1、Guess1.a hot TV drama2.The drama tells the story of a police officers fight against organized crime over 20 years.3.The drama shows the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.狂飙The Knockout/Punch out 教学背景01教学分析02学法分析03教学过程04版式设计05教学效果06The TV series Knockout ushered in the final
2、e last night.Gao Qiqiang,1._(play)by Zhang Songwen,was finally brought 2._ justice.3._ ultimate big boss umbrella in Knockout was also caught by the prosecution team.The launch of this drama also became popular with many people,especially Zhang Songwen,who 4._(star)in the drama as both good and evil
3、,and his acting skills were highly praised by the majority of netizens.The drama tells the story of a police officers fight against 5._(organize)crime over 20 years.It has received a rating of 9 out of 10 on Douban,and has become one of the most discussed topics on social media since mid-January.Wei
4、 Pengju,6._(direct)of the Institute of Cultural Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing,said The Knockout resonated with viewers on an 7._(emotion)level.Reactions to the program also reflected 8._the public perceived the work and achievements of the nation in 9._(comb
5、at)organized crime and building a sound legal environment.1.played 2,to 3.The 4.starred 5.organized 6.director 7.emotional 8.how bating咖啡不用冲,迟早会成功都孙子兵法,品启强人生05三十六计crossing the sea under camouflagecross the sea by deceiving the skyrelieving the Zhao State by besieging the Wei Statebesiege Wei to resc
6、ue Zhaokilling someone with a borrowed knifewaiting at ones ease for the exhausted enemyrelax and wait for th adversary to tire himself out瞒天过海围魏救赵借刀杀人以逸待劳05三十六计plundering a burning houseloot a burning housemake a feint to the east while attacking in the westcreating something out of nothingpretend
7、to advance down the path while taking another hidden path趁火打劫声东击西无中生有暗度陈仓05三十六计watch the fire burning from across the riverconceal a dagger in a smilesacrifice the plum for the peachtake away a goat in passing隔岸观火笑里藏刀李代桃僵顺手牵羊05三十六计beat the grass to startle the snakeraise a corpse from the deadlure t
8、he tiger out of the mountainlet the adversary off in order to sanre him打草惊蛇借尸还魂调虎离山欲擒故纵05三十六计cast a brick to attract the jadeto catch bandits,nab their ringleader firstremove the firewood from under the cauldroncatch fish from troubled water抛砖引玉擒贼先擒王釜底抽薪浑水摸鱼05三十六计eacape like a cicada casting off its
9、 skinfasten the door to catch a thiefbefriend a distant state while attacking a neighboring stateborrow a safe passage to conquer the kingdom of Guo金蝉脱壳关门捉贼远交近攻假途灭虢05三十六计steal the beams and pillars and replace them with rotten timberpoint at the mulberry but curse the locustplay dumbremove the ladde
10、r after your ascent偷梁换柱指桑骂槐装聋作哑上屋抽梯05三十六计decorate the tree with fake blossomsturn yourself into a host from being a guestuse a beauty to ensnare a man open the gate of an undefended city树上开花反客为主美人计空城计05三十六计use adversarys spies to sow discord in the enemy campinflict pain on oneself to infiltrate the
11、 enemys camp and win the enemys confidencelead your adversary to chain together their warshipsretreat is the best option反间计苦肉计连环计走为上计1.3 教学目标知识目标掌握圆柱截交线的画法,了解圆柱展开图的相关知识。能力目标通过本课题的学习,提高学生分析、解决问题的能力,为 以 后 学 习chenying0907体的知识和专业课打下基础。学习目标通过课堂交流,培养学生的创新精神、合作意识以及严谨踏实的学习习惯和精益求精的工作态度。06重点圆柱截交线的分析方法和画法难点截平面
12、倾斜于圆柱轴线时截交线的画法关键通过对模型的观察及手动操作,加深对投影的理解1.4 教学重点07第第 二二 章章 节节didiererzhangzhangjiejie三段式教学法=尝试法演示法+任务驱动法2.1 教法分析形势新颖因材施教循序渐进分层兼顾09第第 三三 章章 节节didisansanzhangzhangjiejie3.1 学法指导从读书中来学到探索发现从问题中来学到思考质疑从动手中来学到更多能力从练习中来学到知识稳固 从读中学、问中学、动中学、练中学来达到乐学、会学、善学、志学的目的,以便更好的提高和巩固自身的能力 11第第 四四 章章 节节didisi sizhangzhang
13、jiejie导入新课(2分钟)自主学习(10分钟)达标测评(12分钟)布置作业(2分钟)出示目标(2分钟)合作探究(15分钟)课堂总结(2分钟)4.1 教学过程123456713创设情境为了激发学生探究的好奇心和兴趣,让学生在轻松的氛围中学习。创设情境为了激发学生探究的好奇心和兴趣,让学生在轻松的氛围中学习。4.2 导入新课创设情境为了激发学生探究的好奇心和兴趣,让学生在轻松的氛围中学习。144.3 出示目标输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字154.4 自主学习
14、使传授知识和培养能力融为一体,扩展练习学生能力本着专业基础课为专业课服务的原则,贯穿“够用、必需”的思想164.5 合作探究输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字输入描观点文字174.6 达标测试 输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字184.7 课题总结输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字
15、输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字总结1总结219整理预习笔记,熟练记忆操作步骤,复习巩固所需知识,为展示课做好准备4.8 布置作业请在此处输入作业题目内容请在此处输入作业题目内容请在此处输入作业题目内容请在此处输入作业题目内容请在此处输入作业题目内容请在此处输入作业题目内容20第第
16、 五五 章章 节节didiwuwuzhangzhangjiejie1、截交线的形状2、截交线的画法截平面垂直于轴线-圆形截平面平行于轴线-矩形截平面倾斜于轴线-椭圆找出特殊点的投影找出一端点的投影将各点依次连接5.1 板书设计22第第 六六 章章 节节didiliuliuzhangzhangjiejie6.1 教学效果输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字效果1输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字输入描述性文字效果224谢谢聆听