Unit 3 War and peace Words and Expressions (ppt课件) -2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 War and peaceWords and Expressions1.1.violent adj.violent adj._ n._ n.暴力暴力_ _ adv._ adv.激烈地激烈地2.landing n.landing n._ v.(_ v.(使使)着陆;登陆着陆;登陆 n.n.陆地,土地陆地,土地mander mander n._ v._ v.命令;指挥命令;指挥4.objective n./objective n./adj.adj.客观的客观的_ adv._ adv.客观的客观的 _ n._ n.宾语;物体,目标宾语;物体,目标 v.v.反对反对5.horror n.

2、horror n._ adj._ adj.恐怖的;十分讨厌的恐怖的;十分讨厌的_ adv._ adv.可怕地可怕地_ v._ v.恐吓,使厌恶恐吓,使厌恶6.barely adv.barely adv._ adj._ adj.裸露的裸露的;荒芜的荒芜的;最简单的最简单的 v.v.揭开;脱掉(衣服)揭开;脱掉(衣服)7.liberate v.liberate v._ n._ n.解放解放_ _ n._ n.解放者解放者violenceviolenceviolentlyviolentlylandlandcommandcommandobjectivelyobjectivelyobjectobject

3、horriblehorriblehorriblyhorriblyhorrifyhorrifybarebareliberationliberationliberatorliberator8.memorialmemorial adj.adj._ _ v.v.记忆,记住记忆,记住_ _ n.n.记忆记忆_ _ adj.adj.难忘的难忘的9.9.disarm v.disarm v._ n_ n武器武器;手臂手臂v v武器;装备武器;装备_ adj._ adj.持枪的,武装的持枪的,武装的1 10 batant batant n.战斗人员战斗人员_ n_ n战斗战斗11.11.stability n.

4、stability n.稳固,稳定稳固,稳定_ _ v v.稳定;稳定;(使使)稳固稳固_ adj._ adj.稳固的;稳定的稳固的;稳定的_ adv._ adv.稳固地稳固地_ adj._ adj.不稳定的不稳定的;易变的易变的1 12 2.professionalism n.professionalism n._ n_ n职业,行业职业,行业_ adj._ adj.专业的专业的n n.专业人员专业人员memorizememorizememorymemorymemorablememorablearmarmarmedarmedcombatcombatstablestablestablystab

5、lyunstableunstableprofessionalprofessionalprofessionprofessionstabilizestabilize13.13.academacademicic adj.adj.学术的学术的_ _ n._ n.专科院校;研究院专科院校;研究院1 14 4.aggression n.aggression n.侵略;攻击性侵略;攻击性 _ adj._ adj.好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的1 15 5.associated adj.associated adj._ n._ n.协会,社团协会,社团;联合联合;联想联想_ v._ v.联想,联

6、系;交往联想,联系;交往n.n.同事,伙伴同事,伙伴1 16 6.rough adj.rough adj._ adv._ adv.粗鲁地粗鲁地1 17 7.disrupt v.disrupt v.扰乱扰乱_ n._ n.扰乱;使中断扰乱;使中断1 18 8.daunting adj.daunting adj._ v._ v.使胆怯;使气馁使胆怯;使气馁 _ adj._ adj.无所畏惧的,勇敢的无所畏惧的,勇敢的19.19.emerge vemerge v._ n_ n突发事件;紧急情况突发事件;紧急情况academyacademyaggressiveaggressiveassociation

7、associationroughlyroughlyassociateassociatedisruptiondisruptiondauntdauntdauntlessdauntlessemergencyemergency20.invader ninvader n._ v_ v.武力入侵武力入侵,侵略侵略 _ n_ n入侵,侵略入侵,侵略21.depict v.depict v._ n_ n描绘描绘22.misty adj.misty adj._ n_ n.薄雾薄雾;水汽水汽v v.被泪水模糊被泪水模糊23.crowning adj.crowning adj._ n_ n.皇冠;桂冠皇冠;桂冠 v

8、 v.为为加冕;使完美,使圆满加冕;使完美,使圆满24.glory n.glory n._ adj._ adj.值得称道的值得称道的;荣耀的荣耀的;壮丽的壮丽的25.prominent adj.prominent adj._ n_ n.重要重要;突出突出;卓越卓越;出名出名26.dedication ndedication n._ v_ v献身于献身于 _ adj._ adj.献身的;专心致志的献身的;专心致志的 _ n_ n.奉献者奉献者invadeinvadeinvasioninvasiondepictiondepictioncrowncrownmistmistgloriousglorio

9、usprominenceprominencededicatededicatededicateddedicateddedicationdedication27.representative n./representative n./adj.adj.典型的,有代表性的典型的,有代表性的 _ v_ v代表;意味着;描绘代表;意味着;描绘 _ n_ n.表现表现,描绘描绘28.collective adj./n.collective adj./n.集体企业;企业集团集体企业;企业集团 _ v_ v收集,采集;收藏;聚集收集,采集;收藏;聚集 _ n_ n收集物,收藏品;作品集;募集收集物,收藏品;作品

10、集;募集(的钱的钱)29.relevant adj.relevant adj._ n_ n.关联,相关性关联,相关性_ _ adv.adv.相应地相应地;贴切地贴切地representrepresentrepresentationrepresentationcollectioncollectioncollectcollectrelevancerelevancerelevantlyrelevantlyPractice单句语法填空单句语法填空1.We didnt have the proper _(equip),but we managed somehow and finished the wor

11、k on time.2._(equip)with a microphone and a video camera,the robots can teach students as teachers.3.His work experience equipped him _(deal)with all kinds of people.4.All _(violent)should be prevented,and the most effective way of preventing bullying on campus is to call the police and let the prof

12、essionals deal with it.equipmentequipmentEquippedEquippedto dealto dealviolenceviolence5.No agreement _(reach),the representatives wanted another round of talk.6._(occupy)with work,she had no time to attend to her children.7.All the furniture _(polish)so far and we can move it into our new house.8.I

13、 felt lucky to be chosen as a _(代表)of our school and join in the cultural tour to Pompeii and Loulan.9.Ten years later,a paper _(有关的)to this research was published.10.The building from which Mr.Johnson _(出现)was little more than a ruin.reachedreachedOccupiedOccupiedhas been polishedhas been polishedr

14、epresentativerepresentativerelevantrelevantemergedemergedKey phrasesKey phrasesTranslation1.1._大量地大量地2._ _ 在在方面信心十足方面信心十足3.3._全然,简直全然,简直4._ 在耳边回响在耳边回响5._ 在黎明在黎明6._ 成功;到达成功;到达7._ 介于介于之间,在中间之间,在中间8._ 与与会和会和9.9._ 一个整体一个整体in large numbershave full confidence in.nothing less thanring in your earsat dawnm

15、ake itin betweenmeet up witha single unit011 10 0._ _ 镇压起义镇压起义11.11._ _ 寻找,追捕寻找,追捕1 12 2._ 影评影评13.13._ 救援队救援队1 14 4._ 被称为,被视为被称为,被视为 1 15 5._在在期间期间1 16 6._ 做某事的正当理由做某事的正当理由1 17 7._ 遵守遵守(或信守、履行或信守、履行)诺言诺言1 18 8._ 旨在做某事旨在做某事19.19._ 在在中起重要作用中起重要作用put down the uprisingbe afterfilm reviewsthe rescue team

16、be referred to asover the during ofreason to do sth.keep toaim to do sth.play an important role in 0120._ 随时可以投入行动随时可以投入行动,处于待命状态处于待命状态21._ 实施实施22._被被占领占领23._ 照亮照亮24.air attacksair attacks _25.lay the foundation forlay the foundation for_26.hold downhold down _ _27.at war _at war _28.a sense of comm

17、itment a sense of commitment _ _on standbycarry outbe occupied bylight up空袭空袭为为打下基础打下基础控制,固定控制,固定处于交战状态处于交战状态使命感使命感Practice选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空light upin honour oflay the foundation forserve asbe occupied byhave a talent for1.Guns were blazing,flares going up and the sky was _ all around

18、.2.The two leaders have _ a new era in cooperation between their countries.3.Washington,a state of the United States,was named _ one of the greatest American presidents.4.She learned sign language when she _ a volunteer in the special school.lit uplit uplaid the foundation forlaid the foundation for

19、in honour ofin honour ofserved asserved asPractice选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空play an important role inon standbyreceive praise forat the beginning of carryout1.Some universities require individuals to choose a major _ their studies.2.Last month this company _ psychological research on survivors

20、 experiences in the war.3.China _ promoting Asian culture,as does Italy in promoting Western culture.at the beginning of at the beginning of carried outcarried outplays an important role inplays an important role in4.She was the oldest person to have won the award.And she had _ her great performance

21、s.5.Soldiers,sailors and airmen are kept _ to help other government departments with their planning for COVID-19.received praise for received praise for on standbyon standbyplay an important role inon standbyreceive praise forat the beginning of carryout4.Eventually your child will leave home to lea

22、d his own life,but _ he will always rely on your emotional support.5.Students are provided with breakfast,dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch which _ a sandwich,a drink and a dessert.in the meantimein the meantimeconsists ofconsists ofon behalf ofin returnresult incoexist witha variety ofTran

23、slation完成句子完成句子1.我多么希望我能够进行太空旅行,近距离地看看星星。_2.过去我有过一些好主意,但这项发明绝对是我最大的荣耀。_3.Although she didnt mention any names,everyone knew who she was referring to._How I wish I could make a journey into space How I wish I could make a journey into space and see the stars up close.and see the stars up close.Ive ha

24、d some good ideas in the past,but this Ive had some good ideas in the past,but this invention is definitely my crowning glory.invention is definitely my crowning glory.虽然她没有提到任何名字,但每个人都知道她指的是谁。虽然她没有提到任何名字,但每个人都知道她指的是谁。4.这个地区很快被外国军队占领了。这个地区很快被外国军队占领了。_5.Many cities worldwide lit up their landmarks as

25、 Many cities worldwide lit up their landmarks as the clocks struck midnight,January 1.the clocks struck midnight,January 1._6.你不能指望继续逃避你的职责而不被人发现。你不能指望继续逃避你的职责而不被人发现。_The region was quickly occupied by The region was quickly occupied by foreign troops.foreign troops.当当1 1月月1 1日午夜时钟敲响时,全球许多城市点亮了日午夜时钟敲响时,全球许多城市点亮了各自的标志性建筑。各自的标志性建筑。You cant expect to continue shirking your You cant expect to continue shirking your duty without someone noticing.duty without someone noticing.Thank you!


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