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1、Unit TwoTask 1:The effect of wordsTask 2:The power of wordsTask 3:Words of encouragementTask 4:Writing notesTask 5:The power of your wordsIn-Class ReadingThe author felt greatly inspired,for he was just a teenager and Dons good words gave him both confidence and encouragement.Yes,its quite necessary

2、,because such notes bring warmth and reassurance to those who need encouragement in a world too often cold and full of competition.Besides,we all need a boost from time to time,and a few lines of praise can even change life.We only need to be willing to express our appreciation.In other words,we sho

3、uld be sincere when writing notes and letters that lift spirits and warm hearts.The words should often be short,specific and spontaneous.Introduction(Para.1-4)Body(Para.5-18)Conclusion(Para.19)Because I was a teenager(being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch),his words couldnt have been

4、more inspiring.“could 的否定式的否定式+形容词或副词的比较级形容词或副词的比较级”起起强调作用。利用否定结构进行强调是英语中经常强调作用。利用否定结构进行强调是英语中经常使用的修辞手段。使用的修辞手段。“His words couldnt have been more inspiring”means“his words were very inspiring”。I couldnt be happier.(=I am very happy indeed and cannot imagine being happier than I am now.)I couldnt hav

5、e been happier.(=I was very happy indeed.)我我非常非常同意你的意见!同意你的意见!I couldnt agree with you more.他他最喜欢的最喜欢的就是和男孩子就是和男孩子们一起去钓鱼。们一起去钓鱼。He enjoys nothing better than to go fishing with the boys.这儿发送电子邮件这儿发送电子邮件很方便很方便。当她女儿当她女儿失去失去 时,她时,她非常伤心非常伤心。当时我只是一个十几岁的小伙子(为专栏写一当时我只是一个十几岁的小伙子(为专栏写一英寸文字总计得稿酬英寸文字总计得稿酬1515美

6、分),因此他的话美分),因此他的话非非常令人鼓舞常令人鼓舞。Because I was a teenager(being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch),his words couldnt have been more inspiring.doubt v.1.怀疑,不信;怀疑,不信;2.拿不准,认拿不准,认为为未必可能未必可能在否定句中在否定句中,doubt之后接之后接that从句;在肯定从句;在肯定句中,句中,doubt 之之后一般接后一般接if/whether 从句。当从句。当doubt 表示表示“认为认为未必可能未必可能”这

7、一意义时后这一意义时后面接面接 that 从句。从句。“doubt”在本句中意为在本句中意为“认认为为未必可能未必可能”。例如:例如:1.I doubt that John will come.依我看,约翰恐怕不会来。依我看,约翰恐怕不会来。2.I doubt that she was invited.我看她未必受到了邀请。我看她未必受到了邀请。他们非常他们非常怀疑怀疑这封信是否存这封信是否存在过。在过。They seriously doubted whether the letter had ever existed.我开始对能否避开警察我开始对能否避开警察产生产生重大重大怀疑怀疑。I be

8、gan to seriously doubt that it would be possible to elude the police.我我肯定肯定他会来的。他会来的。doubt请用适当的连词填空。请用适当的连词填空。I doubt strongly _ we will make a profit of it.我很怀疑我们我很怀疑我们能否能否从中获利。从中获利。if/whether每当我每当我感觉感觉自己自己没有没有作家应有的素质作家应有的素质时时,我就,我就会再次阅读会再次阅读DonDon给我的便条,这会使我再次自信给我的便条,这会使我再次自信起来。起来。句子的主语为:句子的主语为:;谓语

9、部分是谓语部分是引导的非限定性定语从句引导的非限定性定语从句补充说明补充说明,其中,其中的定语是由的定语是由引导的从句。引导的从句。affected adj.(贬贬)假装的,做作的:假装的,做作的:an affected smile假笑假笑affected indifference 装出一副漠不关心的样子装出一副漠不关心的样子to be characterized as相当于相当于to be described as;having.as their main characters意为意为“具有某种特征具有某种特征”。重视考试重视考试是是那里教育制度的那里教育制度的特点特点。长颈鹿长颈鹿以以其长


11、于。就就对方的实力对方的实力而论而论,我们能进两,我们能进两个球就很不错了。个球就很不错了。Considering the strength of the opposition,we did very well to score two goals.他学得很少,他学得很少,就此而言就此而言,他考得不错了。,他考得不错了。He did very well in his exams considering that he had studied so little.考虑到考虑到他最近所遇到的问题,几乎无法期望他能在他最近所遇到的问题,几乎无法期望他能在这场比赛中获胜。这场比赛中获胜。Conside

12、ring鉴于鉴于圣诞节的氛围,就一圣诞节的氛围,就一年来所取得的成功与得到年来所取得的成功与得到的好运特意表示谢忱似乎的好运特意表示谢忱似乎是最恰到好处的。是最恰到好处的。intrigue(v.)(Line2,Para1)1)interest someone;make someone curious 激起激起的兴趣或好奇心,迷住的兴趣或好奇心,迷住约翰逊先生在中东的传奇经历约翰逊先生在中东的传奇经历引起了他的朋友的兴趣引起了他的朋友的兴趣。Hes always been intrigued by legendary stories.他对他对传奇故事传奇故事一向很感兴趣一向很感兴趣。2)make

13、 and carry out secret plans or plots(阴谋;诡计阴谋;诡计)耍阴谋;使诡计耍阴谋;使诡计 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。_ is very common among those criminals.彼此之间阴谋陷害彼此之间阴谋陷害在那些罪犯中间非常普遍。在那些罪犯中间非常普遍。_ against the head of that village.他正与自己的追随者他正与自己的追随者密谋来对付那个村落的首领。密谋来对付那个村落的首领。He was intriguing with his followers Intriguing against each

14、other inspiring(adj.)(Line 7,Para.2)making one feel enthusiastic or excited about something 激励或鼓舞人心的激励或鼓舞人心的 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Brazilian Ronaldinho is _.巴西人罗纳尔迪尼奥是一位巴西人罗纳尔迪尼奥是一位有着天赋和激情的足有着天赋和激情的足球运动员球运动员。Ding Junhui is _ to young Chinese snooker players.对于年轻的中国斯诺克台球运动员来说,丁俊晖就对于年轻的中国斯诺克台球运动员来说,丁俊晖就是是

15、一个鼓舞人心的榜样一个鼓舞人心的榜样。an inspiring example a talented and inspiring football star动词形式:动词形式:inspire(v.)put uplifting thoughts,feelings,or aims into 激励;鼓励激励;鼓励母亲的话母亲的话让他信心倍增让他信心倍增。名词形式:名词形式:inspiration 1)person or thing that inspires 激励或鼓励的人或物激励或鼓励的人或物她的母亲她的母亲经常鼓励经常鼓励她。她。名词形式:名词形式:inspiration 2)influence

16、(s)arousing creative activity in literature,music,art,etc.灵感灵感很多画家容易从自然界得到很多画家容易从自然界得到灵感灵感。课文中出现的其他的同义表达课文中出现的其他的同义表达:spirit-lifting(line 15,Para.4)adj.inspiring 鼓舞鼓舞uplifting(line 17,Para.5)鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的upbeat(line 21,Para.6)adj.optimistic;cheerful 乐观的;欢乐的乐观的;欢乐的make a habit of(Line 10,Para.3)form,dev

17、elop the habit of 形成形成/养成养成的习惯的习惯他哥哥他哥哥没有没有在网上和陌生人聊在网上和陌生人聊天天的习惯的习惯。College students are supposed to make a habit of arranging the expenses reasonably.大学生们应该大学生们应该养成养成合理安排开支的合理安排开支的习惯习惯。fall/get into the habit of;be in the habit of/have a(the)habit of 养成某种癖好养成某种癖好/习惯习惯get out of thehabit of doing st

18、h.改掉做改掉做的习惯的习惯do sth.by/out of 出于习惯,潜意识地出于习惯,潜意识地attach importance to (Line 25,Para.7)believe that something is important 认为认为重要;重视重要;重视学生应该把学习学生应该把学习放在第一位放在第一位。请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。很多偏远村庄已经很多偏远村庄已经把发展地方经济放在了第一位把发展地方经济放在了第一位。Many remote villages have already _.Many scholars point out that entertainers

19、should also _.很多学者指出演艺人士也应该很多学者指出演艺人士也应该重视自身教育重视自身教育。attach importance to the their educationattached primary importance to the development of thelocal economyvirtually(adv.)(Line 30,Para.8)almost;in every important aspect 几乎;差不多几乎;差不多;实际上;事实上实际上;事实上让他不抽烟让他不抽烟几乎几乎是不可能的。是不可能的。Virtually all the actors

20、 in that movie have once cooperated with famous director Chen Kaige.那部电影中那部电影中几乎几乎所有的演员都曾和著名导演陈凯歌所有的演员都曾和著名导演陈凯歌合作过。合作过。他的书他的书差不多差不多已经写完了。已经写完了。超级女生超级女生几乎几乎已经成了人们心中的超级明星。已经成了人们心中的超级明星。形容词形式:形容词形式:virtual事实上的,实际上的,事实上的,实际上的,世界各国政府世界各国政府几乎几乎没有做什么工作去对付核事故没有做什么工作去对付核事故危险。危险。答案应为答案应为C)virtually 几乎,差不多;几乎

21、,差不多;vitally 生死攸关生死攸关地,极其重要地;地,极其重要地;identically 相同地;相同地;inherently 天生天生地,固有地地,固有地Ccharacterize(v.)(Line 36,Para.9)(BrE characterise)(formal)describe someone or something as把某人(某事)的特把某人(某事)的特 点描述成或刻画成点描述成或刻画成请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。The novelist _ romantic,sentimental and passionate.这位小说家这位小说家把女主人公刻画成把女主人公

22、刻画成一位浪漫、多愁善感一位浪漫、多愁善感而又多情的人。而又多情的人。World champion Zhang Yining _the successor of table tennis queen Wang Nan.世界冠军张怡宁世界冠军张怡宁被称为是被称为是乒乓球女皇王楠的接班人。乒乓球女皇王楠的接班人。is characterized as characterizes his heroine as character n.(事物的事物的)特性,特性,性质,特征性质,特征(的总和的总和);();(人的人的)品品 质,性格,特征,人物;字符质,性格,特征,人物;字符characteristi

23、c adj.特有的,表示特征的,典型的特有的,表示特征的,典型的 n.特性,特征特性,特征credit(vt.)(Line 38,Para.9)1)to accept that(someone)has(a quality)or is responsible for(an action);give credit to把把归于归于;认为认为有(某种优点或成就等)。有(某种优点或成就等)。常用结构为常用结构为be credited with/for doing sth.He is credited with having saved the company from bankruptcy.Volle

24、yball coach Chen Zhonghe is largely credited for directing the Chinese womens national team to win the gold medal of the 2004 Olympic Games.中国女排夺得中国女排夺得0404年奥运会冠军在年奥运会冠军在很大程度上很大程度上是教练陈忠和的功劳是教练陈忠和的功劳。v.t.2)believe;have or put trust in 相信;信赖相信;信赖 3)to put an amount of money in an account 把(钱)存入(帐户)把(钱

25、)存入(帐户)Do you really credit the governments statement?Please credit 1000 dollars to my account.n.1)相信;信托;信用(制度)相信;信托;信用(制度)e.g.credit card 信用卡信用卡 2)信用;信誉信用;信誉 e.g.credit loan 信用借贷信用借贷 3)学分学分turn(a)round(Line 38,Para.9)1)improve after failure;change for the better使使向好的方向发展向好的方向发展请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Im

26、sure that he is able to _within two years.我确信他有能力在两年内我确信他有能力在两年内让那家公司扭亏为盈让那家公司扭亏为盈。turn the company round _ needs the common efforts of the international community.扭转伊拉克的国内安全局面扭转伊拉克的国内安全局面需要国际社会的共同努需要国际社会的共同努力。力。Turning Iraqi national security around 2)(cause to)face about;turn about 使(回头);向后转使(回头);

27、向后转她她转过身转过身挥手道别。挥手道别。他们跑得太远了,所以不得不他们跑得太远了,所以不得不调转车头调转车头回到最后面回到最后面的那幢房子。的那幢房子。Theyve come on so far that they have to turn the car round and go back to the last house.spontaneous(adj.)(Line 61,Para.15)happening naturally without outside influence or force 自发的;自发的;自然产生的自然产生的Our company made a spontane

28、ous offer of help.派生词:派生词:spontaneously(adv.)acknowledge(vt.)(Line 71,Para.17)1)express thanks for 表示感谢表示感谢We must not fail to acknowledge his financial support to our project.That old man wished to acknowledge the assistance offered by your family.2)agree or admit the truth of;confess 承认;供认承认;供认他拒绝

29、他拒绝承认承认失败。失败。必须承认必须承认韩剧越来越受到中国年轻人的欢迎。韩剧越来越受到中国年轻人的欢迎。It is acknowledged that the South Korean TV series are becoming more and more popular among Chinese youngsters.名词形式:名词形式:acknowledgement act of acknowledging 答谢;承认答谢;承认The flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness.我们送上少量的钱我们送上少量的钱

30、来表达来表达对您无私帮助的对您无私帮助的谢意谢意。We are sending you a small amount of money in acknowledgement of your selfless help.Keep up the good work.The paper was flooded with calls and letters from people.Not surprisingly,he had a body of friends as big as Lake Erie.再接再厉。再接再厉。人们打来的电话与寄来的悼函像潮水般涌向报社。人们打来的电话与寄来的悼函像潮水般涌

31、向报社。难怪他的朋友圈子像伊利湖那么大。难怪他的朋友圈子像伊利湖那么大。The drawback with phone calls is that they dont last.打电话的缺点是说过的话留不住。打电话的缺点是说过的话留不住。Our words can be read more than once,savored and treasured.Who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval?我们写下的文字可以反复阅读,细细品味并珍藏我们写下的文字可以反复阅读,细细品味并珍藏起来。起来。你周围有谁值得你写便条你周围有谁值得你写便

32、条表示感谢或鼓励呢?表示感谢或鼓励呢?If you need a reason,look for a milestone,the anniversary or a special event you shared,or a birthday or holiday.如果你需要一个理由,就找如果你需要一个理由,就找一个有重要意义的日子,例一个有重要意义的日子,例如你们共同经历的某个特殊如你们共同经历的某个特殊事件的周年纪念,生日或者事件的周年纪念,生日或者节日。节日。Be generous with your praise.不要吝啬你的赞美之言。不要吝啬你的赞美之言。处理英语长句的翻译技巧处理英语

33、长句的翻译技巧(一)顺译分段法(一)顺译分段法 顺译分段法,故名思义,即基本顺译分段法,故名思义,即基本上按照英语句子的语序把英语长句化上按照英语句子的语序把英语长句化整为零。根据对原文分析的结果,在整为零。根据对原文分析的结果,在语句的连接处,如关联词语处,并列语句的连接处,如关联词语处,并列或转折处,后续成份与主体连接处等或转折处,后续成份与主体连接处等地方,按意群将长句断开后译成若干地方,按意群将长句断开后译成若干汉语分句。汉语分句。In reading,we appear to enter into a world of imagination,a few people seek re

34、fuge from reality in this and always prefer it to the world of everyday,but they are missing the full significance if they do so.读书时,我们进入了一个读书时,我们进入了一个想象的世界,一些人在那个世想象的世界,一些人在那个世界中寻求现实的避难所,并总界中寻求现实的避难所,并总以为那个世界比现实世界好,以为那个世界比现实世界好,但是,他们如果这样做的话,但是,他们如果这样做的话,就失去了读书的全部意义。就失去了读书的全部意义。The electronic notebo

35、ok will serve as memo files in which the scientist records thoughts for preservation,descriptions of experiments,drafts of reports,quotations and other materials extracted from other electronic files,and other types of information that would now be put in paper notebooks and other types of paper fil

36、es.电子笔记本可以作为具有备忘录性质的文件存储器,科学家电子笔记本可以作为具有备忘录性质的文件存储器,科学家可在其中记录下想要保存的想法、实验的描述、报告的初稿、从可在其中记录下想要保存的想法、实验的描述、报告的初稿、从别的电子文件存储器中摘取的引文和其他资料,还可录入目前记别的电子文件存储器中摘取的引文和其他资料,还可录入目前记载在纸质记录本或者以其他纸质文档形式存贮的任何其他类型信载在纸质记录本或者以其他纸质文档形式存贮的任何其他类型信息。息。We sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your colle

37、ctive effort to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has challenged the United Nations for so many years.我们诚恳地希望,你们在表示祝贺之后,能采取与之呼应我们诚恳地希望,你们在表示祝贺之后,能采取与之呼应的共同行动,以寻求一个公正合理又切实可行的方案,来解决的共同行动,以寻求一个公正合理又切实可行的方案,来解决这个多年来一直困扰着联合国的难题。这个多年来一直困扰着联合国的难题。The global economy that boomed in the

38、1960s,growing at an average of 5.5 percent a year,and pushed ahead at a 4.5 percent-a-year rate in the mid-1970s,simply stopped growing from 1981 to 1982.世界经济在世界经济在60年代迅速繁荣,以年均年代迅速繁荣,以年均5.5%的速度增长;到的速度增长;到了了70年代中期仍以年均年代中期仍以年均4.5%的速度向前推进;但是从的速度向前推进;但是从1981年到年到1982年增长就完全停滞。年增长就完全停滞。写作实践写作实践例文例文:Is Call

39、ing Better than Writing?相关链接相关链接Writing Activities Directions:Write a composition on the topic Is Calling Better than Writing?In your composition,you should use at least six words or phrases from the box below.inspiring confident comment treasure unconsciously expressivepick up appropriate reflectio

40、nWriting ActivitiesIs Calling Better than Writing?In this era of“phone”-net,the telephone becomes so popular that it is indispensable in our daily life.Compared with writing letters,making telephone calls is much faster,so they are more appropriate and efficient when we need an immediate reply or in

41、 case of emergency.They also enable us to hear voices,which gives us a more natural and“interactive”feeling.It is so easy just to pick up the phone and call,whereas writing is more time-consuming and energy-consuming.Writing Activities However,as a conventional(传统的,常规的)means of communication,writing

42、 letters is still widely used in such formal cases as recommendation,business,and the like.The words in the letters are written after thinking,while calls are not,because sometimes our tongues may go ahead of our brains unconsciously.When we write letters,we have enough time to think about how to ex

43、press our ideas,so we try to avoid saying something that we may regret,or we avoid making a comment that is misunderstood or that hurts others.For some cases,such as love letters,writing is more romantic.Rereading letters from friends is like rediscovering hidden treasures.Many letters are inspiring

44、 sources of excitement and reflection.Words on a page seem more expressive.And sometimes we feel more confident writing our feelings than conveying them over the phone.Writing Activities Therefore,it is very difficult to say which is better.Every means of communication has its advantages and disadva

45、ntages.The only thing we can do is make a wise choice between calling and writing,according to the situation.Writing ActivitiesI.TOEFL作文题目作文题目 Directions:You will have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic given below.Use the first few minutes to read the topic carefully and think a

46、bout what kind of essay you will write.You may use the space immediately below the essay topic to make notes.Write your essay on the lined pages that follow.You will have enough space if you write on every line and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size.Some people like to communicate by telepho

47、ne;other people like to communicate by letter.Which do you prefer to communicate-by phone or by letter?Use specific and sound details to explain your answer.Writing ActivitiesII.IELTS作文题目作文题目 You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task.The telephone plays an important role in modern life.T

48、heres no doubt that it has improved the quality of our lives in many ways.In other ways,however,it has had a negative effect on our lives.Discuss both the positive and negative effects of the telephone on modern life.Support your ideas with reasons and examples.You should write at least 250 words.Yo

49、u should use your own ideas,knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Writing ActivitiesIII.GRE作文题目作文题目 The following appeared in the editorial section of a news magazine.“Some states are creating new laws that restrict the use of handheld cell phones by

50、drivers of automobiles.Such legislation,however,is sheer folly.Although some people with cell phones undoubtedly cause problems on the road,including serious accidents,the majority do not.Besides,problems are also caused by drivers who are distracted by any number of other activities,from listening


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