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1、2022年安徽省合肥市肥西县中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.Thats interesting! I want to know all the Chinese _.AnoticesBsentencesCtraditionsDproblems2 Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting will be held on time? It depends on th

2、e weather. If it rains this evening, well have to _.Aturn it onBput it offCgive it upDtake it away3John, would you mind sharing some housework with me?Wait a minute, mom. I _ the things that I should do during the new term.AlistBlistedCam listingDhave listed4 Excuse me, Id like to buy a birthday pre

3、sent for my brother. We have different kinds of new toys for boys. You can choose _ for him.AthatBoneCitDthis5Dales paintings are really beautiful, because he was born _ the ability for drawing.AofBintoCaboutDwith6 How do you like the movie Hi, Mom? Pretty _! Its just what I have been expecting to s

4、ee with my familyAperfectBterribleCboringDsimple7This is the first birthday gift _ I received. Ive kept it many years.AthatBwhoCwhatDwhich8Youd better think _ before taking up a new hobby, and dont choose it just for fun.AheavilyBbravelyCseriouslyDpolitely9Now waste from daily life in the city of Sh

5、anghai _ to be separated into four different groups.Yes, its good for our environment.ArequiredBis requiredCis requiringDwill be required10Time to get on the train. I must leave now._ See you!ANot bad!BBad luck!CDont worry!DTake care!二、完形填空Once upon a time, there lived a wise man called Mamad. He ne

6、ver lied.The king heard about Mamad and ordered his servants (仆人) to _11_ him to the palace. He looked at the wise man and asked, “Is it true that you have never lied?” “Yes.”“And you will never lie in your life?”“Im _12_ about that.” “Okay, but you must be _13_! A lie gets on your tongue (舌头) easil

7、y.” Several days later, the king _14_ Mamad once again. There was a big crowd the king was about to go hunting (狩猎). He held his horse, with his left foot _15_ in the stirrup (马镫). He ordered Mamad, “Go and tell the queen to prepare a big dinner. My sons and I will be quite hungry after the hunting

8、trip.”Mamad left. The king said, “We wont go hunting and now Mamad will lie to the queen. Tonight we will _16_ him.” But the wise Mamad said to the queen, “Maybe you should prepare a big _17_, and maybe you shouldnt.” “Should I, or shouldnt I?” asked the queen.“I dont know whether the king put his r

9、ight foot in the stirrup, or he put his left foot on the ground _18_ I left.” The king came back that evening and said to the queen, “The wise Mamad, who never lies, lied to _19_ today.” But the queen told him about Mamads _20_. And the king realised that the wise man never lied and said only what h

10、e saw with his own eyes.11AsendBgiveCtakeDbring12AsureBsorryCgladDnervous13AstupidBaloneCcarefulDstrange14AcalledBpunishedChelpedDrefused15AalsoBagainCstillDalready16Apick upBlook forClaugh atDwait for17AmealBroomCpartyDplan18AsoBafterCbutDalthough19AusBmeCthemDyou20AstoryBexperienceCwordsDwarningHo

11、ng Kong short-track (短道) speed skater Sidney K Chu considers competing at Beijing 2022 a dream come true. He hopes to encourage more young people in his hometown to discover ice and snow sports.“Its a great honor for _21_ to stand on the Olympic stage to compete with world-class skaters. Its like a

12、dream come true,” Chu said after a training lesson in Beijing on Wednesday, “The Games are being held by my country and I hope to perform _22_ here. I want to enjoy the _23_ here with my best form. If I can do that, I will be _24_ ”At the age of 5, Chu _25_ playing ice hockey (冰球) with his classmate

13、s from Canada. However, lacking (缺乏) of the bulk (体力) for that _26_ team sport, he later turned to short-track speed skating as a sport more suited to his skills.When he was 11, he began his short-track _27_. At first, he happened to watch a video of a short-track competition on the internet, which

14、he thought was really interesting, and later he attended a training class. Four years later, he was chosen by the Hong Kong team _28_ with coach Sun Dandan, who along with Yang Yang won a silver medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics. _29_ there is no short-track rink (溜冰场) in Hong Kong, Chu had to train

15、 in Beijing and Changchun. However, the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病) stopped Chus training for about a year in 2020. Fortunately, Chu _30_ for training and was surprised to be given the Olympic ticket after a short period of training. For chu, it is very important to bring Olympic spirit (精神) back to Hon

16、g Kong.21AhimBherCmeDthem22AevenBalmostCeverDwell23AcourseBcompetitionCactivityDexperience24AafraidBrelaxedCsatisfiedDworried25AfinishedBstartedCavoidedDconsidered26AhardBlonelyCbusyDshort27AinterviewBjourneyCresearchDdiscussion28AtrainBto trainCtrainingDtrained29AButBAndCWhenDSince30Acame backBcame

17、 outClooked backDlooked out三、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Happy House. Have you booked a table? B: Yes. _31_ A: Please wait. Let me check. OK. Please follow me to your table. ( After a while, they sit down. ) A: _32_ B: Yes. Ill have a bowl of chicken so

18、up to start with and my wife would like a tomato salad. A: OK. _33_ B: Let me see. Well try the lamb chops (羊排).A: _34_ B: Well done (熟透的), please. A: Got it. _35_ B: Yes. Two glasses of orange juice. A: Thank you very much. Have a nice meal.AAre you ready to order, sir?BCan I have the menu?CI would

19、 like to pay on We Chat.DWould you like something to drink?EHow would you like them cooked?FWhat would you like for the main course?GIve booked a table for two under the name of Mr. Peterson.四、阅读单选As we all know, environmental pollution is still serious nowadays. Our group wanted to know how many st

20、udents knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted (分类) rubbish. So we did a survey among the students in our school. Here are the results of our questionnaire (问卷).The results of the questionnaireDo you know about these problems?How often do you sort rubbish?3

21、6The survey is mainly about _.Ascientific researcherBphysical educationCeveryday habitsDenvironmental protection37How many kinds of pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.38What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?ASoil pollution is mentioned in the quest

22、ionnaire.BMost students didnt take enough action to sort rubbish.CNoise pollution is noticed by a large number of students.DThe students dont realize the situation of the environment at all.The story of a telephone that traveled from Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, to Shanghai for a day without its owne

23、r has brought a smile to thousands of Chinese people. The owner, Wang Yueyue, did not expect to see the telephone again after she lost it on Monday. That day Wang was packing vegetables in a supermarket. And then all the foods were sent in the parcels (包裹) to Shanghai to help people in need. Because

24、 of wearing a loose-fitting (宽松的) sweater with small pockets, she had already dropped her phone on the floor three times on Monday, before the fourth time when the phone disappeared. After looking around again, Wang couldnt find her phone on the floor or other places. “I guess that I dropped it in o

25、ne of the parcels?” said the 26-year-old, who told her older sister what had happened later that day, Her sister, wrote it on Weibo the same evening: “Anyone in Shanghai who got a telephone in a parcel of vegetables, please contact me. My sister was busy packing the vegetables and left her phone in

26、one of the parcels. I just couldnt help but laugh.” The message was quickly shared online. She wrote it as a joke until she received a call about the telephone. Many volunteers helped together and managed to find it in the Lanzhu neighborhood. A volunteer first noticed the telephone in a truck when

27、he heard its ring like the sound of a chicken. He said that we mustnt fail the people who are helping us. On Tuesday night, the telephone was returned to Wang by the same truck driver. He passed the telephone on to Wang and expressed his thanks from the people in Shanghai. It was a really interestin

28、g experience for her and her telephone.39How many days has the telephone traveled without its owner?AFor 1 day.BFor 2 days.CFor 3 days.DNot mentioned.40Why did the telephone lose?ABecause the pockets are small.BBecause the telephone is expensive.CBecause the supermarket is so dirty.DBecause its owne

29、r Wang is careless.41What does the underlined word “contact” mean in Chinese?A练习B购买C总结D联系42The text is written in the order of _.AspaceBtimeCnumbersDopinionsLast Saturday, I went to a coffee shop to meet a friend of mine. I got there ten minutes earlier, So I ordered a cup of coffee and sat by the w

30、indow, watching people. There were some boys playing football on the street and a small boy was running after the ball as it rolled (滚动) across the road. Suddenly, there came a car. It was going very fast. When the driver saw the boy in his way, he braked (刹车) hard. But it was too late. The small bo

31、y was lying on the street without moving. To everyones surprise, the car didnt stop. It drove away quickly. People ran to the boy. There was a cut on the boys head and he lost a lot of blood. The coffee shop owner telephoned the police. Soon an ambulance (救护车) arrived and took the boy to the hospita

32、l. At 6:30 pm, the police arrived and started questioning people. About half an hour later, they asked me to go to the police station because I saw everything. I gave them all the information I knew because I really wanted them to catch the driver. I didnt leave the police station until 8: 00 pm. Af

33、ter that I went home because I didnt want to talk to anyone.The next day, the boys parents called me to say thanks. They also told me their boy was fine and the driver was at the police station now.43What happened to the boy while he was running after the football?AHe fell down by accident.BHe was h

34、it by a car suddenly.CHe was taken away by someone.DHe knocked into a man in the street44Which of the following is the right order? A car came very fast. The writer went back home. There was a cut on the boys head. The writer ordered a cup of coffee The writer got a call from the boys parentsABCD45H

35、ow might the writer feel at the end of the story?ASorry.BHappy.CAngry.DWorried.The second live class from Chinas space station was held in the afternoon of Mar. 23, delivered (传送) by Shenzhou-13 crew (机组) members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu to students on Earth. Wang performed several s

36、cientific experiments. In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen, the popular mascot (吉祥物) of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, to show how objects flew in a weightless (失重的) environment. They also showed students two pieces of cutting-edge scientific equipment inside the space station. H

37、undreds of students in Beijing, Lhasa and Urumqi watched the event.Before ending the class, the astronauts answered questions taken from members of the public and raised by students. The questions covered various facets (方面) of life and work in space, such as how to take care of their skin, is hot w

38、ater available (可获得的), does the moon look different from the Tiangong station, and how tears move in a micro-gravitational (微重力) environment.Pang Zhihao, a retired spaceflight researcher from the China Academy, of Space Technology and author of several space-themed books, said the class will be an “

39、eye-opener” for youngsters, especially students, by implanting (植入) the love of science and creativity in them. “Many well-known things were created by their interest and curiosity about strange things. The experiments done by the astronauts will put question marks in our students mind, and the youn

40、gsters will then move to find answers and explore “more places unknown to humankind.” he said.46Which question did the students not ask in the event?AIs cold water is available?BHow to take care of crew members skin?CHow tears move in a micro-gravitational environment?DDoes the moon look different f

41、rom the Tiangong station?47Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?APang Zhihao is one of Shenzhou-13 crew members.BThousands of students in Beijing, Lhasa and Urumqi watched the event.CStudents raised questions for crew members about how to take care of their eyes.DShenzhou-13 members

42、showed students two pieces of cutting-edge scientific equipment.48What does Pang Zhihao think of the class from Chinas space station?AIt will encourage students to be astronauts.BIt was held for students in Beijing, Lhasa and Wuhan.CIt can implant the love of science and creativity in students.DIt w

43、ill be an “eye-opener” for youngsters, especially adults.Animal behavior(行为)is an interesting and attractive study. Scientists research the ways animals use to look for food. They study how animals protect themselves from their predators, and which animals kill other animals for food. All of this he

44、lps us understand how useful animals can be.Each country or culture raises some animals for food. In the United States, people mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs. In other countries, people might raise sheep or buffalo for meat. These differences come in part from weather and other environ

45、mental conditions. People around the world eat all kinds of fish and shellfish from oceans and rivers. In some countries, people dont always choose some animal groups, such as dogs, for food while in other countries such animals may become peoples favorite food. In West Africa, animals provide human

46、s with more than food. They have been helping people do daily work for thousands of years. Horses, oxen, and other work animals pull heavy things. Elephants; camels; and other animals carry people and things from place to place. Carrier pigeons(信鸽)have been used to send messages.People also receive health benefits(利益)from animals. For example, dogs and cats can help calm people down. This is helpful for people fighting illnesses. Animals can also reduce stress, helpin


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