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1、2019年湖北省荆州市中考英语试卷、对话理解。(共15分,每小题1分)听对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项,每段对话听两遍。1(1分)听第1段对话,回答小题。Which bicycle is Roberts?A. The red one.B. The green one.C. The yellow one.2(2分)听第2段对话,回答以下两个小题。(1)What does Cindy like for dinner?A. Fruit.B. Hamburgers.C. Chicken.(2)Why doesnt Cindy eat icecream?A. She does

2、nt like it.B. She doesnt want to be fat.C. It is expensive.3(2分)听第3段对话,回答以下两个小题。(1)Whats the matter with Peter?A. He has a toothache.B. He has a headache.C. He has a pain in his face.(2)What should Peter do now?A. Have a rest.B. Get an Xray.C. Drink more water.4(3分)听第4段对话,回答以下三个小题。(1)Where does the

3、conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore.B. In a supermarket.C. In a hotel.(2)Why does Mrs King call the man?A. She cant find the bedside light.B. The TV set doesnt work well.C. The water is much too hot.(3)What will the man probably do next?A. Help Mrs King change her room.B. Help Mrs Kin

4、g enjoy the sunshine.C. Help Mrs King make everything go well.5(3分)听第5段对话,回答以下三个小题。(1)How long did Tina watch TV every day three years ago?A. For about four hours.B. For about three hours.C. For about two hours.(2)How often did Tin use to play table tennis?A. Three times a week.B. Twice a month.C. O

5、nce a week.(3)What can we learn from the conversation?A. Tina is twelve years old now.B. Tina spends more time on free time activities than before.C. Tina plays the piano for two hours every day all the time.6(4分)听第6段对话,回答以下四个小题。(1)Who is the man on the phone?A. A milkman.B. A cleaner.C. A new neigh

6、bor.(2)Why does Mrs Bennett invite the man to her house?A. Because he has got a lot of questions to ask.B. Because he wants to give her some gifts.C. Because she is too busy to help him now.(3)Which of the following does the man want to know?A. Where to have tea.B. When the milkman calls.C. The way

7、to the nearest post office.(4)When is the man coming to Mrs Bennetts house?A. Any time this week.B. At tea time this afternoon.C. After three tomorrow afternoon.II. 短文理解。(共10分,每小题10分)听下面一段短文, 从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。7(10分)(1)When do the shops close every day?A. At 9:30 pm.B. At 10:30 pm.C.At 11:00

8、pm.(2)Where can you find the childrens room?A. In South Square.B. Next to Morris shop.C. Near the lifts.(3)What will you see in Morris Shop at two oclock today?A. A talent show.B. A clothes show.C. A big sale.(4)What can you do in North Square?A. Watch a movie.B. Have something to eat.C. Buy some be

9、autiful clothes.(5)Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Forest Shopping Center is the newest one in this city.B. You can enjoy more than ten films in North Square.C. Children up to ten can play in the childrens room.、单项选择。(共10分,每小题1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。8(1分)Jane, is t

10、his your new dictionary?Yes, its . Uncle John bought it for me yesterday.()AmeBmyCmineDI9(1分)Mr.Lee always gave me some on how to study English well when I had some trouble.()AadviceBquestionCpredictionDproblem10(1分)It seems that Frank never wants to do anything except 3 D modeling.Right. Thats what

11、 he likes to do _.()AfastestBworstCleastDmost11(1分)Im surprised that you have been fooled by such a (an) trick.Its a shame.()AcertainBsimpleCsmartDunusual12(1分)My mother missed the train to Wuhan this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it.()AseldomBalmostCperhapsDrecently13(1分)An

12、unclear picture of a faraway black hole scientists around the world these days, as it might solve some of the biggest problems about our universe.Its unbelievable!()Ais excitedBwas excitedChad excitedDhas excited14(1分)When shall we begin our trip?We will set out our headteacher arrives.()Aever since

13、Bas soon asCso thatDeven though15(1分)Mum, I have nothing to do on weekends but do homework.My dear, you can some hobbies, such as drawing, dancing or collecting something.()Aset upBmake upCput upDtake up16(1分)Andy, will your cousin go for a picnic this Sunday?If I dont go, .()Aso does heBso he doesC

14、neither will heDneither does he17(1分)Could you turn down your radio, please? Its too noisy. I asked you to turn down your radio a little.()APardon me?BIm sorry.CWill you have a try?DYes, no problem.、完形填空。(共10分,每小题10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。18(10分)People always say that we need t

15、ry new things,but sometimes it can be scary to do so. A few years ago,I hurt(1)Aback.A friend said acupuncture (针灸) helped her wounded knee.I had some doubtsnot because it is Chinese medicine,(2)Cbecause Im afraid of needles (针).Still,I thought Id try it. Lying on the doctors table,I heard the needl

16、es tinkling (叮当声) in a metal bowl.I turned to have a look.How(3)Dthose needles were!I jumped up and(4)Ahome. Recently,my back started to hurt again.This time,my friend said I could get a massage (按摩),so I went to have a try. (5) a few minutes,the doctor said my problem was serious.She took out some

17、small glasses and(6)Ca fireI was about to try cupping (拔火罐). I wanted to(7)C,but the pain on my back stopped me as I got up.I lay back down. When the doctor touched me,I jumped.Would it hurt?Would she(8)Ame? The glass felt cold.But it didnt hurt(9)D!Within just a minute,my back was covered with smal

18、l glasses.I probably looked like an ugly piece of furniture. Now,Im still ugly with the purple cupping(10) ,but my back feels great!(1)A.myB.hisC.herD.its(2)A.whileB.andC.butD.though(3)A.helpfulB.valuableC.peacefulD.terrible(4)A.rushedB.broughtC.stayedD.left(5)A.BeforeB.AfterC.ByD.For(6)A.hitB.cause

19、dC.litD.collected(7)A.put awayB.send awayC.run awayD.throw away(8)A.burnB.controlC.punishD.promise(9)A.in totalB.as usualC.so farD.at all(10)A.smellsB.marksC.inventionsD.experiences、阅读选择。(共30分,每小题10分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。19(10分)NOTICEWe will have a meeting of the Chess Club of Newto

20、wn School at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, September 12thin the library.All members are asked to attend. New members are also welcome.At the meeting, we will choose a new president for the club. Mary, our old president, will be moving to Ohio this month. Her father needs to work there now. The officers in th

21、e club will suggest names for other members to vote on.Then Mr. White will give a talk on How to Choose aChess Set and will show us different kinds of chess sets. (1)What is the purpose of this notice?CA. To choose a president.B. To start a new club.C. To tell about the next meeting.D. To choose a c

22、hess set.(2)Which is true about Mary? A. She is a teacher at the school.B. Her father has got a new job.C. She does not like the club.D. She works in the library.(3)Who will suggest people to be the next president?DA. Mary.B. Mr. White.C. The members.D. The officers.(4)What do people do when they vo

23、te on something? A. They change it.B. They make a choice about it.C. They play chess for it.D. They say it again and again.(5)What can we learn from the notice?AA. A man will come to the meeting to talk.B. You can also come if you are not a member of the club.C. The members choose a new president ev

24、ery four years.D. Only the officers can decide who will be the new president.20(10分)When you open the fridge, you find some moldy (发霉的) food sometimes. But before you can throw it away, your mother stops you. She doesnt want to waste food. She cuts off the moldy part and eats the rest. Is it safe to

25、 do this? Mold can grow on almost all kinds of food. Mold is usually green, white, black or grey. Mold makes food soft and changes its color. Moldy food tastes quite badand its not safe to eat. If you find mold in soft food, throw it away. Soft food, such as bread, tomatoes or hot dogs, usually hold

26、s water. This allows mold to easily grow below its surface. Bacteria (细菌) can also grow along with it. But its easy to remove mold from hard food. The mold cant grow very deeply inside this kind of food. According to the BBC, you should cut about 2.5 cm around and below the mold to remove it. Its OK

27、 to cut the moldy parts out of hard food and eat the rest. But if the food is completely covered with mold, you should still throw it away. Most kinds of mold are bad for us. But some kinds of mold can be used to make food. For example,penicillium can be used to make many types of cheeses, such as b

28、lue cheese. These cheeses are safe to eatand theyre quite delicious as well.(1)If you find mold on a tomato, .A. it is safe to eat itB. you should throw it awayC. you can cut off the moldy part and eat the restD. you can boil it in hot water first and then eat it(2)According to the passage,C.A. we c

29、ant see moldB. mold grows faster when it is coldC. moldy food tastes badD. mold easily grows on hard food(3)To remove mold on hard food, you need toD.A. cut the food in halfB. cut the surface of the foodC. cut all the mold and cook it againD. cut about 2.5 cm around and below the mold(4)From the las

30、t paragraph we know that penicil liumD.A. tastes quite deliciousB. is more likely to grow on cheeseC. is bad for our healthD. can be used for us to make food(5)This passage mainly tells usA.A. some knowledge of mold and moldy foodB. how to use mold to make delicious foodC. that mold never does good

31、to our livesD. the danger of eating mold and moldy food21(10分)My father was born in a small town in the US. He traveled to many cities in the country, before going on to France, Australia and the Philippines. He took his wife and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him. Its easy

32、 to feel lonely when youre on the road. As my mother said repeatedly, We made lots of new friends on our tripmost of them were mechanics (机械工), since we often spent hours in repair shops. But that was better than sitting by the roadside when it was 40 . Getting along sometimes seemed impossible. The

33、re were always a lot of arguments, especially among us backseat passengers about who had to sit in the middle. But even if it was hard, we did learn a lot about forgiveness (原谅). When we were travelling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been a onehour drive but was

34、nearly three, thanks to bad roads and worse traffic. Did you put our suitcases(行李箱) in the car? my father asked my mother as we arrived. From the back seat, we saw her slowly turn toward my father. No, she said. I thought you did. That was how a sevenhour car trip turned into a 16hour car trip, whic

35、h was mostly spent in silence. In situations like that, we had to learn to let go of our anger because we were stuck in a moving box with the same people for the rest of the journey. Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and pushing one of my sisters out, I kept my feelings to myself. T

36、his is why road trips were like mobile universities to us. We got our PHDs (博士学位) in how to get along with other people just by travelling in that old car. And if we were somehow given a second chance at life, we would do it all over again.Only this time, Id put the suitcases in the car myself.(1)Ac

37、cording to the first paragraph, the writers father .A. didnt like his hometownB. enjoyed travelling a lotC. preferred travelling aloneD. had never travelled abroad(2)During the road trips,C.A. hot weather made a lot of trouble for the familyB. the writers mother was very proud to make friendsC. the

38、family often had to stop to get their car repairedD. they argued about who had to sit in the front(3)When the family was travelling in the Philippines,C.A. they were very surprised at the good traffic conditions on the wayB. the father and mother had a big fight with each otherC. they wasted more ti

39、me on the road after they forgot to take their suitcasesD. the family had a wonderful time with each other on the road(4)In the writers opinion, road tripsD.A. are very boring for big familiesB. are fun only when we travel with othersC. help people go to universitiesD. help people to develop their s

40、ocial skills(5)What does the last sentence of this passage mean?AA. The writer has really learned to be more responsible in the future.B. It will waste a lot of time if you forget to carry something during the trips.C. It is common to experience some problems when you travel with someone else.D. The

41、 writer thinks a holiday is a chance to understand your family members better.、阅读还原。(共10分,每小题10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。22(10分)What do we really mean by being open? Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share.(1)D. In this way we will be understood and acce

42、pted by others. If we arent open with others, we wont fully believe in ourselves or others. Here are a few ways for you to be more open. First, make your outside behavior the same as your inside feelings and thoughts. Second, (2) . Third, try to change your question into statements (陈述) and talk in

43、the first person so that people will understand you more easily. Finally, try not to say, I dont know. This usually means I dont want to think about it any more. (3)E. You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you dont know well. This is because youre not sure how someone

44、else will use what they know about you.(4)A. If we say everything we think and feel, they will feel very uncomfortable. In all, (5)C, but wed better keep the balance (平衡) between being open and being too open.A. Besides, some people may not be comfortable being so open.B. share how you really feel a

45、bout something instead of just opinionsC. being open is a good way for us to get along well with othersD. Its important to let others get to know how we think and feelE. Remember also that its not suitable to be open with everyone in every situation、短文填空。(共10分,每小题10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或根据括号内单词

46、的正确形式填空(1-3个单词)或根据音标填词。23(10分)After only two weeks in theaters,a movie,The Wandering Earth has earned over four billion yuan.It has set many records for the Chinese movie industry.(1)Whata big surprise that is!After(2)all,there hasnt been that achievement for Chinese science fiction.Many agree that this movie will bring a new age for Chinese science fiction. This movie is based on a novel by Liu Cixin,the


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