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1、广东省博罗县2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Nature Festival in South AustraliaThe Nature Festival, with over 100 events for various ages, is a ten-day program starting from 25th September 2020. It provides a wide range of both free and ticket experiences, ranging from adventure and learning

2、experiences to slowing down and helping out experiences. There will be something for everyone. Here are just some of the events.Build-a-birdbox WorkshopSaturday 26th September 9 a.m.Explore the role of tree hollows and learn how to build a backyard bird box.Byards Road Wetland Nature by NightTuesday

3、 29th September 6 p.m.Take your torch and discover, on a guided walk, the creatures that come out at night.For the Love of TreesTuesday 29th September 12: 30 p.m.Hear Dr Ralph Body share his understanding of artist Hans Heysen.Grey-headed Flying-fox Bat RambleThursday 1st October5: 45 p.m.Walk with

4、local bat experts and hear how the grey-headed flying-fox bat came to our city.Coastal Dune WalkSunday 4th October 9: 30 a.m.Walk along the coastline and learn about the work being done at the dunes(沙丘).Port River AliveSunday 4th October11 amSee a short film about who and what lives in the Port Rive

5、r.The full Nature Festival program is available on the website: https: / If interested in any of the experiences above, please register as soon as possible.1What do we know about the Nature Festival?AIt lasts approximately half a month.BIt welcomes visitors of different age

6、s.CIt requires visitors to pay for their tickets.DIt calls on people to protect nature.2In which event will visitors be directed by guides?APort River Alive.BCoastal Dune Walk.CBuild-a-birdbox Workshop.DByards Road Wetland Nature by Night.3When can visitors appreciate the amazing work being done on

7、the hills of sand?AOn 4th October.BOn 1st October.COn 29th September.DOn 26th September.For many years, I knew I wanted to be a music video director. After graduation, I moved to Los Angeles, where I earned a degree. Fortune smiled upon me as I quickly worked at important positions. Young and ambiti

8、ous, I worked in the field Id dreamed of for years.One day, at an award show, one of the production managers remarked that I could be a “powerhouse”. I knew I wanted to be happy and enjoyed what I did, but I wasnt sure if I could be a “powerhouse”. Not long after that, I was laid off from my positio

9、n. Back to Florida, I began to think about my next career.In Florida, I worked at a financial company. The pay was good, but a few months later my creative spirit sent an S. O. S. to my brain, signaling I wasnt making the best use of my talents. I didnt have the money back to Los Angeles, nor could

10、I stay in an unsatisfied job.S. O. S. alarmed again. Then I did creative writing during my spare time. To motivate myself, I was devoted to authoring a childrens book. I was also determined to get the book published. It was not that easy. However, I continued sending out my work. It took between thr

11、ee and four years to finally attract the interest of a publisher. I held a copy of my beautiful childrens book in my hands.I found a happy place within and a new realization. I may not have become a powerhouse, but I accomplished a goal. Success found within is how you define it, how you live it and

12、 always have something to fight for, not fear.4What used to be the authors goal in life?ATo be a music video director.BTo be a powerhouse.CTo be a financial expert.DTo be a famous book writer.5What was the authors attitude towards her first job?AIndifferent.BSatisfied.CDisappointed.DPuzzled.6What di

13、d the author do when she got back to Florida?ADefine her goal in life.BMove back to her home.CMake a change in her career.DRediscover her talent.7What can we learn from the text?ATry different lifestyles.BFind our own strength.CStruggle for something bravely.DStick to the original goal.Kids are thre

14、e times more likely to choose to be Internet celebrities (名人) than astronauts, a survey found recently. Many are already on their way - more and more children are now making and sharing videos on social media.Meanwhile, education experts worry that going after Internet fame wont be good for children

15、 in the long run. Their biggest concern is that kids dont know how being on the Internet today might affect them in the future. The parts of the brain that people use to make decisions dont fully mature until around age 25, so children cannot imagine how their future might be affected by what they s

16、hare now.Whats worse, some parents, who are crazy about becoming famous on their own, cant watch out for the best interests of their own children. A young mother, Michelle Hobson, was accused of starving and kicking her children when they didnt do what she wished for in the videos. She was charged w

17、ith child abuse and ordered to distance herself from kids.Keeping famous on the Internet takes much time and patience, too. It can distract students away from homework, sports and other activities. For example, one of the superstars, 14-year-old Emma Garza, dropped out of school to become a Vlogger

18、(video blogger). She said that making videos was so tough that she couldnt make time for study and even suffered back pain and weakening eyesight.Although we dont yet know the effects on a childs development by constantly performing to entertain others, we can easily imagine that the effort to attra

19、ct viewers will be less helpful to a kid, compared with spending that time reading a book. For a kid today, becoming an Internet superstar might not only be more popular than being an astronaut. It might also be more dangerous.8What problem is discussed in Paragraph 1?AInternet affects kids growth.B

20、Young kids seek Internet fame.CSocial media mislead children.DChildren watch too many videos.9What is the major concern of education experts about children?ASecurity.BFamily.CStudy.DFuture.10Why is Emma Garza mentioned in the passage?ATo highlight her success.BTo introduce a new career.CTo show the

21、impact on students.DTo encourage kids to be Vloggers.11What does the author think of childrens being an Internet celebrity?AExciting.BDoubtful.CBeneficial.DNegative.Jeremy from America cannot understand why a lady he met outside the Hyde Park in London said, “Ooh, isnt it cold?”, and he thinks of th

22、is behaviour as a distinctively English concern about the weather. In fact, the female was just trying to strike up a conversation with Jeremy. Not necessarily a long conversation just an exchange of greetings. It is not always quite that obvious, but all English weather conversations have a distinc

23、tive structure conducted according to unwritten but accepted rules.The unpredictable nature of our weather ensures that there is always something new to comment on, or perhaps most importantly, agree about. We have already established that weather-speak greetings like “Cold, isnt it?” require the re

24、sponse expressing agreement, as in “Yes, isnt it?” .It would be very rude to respond with “No, actually its quite mild.” or “Its pretty hot to me.” If you deliberately break the rule, you will find that the atmosphere becomes rather tense and awkward. There may be an uncomfortable silence. Most like

25、ly, they will either change the subject or continue talking about the weather among themselves politely, if coldly, ignoring your faux pas.There is, however, one situation in which English weather-speakers are not required to observe the agreement rule at all and that is the male-bonding argument, p

26、articularly the pub-argument. In the special environment of the pub, constant disagreement not just on the weather, but on everything else as well is a means of expressing friendship.While we may spend much of our time complaining about our weather, foreigners are not allowed to criticize it. Indeed

27、, this brings us to the weather as family rule. In this respect, we treat the English weather like a member of our family: one can complain about the behavior of ones own children or parents, but any blame from an outsider is unacceptable. The weather may be one of the few things about which the Eng

28、lish are still unconsciously and unashamedly patriotic (爱国的).12Why did the lady comment on the weather to Jeremy?ATo build up friendship.BTo begin a casual chat.CTo send seasonal greetings.DTo express dissatisfaction.13What does the underlined phrase “faux pas” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AImproper

29、 response.BCareless attitude.CRude interruption.DFrequent complaint.14What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AMale bonding in pubs.BArgument about weather.CException to the agreement rule.DMaking friends by disagreement.15What is the best title for this text?APoliteness Tips for ForeignersBAccepted Rules

30、in Social LifeCEnglish Politeness in Weather ConversationDHidden Rules of English Weather Conversation二、七选五Quality of life refers to an individuals general well-being. It can be determined by a variety of factors, especially the mental ones. _16_ The following tips could give you what you need.Spend

31、 time with your thoughts. Spending time with your thoughts is a good way to know what makes you happy. It is worthwhile to always think about what you really need, and then act as you like. Know what upsets you and try to get away from it if possible. _17_Get some help for constant problems. Sometim

32、es things affecting your quality of life are simply your worry. _18_ For instance, you may have issues with insomnia(失眠症) as you are aging. It can be difficult to get rid of it all by yourself. In this case, speaking to a professional doctor could relax yourself and help get your life back on track,

33、_19_If you feel down for having been leading a plain or even boring life and not accomplishing something meaningful, now it might be the time to start working on something bold(大胆的) to cheer you up. You can start by taking on a project that youve previously been afraid of.Learn something new. The mo

34、re you develop your talents in many different areas, the more you have to be proud of. Have you ever doubted yourself? _20_ This is because learning something new can help you add more skills to your list and prepare you for more chances ahead.AGo out and try some new exercise.BDo something you were

35、 once afraid of.CYoud better change the way that you think.DIt can also be achieved through trying in many ways.EGetting in touch with your inner thoughts helps get your pleasure.FLearning something new can be a good way to develop confidence.GYou might find that you have an issue that concerns you

36、all the time.三、完形填空My husband and I first met Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Someone had always returned our garbage cans to the garage(车库) each garbage day, and Jim and I had_21_who had done that. Then we spotted him: an elderly man living nearby.I baked some cookies and left them o

37、n the bench outside the garage with a thank-you _22_. When we got home from work, a letter had replaced the_23_ . It was from Tom and he explained how he had returned cans for the people he_24_ knew. When he was fighting a war, his young wife, Gee had to live all by herself. _25_ had taken time to h

38、andle her garbage cans so she didnt have to. He never_26_ it. Now he paid it forward by doing the same for us till his last days.A few years after we moved in, Tom died. We copied that_27_and attached it to one of our letters for Gee. We told her how_28_Tom had been to us, how sad we felt sorry for

39、her and how_29_we were to have known him. She wrote back and invited us over to_30_Christmas decorations. She told us that she and Tom_31_their decoration collection piece by piece and sent them to us as a gift. I realized how hard it must be for Gee to_32_with them, for it was part of Tom.These day

40、s, were planning a move. The boxes are all neatly packed in our_33_, but we agree to wait until January. This Christmas, well_34_our tree with Gees gift. Ill talk to Tom, “Thank you for teaching us what it _35_ to be a neighbor.” 21AassumedBwonderedCsuggestedDexpected22AnoteBsignCbillDcheck23Amessag

41、eBtalentCphotoDgift24AhardlyBnearlyCrarelyDdirectly25ARelativesBFriendsCNeighborsDHosts26AforgaveBforgotCrememberedDminded27AboxBletterCstreetDwar28AspecialBhopefulCpowerfulDcapable29AsatisfiedBexcitedCupsetDthankful30Alook throughBlook upCget overDget through31AboughtBsoldCbuiltDlost32AconnectBdeal

42、CpartDcommunicate33AbasementBhotelCrestaurantDstation34AplantBexpandCdecorateDdisplay35AhonorsBadmiresCsharesDmeans四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Have you ever imagined exploring into the Yangtze River? A Welsh explorer is believed to have become the first person _36_ (walk) the lengt

43、h of the worlds third longest river, the Yangtze River, in China.The 28-year-old explorer spent two years _37_(plan) his epic (壮举), _38_he says has never been done before. Other members of his walking team dropped out within the first few days because of _39_(sick) and the threat of animal attacks.

44、Yet Dykes managed to continue with his journey, and _40_(attract) millions of fans who followed him on social media.Ash Dykes began the 4,000-mile journey in July 2018. He faced many challenges along the way, including packs (群) of hungry wolves and temperatures as low as -20COn 12 August, he finall

45、y completed _41_challenge. One of the highlights (优秀事迹) for Dyke was _42_ (be) the first person from Europe to help release (释放) rare Chinese sturgeon (鲟) into the river. This species of fish is _43_ (rare) than the giant panda and is well loved by people in China. Dykes wanted to monitor the health

46、 of the river, keeping track_44_pollution as he walked. He said “The good news is that Ive seen a huge increase in knowledge and understanding within the communities, towns and cities along the way. People are aware of the damage being caused to their water sources and are now_45_(active) changing t

47、heir ways for the better-its inspiring to see.”五、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文阅读下面小短文,根据上下文语境,从所给的A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,选出最佳选项填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。AcurrencyBlegalCstagesDjoinedE. surroundedF. resultedIn history, the United Kingdom went through several _46_before the name formed at last. From the 16th to the 19th century, Wales, Scotland and the Kingdom of Ireland were _47_ to it one after another. But in the 20th century, the southe


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