Unit 4 Using language Reading for writing (ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Adversity and CourageAdversity and CourageUnit 4 Unit 4 Reading and WritingLearn about optimism and perseveranceThe reward for perseveranceAn essay about Shackleton and his men on EnduranceLead-inLead-in1Pre-writingPre-writing2While-writingWhile-writing3Post-writingPost-writing4Lead-inLead-inextreme

2、 weather extreme weather cold cold lonelinesslonelinesshelplessnesshelplessnesshunger and thirsthunger and thirstillnessillness.Possible answer:I predict that the crew members struggled with keeping warm in the terrible conditions.They also would have found it hard to find food and make fire.The ice

3、 would have been moving and breaking too,which would be very dangerous.Do you think they would be rescued?Do you think they would be rescued?play Banjoplay Banjohold some activitieshold some activitiesI predict that Shackleton would be successful in rescuing his men,I predict that Shackleton would b

4、e successful in rescuing his men,though I am not sure if all of them though I am not sure if all of them could survive could survive until he came back.until he came back.Pre-writingPre-writing(Tips:where?who?what?how?when?)(Tips:where?who?what?how?when?)On the _ Island,optimism helped the _ of On t

5、he _ Island,optimism helped the _ of them them who were left behind to persevere in overcoming who were left behind to persevere in overcoming _ and _ and _ _ till Shackletons _ came._ till Shackletons _ came.ElephantElephant twenty-two twenty-twodifficultiesdifficultiessurvivingsurvivingrescuerescu

6、eRead for contentRead for contentmelt ice to get watermelt ice to get waterburn animal fat to make fireburn animal fat to make firestaying alivestaying alivefoodfoodwaterwaterno vegetables or fruitno vegetables or fruitonly eat sea creaturesonly eat sea creaturesweatherweatherchanging temperaturesch

7、anging temperaturesSweat freezes very quicklySweat freezes very quicklyillnessillnesscaused by changing weathercaused by changing weatherand black smoke and black smoke attitudeattitudeoptimistic,positive,optimistic,positive,celebration activitiescelebration activitiesrescuedrescuedrelief,joyrelief,

8、joy1.What did the crew use to make fire on the island?1.What did the crew use to make fire on the island?Animal fat.2.What did the crew depend on to live on?2.What did the crew depend on to live on?Sea creatures;drink the melted ice.3.Why was it dangerous to wear too many clothes?3.Why was it danger

9、ous to wear too many clothes?The changing temperature could make them ill.4.How did the men stay in good spirits while waiting to be rescued?4.How did the men stay in good spirits while waiting to be rescued?Discipline and team spirit kept them optimism and helped them deal with their fears.They als

10、o celebrated their birthdays,festivals and even the times when they caught a sea animal.5.What were the key reasons for their survival?5.What were the key reasons for their survival?Their optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped them persevere in staying alive.I would have trusted Shackleton as h

11、e was a man of honour and would do all he possibly could to save us.On the isolated island,we melted ice to drink and made fire by burning animal fat.(要点1)Meat of the sea creatures was our only food and I had to vary the meals in any possible ways.(要点2)Besides,we should make sure we should not wear

12、too many or too few.(要点3)Our discipline and team spirit helped us deal with the tough conditions.(要点4)We were left on Elephant IslandThe hard life on Elephant IslandWe were finally rescued(Para.6)Our _and _ in Shackleton paid off.(Para.1)Shackleton left to find help,_ us on the island.(Para.2)Manage

13、d to get _ and make _.(Para.3)Boring _-only sea creatures.(Para.4)Kept inside to avoid catching _.(Para.5)Kept optimistic to deal with _.fresh waterfirecoldfears leavingfoodoptimismfaithRead for StructureRead for Structure Background of the storyBackground of the storyShackleton and five Shackleton

14、and five members left Elephant members left Elephant Island to look for rescueIsland to look for rescue while other crew while other crew members stayed on the members stayed on the islandisland.Problems they facedProblems they facedg ge et drinking t drinking waterwatermade firemade firefinding fin

15、ding food food resist resist illillnessnessgot drinking watergot drinking watermade firemade firefood problemfood problemillnessillnessmelted ice frommelted ice from the oceanthe ocean SolutionSolution use use animal fatanimal fatvaried the mealsvaried the meals of sea animalsof sea animalsnot to go

16、 outsidenot to go outside Things that helpedThings that helpeddiscipline,team spirit,and discipline,team spirit,and celebration of birthdays,celebration of birthdays,festivals,and small festivals,and small achievementsachievements ResultResultthey were finally rescuedthey were finally rescuedWhile-w

17、ritingWhile-writingWiting 1Witing 1How does the author describe Shackleton and his crew members?What kind of relationship did Shackleton have with his crew?What struggles did they face?What were the motives for their actions?What did you like most about the story?1.1.Read the story again and think a

18、bout the following questions.Read the story again and think about the following questions.Make notes with your answers.Make notes with your answers.首段:简介故事中段:引用原文情节,分析人物性格尾段:自己的印象和感受明确体裁话题确定时态人称 布局文章架构 列出核心要点 书评类论文一般过去时为主;第三人称Shackleton无私无畏,有极强的责任感,意志力和亲和力。3.Use your notes and cite examples to expla

19、in what you think 3.Use your notes and cite examples to explain what you think about the characters.about the characters.4.End your essay by talking about how the story made you feel,and 4.End your essay by talking about how the story made you feel,and give your overall impressions of the expedition

20、 and the men who give your overall impressions of the expedition and the men who went on it.Explain why you fell this way.went on it.Explain why you fell this way.2.Begin your essay with a brief summary of the story.Remember to 2.Begin your essay with a brief summary of the story.Remember to include

21、 who,what,where,when,why,and how.include who,what,where,when,why,and how.whowhowhenwhenwherewherehowhowwhatwhatwhywhyChecklist Checklist Does the essay contain the main points in the story?Does the essay contain the main points in the story?Is theIs the essay written in the writers own words?essay w

22、ritten in the writers own words?Does the writer give his/her opinion about the story?Does the writer give his/her opinion about the story?Does the writer present his/her ideas clearly by using linking words Does the writer present his/her ideas clearly by using linking words and phrases?and phrases?

23、对这篇文章进行概要写作时,首先要注意归纳每段的主对这篇文章进行概要写作时,首先要注意归纳每段的主题句和关键词。题句和关键词。Para.1Para.1:简述目前情况简述目前情况;Para.2-4Para.2-4:重点介绍滞留在象岛上等待救援遇到的麻烦重点介绍滞留在象岛上等待救援遇到的麻烦和困境。和困境。Para.5Para.5:讲述永不放弃的精神支撑大家坚持。讲述永不放弃的精神支撑大家坚持。Para.6Para.6:讲述最后获救时大家的心情。讲述最后获救时大家的心情。教你审题:教你审题:概要写作概要写作 Para.1Para.1Shackleton sailed away to get help

24、.And Shackleton sailed away to get help.And we felt so alone and desperate.we felt so alone and desperate.概要写作概要写作 Para.2Para.2Life is regular for staying alive took Life is regular for staying alive took all our time and energy.We are short all our time and energy.We are short of water,food,oil.As

25、a chef,I should of water,food,oil.As a chef,I should try my best to vary the meals.We can try my best to vary the meals.We can go out often because of the freezing go out often because of the freezing condition.condition.概要写作概要写作 Para.3Para.3Our discipline and team spirit kept Our discipline and tea

26、m spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and with our fears in a positive and successful way.successful way.概要写作概要写作 Para.4Para.4Our optimism and faith helped us Our optimism and faith helped us persevere!We felt such relief and per

27、severe!We felt such relief and joy that many of us could not stop joy that many of us could not stop crying,when we were rescued.crying,when we were rescued.Write a summary Write a summary This story is about the 1914-1916 expedition by Ernest Shackleton This story is about the 1914-1916 expedition

28、by Ernest Shackleton to make the first land crossing of Antarctica.For this task he used to make the first land crossing of Antarctica.For this task he used the ship,the ship,EnduranceEndurance,with a 28-man crew,including one stowaway.,with a 28-man crew,including one stowaway.Shackleton is describ

29、ed as calm and brave and takes his crews Shackleton is described as calm and brave and takes his crews safety very seriously.The rest of the crew are also brave,though a safety very seriously.The rest of the crew are also brave,though a few are not very positive,and all were at times understandably

30、few are not very positive,and all were at times understandably worried and desperate about their situation.worried and desperate about their situation.Overall though,they Overall though,they remained positive.This was helped by the good relationship remained positive.This was helped by the good rela

31、tionship Shackleton had with his crew who trusted him and knew he would do Shackleton had with his crew who trusted him and knew he would do his best to save them.his best to save them.The crew faced great troubles once The crew faced great troubles once EnduranceEndurance got stuck in the ice.got s

32、tuck in the ice.Soon they had to abandon the ship and camp on the ice.They had to Soon they had to abandon the ship and camp on the ice.They had to face the extreme weather and cold as well as a dangerous face the extreme weather and cold as well as a dangerous environment and all with limited suppl

33、ies.All of this added to the environment and all with limited supplies.All of this added to the mental challenge,so they had to maintain a positive state of mind.mental challenge,so they had to maintain a positive state of mind.Shackletons motive was always to make sure his crew survived,and Shackle

34、tons motive was always to make sure his crew survived,and theirs was to last until he had found help.theirs was to last until he had found help.What I like most about this story is that although their expedition What I like most about this story is that although their expedition failed in achieving

35、its goal,it was not the disaster it could have been.failed in achieving its goal,it was not the disaster it could have been.This was due to Shackletons perseverance in getting help and the This was due to Shackletons perseverance in getting help and the crews bravery in surviving for so long.My impr

36、ession of them is crews bravery in surviving for so long.My impression of them is very positive as they must have struggled greatly in such a position very positive as they must have struggled greatly in such a position of adversity.I felt very happy when I learnt that the whole crew of adversity.I

37、felt very happy when I learnt that the whole crew survived.survived.Shackleton and his men began his expedition to Antarctica in 1914.However,the ship got stuck in the ice and sank.After more than 700 days of struggle,he and his men returned safely.As they approached Antarctica,their ship,Endurance,

38、got stuck in the ice and they had to abandon it.Shackleton threw away all his gold and took only essential supplies.He did so because he realized clearly that survival was the most important thing and he had to set an example to his men.As there wasnt any chance of being rescued on Elephant Island,S

39、hackleton ventured more than 1,300 kilometers with five of his men to search for help.It was a very tough trip,and no one could imagine the danger ahead of them.This is Shackleton,a considerate and responsible leader with great perseverance.I think of Shackletons expedition to Antarctica as a great

40、one,and he is a great leader with love,responsibility and strong will.Witing 2Witing 2 It was easy for us 1_(imagine)the danger ahead of Shackleton.For us,2_(stay)alive took all our time and energy.There were no trees 3_(grow)on Antarctica and no oil,so we had to burn animal fat.4_ meat of sea creat

41、ures was what we had all,we would all starve if it 5_(be)not for sea animals.The sweat could freeze very 6_(quick)and we had to be careful not to go outside too often.Our discipline and team spirit kept us 7_(optimism)and helped us deal with our fears 8_ a positive and successful way.Our optimism an

42、d faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive.And he paid us back by his 9_(commit)to save us from a slow 10_ painful death.to imagineto imaginestayingstayinggrowinggrowingThough/AlthoughThough/Althoughwerewerequicklyquicklyoptimisticoptimisticin incommitmentcommitmentbutbutPost-writingPost-writingThanksThanks


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