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1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 1教案设计者: 使用者:_ _使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 1 Past and presentWelcome&Comic strip课型新授课 课时来源学|第1课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. master the important words, phrases and sentences in the text.2. learn the present perfect tense generally.3. introduce the differen

2、t forms of transport at different times in Beijing.4. learn to use the useful words and phrases talk about changes over time.5. learn some expressions on transport at different times and arouse the students interest in learning this unit.重点难点1.Phrases: used to do sth, share sth. with sb, go to schoo

3、l by bike, take a bus2. Structures: 1) You used to share food with me !2) It took a long time to wait for the next one. 3) Ive just eaten it.4) Have you seen my food?教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复备Comic stripStep1 Lead-in 1) Show pictures,use“used to”to talk about “Life has changed a lot over the years.

4、” Work in groups and talk about your life in the past and at present in groups.Step2 Presentation :In the past, Hobo and Eddie were good friends. But now something happens between them. Do you want to know whats wrong with them?Now, listen to the dialogue, and find out the answers to thefollowing qu

5、estions. (1)Where was Hobos food an hour ago? - It was in the bowl. (2)Has Eddie eaten Hobos food? -Yes, he has (just eaten it). (3) Why?-Because he was very hungry. (4)What does Hobo think of Eddie?-He thinks Eddie has changed.Step3 Practice 1. Write “Eddie has changed.” on the blackboard, explain

6、the new tense:the present perfect tense. 2. Read the conversation again, find out more present perfect tense andexplain the language points in the conversation:1) Have you seen my food?解析:此句用的是现在完成时的一般疑问句。现在完成时由“have/has+ 动词过去分词形式”构成。现在完成时态主要在以下两情形下使用: (1) 表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态;(2)表示过去已完成对现在有一定影响的动作。否定

7、形式为:主语 + havent /hasnt + 过去分词疑问形式:Have/ Has + 主语 + 过去分词 ?肯、否定回答:Yes, 代词 + have/has. No, 代词 + havent/ hasnt. havent = have not; hasnt = has notIve = I have; Youve = You have; Hes/Shes=He/She has2) 本课中出现的过去分词有:see saw seen; eat ate eaten; change changed change You used to share food with me!解析:used to

8、 do sth. 过去(经常)做某事(现在已经不做了)。e.g. He used to do exercise in the park every morning, but now he stops because of the awful air. 3) Practice in pairs and try to act out the dialogue.Welcome to the unitStep1 Lead-in:Talk about the ways of going to school in pairs like this:A: How do you usually go to sc

9、hool?B: A: How did your parents go to school when they were students?B: Step2 Presentation 1):Learn some transport at different times by show the pictures, then complete A on page 7. 2)Listen to the conversation then complete the form.PastPresentgo to schoolon foot, by bike / busby bike / bus/underg

10、roundgo around the cityby busby bus / taxi / cargo to other citiesby coachby coach / train / planeStep3 Practice:Work in pairs and take turns to talk about it. Step4 Consolidation& SummaryTranslation1) 你看过这部新电影吗? 没看过。 _ you _ this new film? No, _ _. 2) 她过去是一名历史老师。She _ _ _ a history teacher.3) 他们过去常

11、常步行上学。They_ to school _. 4) 我们家乡变化很大。My hometown _ _ a lot.作业设计:A层次:1.Remember words, phrases and sentences. 2.Finish the exercise bookB层次: Complete a relative reading material(七选五)板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 1教案设计者: 使用者:_ _使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 1 Past and presentReading1课型新授课 课时来源学|第2课时教学目标By the end

12、of the class, the students should be able to 1.learn some new words and try to master the usage of some new words 2.learn about the changes to Sunshine Town.pare the past of Sunshine Town with the present of Sunshine Town, and try to describe them 4.to motivate students love for life and try to make

13、 the world a better place.5.to learn about the ways of interviewing and how to talk about the changes to towns.重点难点1. To know the main ideas of the passage. 2. To Use the patterns to express the ideas. 教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复备Step1 Revision1. Have you _ (看见) my chocolate? No, I _. 2. She has _ (刚

14、刚) eaten lunch.3. I used to take the _ (长途汽车) Nanjing. 4. Where do you work at _ (目前)?2:play a game to guess the names of the transport.Step2 Lead-inT: What do you think of our school now?S: It is big and beautiful. T: What about our old school?S: It was old and small. T: Then what about past and pr

15、esent of our city? Now lets watch a video, and then tell me what has happened in our countryStep3 Presentation1:show new words by showing some pictures2.finish B1Step4 Practice1. Fast reading:Task1: Read the whole passage quickly and answer. 1)How many questions Millie asked?(five)2)Who did Millie i

16、nterview ?(Mr Chen)3)When did he get married?(In 1965)4)Was pollution a problem in the past?(Yes,but it is better now.)Task2: Divide the passage into three parts.2. Careful reading:Task1: Read line1-6 and answer1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town?(He has lived there since he was born.)2)Wh

17、ere did Mr Chen and his wife move?(They moved two blocks away.)Task2: Read line7-16 and complete the formpastpresentWhat they had/haveSome small_,shops,_, a cinema, a_ factory A park, a _,_pollution Pollution was _ then. The factory put _into the _The government _ the problem and took action to _Tas

18、k3: Read line17-23 and finish the sentences1)It is nice to have _town.2)It is difficult to see old friends because they _.3)Mr Chen feels _ sometimes.Task4: Finish B2Step5 Consolidation1. Have an interview with each other2. Finish a passageMr Chen lives in Sunshine Town.After he get _,he and his _ m

19、ove to a new _.In the past, there were small_, shops , a post office and a _ in the town.Now the town has _ a lot .There is a park in the town center.There also have a _ and a shopping mall.Many of Mr Chens old friends have _ away.So Mr Chen feels a bit _ from time to time.Step6 Summary Thinking:1)D

20、oes Mr Chen like the changes? Why or why not?2)If you are a student in Sunshine Town, do you like the changes? Why?”作业设计:A层次:1. Read the text fluently. 2. Remember the new words in this lesson.B层次:Complete one reading comprehension.板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 1教案设计者: 使用者:_ _使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 1 Past

21、 and presentReading 2课型新授课 课时来源学|第3课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. have a good command of the changes about Sunshine town2. get familiar with the usage of some new words,phrases and important sentences3. retell the changes in Sunshine town4. describe some differences

22、 between past and present in their hometown Value objectives:5. show their gratitude to daily life and cherish it.重点难点1.To get familiar with the usage of some new words,phrases and important sentences2.To describe some differences between past and present in their hometown.教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复

23、备Step1 Lead-in1. Last time, we read about an interview. Do you still remember the interview?2. Who did Millie interview ?3. What is the interview about?Step2 PresentationRe 1.read the interview freely ,complete the table about Mr. Chen by answering some questions and explain some language points.Mr

24、ChenHow long he has lived in Sunshine TownWhere he first livedWhen he got marriedWhere he lives2.Finish B3&4Step3 Practice:重点单词及短语:1.having a husband or wife-married(已婚的) (get married to sb) (v.marry-marry sb.)2. a place where things are made by machines-factory 工厂3. know or understand sth that you

25、didnt know before-realize(realise)意识到 实现(realize ones dream)4. not happy because of being alone-lonely孤独的,寂寞的feel lonely, (live alone独自生活 a lonely village一个偏僻的村庄)5.过去: past n.(in the past 过去时) 过去的adj.(in the past few years/ over the past century 现在完成时) 6.在.期间over (over the years)7.现在present (at pres

26、ent= at the moment=now) (n.礼物=gift) (v.颁发present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.) 8.北方的northern (n.north) (in the northern part of.) 9.妻子wife(wives) 10.污染pollution n. ( v.pollute adj.polluted 被污染的-a polluted river) 11.废料,废品waste(put the waste into the river)(n.浪费a waste of money/ v. waste money) 1

27、2.形势situation (improve the situation) 13.不可能的impossible (impolite/impatient) 14.以前,过去before(单独用于句尾时常跟完成时 I havent been there before.)15.丈夫husband16.采访,会见interview(v.interview sb.)(n.have an interview with sb.) 17.go to sp.on foot=walk to sp.18 go to sp.by bike=go to sp on ones bike=ride to sp. 19. g

28、o to sp. by bus/ ship/train=go to sp. on a bus/ ship/ train=take a bus /ship/train to sp.20.过去常常做某事 used to do sth.(there used to be 过去有.) 21.用某物做某事use sth to do.- sth be used to do被用来做.)22.习惯于做某事get / be used to doing sth.23把.变成.turn .into.(turn part of the town centre into a new park) 24.在某种程度上in

29、some ways(在许多方面 in many ways) (在去某地的路上on the /ones way to sp. 挡路in ones way)25.不时,有时from time to time= at times=sometimes 26.一生all ones life 27. 开阔的空地open space(in some large open spaces) 28. 搬家move house(搬走挪开move away)(搬到.move to .)(move into a flat)29. 和以前一样经常as often as before 30. 打牌,下棋 play card

30、s / play chess 31. 在某人的空余时间in ones free(spare)time 32.since 加一般过去时标志着现在完成时I have lived here since I was born. He has studied French since 6 years ago。(He has studied French for six years.) Lily has worked as a model since 1998.Step4 Consolidation&Summary 一根据句意,汉语提示或英文解释完成单词1.Our hometown was very po

31、or in the _(过去).2.My cousin lives only 2 _ (街区)away, so I often go to see him.3.At _(目前), we can buy many things on the Internet.4.She wants to have an _(采访)with the super star.5.Though he lives alone, but he doesnt feel _(not happy because of being alone).6.They often throw the _(废料,废品) into the ri

32、ver.7. We should take action to _(make something better)the situation.8.My uncle has worked in this shoe _(工厂)for 20 years.9.He didnt _(know or understand)he was wrong.10.Lots of fish died in the river because of the water _(污染).11.Their _(妻子) are all nurses.12.My_(丈夫)drives me to work every morning

33、.13.Heilongjiang is in the _(北方的)part of our country.14. _(即使这样),we must finish the work 二用所给词适当形式填空1. Peter _(go) to the library just now.2. I _just _(eat ) my lunch.3. He _(know) me since we _(meet) in 1993.4. Suzhou is one of _ (south) cities in Jiangsu .5. My father used to _ (drink) coffee , bu

34、t now he often drinks green tea .6._ you ever _(visit) the Great Wall?7.Siyang _(change) a lot over the years.8.Its _(possible) for us to finish the work in such a short time.9.It took a long time _(wait) for the next one.10. My parents have been _ (marry) for almost twenty years .11. Its great _ (p

35、lay) Chinese chess after supper .作业设计:A层次: 1. 背熟本课重点单词和重点词组;2. 同步完成课课练至第三课时B层次:完成第八单元一篇“七选五”阅读板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 1教案设计者: 使用者:_ _使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 1 Past and presentGrammar 1 课型新授课 课时来源学|第4课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. have a good command of the structure

36、and usage of present perfect tense2. understand the rules of Past Participle3. know some important expressions of adverbial of time4. use present perfect tense in their daily communication5. improve their group conscience by working together重点难点To master the structures and the rules of Past Particip

37、le;教具准备PPT, a blackboard教学内容复备Step1 Lead-in:1. free talk 1) How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town?2) What has the government done to part of the town center?3) Why does Mr Chen think its impossible to see his old friends as often as before ?2. Present perfect tense from their own answers.Step2

38、 Presentation1. 现在完成时由“have/has + 动词过去分词形式”构成。现在完成时态主要在以下两种情形下使用:(1)表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态;(2)表示过去已完成对现在有一定影响的动作。肯定形式为:主语 + haven /has + 过去分词否定形式为:主语 + havent /hasnt + 过去分词疑问形式:Have/ Has + 主语 + 过去分词 ?肯、否定回答:Yes, 代词 + have/has. No, 代词 + havent/ hasnt.Step3 Practice1.She has already cleaned the kitchen. (

39、改为否定句)She _ cleaned the kitchen _.2. The poor dog has died.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_the poor dog _? No, it _.3.They _their homework already. (finish)4._my hometown _ (change) a lot over the years? Yes, it _. 5.Millie _ (not carry)the bag for me yet.6.The trees _ (stop) growing recently.Step3 Presentation过去分词

40、变化规则A:规则动词(1) 、大部分动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。work-worked-worked, visit-visited-visited2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。live-lived-lived , love-loved-loved(3)、以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的动词,将 “y” 变为 “i” ,再加“ ed ”。 study-studied-studied, cry-cried-cried (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop-stopped-stopped, drop-dropped-dr

41、opped B:不规则变化AAA hit-hit-hit,put-put-put,ABA come-came-come,run-ran-runABB meet-met-met,lend-lent-lentABC do-did-done,see-saw-seen,eat-ate-eatenStep4 Consolidation1.borrow_,_ 2. hope_,_3.make_,_ 4. get_,_5.plan_,_ 6. cry_,_7. send_,_ 8. watch_,_9. say_,_ 10. grow_,_11. hit_,_ 12. enjoy_,_Step5 Summa

42、ry。现在完成时由“have/has + 动词过去分词形式”构成。现在完成时态主要在以下两种情形下使用:(1) 表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态;(2)表示过去已完成对现在有一定影响的动作。 作业设计:A层次: 1. Remember all the words and phrases. 2. Finish more exercisesB层次: Complete one reading comprehension.板书设计:教学手记:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 1教案设计者: 使用者:_ _使用日期:_总第_课时课题八下Unit 1 Past and presentGrammar 2

43、 课型新授课 课时来源学|第5课时教学目标By the end of the class, the students should be able to 1. have a good command of the structure and usage of present perfect tense2. understand the rules of Past Participle3. know some important expressions of adverbial of time4. use present perfect tense in their daily communication5. improve their group con


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