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1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8教案设计者: 使用者: 使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 8 A green worldWelcome&Comic strip课型新授课 课时来源学|第1课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. master the important words and phrases: dig; serious; wise; take showers; save energy; turn off; used to do sth; take the underground; pu

2、blic transport2. discuss how to protect the environment;3. use the correct expressions of protecting the environment;4. develop students sense of protecting the environment.重点难点1. To master the important words and phrases: dig; serious; wise; takeshowers; save energy; turn off; used to do sth; take

3、the underground; public transport.2. To use the correct expressions of protecting the environment;教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复备Step 1 Lead-in1. Watch a video -Before the world2. T: Do you want to live a polluted life?Okay, today lets live a green world.Step 2 PresentationTask1: Show students some pict

4、ures one by one and teach them new words and phrases.T: Do you know what we should do to live a green life? Next, lets learn some ways to live a green life together.picture1: protect the environment by recycling wastepicture2: save energy by turning off the lightspicture3: save water by taking short

5、er showerspicture4: reduce air pollution by riding bicyclesTask2: Practice-Play a gameT: Okay, you have 2 minutes to remember the four phrases, then well play a game. Are you ready? Okay, go!T: Time is up, lets play a game. When you say a picture, please describe it with a correct phrase quickly. Ar

6、e you ready? Okay, lets go!Step 3 DiscussionT: What else should we do to live a green life? You will have 2 minutes to discuss with your groups. (Then ask several students to talk about how to live a green life.)Step 4 Speak up1. Listen and answer:T: Mr Wu is also asking the students how to live a g

7、reen life, lets listen to their conversation and find what the students do in their daily life.Kitty: Take the underground to school.Millie: Choose public transport or ride bicycles.Daniel: Take shorter showers to save water.Sandy: Turn off the lights when we leave a room.2. Read after the tape.3. G

8、roup work: Make a new dialogueA: What should we do to live a green life?S1:.used to., but now.S2: I agree. Its.for people to.S3: I think we can.S4: Yes. And we should.Step 5 Listening1. Listen and answerT: Besides these, Hobo thinks that planting trees is also a good way to live a green life. Lets l

9、isten to Hobo and Eddies dialogue and answer the following questions:Q1. Why is Hobo going to do that? Q2. Is Eddie serious about planting trees with Hobo?2. Read after the tape3. Read and actStep6 Language points1. reduce air pollution减少空气污染2. take shorter showers3. save water/energy4. turn off the

10、 lights/ turn on/ turn up/ turn down5. protect the environment6. recycle waste7. used to do sth/ be used to doing sth/ be used to do sth8. take the underground9. cause serious air pollution10. Its + adj + for/of sb + to do sth.11. choose public transport12. be good for./ be bad for.13. by doing sth1

11、4. dig-dug; dig-diggingStep7 Consolidation单项填空()1.Whats your plan for the new term, Daniel?I _ a foreign language.Awill be learn Bam going to learn Clearning Dwill be learnt ()2.Tom _Really?But why is he so weak now?Aused to exercise Bis used to exercisingCused to stay up late Dis used to staying up

12、 late()3.Dirty water shouldnt be poured into rivers._. It will cause pollution.ADont say like this BNever mindCI agree with you DThe same to you ()4.Everyone should take action to go green immediately. Youre right. We shouldnt _ in our daily lives.Ause our own bags when shopping Bdrive to work too o

13、ften Cdo more exercise and watch less TV Drecycle waste paper ()5. (2020徐州)We can _ the TV. Nobody is watching it. Aturn off Bturn on Cturn up Dturn down()6.With the development of modern industry, _ farmers go to the cities _ money.Afewer and fewer; to making Bless and less; to makingCmore and more

14、; to make Dbigger and bigger; to make()7. (2019淮安二模)Its necessary _ us _ the waste into different kinds before we throw it away.Aof; divide Bfor; to divide Cof; to divide Dfor; divide()8.Our government tries to do everything they can _ people live a better life.Ato help Bhelp Chelping Dhelped()9. (2

15、020天门)What do you think of Mr Liu?He is quite _, but he is good at telling funny stories. Afriendly Bpatient Cserious Dhumorous()10. (2021十堰)Are you confident about the football match against Class 11, Kunkun? _ Ive got everything ready!A.Of course not. B.Its hard to say. C.Sure, I am. D.Just soso.S

16、tep5 Summary小结T: So far, weve talked a lot about how to live a green life. We can do a lot of small things to protect the environment. Live a green life and we will have a green world.作业设计:A层次: 1.背熟本课的重点单词以及短语;2.完成达标手册、课课练相关内容B层次:完成听力与阅读unit8中的第一篇完形填空。板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8教案设计者: 使用者: 使用日期:_总第

17、_课时课题八下Unit 8 A green worldReading1课型新授课 课时来源学|第2课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1.master the important words, phrases and sentences in the text;2.understand the ways of protecting the environment in Switzerland;3.understand the importance of protecting the environment;

18、4.develop students sense of environment protecting.重点难点1. To grasp words and phrases: separate, recycling, allow, fine, punish, limit,separate.into, depend on, cost little, run out, produce, make a difference to2. To understand the ways of protecting the environment in Switzerland.教具准备PPT, a blackbo

19、ard教学内容复备Step 1 RevisionBrainstorm:the ways to go green.Step 2 Before-reading1. Show students some pictures and teach them some new words and phrases: separate; be separated into; recycle; allow; fine; run out; produce; punish; depend; depend on; rich; produce; difference; make a difference toT:If y

20、ou want to go green, things like glass, plastic and paper should be separated into different groups and then recycled.Dropping litter everywhere shouldnt be allowed. Otherwise, people will be punished or fined.Moreover, we need to depend on natural rich resources because they will never run out and

21、produce little pollution.If everyone can do something, it will make a difference.2. Finish part B1.T: Okay, you will have 2 minutes to remember these words and phrases. Time is up, lets finish part B1, then I will ask some students to tell the answers.3. Show a video of Switzerland.T: All of you did

22、 a good job. You know, theres a beautiful country called Switzerland, next, we are going to learn more about the beautiful country together!4. ListeningT: First, listen to the tape and try to use a colour to describe Switzerland.T: Yes! Green Switzerland! Today, lets know more about Green Switzerlan

23、d!Step 3 While-readingTask1: ScanningScan the passage and answer the question:Whats Switzerland like?When is the World Environment Day?Task2: Skimming 1. Skim the passage and finish part B3.2. Skim and work out the structure of the passage:T: All of you did a good job, okay, next, please skim this p

24、assage and work out the structure of the passage.Part 1 (Paragraph 1): description of green SwitzerlandPart 2 (Paragraphs 2-4): the ways to make the country green Part 3 (Paragraph 5): hopeTask3: Careful reading 1. Read and think about whats the meaning of “green”.2. Read the first paragraph and dis

25、cuss: What does “that way” mean?3. Read paragraph2 carefully and fill in the blanks.T: We know that Switzerland is a beautiful country. Do you know how do people in Switzerland keep it that way? Okay, please read paragraph2 and fill in the blanks.Things like glass, plastic and paper_different groups

26、 and then _. Some old clothes and shoes can _, some _ in charity shops, some _ the poor, and others _ factories for recycling. 4. Read paragraph3 and use the following words to complete the passage.T: Do you know how does their government do to protect the environment? Next, please read paragraph 3

27、and complete the passage.Their government has many laws _(protect) the environment. For example, they _(not allow) to cut down trees. Otherwise, they _(punish) if they drop litter in a public place, they _(fine) by the police. There are also laws _(limit) air and water pollution.5. Read paragraph 4

28、and think about the following questions:(1) What energy are the Swiss starting to use? (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the old and new energy?Step4 After-reading T: OK, in todays lesson, we have known much about Switzerland.What is the country like? S1: Its a country with high mount

29、ains and lake. Its beautiful. T: Well done! Why is the country so beautiful and clean? S2: . . T:Great! You know the ways very well. Now Kitty is telling Sandy about Martinas article. Help complete their conversation.B4. Step5 Consolidation一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. To reduce pollution, many supermarkets

30、 have stopped providing_ (塑料) bags. 2. The police moved in to _(分开) the two groups of people. 3. You cant _(惩罚) a child just because he wants to watch TV for a while. 4. Waste can be made into something new by _(循环利用). 5. Its _ (明智的)for us to take a map with us when we go for a trip.6. Please _ (允许)

31、me to introduce myself first. 7. The sea air has made a _(不同) to her health. 8. Why was your friend _ (罚款)by the police? 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Can you find the _(different) between the two bags?2(2021盐城)Choose _(wise) how you spend your spare time and with whom you spend it.3Chinese parents try their best

32、_(provide) a good environment for their children. 4I think _(recycle) waste paper is a good way to solve the problem. 5(2021龙东改编)Yuan Longping, one of the _(great) scientists in the world, is known as the “Father of Hybrid Rice”Step7 SummaryT: So far, weve talked a lot about the clean and beautiful

33、country Switzerland! Do you know why we call it “green Switzerland”? S: T: Yes. That means they have many ways to protect their environment and keep their country clean and beautiful.We all want our country to be beautiful like that. So please try to do something to make a difference. Our country wi

34、ll be cleaner and more beautiful.作业设计:A层次:1. 复述本课文章;2. 背熟本课单词及短语B层次:完成听力与阅读第八单元A,B两篇阅读理解板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8教案设计者: 使用者: 使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 8 A green worldReading 2课型新授课 课时来源学|第3课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. learn the language points in this article.2. lear

35、n to talk about how to live a green life.重点难点1.To grasp the important vocabulary and sentences in the article.2.To retell the passage.教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复备Step 1 RevisionTask 1: Free talkT: Yesterday, we talked about green Switzerland. Okay, can you remember the following answers?1. What is th

36、e country like?2. How do they protect the environment in Switzerland?Task 2: Retell this passage.T: Well done! Can you retell the passage according to the following hints? Okay, you have 4 minutes to prepare for it. Go!Hints:I love Switzerland. It is. . It is., and .In Switzerland, things like. . an

37、d then . Even . . I learnt . . It . . Some of the clothes. ., some . ., and others . . My family . .Our government. ., we are. . Otherwise, . . If we . ., we will. . There are also. . .Nature is. . . We . ., so it is. . Luckily, we are. . These . . Moreover, . .Today. . What . .? Remember . .!Step 2

38、 Language points1.keep it that way保持它的原貌2.separate into 把分开,隔开 be separated into 被分开,隔开(被动语态)3.Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. 一些衣服放在慈善店出售,一些送给穷人,还有一些送到工厂循环再生。Some, some, and others. “一些, 一些, 还有一些”。4.We are no

39、t allowed to cut down trees. 我们是不允许砍伐树木的。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事sb. be allowed to do sth. 某人不被允许做某事5.Otherwise, we will be punished.否则,我们将会被惩罚。 will be punished将会被惩罚(一般将来时被动语态)6.If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police.“if 引导的条件状语从句,主将从现”,will be fined一般将来时被动语态。be fin

40、ed by sb被某人罚款7.We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely.我们依靠其丰富的资源生存,所以要理智地保护它,这一点很重要。depend on/upon“依靠,依赖,取决于”It is +adj.+for sb+to do sth对于某人来说做某事是.样的。It is +adj+of sb+to do sth某人做某事是.样的(形容词修饰人的品质)8.These new types of energy cost very little and will

41、never run out. 这些新型能源不仅成本低廉,而且用之不尽。 a type of new energy一种新能源句中run out的意思是“用完,耗尽”9.Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!记住每个人都可以做点(对保护环境)有益的事!短语make a/ no/ some/ much difference to 意思是“对有/没有/ 有些/有很大作用、关系、影响”。Step 3 Practice一、根据句意用所给单词的正确形式填空1Can you find out the _(different)

42、between the two bags?2Your time_(limit), so dont waste it living someone elses life.3Everyone knows that the new type of energy will never _(run) out. 4The teacher_(separate) us into four groups and then we began to work.5The government has made laws _(protect) the children.6My parents dont allow me

43、 _(stay) out after 10 oclock.7Yesterday Lucy_(fine)by the police for parking her car in a wrong place.8-Can you tell me what youll do during your stay in Suzhou tomorrow?-I _(show) around the Chinese gardens there. Step4 ConsolidationT: So far, weve known much about going green. Lets try our best to

44、 make a difference.作业设计:A层次: 1. 背熟本课重点单词和重点词组;2. 同步完成课课练至第三课时B层次:完成第八单元一篇“七选五”阅读板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8教案设计者: 使用者: 使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 8 A green worldGrammar 1 课型新授课 课时来源学|第4课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1.master the structures of passive voice in the simple future tense;2.learn to use passive voice in the simple future tense.重点难点1.To master the structures of passive voice in the simple future tense;2. To learn to use passive voice in the simple future tense.教具准备


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