六年级上册英语教案-Unit 3 Lesson 2 Thanksgiving Day Period 4 ∣ 川教版(三年级起点).docx

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1、Lesson 2 Thanksgiving Day【第三课时】【教学目标】1学生通过对与感恩节和中秋节相关单词的学习,了解两个节日的特点.2掌握the的特指用法.3通过范例,了解英文地名的首字母应大写.4学习对话,熟悉电子邮件的基本格式,培养学生的听力及表达能力.5能将中西方的节日文化进行比较.6能够熟练拼读与字母组合“or/ oor”,“ al”,“ au”和“aw”相关的单词,扩大词汇量.【教学重难点】1本课单词的正确发音和拼读.2熟练的使用the的特指用法.3能将中西方文化进行比较.4掌握地名的写法.【教学过程】Greeting1师生常规问候.2 值日生做Duty report.3请学生

2、们讲述他们今年的中秋节是如何度过的,如有困难,个别地方可用中文表达.Listen and practice1引入新单词.T: Kids, we have learned something about American market. Right?Ps: Yes.T: Today were going to see the market in China. Look here! (其中包括fruits, vegetables) What can you see?Ps: T: Good! We also have sweet potatoes and corns. And these are s

3、ome vegetables. Whats this in Chinese?Ps:卷心菜.T: In English ,we call it cabbage.Ps: Cabbage.T; Now read after me, cabbage.用同样的方法教学单词lettuce.2 巩固新单词.(1)在黑板上贴出多种食物的图片(包括本课所学的),请学生分别找出西方特有的、中国特有的和中西方共有的食物.(2)记忆游戏:全班分为两组,轮流发言,第二组需在重复第一组先说内容的基础上增添一个新词,如:G1: We like corn.G2: We like corn and turkey.G3: We

4、like corn, turkey and pumpkin pie.3完成Workbook中的Listen and number.Listen and write.1 学生看课件图猜主题.2 教师一边读小诗一遍画画,帮助学生了解小诗大意.3学生跟读,教师解读.T: Well done! Now lets make a little change. Can we use another word for “merrily”?Ps: Look at that boy in the picture. He is merrily smiling. Then look at me, I am sadly

5、 smiling. (通过表情变化帮助学生理解) So merrily meansPs: Happily.T: Clever! Then how about the last line “enjoy the night”? What do you do to enjoy the night?Ps: Play with friends or parents. /Watch the moon. /have delicious food. (教师可先举例进行提示)T: Good! It seems all of you know how to enjoy the night.4小组活动.四人一组,两

6、人读小诗,两人表演.Read and make your own ad.T: We have talked so much about Mid-autumn Festival. Now boys and girls, look at this picture. Can you guess what the picture is? Is it a card?Ps: Birthday card, post cardT: Can it be an ad? (会不会是一则广告呢?)PS: Yes.T: I think so. If it is an ad, whats it about? What d

7、oes the girl want?Ps: Meat, eggT: Now you can have a discussion in pairs.What does the girl want and why?(参与学生讨论,可适当给出提示)T: P1, can you tell me your guess?P1: She wants moon cakes.T: Why?P1: Its always the best.T: Class, do you agree with him /her?Ps: Yes.T: I agree with you too. And what do the moo

8、n cakes have?Ps: Meat, egg, nuts and fruits.T: Great! Do you like this ad?Ps: Yes.T: OK! After class Id like you to design your ad for moon cakes, and show it to us next time, will you?Ps: Yes.Look, listen and say.1 复习上节课所学的字母组合“ ar”,“ er”,“ ur”和“ ir”的发音.2 出示图片,让学生读出单词并自己拼写单词.3 学生仔细听录音,然后再模仿,教师订正.4 教师引导学生总结发音规则.5 给出一些没有学过的单词让学生尝试拼读,不要求他们掌握中文意思.【作业布置】为家长表演小诗并请家长打分.


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