-人教新目标版八年级下册《英语》Unit 9晨读及听写.rar

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  • 2023新人教版八年级下册《英语》Unit 9晨读及听写
    • Unit 9 A晨读听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 B晨读听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 review听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 晨读本.docx--点击预览


Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _Section A重点单词重点单词写出下列单词。(每空 1 分,共 21 分)1.娱乐;游戏 n_2.在某处;到某处 adv_3.照相机;摄影机;摄像机 n_4.发明;发明物 n_5.发明;创造 v_6.难以置信的;不真实的 adj_7.进步;进展 v n_8.迅速的;快速的 adj_9.特别的;不寻常的 adj_10.坐便器;厕所;n_11.鼓励 v_12.社会的 adj_13.和平的;安宁的 adj_14.表演;演出 n_15.完美的,理想的,完全的 adj._16.它自己 pron._ _17.收集;采集 v_18.德国的,德语的;德国人的 adj 德语;德国人 n _19.主题 n_20.供乘骑的娱乐设施;短途旅程 n_21.省份 n_朗读下列单词变形。(每空 1 分,共 24 分)1.amuse(动词)_(名词)2.invent(动词)_/_(名词)3.believe(动 词)_(形 容词)_(形容词的反义词)4.usual(形容词)_(副词)_(反义词)5.encouragement(名词)_(动词)6.social(形容词)_ (副词)_(名词)7.perform(动词)_/_(名词)8.it(主格/宾格)_(反身代词)_(形容词性物主代词/名词性物主代词)9.collect(动词)_/_(名词)10.German(形容词/名词)_ 德国人(复数)_(名词)11.peace(名词)_(形容词)-_(对应词)12.rapid_(对应词)_ /_(同义词)_(副词)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语。(每空 2 分,共 30 分)1.茶艺 _2.两个;一对;几个 _3.了解 _=_4.导致 _=_5.在山中宿营 _6.搭帐篷 _7.有关于的信息 _8.进步如此迅速 _9.的历史和发展 _10.鼓励某人做某事 _11.在将来 _12.茶艺表演 _13.乘船旅行几天 _重点句型重点句型完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 25 分)1.咱们今天去不同的地方吧。Lets _ _ _ today.2.我了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。I _ _ the inventions that _ _ color movies.3.我们搭起帐蓬并在外面做饭。We _ _ a tent and _ _.4.科技发展如此迅速,真是难以置信!Its _ that technology has _ in _ a _ way!5.看沏茶的过程和喝茶本身一样令人愉快。_ the tea _ is just _ _ as _ the tea _.6.哦,我已经去过那儿几次了Well,Ive _ _ there _ _ of timesUnit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _Section B重点单词重点单词写出下列单词。(每空 2 分,共 26 分)1.一千 num_2.安全的;无危险的 adj_3.仅仅;只不过 adv_4.害怕;惧怕 v n_5.或者;是否 conj._6.印度的;adj 印度人 n_7.日本的;日本人的;日语的 adj 日本人;日语 n._8.狐狸 n_9.赤道 n_10.在任何时候;无论何时 conj._11.春天 n_12.主要地;通常 adv_13.地点;位置 n_写出下列单词变形。(每空 1 分,共 18 分)1.safe(形容词)_(副词)_(名词)_(对应词)2.simple(形容词)_(副词)3.fear(动 词)_(形 容 词)_/_(形容词的反义词)4.whether_(同音词)_(同义词)5.India(名词)_(形容词)6.Japan(名词)_(形容词)_ 日本人(名词)_ 日本人(复数)7.fox(名词)_(复数)8.spring(名词)_/_(对应词)9.most(形容词)_ 主要地(副词)10.locate(动词)_(名词)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语。(每空 2 分,共 36 分)1.数以千计的;许许多多的 _2.一方面另一方面 _3.全年 _4.人 口 的 四 分 之 三 _=_5.大部分时间 _6.一个说英语的国家 _7.在中国以外 _8.做某事有困难 _9.在白天 _=_10.做某事的最好时间 _11.靠近;接近 _=_12.选择做某事 _13.远离 _14.在黑暗中 _重点句型重点句型完成下列句子。(每空 1 分,共 20 分)1.新加坡是一个说英语的国家。Singapore is _ _ country.2.他和这位妇女交流有困难。He has _ _ _ the woman.3.晚上去动物园似乎很奇怪。It _ _ strange to go to a zoo _ _.4.无论你是喜欢印度食物、西方食物还是日本食物,在新加坡你都会找到。_ you like Indian food,_ food of Japanese food,youll _ _ _ in Singapore!5.这是因为这座岛离赤道很近。This is _ the island is _ _ _ the equator.6.它离中国很远。Its very _ _ China.Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?满分:100 分 学号 _ 姓名 _得分 _ 批改人 _ReviewI.写出词汇导图(每空 1 分,共 40 分)II.根据 Section A 的 2d 对话,根据对话内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)Jill visited the 1._ museum in April.He loves the old movie 2._ in it and learned some about the inventions that 3._ color movie too.Jill camped the 4._ with some of his friends last weekend.They 5._ the tent and cooked outside.They enjoyed 6._.Anna went to the film museum last 7._ afternoon.She thinks its very interesting and a great way to 8._ the time.She says she has 9._ been camping and Jill advises her to 10._ outside.III.根据 Section A 的 3a 课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)The American Computer Museum is the most interesting museum that Ken has ever 1._.People who visit there can know the information about different computers and who 2._ them.Ben has known that the old computers were much bigger and he has learned a special computer could play chess even 3._ than humans.Amy has recently been to a very 4._ museum in India.Its the International Museum of Toilets.People can see many different kinds of 5._ there and learn about the history and 6._ of toilets.It encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to 7._ toilets in the future.The Hangzhou National Tea Museum is a relaxing and 8._ place.People can watch the tea art performances and can learn how to 9._ cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.Its very 10._ to watch the tea preparation.IV.根据 Section B 的 2b 课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过 3 个单词。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)For 1._ tourists from China,Singapore is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.On the one hand,more than 2._ of the population are Chinese,so you can 3._ speak Putonghua a lot of the time.On the 4._ hand,Singapore is an English-speaking country,so its also a good place to practice your English!In Singapore,youll find a lot of food from China.You wont have any problems 5._ rice,noodles or dumplings.Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food.6._ you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore.Singapore has a Night Safari.It might 7._ strange to go to a zoo when its dark.A lot of animals only 8._ at night,so this is the best time to watch them.One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same 9._.The is because the island is so 10._ the equator.I.详见晨读本II.1.film/movie 2.cameras 3.led to 4.mountains 5.put up 6.themselves 7.Saturday 8.spend 9.never 10.try campingIII.1.been to 2.invented 3.better 4.unusual 5.toilets 6.development 7.improve 8.peaceful 9.make a perfect 10.EnjoyableIV.1.thousands of 2.three quarters 3.simple 4.other 5.getting 6.Whether 7.seem 8.wake up 9.all year round 10.close toUnit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Section A重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.*amusement mju:zmnt n.娱乐,消遣,游戏2.somewhere smwe adv.某处,在某处3.*camera kmr n.照相机4.invention nvenn n.发明,创造5.invent invent v.发明,创造6.unbelievable nbli:vbl adj.难以置信的,不真实的7.progress prres n.进步,进展8.*rapid rpd adj.迅速的,快速的9.unusual nju:ul adj.特别的,不寻常的10.*toilet tlt n.坐便器,厕所11.encourage inkrid v.鼓励,激励12.social sul adj.社会的13.peaceful pi:sful adj.和平的,平静的14.performance pf:mns n.表演,演出15.*perfect p:fkt adj.完美的,理想的,完全的16.itself tself pron.它自己,它本身17.collect klekt v.收集18.*German d:mn n.&adj.德语,德国人(的)19.*theme i:m n.题目,主题,作文20.*ride rad n.&v.骑,乘;(短途)旅程21.*province prvns n.省,省份朗读下列单词变形。1.amuse(动词)amusement(名词)2.invent(动词)inventor/invention(名词)3.believe(动词)believable(形容词)unbelievable(形容词的反义词)4.usual(形容词)usually(副词)unusual(反义词)5.encouragement(名词)encourage(动词)6.social(形容词)socially(副词)society(名词)7.perform(动词)performance/performer(名词)8.it(主格/宾格)itself(反身代词)its(形容词性物主代词/名词性物主代词)9.collect(动词)collector/collection(名词)10.German(形 容 词/名 词)Germans 德 国 人(复数)Germany(名词)11.peace(名词)peaceful(形容词)war(对应词)12.rapidslow(对 应 词)fast/quick(同 义词)rapidly(副词)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.tea art茶艺2.a couple of两个;一对;几个3.learn about 了解=know about4.lead to导致=cause5.camp in the mountains在山中宿营6.put up a tent搭帐篷7.have information about 有关于的信息8.progress in such a rapid way 进步如此迅速9.the history and development of 的历史和发展10.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事11.in the future在将来12.the tea art performance茶艺表演13.take a ride on the boat for several days 乘船旅行几天重点句型重点句型朗读下列句子。1.咱们今天去不同的地方吧。Lets go somewhere different today.2.我了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。I learned about the inventions that led to color movies.3.我们搭起帐蓬并在外面做饭。We put up a tent and cooked outside.4.科技发展如此迅速,真是难以置信!Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!5.看沏茶的过程和喝茶本身一样令人愉快。Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.6.哦,我已经去过那儿几次了Well,Ive already been there a couple of times 重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。1.Its a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.(P.66)(1)way 表示“方法”时,后常接动词不定式或者 of doing作定语。Can you think out a way to open the door/of opening the door?(2)spend 的用法 sb.spend+时间/金钱+on sth.“在某事上花费多长时间或者多少钱”The man spent the whole day on his speech.The family spent 10,000 dollars on their trip.sb.spend+时间+(in)doing sth.“花费多长时间做某事”The boy has spent two hours playing the computer games.【拓展】辨析 spend,pay,take 和 costspend主语是人spend.on sth./spend.(in)doing sth.pay主语是人pay for sth./pay+金钱.for sth.take 主语是 itIt takes sb.+时间+to do sth.cost主语是物sth.costs sb.+金钱Section B重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词。1.thousand aznd num.一千2.safe sef adj.安全的,保险的3.simply smpli adv.仅仅,只,不过4.fear f n.&v.恐惧,害怕5.whether we(r)conj.不管还是,是否6.*Indian ndjn adj.印度的,印度人的7.*Japanese dpni:z n.adj.日本人,日语;日本的8.*fox fks n.狐狸9.*equator ikweit n.赤道10.whenever wenev conj.无论何时11.*spring spr n.春天12.mostly mustli adv.大多数地,主要地,通常13.*location lken n.地点,位置朗读下列单词变形。1.safe(形 容 词)safely(副 词)safety(名词)dangerous(对应词)2.simple(形容词)simply(副词)3.fear(动词)fearful(形容词)fearless/brave(形容词的反义词)4.whetherweather(同音词)if(同义词)5.India(名词)Indian(形容词)6.Japan(名词)Japanese(形容词)Japanese 日本人(名词)Japanese 日本人(复数)7.fox(名词)foxes(复数)8.spring(名词)autumn/fall(对应词)9.most(形容词)mostly 主要地(副词)10.locate(动词)location(名词)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语。1.thousands of数以千计的;许许多多的2.on the one handon the other hand 一方面另一方面3.all year round全年4.three quarters of the population 人 口 的 四 分 之 三 =three fourths of the population5.a lot of the time大部分时间 most of the time6.an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家7.outside of China在中国以外8.have problems doing sth.做某事有困难9.during the daytime在白天=in day10.the best time to do sth.做某事的最好时间11.be close to靠近;接近=be near to12.choose to do sth.选择做某事13.be far from远离14.in the dark在黑暗中重点句型重点句型朗读下列句子。1.新加坡是一个说英语的国家。Singapore is an English-speaking country.2.他和这位妇女交流有困难。He has problems communicating with the woman.3.晚上去动物园似乎很奇怪。It might seem strange to go to a zoo at night.4.无论你是喜欢印度食物、西方食物还是日本食物,在新加坡你都会找到。Whether you like Indian food,Western food of Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!5.这是因为这座岛离赤道很近。This is because the island is so close to the equator.6.它离中国很远。Its very far from China.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识。1.For thousands of tourists from China,this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.(P.70)thousands of 意为“成千上万的、数以万计的”,表示一个不具体的数字,前面不能用具体的数字修饰,后直接修饰可数名词复数形式。如果前面有具体的数词或several 等时,用单数形式。类似用法的还有 hundred,million。They plant thousands of trees every year.词汇导图词汇导图话题范文话题范文Dear Tom,Im really happy to know that you5re coming to Beijing for summer vacation.Beijing is a wonderful place to spend a holiday.Beijing is in the north of China and its the capital of China.The weather here is different in four seasons.And it means that you can enjoy different views all year round.Its hot in summer and cold in winter.If you come here again in winter,youll certainly see a different Beijing.One great thing about Beijing is that you can have a lot of fun places to visit.You can visit the Great Wall,the Palace Museum to learn more about the history of China.In addition,you can go to see the Birds Nest and the 798 Art Center to know about modern China.Beijing is also a perfect place to try all kinds of food.You won5t have any problem in finding something you like to eat.In all,Im sure youll have a great time here.I cant wait to see you.Yours,Sam
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