world through our own experiences. Finally, listen to our own cues. Our cues are the thoughts, feelings and physical

43、reactions that we have when we feel anxious or angry, and they can hold back ideas and perspectives that were uncomfortable with. Mindful listening can help us to be more aware of our cues. _25_.In conclusion, the rule is straightforward: simply “Listen”! Listen carefully and attentively. Pay full a

44、ttention to the other person, and dont let other thoughts, like what we are going to say next, distract us.A. Then think in others shoesB. Researchers seem to have got itC. How can we deal with mindful listeningD. Modem life is actually full of distractionsE. But how can we apply mindful listening t

45、o our lifeF. Next, reflect on the experience youve gone throughG. Besides, it allows us to choose not to let them ruin communication第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I think of the word perfect, I think of something only a few can ac

46、hieve, anything that I can compare myself to. For a few weeks, I have been _26_ one girl who is in a few of my middle school classes. It seems like she has a _27_ life lots of friends, all As, and everything anyone could ever want, _28_ in my point of view.One day, I was talking to my teacher about

47、one of the upcoming tests when I saw the girl _29_ me in a strange way. I _30_ started to feel surprised and think, “Why is she looking at me? Did I do something wrong? Is my hair messed up?” When the class was dismissed and everyone was _31_ to their next class, she caught up to me and said, “I jus

48、t thought you should know, I think you are really _32_.” I then watched her as she walked away and thought, “She thinks I am pretty?”The whole day, I _33_ up thinking about one thing. That was, “Why does she think that?” After thinking about that _34_ in my head through each second of the day, I came to learn one big _35_: everyone has their own insecurities even though they may not be discovered


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