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1、Unit12 What did you do last weekend?I.翻译下列短语。1.去看电影_2在湖边野营_3打羽毛球_4自然历史博物馆_5生活习性_ 6度过了一个愉快的周末_7熬夜到很晚_8观看足球比赛_9.弹吉他唱歌_10. 为考试而学习_11.放风筝_12.搭帐篷_13.如此.以至于_14.向.外看_15. 在第一天晚上_16.一次有意的教训_II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Last summer my family and I _(go)to the beach.2. When it_ (rain),I stayed at home and watched TV.3.

2、 We _(be)in Dalian last year.4. Ed_ (be)always late for class last term.5. What day_ (be)it yesterday?6. I often help parents _ (do) some housework. 7. Its time for the students _ (read) English. 8. Last year I _ (have) great fun _ (play) in Guilin .III.单项选择题1._fine day it is today! Yes,the sunshine

3、 is_beautiful。 A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so2.The TV is _expensive_ I cant afford(负担) it.A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that 3.Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_that nobody could answer it. A.very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so dif

4、ficult 4.I saw him _soccer on the playground just now A. play B. playing C. to play D. played5.Dont shout _others, its not polite(礼貌的) A. of B. to C. from D. by 6.She feels something _onto his back. A .climb B. climbing C.climbed D. climbs7.Its important _near a snake ,when you see it. A not go B no

5、t to go C not going D went.8.What _ Dean _ last Saturday night? A.is; doing B.does; do C.did; do D.was; do9.It was time _ a class. A.to have B.have C.has D.had10.Staying at home _ boring.A.is kind B.are kinds of C.is kind of D.is kinds of11.-Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Nick? -John _.A.clea

6、ned B.does C.did D.is12. I watched Wang Wang _ with a friendly white cat ten minutes ago.A. played B. to playC. playsD. play13.What did you decide_after lunch?A.did B. to do C. doing D.does 14.I dont have_money_a computer .A.any; for B.some; for C.little; with D.some; with15. Last weekend we had gre

7、at fun _on the beach.A. played B. to play C .playing D. play16. It _ sunny today, but it _ cloudy yesterday.A. is, isB. was, wasC. is, wasD. was, is17. I _ at school now, but I _ at home an hour ago.A. am, am B. was, wasC. am, wereD. am, was18. - _ there any students in the classroom? - No, there ar

8、ent. But there _ some half an hour ago.A. Are, were B. were, are C. are, are D. were, were19. - Where _ you last night? - I _ at home.A. are, amB. am, amC. were, wasD. were, were20. _Nancy at home last weekend? No, she _. She was in the library with her friends.A. Is, isntB. Was, wasntC. Did, didntD

9、. Was, isntVI.句型转换1. My vacation was great!(对划线部分提问) _was your vacation?2. I went to summer camp during my holiday.(对划线部分提问) _you_during your holiday?3. The weather was hot and humid.(对划线部分提问) _was the weather?4. Ann went to the mountain by car.(对划线部分提问) _Ann_to the mountain?5. I cleaned my room yes

10、terday.(就划线部分提问)_ _ you _ yesterday?V.按要求完成句子1.你的周末过的怎么样? How_ your weekend?2我想当一名医生,当我长大了。 I want to _a doctor ,when I grow up.3.你周末玩的愉快吗? _ you _?4.昨晚我熬夜看了一场乒乓球比赛。 I _to watch a ping-pong game last night.5.今天多么晴朗啊! _ the day is !6.我向游客讲授它们的生活习性。 I told them about _.7. 听起来像是个好主意。It _ a good idea. 8. 我不喜欢摇滚音乐, 因为太吵闹了.I dont like rock music, because its_. 9. 我们应该使我们的城市美丽.We should_ our city_.


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