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1、人教版八年级英语下册unit6单元测试题一. 短语翻译1.wake up_ 2.on the ground_3.不要紧_ 4.足够勇敢_5.lead to_ 6.be made of_7.something bad_ 8. be able to _ 9. come out _ 10.become interested in. _ 11. walk to the other side _ 12.at other times _ 13.停止做某事_二.根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. We could see many stars s_ brightly at that time.2. Dont g

2、o i_ the room.Its too crowded.3. Jim l_ me to his home yesterday.4. The man was very b_.He jumped into the river and saved the boy.5. He wears a g_ watch.6.When the teacher came in, the students stopped _(talk).7.As soon as he saw me, he stopped _(talk)to me.8. _(recycle)paper is difficult.9.The bri

3、dge _(build)30years.10.The shop _ (close) at five every day.11.Tina bought a _ (use) car, but its very _ (use).12.It is said that there is no _ (live) things on the moon.13.The roof of her house is made of_ (discard) titles .14.Look!They _ (play)football on the playground.四.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He tried

4、_ (climb) the mountain, but he failed.2. Yu Gong kept _ (try) and didnt _ (give) up.3. But what could Yu Gong do instead of _ (move) the mountains.4. Do you find a good way _ (solve) the problem?5. My mother always tells me not to give up _ (work) hard. 6.Knives are (use)to cut things .7.The childre

5、n were told that the sun (rise)in the east.8.Suddenly I realized someone (follow)me.9.Hes lived here since he (come)to the city .10.He likes me (go) swimming with him this afternoon11. If you keep _(practice) like that, you will win the race.12. In the story, Hou Yi _ (shoot) down nine suns.13. Mary

6、 is a shy girl. She always _ (hide) herself in her room.14. Yu Gong said that his family could continue_ (move) the mountains after he died.15.At last,the tiger_(kill)by Wu Song.五.单项选择。 ( )1. Once upon a time, an old man tried _ the mountains. A. not move B. not to move C. moving D. to move( ) 2. Zh

7、ang Lan is ill. Let me go to the meeting instead _. A. of she B .of her C .off she D. off her( ) 3.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji. A. do B. did C. doing D .are doing( ) 4.Ill phone you as soon as I _. A. get to home B. got to home C. get home D. got home( ) 5. You

8、 cant cross the street now. You have to wait _ the traffic lights turn green.A. when B. after C. until D .while( )6.-Can I park my car here?-Yes.you can park_side of the street.A.either B.both C.neither D.all( )7.We asked Lucy and Lily some easy questions, but_of them could answer them.A.either B.bo

9、th C.neither D.all( )8.There used to be river in front of the city, _ ?A. did it B. usednt it C. didnt there D. did there( )9. Lets turn the radio down. Your father_. A.is sleepingB.slept C.sleeps D.is sleep( )10.Where is Bob? He _ to the library.A.is going B.has been C.went D.has gone( )11.How long

10、 may I your bike ?A.lendB.borrowC.keep D.get( )12.I dont know when he ,but if he ,Ill call you .A.comes, comes B. will come, comesC.comes, will come D. will come, will come( ) 13. you your breakfast? Yes, I it at school. A.Did; have; had B. Have;had; had C.Have had D. Did; have;have had( ) 14.Mom,I

11、must to go school at once. By the way, I the cat. A.have fed B. fed C. will feed D.am feeding( )15.I have watered plants but I havent fed the cat . A. yet; yet B. yet; already C. already; already D .already; yet( )16.I ll clean out the refrigerator . A. just now B .after a moment C .in a minute D. y

12、et( )17.Every day my mother has to do . A. so many housework B. such many chores C .so much chores D. so much housework( ) 18.Do you know who America? A. discovered B. found C. finds D. discovers( )19.Im against the animals. A. kill B. to kill C. killing D. killed( ) 20.Peter should hardly see the w

13、ords on the blackboard, ? A.did heB. couldnt he C .didnt heD. should he六.重点句型。1. So _do you _ _ the story of Yu Gong? 你觉得愚公的故事怎么样?2. It doesnt seem _ _to move a mountain. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。3. This is _ he can _72 changes to his_ _ _, turning himself into different animals and objects.这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出7

14、2种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西。4.Sometimes he can make the stick _ _ _he can _it in his ear.有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。5. Because they were _big _it _a long time to walk to the other side.这些(山)太高了,他们要花好长时间才能翻越过去。6. _eat it _you get to the forest. 你们到达森林之后才能吃。7我姑姑生了一个小男孩。My aunt _ _ _ a little boy.8那位老人想把山移走

15、。The old man tried to _ the mountains _9你们两个都将不参加运动会。_ _ you will take part in the sports meeting.10昨天那个小女孩迷路了。That little girl _ _ yesterday.七.完形填空。An old woman lost her sight (视力)and called a doctor for help.She said,“If you heal (治愈) me,I will give you a lot of _1_.” And she said this in front of

16、 many people.The doctor agreed,and he came every day to put_2_ in her eyes.But each time he came,he stole (偷)something from her house.Finally,he stole_3_ of her expensive things.Then he gave her new medicine and healed her.When he finished,he asked her to give _4_ the money.But the woman saw that he

17、r things had gone,and said no.The doctor brought a judge (法官)to the womans house.He thought,“I will certainly _5_such a simple case.”The judge asked the woman,“Did you_6_ to give him money?” The doctor said,“She did.Many people heard.”The woman said sadly,“It is_7_.” And the doctor was happy.But the

18、n she said,“_8_ I lost my sight,I saw many expensive things in my house.Many people _9_ saw them.But now I dont see them,so the doctor doesnt _10_ heal my eyes.”The judge decided that the woman was right so she didnt need to pay the money.()1.A.gold Bmoney Ctime Dfood()2.A.water Blight Cmedicine Dsi

19、lk()3.A.some Bfew Call Dnone()4.A.her Bthem Chim Dme()5.A.win Bbeat Cfight Dlose()6.A.lead Bpromise Cremember Dcontinue()7.A.true Bwrong Csilly Dmagic()8.A.After BBefore CWhen DWhile()9.A.still Bnever Calso Dneither()10.A.hardly Brecently Cseriously Dreally八.阅读理解。ASome gods in Greek myth (希腊神话)Zeus

20、(宙斯)the god of thunder,law,order,fate and more.Zeus is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea.He took his fathers place and became the king.Zeus is the Father of Gods and men.In artwork,he is a serious middleaged man with a strong body and dark beard (胡须).Hermes (赫耳墨斯)the god of travel,transportation,c

21、ommunication,sports and more.Hermes is the son of Zeus.He sends messages between gods and men.In artwork,he is a handsome young man without beard.Artemis (阿尔忒弥斯)the goddess of animals,young girls,childbirth and more.Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of Apollo.In artwork she is a yo

22、ung woman dressed in a short kneelength dress.Artemis likes living a free and independent life.She likes outdoor activities,especially hunting.She doesnt like being married.Apollo (阿波罗)the god of light,truth,music and more.Apollo is the son of Zeus,and the twin brother of Artemis.Apollo is the most

23、handsome god.In artwork,he is a young man with long hair.Apollo is a great god.He never tells lies and many goddesses love him.()1.Who is Zeus?AThe god of light. BThe god of law.CThe god of music. DThe god of animals.()2.Whats the relationship between Zeus and Hermes?AFather and son. BMother and dau

24、ghter.CHusband and wife. DBrother and sister.()3.What does Artemis like?AShe likes singing. BShe likes writing poems.CShe likes keeping pets. DShe likes outdoor activities.()4.What is Apollo like in artwork?AA middleaged man with beard. BA young man without hair.CA young man with long hair. DAn old

25、man in a short dress.()5.What can we learn from the text?AZeus loves his father a lot. BHermes used to be a common person.CArtemis dislikes being married. DApollo has a lot of wives.BLong long time ago,the Creator created a man and a woman,they lived together very happily for a time.But then they be

26、gan to get angry with each other,and at last the woman left and started off to the Sun land in the east.The man followed alone and felt very sad,but the woman kept on ahead and never looked behind,until the Creator,took pity on him and asked him if he was still angry with his wife.He said he was not

27、,and the Creator then asked him if he would like to have her back again.He answered yes.So the Creator created a patch (一块)of the finest ripe (成熟的) tomatoes along the way in front of the woman,but she passed by like seeing nothing at all.Later,he put a patch of beautiful flowers but again she refuse

28、d to notice.Until suddenly she saw in front of her a patch of large ripe strawberries.They looked delicious.She stopped to pick a few to eat,and as she ate them she turned her face to the west by accident,and at once she remembered her husband and she found herself unable to go on.She sat down,but t

29、he longer she waited,the more she missed her husband,and at last she took a lot of the best strawberries and started back along the way to give them to him.He met her kindly and they went home together.()6.Whats the relationship between the man and the woman?AFriends. BMother and son.CHusband and wi

30、fe. DFather and daughter.()7.The woman stopped for the _ thing that the Creator created.Asecond Bthird Cfourth Dfifth()8.What did the woman bring back to the man?ATomatoes. BFlowers.CStrawberries. DNothing.()9.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe woman walked toward the Sun l

31、and in the west.BThe man was still angry with his wife when he followed the woman.CThe Creator helped the man without saying anything.DThe woman didnt go on when she remembered her husband.()10.Where can we read the passage?AIn a science magazine. BIn a history book.CIn a nature magazine. DIn a stor

32、y book.九.任务型阅读。Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature(文学)He is the first Chinese to win the prize.Mo Yan was born into a farmers family in Shandong in 1955.He left school to work at the age of twelve,first on the farm,later in a factory.In 1976 he joined the PLA and during

33、this time he began to study writing.His first short story was published in 1981.He has written many famous books about his childhood and his hometown.Many of his books have been translated into English,French and many other languages.Mo Yans winning of the Nobel Literature Prize,widely regarded as a

34、 great encouragement for Chinas literature,is bringing more confidence to the nations young authors.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1How old is Mo Yan?_2When did he win the Nobel Prize?_3Is Mo Yan a Chinese writer?_4Where was he born?_5Mo Yan left school to work at the age of 14,didnt he?_十.书面表达。假设你是江华,下周一你所在的班级将举行英语

35、课外阅读交流会。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向同学们介绍The Famous RabbitTortoise Race 这一故事。Rabbitwin the second racebe good at runningTortoisewin the third raceswim across the riverput on the backreachtogetherWhat I have learned;要求:1.文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥;2文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;3词数:90词左右(开头已写好,不计入总词数)。We all know that the rabbit

36、lost the first race against the tortoise._人教版八年级英语下册unit6单元测试题答案一、短语翻译1. 叫醒 2. 在地上 3. Never mind 4. brave enough 5. 通向6.由.制成 7. 坏的东西 8. 能 9. 出版 10. 对.感兴趣11.走到另一边 12. 在其他时候 13. stop doing sth二.根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. shining 2. into 3. led 4. brave 5. golden 6. talking 7. to talk8. Recycling 9. was built 10.

37、 closes 11. used useful 12. living13. discarded 14. are playing四.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 to climb 2 trying; give 3 moving 4 to solve 5 working6. used 7. rises 8. following 9. came 10. to go 11. practicing 12. shot 13. hides 14. moving 15. was killed五.单项选择。 1-5 DBCCC 6-10 ACCAD 11-15 CBBAD 16-20 CDACD六.重点句型。1

38、. what, think of 2. it impossible 3. because shape and size 4. smaller and smaller, put 5. so that took 6. Dont until7. gave birth to 8.move; away 9.Neither of 10.got lost 七.完形填空。1-5 BCCCA 6-10 BABCD八.阅读理解。1-5 BADCC 6-10 CBCDD九.任务型阅读。1 .He is 60 years old. 2.He won the Nobel Prize in 2012. 3.Yes, he

39、 is. 4.He was born in Shandong.5.No, he didnt.十.书面表达。One possible version We all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise. The rabbit paid more attention to their second race he didnt sleep at all in it At last he won the race because he was good at running. Today the rabbit and

40、 the tortoise had the third race. At first the rabbit ran faster than the tortoise. After a while, there was a wide river ahead it. The rabbit had no idea how to cross the river. When the tortoise got to the rives bank, he put the rabbit on his back and they swam across the river They reached the finishing line at last. I can learn the spirit of teamwork from the story. If we help each other, the world will be more beautiful.


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