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1、 - 1 - Unit 4Unit 4 Body languageBody language .阅读理解 A A 2019贵阳市期末检测You try to keep your eyes wide open while watching a basketball match or a wonderful firework show in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye. But in fact, humans blink about 15 times per minute on average

2、. Have you ever missed anything because you blinked? Probably not. Why is that? According to a new study published in the journal Current Biology in September, our brain has the ability to skip the temporary darkness when we blink. It can keep visual information for a short period of time and then p

3、ut it together to form an image without interruption. In order to understand how this works, a group of scientists at the German Primate Center and the University Medical Center Gttingen in Germany conducted an experiment. In the study, the participants were asked to look at patterns on a screen who

4、se direction could be interpreted in different ways, such as horizontally(水平 地) or vertically(垂直地). When one pattern was about to disappear and the next one was about to come, the participants had to indicate the direction that the next pattern would appear. The researchers found that when the direc

5、tions of two patterns didnt match, the area in our brain which is responsible for visual memory was activated. This same area showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction. “The medial prefrontal cortex (额叶皮层) adjusts current visual information with previously obtained informatio

6、n, and thus enables us to perceive the world with more stability, even when we briefly close our eyes to blink,” Caspar Schwiedrzik explained in Science Daily. He is the first author of the study and also a scientist at the German Primate Center. 1We dont miss anything when blinking because our brai

7、n can _. Adeal with the missing image Bremember all that we see Cimagine what our eyes miss Dput our pieces of memory together 2What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to? - 2 - AOur brain. BVisual information. CCurrent Biology. DThe temporary darkness. 3What do we know about the exp

8、eriment? AThe two patterns appear at the same time. BVisual memory can be more activated by similarity. CParticipants can interpret patterns differently. DThe different directions activated visual memory. 4What would be the best title for this passage? AThe Brains Structure BThe Brains Activated Pat

9、terns CThe Brains Special Skill DThe Brains Orientation B B 2020沈阳市高三教学质量监测(三)Bikes were invented when people felt the need for stable, fast and efficient vehicles. The idea of making a bike started in the 1790s. It was inspired by a toy. In 1792, it started off as a twowheeled part attached to a ri

10、gid wooden frame. People would use their feet to move the bike. However, it wasnt really what people were looking for with a lot of faults. It was a kind of transport highly demanding human energy, and the other problem was the poor stability. The front wheel could not turn so one had to get off the

11、 bike to turn it. Therefore,there was a need for it to be improved, but it was not the same person who created it that changed it. In 1820 the bike yet again had a new twist. Not only could the front wheel turn, but it was made more comfortable as a back supporter was secured. But one still had to m

12、ove it by pushing it by feet on the ground. If one wanted to ride this bike, which was called a “hobby horse” at that time, he should know how to keep his balance. The other impressive thing that had changed was the speed,which increased up to 15 kilometers per hour. Ten years later, there came the

13、bike popular even today. This was invented by a blacksmith who used the idea of a pivot(枢轴) to develop the bike. It did not stop there. People were never satisfied with it because times also did change. As other things were being improved, so were the bikes. Now with everything in place, there is a

14、need to improve on the speed of these bikes. And the idea of it being only humanpowered is out of date. Today bikes have - 3 - been improved and remodeled but the resemblance to the original bikes is still there. 5What was one of the problems with the first bicycle? AIt was regarded as a toy. BIt ha

15、d too many wheels. CIt had to be operated with efforts. DIt was too stable to turn the wheel. 6What can we know about the bike from the text? AThe bike popular with us today appeared in about 1830. BThe bike was invented and improved by the same person. CThe bike made in 1820 had to be moved forward

16、 by hand. DThe bike was called a “hobby horse” when it first appeared. 7What remains similar in modern bikes compared with those in history? AThe structure. BThe speed. CThe safety. DThe weight. 8Which of the following can be the best title for the text? AThe Development of Bikes BThe Invention of B

17、ikes CThe Impressions on Bikes DThe Problems with Bikes .完形填空 2020成都第二次诊断Earlier that evening, my mother called, telling me that my brother died in a car crash. I stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走) around the house _1_ what to put into the suitcases. My husband, Larry, and I had been _2_ for moving to New Mexico. Th

18、e house was in (a) total _3_. I tried to hold my tears. I _4_ picked things up and put them down. I couldnt _5_. What Id heard on the phone echoed through my head. Larry phoned a few friends. _6_, someone asked to speak to me.“If there is anything I can do, let me know.”“Thank you,” I replied. I did

19、nt know what to _7_. The doorbell rang and I rose slowly for the _8_. It was Donna. “Ive come to _9_ your shoes,” she said. _10_, I asked her to repeat.“When my father died, it took me _11_ to get the shoes cleaned and _12_ for my fathers _13_,” she said. I hadnt even thought about shoes. - 4 - Shoe

20、s were gathered. Donna _14_ herself on the floor and got to work. The love in the act _15_ my tears. Watching her _16_ on one task helped me pull my _17_ into order. Laundry first, I told myself. One by one, the jobs fell into place. Now whenever I hear of an acquaintances _18_ of a loved one, I thi

21、nk of one _19_ task that suits that persons _20_. If the person asks,“How did you know I needed that?” Id reply,“Because someone did that.” 1A.forgetting Bimagining Cwondering Dsearching 2A.hoping Bpacking Cleaving Dplanning 3A.damage Bfailure Cdespair Dmess 4A.aimlessly Bhelplessly Cquickly Ddecisi

22、vely 5A.hurry Bdecide Cfocus Dmove 6A.Constantly BLuckily CSuddenly DHappily 7A.call for Bask for Ctalk about Dget across 8A.telephone Bnoise Cperson Ddoor 9A.borrow Bremove Cclean Drepair 10A.Touched BShocked CConfused DAmused 11A.minutes Bhours Cweeks Ddecades 12A.washed Bcoped Cselected Dshined 1

23、3A.satisfaction Bfuneral Csmiles Dwishes 14A.laid Bstood - 5 - Crested Dsettled 15A.released Bheld Cstopped Dcaused 16A.keeping Bconcentrating Cinsisting Ddepending 17A.thoughts Brooms Csadness Dluggage 18A.feeling Bmeeting Closs Dstory 19A.specific Bnormal Cstrange Dperfect 20A.idea Bpersonality Ci

24、dentity Dneed .短文改错 2020福建三校联考One year ago, I was in great trouble. I worked hard at English and devote all my spare time to practise it. But I failed to pass the midterm examination, which made me great disappointed. So I asked my grandpa for advice when I got to home. Hearing that I told him, he s

25、aid, “To some extent examination results sometime cannot reflect your study level. You cant judge your progress by one examination.” He encouraged myself to work hard for long time to check my results. I took my grandpas advices. Now I realize that the process of learning is much more important and

26、my English is much good than before. From my experience, I feel that we should listen to opinions from old people. 课时作业课时作业( (十九十九) ) .阅读理解 A A 体裁:说明文 题材:科学研究 主题:眨眼不会错过细节 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,眨眼并不会错过细节并解释了其原因。 【难句分析】 You try to keep your eyes wide open while watching a basketball - 6 - match or a wo

27、nderful firework show in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye. 分析:该句为主从复合句,句中“while watching a basketball match or a wonderful firework show”为 while 引导的时间状语从句,其中省略了 you are;“in case you might miss something exciting in just the blink of an eye”为 in case 引导的条件状语从 句。 译文:在

28、观看篮球比赛或精彩的烟花表演时,你努力睁大眼睛,以防转眼之间错过一些 令人兴奋的事情。 1A 考查推理判断。根据第二段第一句“According to a new study published in the journal Current Biology in September, our brain has the ability to skip the temporary darkness when we blink.”可知,根据九月份发表在当代生物学杂志上的一项新研究, 我们的大脑有能力跳过我们眨眼时形成的暂时黑暗。据此可推知,由于我们的大脑能处理丢 失的图像,所以眨眼不会让我们错过任

29、何东西,故 A 项正确。 2 B 考查代词指代。 根据第二段第二句“It can keep visual information for a short period of time and then put it together to form an image without interruption”可 知,大脑可以在短时间内保存视觉信息,然后将其组合在一起形成不中断的图像。故可推知, it 指代上文中的“visual information”,故 B 项正确。 3 D 考查细节理解。 根据第四段中的“when the directions of two patterns didnt

30、match, the area in our brain which is responsible for visual memory was activated. This same area showed less activity when two patterns were in the same direction” 可知,当两个模式的方向不一致时,则掌握视觉记忆的大脑区域被激活;当两种模式在同一 个方向时,则这个区域显示出较少的活动。据此可知,不同的方向能激活视觉记忆,故 D 项 正确。 4C 考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一个科学研究。研究表明,眨眼 不会错过细节并解

31、释了其原因,即大脑有能力在短时间内保存视觉信息,然后将其组合在一 起形成不中断的图像信息。故 C 项最适合作本文的标题。 B B 体裁:说明文 题材:社会生活 主题:自行车的发展 【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了自行车的历史发展过程及现状。 【高级句式】 Not only could the front wheel turn, but it was made more comfortable as a back supporter was secured.(Para. 3) 5C 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“People would use their feet to move the bike

32、”和“It was a kind of transport highly demanding human energy”可知,最初的 自行车需要费很大的力气才能使它运转,故选 C。 - 7 - 6 A 考查细节理解。 根据第三段第一句“In 1820 the bike yet again had a new twist” 和第四段第一句“Ten years later, there came the bike popular even today”可知,至 今仍受欢迎的自行车大约出现于 1830 年。 7A 考查细节理解。根据第五段最后一句“Today bikes have been impr

33、oved and remodeled but the resemblance to the original bikes is still there”可知,现在的 自行车和历史上的自行车在结构上仍然相似。 8 A 考查主旨大意。 根据全文内容, 尤其是文中的“The idea of making a bike started in 1790s”“In 1792”“In 1820”“Ten years later”“Today”等信息点可知,这篇文 章主要介绍了自行车的历史发展过程。 分析:本句含有“not only. but(also)”句型,意为“不但而且”, 其中 Not only 置于

34、句首,其所属的分句要部分倒装。 .完形填空 体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:关心失去亲人的熟人 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在失去亲人后心理状态很不好,由 于受到了别人的帮助而恢复了正常之后,她也以同样的方式帮助失去亲人的熟人。 1C 根据空前的“I stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走)”和下文中的“I tried to hold my tears”以及文章开头第一句话可推知,作者听到亲人去世的噩耗时,有些不知所措,虽然是 在收拾行李。却不知道该把什么放进手提箱里。wonder“感到疑惑,想知道”。 2B 根据本句中的“for moving to New Mexico”可推

35、知,作者为搬家到新墨西哥州 而打包(packing)。 3D 根据上文可知,作者和丈夫一直在为搬家而收拾行李,由此可推知,当时作者的 家里应该是很杂乱(mess)。 4A 根据上句“I tried to hold my tears”和本句中的“picked things up and put them down”可推知,作者因为听到弟弟去世的噩耗而悲伤不已,乱了方寸。aimlessly“无 目的地,无计划地”符合语境。 5C 根据语境可知,作者当时的心理状态非常不好,不能集中精力做事情。focus“集 中(注意力、精力于)”符合语境。 6A 根据上句“Larry phoned a few fr

36、iends”可推知,作者的丈夫将作者失去弟弟 的事情告诉了一些朋友,他们接着就不断地(Constantly)打电话说愿意提供帮助。 7B 根据语境可知,作者当时并不知道需要朋友们提供什么样的帮助。call for“呼 吁”;ask for“要求,请求”;talk about“谈论”;get across“解释清楚”。 8D 根据本句中的“The doorbell rang”可知,作者站起来去应门(door)。 9 C 根据下文中的“to get the shoes cleaned”可推知, Donna 是来帮作者清理(clean) 鞋的。 - 8 - 10C 根据本句中的“I asked he

37、r to repeat”可推知,作者当时对 Donna 说的来帮 她清理鞋子感到困惑(Confused)。touched“受感动的”;shocked“震惊的”;amused“逗 乐的”。 11 B 根据本句中的“When my father died”和“to get the shoes cleaned and _12_ for my fathers _13_”可推知,Donna 应是说她为了参加父亲的葬礼(funeral)去清理鞋 子并把它们擦亮(shined)。 12D 参见上题解析。 13B 参见第 11 题解析。 14 D 根据上句“Shoes were gathered”和语境可推知

38、, 当鞋被聚集到一起之后, Donna 在地板上找到舒适的位置(settled)开始清理鞋。 15A 根据上文中的“I tried to hold my tears”和语境可知,Donna 用行动所展示 的关爱让作者感动得流泪。release“释放”。 16B 根据上文“Donna _14_ herself on the floor and got to work”可知, 当时 Donna 在专心地清理鞋。 keep on“继续; 反复做”; concentrate on“集中(注意力)于”; insist on“坚持”;depend on“依靠”。 17A 根据上文可知,作者当时因为亲人的突

39、然离世而乱了思绪,而看到 Donna 专心 地帮她清理鞋让她的思想(thoughts)恢复到了有序状态。 18C 由上文提到作者的弟弟突然离世可知,此处表示每当“我”听说熟人的亲人去 世(loss)。 19A 根据上文中的“Watching her _16_ on one task”可知,“我”会想一件能 满足那个失去亲人的熟人需要(need)的具体的(specific)工作。 20D 参见上题解析。 .短文改错 One year ago, I was in great trouble. I worked hard at English and devote devoted all my sp

40、are time to practise practising it. But I failed to pass the midterm examination, which made me great greatly disappointed. So I asked my grandpa for advice when I got to home. Hearing that what I told him, he said, “To some extent examination results sometime sometimes cannot reflect your study lev

41、el. You cant judge your progress by one examination.” He encouraged mysel f me to work hard for a long time to check - 9 - my results. I took my grandpas advices advice . Now I realize that the process of learning is much more important and my English is much good better than before. From my experie

42、nce, I feel that we should listen to opinions from old people. devote 改为 devoted。考查动词的时态。根据本句中的“worked”可知,此处描述的 事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时。 practise 改为 practising。考查非谓语动词。devote sth. to sth.意为“把用 于”,为固定用法,to 为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 great 改为 greatly。考查副词。分析本句结构可知,此处应用 great 的副词形式 greatly 修饰形容词 disappointed,在句子中作状语,

43、表示“非常,很”。 删除 home 前的 to。考查介词。“home”在此处是副词,其前不需要介词修饰,故删 除 to。 that 改为 what。考查连接代词。分析本句结构可知,此处在本句中引导宾语从句, 在从句中作 told 的直接宾语,表示“东西(事情)”,因此应用 what 引导该宾语从句。 sometime 改为 sometimes。考查副词。sometime 作副词时,意为“在某个时候”,而 sometimes 作副词时,意为“有时”;结合本句句意可知,此处表示“在某种程度上考试成绩 有时不能反映你的学习水平”,故 sometimes 符合语境。 myself 改为 me。考查代词

44、。分析句子结构可知,本句的主语是 He 而不是 I,故此处 不用反身代词 myself,而是用宾格代词 me 作动词 encouraged 的宾语,表示“他鼓励我努力 学习很长一段时间以检验我的成绩”。 long 前加 a。考查冠词。参见上题解析。for a long time 意为“很长一段时间”, 是固定用法,故 long 前加不定冠词 a。 advices 改为 advice。考查名词的单复数。advice 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 good 改为 better。考查形容词的比较级。根据本句中的比较级标志“than”可知, 此处应用 good 的比较级 better,且与前面的“more important”相呼应。


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