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1、Book 4 Unit FourThat elementary school offered many opportunities to its pupils to display their creativity.creativity(n.)(title)(=creativeness)the ability to produce new and original ideas and things;imagination and inventiveness 创造力创造力,创造创造那位舞蹈演员在舞台上的那位舞蹈演员在舞台上的创造力创造力相当地惊人。相当地惊人。That dancers creat

2、ivity on the stage is rather amazing.动词形式:动词形式:createv.to cause(something new)to exist;produce(something new)创造创造,创作创作,引起引起,造成造成That project will _ for the local people.create hundreds of job created many different kinds of 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。opportunitiescharacters creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的;独创的有创造力的;创

3、造性的;独创的creation n.1)创造;建立创造;建立 2)作品;创造物作品;创造物构词法构词法-ity 是一个名词后缀,表示是一个名词后缀,表示“状态,性质,程度状态,性质,程度”等等。如:。如:complexity extremityfamiliarityhumanitypopularity reality generality practically(adv.)(Line 4,Para.2)1)almost;nearly 几乎,简直几乎,简直本赛季的本赛季的NBA快要快要结束了。结束了。几乎几乎所有成龙主演的电影都和中国功夫有关。所有成龙主演的电影都和中国功夫有关。all the

4、movies starring Jackie Chan(Cheng Long)are closely related to Chinese kungfu.2)relating to experience,reality or action rather than ideas or imagination 实际上实际上在许多人心目中,上海在许多人心目中,上海实际上实际上已经成了东亚地区的金已经成了东亚地区的金融与文化中心。融与文化中心。In many peoples mind,the city of Shanghai has practically become the center of fi

5、nance and culture of East Asia.实际上实际上大多数的中国节日都要比西方的节日更具有文大多数的中国节日都要比西方的节日更具有文化魅力。化魅力。Practically most Chinese festivals are more culturally attractive than the western ones.形容词形式:形容词形式:practical 实际的实际的,实践的实践的,实用的实用的,应用的应用的,有实际经验的有实际经验的strategy(Line 11,Para.3)n.1)the art of planning in advance the mo

6、vements of armies or forces in war 战略;战略学战略;战略学_ are different concepts.Strategy and tactics Masters of strategy 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。2)a particular plan for gaining success in a particular activity,e.g.in a war,a game,or a competition,or for personal advantage 策略;计谋策略;计谋请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Adopting appr

7、opriate _ eventually turned that company round.采用合适的采用合适的营销策略营销策略最终使那家公司扭亏为盈。最终使那家公司扭亏为盈。It is necessary for us to _ to deal with the current situation.我们有必要我们有必要制定策略制定策略来应对当下的局势。来应对当下的局势。work out a strategy marketing strategies function(Line 14,Para.3)v.(esp.of a thing)to be in action;work;operate

8、活动活动,运行运行,行使职责行使职责这台电脑这台电脑坏了坏了/有点儿毛病有点儿毛病。This cell phone can also function as an Mp3 player.这款手机这款手机还有还有MP3 的功能的功能。n.a natural or usual duty(of a person)or purpose(of a thing)职责,职能;功能;作用职责,职能;功能;作用请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Downloading games from the Internet is one of the _ of that electronic dictionary.从网

9、上下载游戏是那款电子字典的从网上下载游戏是那款电子字典的主要主要功能功能之一。之一。_ is to lead his team to get victory of various matches.教练的职责教练的职责是带领球队去取得各种比赛的胜利。是带领球队去取得各种比赛的胜利。The function of a coach key functions 相关词语:相关词语:functional adj.功能的功能的reach beyond(Line 15,Para.4)The microphone is beyond my reach.Would you please pass it to m

10、e?The medicine should be kept beyond the reach of children.beyond prep.(表示范围,限度表示范围,限度)超出超出beyond及其相关短语如:及其相关短语如:beyond ones reach=beyond the reach of somebody在某人伸手够不着的地方在某人伸手够不着的地方类似短语包括:类似短语包括:beyond ones target 超过了指标超过了指标;beyond ones power/ability是某人力所不能及的,是某人力所不能及的,beyond the range of 超出了范围或射程超出

11、了范围或射程很多村庄的粮食产量都很多村庄的粮食产量都超过了指标超过了指标。Many villages have gone beyond their targets for grain production.我很遗憾的告诉你我很遗憾的告诉你我没有我没有释放他的释放他的权利权利。Im sorry to tell you that to set him free is beyond my power.相关反义短语:相关反义短语:within ones reach 可够得到的;可够得到的;within ones power是某人力所能及的;是某人力所能及的;within the range of 在范

12、围或射程之内在范围或射程之内approach(v.)(Line 16,Para.4)1)to begin to consider or deal with 开始考虑;开始着手;动手处理开始考虑;开始着手;动手处理 处理处理这个问题主要有三种方法。这个问题主要有三种方法。他他开始认真地考虑开始认真地考虑律师的建议。律师的建议。2)to come near or nearer(to)in space,time,quality,or quantity 接近;走近;靠近接近;走近;靠近请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。圣诞到来之际圣诞到来之际,每个人都忙着给亲友,每个人都忙着给亲友准备礼物。准备礼物

13、。_,everyone is busy preparing gifts for their friends and relatives.那个勇敢的士兵那个勇敢的士兵悄悄地靠近了敌人的营房悄悄地靠近了敌人的营房。That brave soldier _.approached the enemys campWhen Christmas is approachingapproach(line 32,Para.7)n.1)a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方法方法,步骤步骤n.2)the act of approaching 走

14、近;靠近走近;靠近请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。It is unbelievable that such a young doctor presented _.那样一位年轻的医生提出了那样一位年轻的医生提出了一种治疗癌症的新方一种治疗癌症的新方法法,这真让人难以置信。,这真让人难以置信。a new approach to cancer treatment我们建议冲突应该用我们建议冲突应该用外交途径外交途径解决。解决。We suggest the conflicts be settled by _.diplomaticapproachespromote(v.)(Line 21,Para.6

15、)1)to help in the growth or development of 促进;发扬;宣传促进;发扬;宣传请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。一位好的老板应该知道一位好的老板应该知道如何在员工中间发扬团队精神如何在员工中间发扬团队精神。A good boss should know _.how to promote team spirit among his employees它们正在花巨资它们正在花巨资为他们的新产品做宣传促销为他们的新产品做宣传促销。onpromoting their new products2)to give(someone)a higher position

16、 or rank 晋升;提拔晋升;提拔请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。That young army officer _ because of his bravery on the battlefield.由于在战场上表现英勇,那位年轻的军官由于在战场上表现英勇,那位年轻的军官被提升为被提升为陆军上尉陆军上尉(captain)。was promoted to(the rank After that win,our team _.在那场胜利之后,我们的球队在那场胜利之后,我们的球队终于晋升为中国足球终于晋升为中国足球超级联赛的球队超级联赛的球队。was eventually promoted

17、to the Chinese Football Super Leagueof)captain 3)to help actively in forming or arranging (a business,concert,play,etc.)积极筹划积极筹划请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Lenovo Group _between Chinese national team and Manchester United from England.联想集团正在联想集团正在筹划一场筹划一场英格兰曼联队和中国国家队的英格兰曼联队和中国国家队的足球友谊赛足球友谊赛。is promoting a fri

18、endly soccer match _ needs the financial support of the local enterprises.筹办这样一场大型的演唱会筹办这样一场大型的演唱会需要当地企业的资金支需要当地企业的资金支持。持。To promote such a grand singing concert sacrifice(Line 23,Para.6)v.to lose or give up sth useful or important,esp.for good purpose or to gain a desirable result 牺牲;献身牺牲;献身请完成下面的句

19、子。请完成下面的句子。It is the factorys decision to _ for the sake of long-term growth.工厂决定为了长远的发展工厂决定为了长远的发展而牺牲短期的利润而牺牲短期的利润。sacrifice short-term She _ for the preparation of the upcoming TOEFL exam.她她已经把自己的大部分业余时间已经把自己的大部分业余时间用来准备即将到用来准备即将到来的托福考试。来的托福考试。has sacrificed most of her leisure time 常用结构:常用结构:sacr

20、ificefor 为为牺牲牺牲 profits n.(a)loss or giving up of something of value,esp.for what is believed to be a good purpose 牺牲,献身牺牲,献身请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Chinese table tennis team _ to continue their routine training.中国乒乓球队中国乒乓球队放弃春节假日放弃春节假日继续日常训练。继续日常训练。gave up the spring festival The twins parents _ topay fo

21、r their education.那对双胞胎的父母为供他们上学而那对双胞胎的父母为供他们上学而做出了巨大的做出了巨大的牺牲牺牲。made great sacrifices 常用结构:常用结构:make a sacrifice for/to do为为做做 出牺牲出牺牲;give upas a sacrifice 牺牲牺牲 holiday as a sacrificemultiplication(n.)(Line 28,Para.6)n.the process of adding a number to itself a particular number of times 乘法运算乘法运算二三

22、得六就是二三得六就是乘法乘法的一个简单的例子。的一个简单的例子。My neighbors son could recite the multiplication tables at the age of three.我的邻居的孩子三岁就能我的邻居的孩子三岁就能背背乘法表乘法表。动词形式:动词形式:multiplyv.1)to combine by multiplication 乘乘multiplied三三乘乘九等于二十七。九等于二十七。to multiply five by three以以三三乘乘五五v.2)to greatly increase in number or amount (大量

23、地大量地)增加增加multiplied美国的军费开支在过去五年中美国的军费开支在过去五年中有大量的增加有大量的增加。Self-confidence could multiply ones chances of success.自信可以自信可以增加增加一个人成功的机会。一个人成功的机会。automatically(adv.)(Line 61,Para.10)self-movingly;able to work or be worked without attention 自动地;机械地自动地;机械地 形容词形式:形容词形式:automatic1)(esp.of a machine)able to

24、 work or move by itself without operation by a person 自动的;自动化的自动的;自动化的那台机器配有那台机器配有自动自动温控系统。温控系统。自动自动步枪要比普通步枪威力大。步枪要比普通步枪威力大。自动自动洗衣机洗衣机自动自动变速器(机动车辆的自动换档系统)变速器(机动车辆的自动换档系统)2)done without conscious thought,esp.as a habit 习惯性的;不经思考的;机械的习惯性的;不经思考的;机械的因为我无法控制我自己,所以我因为我无法控制我自己,所以我不假思索地不假思索地告诉了告诉了她我们分开后发生的一

25、切。她我们分开后发生的一切。Avoiding making some automatic mistakes in routine jobs is not an easy thing.在日常工作中避免一些在日常工作中避免一些习惯性的习惯性的错误并不容易。错误并不容易。相关词语:相关词语:automate v.使自动化使自动化,自动操作自动操作automation n.自动控制自动控制,自动操作自动操作由于由于工业自动化工业自动化,很多人失去了他们的工作。,很多人失去了他们的工作。There is still a long way to go to realize agricultural aut

26、omation in our country.在我国实现在我国实现农业机械化农业机械化还有很长的路还有很长的路要走。要走。Creativity is a key to a bright future.Creativitys benefits reach beyond music and art.thinking and developing new ideas具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。创造性的裨益不仅限于音乐和艺术领域。创造性的裨益不仅限于音乐和艺术领域。动脑筋搞创新动脑筋搞创新Creativity is not something one is just

27、 born with.创造性并非与生俱来。创造性并非与生俱来。multiplication tables;story problems in math.workable ideas乘法表;数学中的应用题乘法表;数学中的应用题切实可行的想法切实可行的想法to understand the consequences of various decisions了解不同决策带来的各种后果了解不同决策带来的各种后果By nature,humor crosses conventional boundaries and break patterns.从本质上看,幽默通常跨越常规界限,打破固有从本质上看,幽默通常跨越常规界限,打破固有模式。模式。


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