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1、2018-2019学年度武汉市部分学校九年级元月调研测试英语试卷武汉教育科学研究院命制 2018.1.18第I卷 选择题(共85分)第二部分 笔试部分二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)26. -Shall I buy this book for Tim? -_. He might have read it.A. I dont agreeB. No problemC. You cant do thatD. Youd better not27. Smith felt that he knew everybodys duty better than they knew it _.A.

2、 itselfB. themselvesC. oneselfD. himself28. -Let me introduce myself. Im Albert.-_.A. With pleasureB. Im so happyC. Pleased to meet youD. Oh, thats very kind of you29. -Can I help you, madam?-Yes, I bought this watch here last Sunday, but it _.A. didnt workB. wont workC. doesnt workD. hadnt worked30

3、. -Is this overcoat yours?-No, mine _ there behind the door.A. is hangingB. has hungC. hangsD. hung31. -Excuse me! Could you please move your bike a little? Its _ the way.-Sorry. Ill do it at once.A. onB. byC. inD. along32. We all know that the _ temperature of a person is about 37.A. specialB. norm

4、alC. commonD. usual33. -How could she _ her body on one hand? -She practices very hard every day.A. shakeB. pressC. raiseD. carry34. -We hope this book will act as a _ between doctor and patient. -So do I.A. bridgeB. greetingC. matterD. connection35. -How was the concert last night? -Great. It _ nea

5、rly three hours. Many people stayed to take photos with the singers.A. coveredB. showedC. remainedD. lasted36. -Whats wrong with you, Ellen? You dont look fine. -I _ to prepare for the English test last night.A. picked upB. stayed upC. woke upD. set up37. -Could I ask your neighbors for help, Tom?-I

6、m afraid not. I _ know them.A. onlyB. seldomC. hardlyD. just38. -Can John and Jane speak French? -Yes, they speak good French. But _ of them knows German.A. noneB. bothC. eitherD. neither39. Sir, you _ be sitting in the waiting room. It is for women and children only.A. shouldntB. cantC. wontD. need

7、nt40. -Can you tell me _ at the party?-Im sorry I have no idea.A. what will people doB. how many people will beC. when will people get presentsD. whether will people have drinks三、完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Several years ago, my father retire

8、d(退休). His health condition was not that good. And not long after that he had a serious heart attack. Although the doctors gave him a second life, something inside him 41 his love for life was gone.I asked Dad to live with me on my small farm, hoping the fresh air could 42 him. Within a week after h

9、e moved in, I 43 the invitationhe was unsatisfied with everything I did.One day, I read an article saying pet dogs would 44 some difference. So I drove to the animal shelter. As soon as I got there, a dogs 45 caught my attention.A staff member said, ”His time is up tomorrow, for we dont have much fo

10、r every unclaimed(无人认领的) dog.” “You mean youre going to 47 him?” I turned to the man, then I said, “Ill take him.”I drove home with the dog. I was helping it out of the car when Dad walked onto the front porch, “Look at what I got you!” 1 said excitedly.Dads face 48 . “I dont want it.” he said, turn

11、ing back towards the 49 . Then, suddenly, the dog 50 free from my grasp. He sat down in front of Dad.Dad came to feel 51 , and soon he was hugging the dog. This was the beginning of a warm 52 . Dad named the dog Alvin. Together, they spent long hours walking down the woods and got 53 on the banks of

12、 the river. Then, late one night two years later, I felt Alvins cold 54 searching through my bed covers hed never come into my bedroom before at night. So I quickly ran into Dads room, and just found that he had passed away. Two days later, my shock and sadness deepened when I discovered Alvin lying

13、 55 , beside Dads bed. As I put him under the ground near their favorite river, I silently thanked the dog for rebuilding Dads peace of mind.41AremainedBdiedCcontinuedDappeared42AfeedBcomfortCsaveDhelp43AregrettedBrefusedCcopiedDaccepted44AtellBsolveCmakeDchange45AownerBeyesCbodyDhouse46AroomBenergy


15、各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。A56. According to the advertisement, the advantages of the four tour sights connect with .A. visits or calls B. U. S dollars C. beach life D. plane flights57. If you want to have Grand Circle Island tour, you will .A. have to pay more money B. have private airport transfe

16、rsC. enjoy dinner at Bazaar D. have to book flight tickets today.58. 25% off food and beverage are offered at .A. Warwick Fiji. B. Mantra on ViewC. Centara Karon Hesort Ihoket. D. The Laylow Autograph Collection59. How many airlines will cut down the prices of flight tickets for two people together?

17、A. 4. B. 3. C. 2. D. 160. If you choose your next WORLD BEACH ESCAPE, you can have .A. all half prices. B. lowest prices C. free dinners. D. free additional resortsBA group of high school students from the United States has planted hope by cleaning up an empty lot in their neighborhood. The students

18、 are from Buchtel High School in Akron, Ohio. The empty lot, which is owned by a local bank, was filled with grass and poison ivy. As a project for the schools biohealth(生物健康) class, eight students decided to turn the lot into a space that will improve the mental(心理的) and emotional health of people

19、who live near it. They first came up with a design, did research and created 3D models of their plan. Ideas were then presented and judgers picked the winning plans. Finally, the students brought those plans to life.Now when walk onto the lot, you can see a wood walkway leading to a purple iron benc

20、h. A few beautiful plants are already in the ground. There is also a hopscotch(跳房子游戏) board that is painted bright blue. A wall painting with the words “Love” and “Peace” has taken shape on a back fence, dotted(点缀) with the students handprints. The rest of the fence was painted grey to cover plain w

21、ood. The students said they painted the bench purple because they found that purple has a comforting effect on people. They ought kids could go there and sit together, exchange ideas and stay out of trouble. As for the hopscotch board, it was set up for a group of 8 to 10 school-age kids who lived i

22、n the neighborhood but had no where to play.“It gives the neighborhood a little hope and a little beauty,” said Lyle Jenkins, a member of the Neighborhood Network. “A lot of people love the neighborhood and have great hopes for things getting better.”61. Before the students plans came true, they had

23、 to .A. plant many kinds of plants. B. present their plans to be judgedC. improve peoples health first. D. build up a wood walkway62. The students had their plans about the empty lot because of .A. a local bank. B. the neighborhoodC. a particular project. D. grass and poison ivy63. The iron beach wa

24、s painted purple for .A. people to have a comforting place. B. kids to play togetherC. students themselves to exchange ideas D. the neighborhood to remember64. From what Lyle Jenkins said, we learn that people of the neighborhood were .A. upset B. serious C. helpful D. satisfied65. The best title fo

25、r the reading should be .A. Nice Neighborhood B. School ProjectC. Love and Hope D. Health and Success CWhenever I look at this photo, I think of an afternoon fishing with my grandfather. My grandfather loves fishing. When we were younger, he tried to get my brother and I excited about it. “Its a won

26、derful way to spend the afternoon together,” he told us. Every Saturday he asked us to go with him. At first we would, but fishing seemed so boring to us. At last we told him that fishing wasnt our thing. One Saturday afternoon not long ago, I changed my mind and decided to go with him. I thought th

27、at maybe I would enjoy fishing more now that a few years have passed. So down to the water we went. We got in the water, threw the line, and waited, and waited. After three hours all we had was a single tiny fish.“Grandpa, why do you like standing out here for hours like this?” I asked. “Youve done

28、nothing all afternoon!”“Well.” he said. “When I was a boy, fishing wasnt nothing. In fact, it was everything. I didnt have TV, or video games, or smartphones. So I fished. Now, when I fish, I go back to being that boy. It was a happy time. This photo really changed how I see my grandfather. He is th

29、e man who has seen many changes and has had many experiences. Looking at the photo also reminds me that opinion of fishing changed that afternoon. Right after I took the picture, Grandpa felt a strong pull on his line. In a few seconds the two of us were struggling to bring in the biggest fish I had

30、 ever seen! It was really exciting. From then on I went fishing with him whenever I could.66. The writer decided to go fishing with is grandpa one day because .A. it was Saturday again B. his brother wouldnt goC. he knew hed catch a single tiny fish D. he came up with a different idea67. For the wri

31、ters grandpa, fishing is .A. a wonderful wav to be with others B. part of his life C. not much fun without the writer D. meaningless without a smartphone68. It is clear that .A. the writer used to live and fish with GrandpaB. the writers brother had no interest in fishingC. Grandpa likes thinking in

32、 the water for long hoursD. Grandpa always shows his fishing skills to others69. The underlined words “that boy” refers to .A. the writer B. the writers brotherC. Grandpa himself D. nobody70. We can infer that the writer .A. always catches more fish than GrandpaB. took a picture whenever he went fis

33、hingC. became a good fishing partner of GrandpaD. he himself would teach others how to fish第卷 非选择题(共35分)五、选词填空(每空2分,共10分)先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)general / take after / mention / look after / provide / direct71. That is why books or website usually more than one inventor whe

34、n giving information about inventions.72. It is the parents job to a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.73. People are usually required to give a self-introduction in a job interview.74. In many countries, it is often not polite to ask very questions when you meet someone f

35、or the first time.75. The young should then their parents as they get older.六、阅读理解填词(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文,在其后空白出写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。Many years ago Mrs. Hill moved back to Australia and settled down in a small town near a big farm. On a hot Saturday afternoon when she did all the things around th

36、e house, Mrs. Hill went to her small shop. That was her small b 76 . She opened the only window of the shop and looked outside. She p 77 to see the green farm in front. There were many cows, horses and small a 78 on the farm. At this time she saw a kangaroo coming towards her and stopped under her w

37、indow. It was interesting to see that it was wearing an old jacket. It looked so c 79 . Mrs Hill felt it strange that the kangaroo came to her shop. It was c 80 to be hungry! Then Mrs. Hill went to f 81 some bread and water and gave them to it. The kangaroo soon had them all. Then it became happy an

38、d jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the grass from the jacket pocket. It was a w 82 ! She picked it up, opened it and found there was 300 and a photo in it. That was a mans photo with his name “Bob” on it. Bob? She looked more carefully and r 83 she had a brother many years ago. His name wa

39、s also Bob.“Is this man my I 84 brother?” She thought. She took the photo with her and began to look for the man. She asked many people in the town for information, but there was no r 85 . Then she came to the farm and asked one farmer. To her surprise, she found the man was her brother Bob. They hu

40、gged each other and could not say a word.七、 书面表达(共1大题,满分15分) 英语老师委托你组织一场“新年联欢会”,请用英语起草一则同时。内容要点如下:1. 准备节目,个人、两人、小组形式;2. 唱歌、跳舞、乐器演奏、英语短剧;3. 时间:1月25号下午2点30分;地点:108教室;4. 准时参加,勿邀请校外朋友;5. 补充一两点你的想法或建议。注意:1. 通知的开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:60-80;3. 内容要连贯得体。参考词汇:New Years Gala新年联欢会 instrument n. 乐器 drama n. 短剧Fellow students,_


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