牛津译林版英语五年级下册unit5-复习资料(DOC 7页).docx

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1、五下U5复习一、单词发音及相关注意点:(1)parent:pernt n.父或母 常用复数:parents(2)clean:kli:n v.擦;洗 adj.干净的;清洁的(3)cook:kk v.烧;煮 n.厨师(4)busy:bzi adj.忙的,忙碌的 反义词:free adj.空的,空闲的(5)grow:gr v.种植(6)garden:g:dn n.花园;果园(7)sweet:swi:t adj.甜的 n.糖果(8)pest:pest n.害虫(9)ladybird:ledib:d n.瓢虫二、语法:现在进行时:(1)结构:be动词 + 动词-ing形式(现在分词)(2)用法:顾名思义

2、,现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作或存在的状态。be动词要根据主语的人称而变化:主语是I时用am;主语是you和复数时用are;其他人称都用is;动词-ing形式称为“现在分词”。现在进行时的肯定形式、否定形式、疑问形式及其回答,所有的变化都体现在be动词(am/is/are)上。肯定形式:主语 + be动词 + 动词-ing + 其他.例句:I am singing. / They are dancing.否定形式:主语 + be动词 + not + 动词-ing + 其他.例句:I am not singing. / They are not dancing.一般疑问形式:be动词 + 主

3、语 + 动词-ing + 其他?例句:Are you / they singing?特殊疑问形式:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句?例句:What are you / they doing?(3)现在分词变化规则:现在分词一般在动词后加-ingread reading;cook cooking以不发音的e结尾的动词去e加-inglive living;write writing以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的(基本都是“辅 + 元 + 辅”结构)动词,双写该辅音字母再加-ingsit sittingbegin beginning三个以ie结尾的动词变ie为y再加-ingdie dying;t

4、ie tying;lie lying(4)标志:时间状语now和look、listen、Dont talk、Be quiet!等暗示词。三、同位语的用法:(1)用法:由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构,若其中前项与后项所指相同,句法功能也相同,那就把后项称为前项的同位语。如果前后项关系紧密,则可以不用逗号隔开;如果后项只是作前项的补充解释,则需用逗号隔开。例句:Mr. Smith,our English teacher,is from England. He tells me his brother John is a doctor.四、busy的用法:(1)用法:busy是形容词,

5、意为“忙的,忙碌的”;它的反义词是free,意为“空的,空闲的”。busy常用于两个短语:be busy with sth和be busy (in) doing sth。一般前面短语with后加名词,后面短语后加动词-ding形式。例句:He is busy with his homework. He is busy doing his homework.五、like to do的用法:(1)结构:like + to do+ 其他.(2)用法:like to do意为“希望、想或愿意做某事”,指喜欢做特定的、某一具体的行动或一时的爱好。例句:I like to play basketball

6、toady.(3)拓展:like to do和like doing都可以表达“喜欢做某事”,但是用法稍有区别。like to do意为“希望、想或愿意做某事”,指喜欢做特定的、某一具体的行动或一时的爱好。like doing意为“喜欢做某事”,指长期的兴趣和爱好。例句:I like to play basketball toady.I like playing basketball.六、watch sb doing sth的用法:(1)用法:watch sb doing sth意为“看见某人在做某事”,表示看到动作正好在进行,强调动作发生的过程。例句:I watch the boys play

7、ing basketball.(2)拓展:watch sb doing sth和watch sb do sth都可以表达“看见某人做某事”,但是用法稍有区别。watch sb doing sth意为“看见某人在做某事”,表示看到动作正好在进行,强调动作发生的过程;watch sb do sth意为“看见某人做了某事”,表示看到动作已经完成,强调动作发生的结果。后者多用于经常性发生的事情或动作,一般在句子中会有提示性的单词或短语,例如always、often、usually、every week等。类似可跟do和doing用法的还有see、hear、listen to等动词或短语。例句:I wa

8、tch the boys playing basketball. I watch the boys play basketball everyday.七、省略句的用法:(1)用法:在英语中,为了避免结构或语句繁杂冗长而省去某些重复部分的现象叫省略。省略句是英语的一种习惯用法,形式多样,从单词、短语到从句都可以省略,而且各有一定的衔接关系,不能随意臆断。本课中的“The pests go away,but the ladybirds do not.”就是省略句,其完整形式应该是“The pests go away,but the ladybirds do not go away.”例句:- Wo

9、uld you like to go with me? - Yes,Id like to(go with you).八、字母组合ing的发音规则:bring、morning等单词中的辅音字母组合ing发/i/音,发音时舌尖触下齿龈,舌面隆起至硬腭,鼻腔共鸣成声,发音时声带振动。类似单词还有ring、sing、dancing等。九、本课重要单词、词组、句型:重要单词:parent父或母、clean洗,擦、cook烧,煮、busy忙的,忙碌的、grow种植、garden花园,果园、sweet甜的、pest害虫、ladybird瓢虫重要词组:sweep the floor扫地、wash the di

10、shes洗碗、make the bed整理床铺、clean the car洗车、clean the table擦桌子、wash clothes洗衣服、grow grapes种葡萄、in hisgarden在他的花园里、cook breakfast做早餐、in the kitchen在厨房里、in the livingroom在客厅里、in his bedroom在他的卧室里、cook dinner做晚饭、some pests一些害虫、on the grapes在葡萄上、go away走了,离开重要句型:(1)询问对方正在干什么的的句型及答句:What is he doing now?He is

11、 sleeping.(2)表达同位语的句型:Ben the dog is sleeping too(3)表达某人很忙的句型:My mother is busy.(4)表达某人在某处干什么的句型:Bobby grows grapes in his garden.(5)表达离开的句型:The pests go away,but the ladybirds do not.十、针对性练习(1)英汉互译:1、make clothes _ 2、做晚饭 _3、his parents _ 4、扫地 _5、wash my hair _ 6、整理床铺 _7、I think so. _ 8、洗碗 _9、go to

12、the party _ 10、做家庭作业 _(2)写出下列动词的现在分词:1、work 2、lie _ 3、play _ 4、study _5、dance 6、have _ 7、run _ 8、let _9、shop 10、put _ 11、take _ 12、tie _(3)根据首字母或中文提示完成句子:1、- What are you doing in the kitchen? - I _(烧饭)for my family.2、She is _(帮助)Miss Li in the teachers office.3、Can you _(洗)some fruit for me?4、Many

13、children are in the _(商店)today. 5、- What are you doing? - I _(看)TV.6、You shouldnt eat anything _(甜的).7、- Are these _(葡萄)good? - No,I dont like to eat them.8、- Where is your mother? - She is doing the d_ in the kitchen.9、- Are l_ good or bad? - They are good,they help drive(赶走)the pests away.10、My fa

14、ther is c_ his car in the garden.(4)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1、The teacher is busy. He only _(sleep)six hours a day.2、Listen!John _(sing)in the classroom.3、Mary _(like)wearing a skirt. Look!She _(wear)a red skirt today.4、What _ your sister _(do)now?5、Look!Tim _(have)a new bike.6、Dont talk!The students _(have)an

15、 English lesson.7、- Where is your grandpa? - He _(read)newspapers in the living room.8、- _ Helen _(wash)clothes? - Yes,she is.9、Be quiet!The baby _(sleep).10、He _(not water)the flowers everyday.(5)选择填空:( )1、It is _ Monday morning. A. in B. on C. /( )2、My father is very busy,I should help _. A. he B.

16、 him C. her( )3、- Where is Tim?- _ in _ bedroom. A. Hes;his B. His;hes C. Hes;hes( )4、Helen and I _ asking the way. A. am B. is C. are( )5、There _ vegetables and meat on the desk. A. be B. is C. are( )6、Its five oclock. I should _. A. go away B. leave away C. leave behind( )7、- Do you like eating fr

17、uit? - Yes,I do. I like _ very much. A. parrots B. pears C. pens( )8、Its six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao _ his homework. A. does B. doing C. is doing( )9、I like to _ the flowers grow. A. look B. listen C. watch( )10、There is a dog _ in the garden. A. playing B. plays C. play(6)句型配对:( )1、Where are

18、 my chopsticks? A、Sure. Its easy.( )2、Do you like Saturday? B、They are on the table.( )3、What do you do on Sundays? C、Yes,its small but nice.( )4、Can you draw a flower? D、I usually help my mother do housework.( )5、Is this your garden? E、Sure. I can get up late.(7)句型转换:1、reading,children,library,are,

19、in,books,the,the(?)_2、He studies in Chunjiang primary school.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_3、The boys are playing basketball.(对划线部分提问)_4、the,pests,in,there,any,tree,are(?)_5、We read English every morning.(用now代替every morning改写句子)_6、in,grandpa,flowers,garden,my,his,grows,many(.)_7、I have some beautiful clothes.(改为

20、一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_8、My father is cleaning his car in the garden.(对划线部分提问)_9、My father is cleaning his car in the garden.(对划线部分提问)_10、living room,are,TV,in,parents,the,their,watching(.)_(8)选择合适的句子补全对话:A、Is it spring?B、What is that in your hand?C、It looks so nice.D、Yes,it is.E、What is he doing?Su Hai:Hello

21、, Su Hai. Wait for me.Liu Tao:OK. Hurry up.Su Hai:_Liu Tao:Its a picture of my garden.Su Hai:Really?Is it big?Liu Tao:_ Look!We grow many flowers and trees here.Su Hai:_Liu Tao:Yes,the flowers come out and the trees are green.Su Hai:_ Who is the boy?Liu Tao:Hes my cousin.Su Hai:_Liu Tao:He is flying

22、 a kite.Su Hai:I want to visit your garden some day.(9)阅读短文选择正确答案:Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesntknow how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a school girl. She is ten. She knows howto read and write. One day,Joan sees her little sister in the

23、 room. She is at the desk.There is a pencil in his hand. She is writing.“What are you writing,Mary?”she asks.“I am writing to my friend, Rose.”“But how can you write?You dont know how to write.”says her sister.“Well,”says Mary,“it doesnt matter. Rose doesnt know how to readeither.”( )1、Is Mary a sch

24、ool? A. Yes,she is. B. No,she isnt. C. We dont know.( )2、Who can read and write? A. Mary B. Joan C. Rose( )3、Whats in Marys hand? A. A pen. B. A letter. C. A pencil.( )4、Whats Mary doing? A. She is drawing. B. She is reading. C. She is writing.( )5、Can Rose read or write? A. Yes,she can. B. No,she cant C. We dont know.


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