新版深圳牛津八年级下unit6pets知识点解析及练习(DOC 12页).doc

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1、Unit 6 Pets 知识点解析及练习一. 词性转换1. responsible (adj)负责的responsibility (n.) 责任2. train (v.)训练 hard training (n.) trainer (教练,培训师) employertrainee (受训人)employee interviewer interviewee3. die (v.) died died dyingdead (adj.) 死去的 has has been dead for./since. agodying (adj.) 垂死的death (n.) 死亡deadly (adj.) 致命的。

2、friendly lovely lively4. faith (n.) 信任,信心 have faith keep faith 守信faithful (adj.) 忠实的,忠诚的 faithfully (adv.)5. regular (adj.) 有规律的, 定期的, irregular verbs 不规则动词 regularly (adv.) do exercise regularly irregular (反义词)6. fright (n.)惊恐, 惊吓 frighten (v.) (使)惊恐;使惊吓 frightening (adj.) 吓人的,可怕的frightened (adj.)

3、受惊吓的,害怕的be frightened of = be afraid of by sth to do sth7. choose (chose, chosen) (v.) choice (n.) 选择 make a choice have no choice but to do8. extreme (adj.) extremely (adv.) + adj 及其, 非常9. happy unhappy (adj.)happily unhappily (adv.)happiness - unhappiness (n.)business / laziness (lazy)10certain (a

4、dj.) certainly (adv.) be certain to do Its certain that.11. apologize (v.) 道歉 apologize to sb for sth explain to sb sth speak to/say to /talk toapology (n.) make an apology to12. complain (v.) 抱怨, 投诉 complaint (n.)13. review (v.) 复习 revision (n.) do some revision 不可数 remove rebuild recite 背诵二、词组:1.

5、from side to side 从左到右2. head to head 观点对对碰3. give ones opinions about sth 在方面发表自己的观点4. in ones opinion 在某人看来5. change a persons life 改变一个人的生活6. therefore 因此,所以7. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事8. 被动: be allowed to do sth.9. pickup 把抱起 ,把捡起 10. hold in ones arm(s) 把搂在怀里11. grow up (grew, grown) 长大 grow

6、n-up = adult12. learn about from (doing) sth. 从中学习13. learn from sb. 向某人学习14. keep pet dogs 养宠物狗 have pet dogs15. feed (fed, fed) give food to 喂养raise sb 抚养bite bit bitten16. be taken good care of 被好好地照顾 (be) well prepared17. according to sb 据所说, 根据18. care for others 关爱他人19. respect all living thin

7、gs 尊重一切有生命的东西 show respect to sb 20. have/ keep a pet dog 养宠物狗21. create a lot of mess 留下许多粪便creation creative 有创造力的22. fur the skin of an animal (动物的)皮毛23. sth need to be done = need doing 需要被24. clean up 打扫,清理25. take for a walk 带散步go out for a walk take a walk walk a dog26. as a result therefore

8、结果, 因此27. bark at 向狂吠 laugh at look at shout at aim at smile at point at28. a small number of +n.(复) 一小部分29. a large number of +n.(复) 许多,大量30. a number of +n.(复) 许多31. the number of +n.(复) + (V.)三单 的数字32. whats more 而且33. large open spaces/areas 大片空地34. run free 恣意奔跑35. can be 可能会 may be must be can

9、t be36. right now = right away = at once = immediately立刻,马上37. apologize to sb. for sth. = make an apology to sb. for sth. 因向某人道歉38. make a complaint about=complain about sth. 投诉39. be wrong with 有问题, 有毛病40. not only but also不但而且三.课文重点语法知识精讲 1. Its a good idea to keep pet dogs. 语法知识:Its a/ an + adj.

10、 + n. + 不定式 e.g. Its a great decision to choose this plan. 2. Keeping pet dogs is a good idea, says Emma. 语法知识:动名词做主语 动名词作主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,在口语中也可以表示具体动作。 E.g. Painting is his hobby. Walking a dogs makes you healthy. 动名词做主语和不定式做主语一样,也可以用it做形式主语。 Its no good somking. 【精练】 - What do you think made Mary

11、 so upset? - _ her new bicycle made her so upset. A. Losing B. Lost C. As she lost D. Loseing 3. There are lots of reasons for this. 语法知识:There be结构,有.;使用就近原则。 【精练】 1. There _ ( be ) a bird in the tree. 2. There _ ( be ) a teacher and many students in the classroom. 3. There _ ( be ) two boys and a

12、girl under the tree. 4. Its nice to hold them in our arms, and its wonderful to see them grow up. 语法知识:Its + adj. + to do sth. 做.事情. e.g. Its good to make a decision. 5. This stops people from getting any sleep. 语法知识:stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 stop 也可换为prevent 或keep. e.g. Nothing can stop/ pre

13、vent/ keep us from doing that. This is the best way to stop/ prevent/ keep me from smoking. 【精练】 1. Doing morning exercise stops us from _ sick. A. getting B. gets C. to get D. got 6. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. 语法知识:have no choice but to do sth. 没有选择只能. e.g. I have n

14、o choice but to eat at home. 【精练】 1. We have no choice but _ with the strangers. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 7. A small number of pet dogs even attack people. 语法知识:a number of + 可数名词复数 【辨析】 a number of 与 the number of 1. A number of _ ( student ) _ ( be ) twenty years old. 2. The number

15、of _ ( student ) in our school _ ( be ) 300. 8. make a complaint about. 抱怨.e.g. I make a complaint about these dog biscuits. 9. 写作用语: According to. e.g. According to my mum, . In my opinion, . e.g. In my opinion, keeping dogs is a good idea. Firstly,. e.g. Firstly, I think dogs are lovely. Secondly,

16、 . e.g. Secondly, Dogs are faithful to their owners. Whats more,. e.g. Walking a dog can help the owner stay healthy. Finally, . e.g. Finally, Dogs are friendly in our daily life. For these reasons, . e.g. For these reasons, its a good idea to keep a dog. I ( do not ) believe that. e.g. I believe th

17、at dogs make the best pets. 课堂练习一,选择划线部分相同或相近的选项1.My grandma is ill. My mother is caring for her. A.taking into B.taking off C.taking care of D.taking up2.Nearly all the passengers died in the accident. A.Almost B.Actually C.Possibly D.Very3.”Sorry, I dont know.” She responded. A.said B.asked C.spok

18、e D.answered二,选择题4.It is said that the fire was caused by dry weather. A.got B.given C.made D.put5.Mary is a common English name. A.normal B.simple C.difficult D.different6.-Did you do well in _English exam? -Yes, I got _”A”. A.the; a B.an; an C.the; an D.a; the7.-All the students are talking and la

19、ughing in the classroom. -Ah, its_. A.noisy B.lonely C.quiet D.strict8.-Our English teacher often says to us,”_English well is very important.” -Thats true. A.Learn B.Learning C.Learned D.To learning9.-_the weather report, it will rain tomorrow. -I hope so. A.According to B.According C.Decided D.Dec

20、iding10.-I will wait_I hear from you. -I will write to you_possible. A.until; as soon as B.while; as fast as C.since; as quickly as D.because; as slowly as11.-He hardly helps others, does he? -_. He has few friends and no noe likes him. A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes, he doesnt. D.No, he doe

21、s.12.-Many teenagers_the old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses. -Thats a good behaviour. A.agree with B.worry about C.laugh at D.care for13.-Do you know what_the accident? -Yes, because of the bad weather. A.caused B.made C.got D.gave14.-How is he these days? -He is_than before. A

22、.much healthy B.more healthier C.most healthierD.healthier15.-Then what did you you do? -I had no choice but _as the teacher had told me. A.do B.doing C.to do D.does16.-You did_than Lucy. -But she did _than me. A.better; faster B.best; fastest C.good; fast D.well; fast17.-Why are you late? -Because

23、I walked_. A.friendly B.lonely C.slowly D.quickly18.-Though they are twin sisters, they have nothing _. -Thats true. A.common B.in common C.on common D.at common19.-Mr Green is ill in hospital. -_. A.It doesnt matter B.Thats fine C.Im sorry to hear that D.Thank you very much20.-What did he say? -He

24、asked_.A.if has your friend ever been here B.what I can do C.what I could do D.if your friend has ever been there三,完形填空 A god has a horse. The horse was beautiful, but it wanted to become more beautiful. One day, the horse_1_about its wish with the god. It said ,”I want to be more beautiful.” The go

25、d said,”I dont know how to make you_2_. Tell me how you want to be _3_.” The horse said,” If you make my neck a little longer, my upper body will be more beautiful. _4_you make my legs much thinner, my lower body will be more beautiful.” The god_5_and he turned the horse into a camel by magic. The h

26、orse felt a little_6_and started to cry,”Oh, no. I dont want to be a_7_!” The god said,”This is exactly what you asked for. You have become a camel. Never try to ask_8_more than I give you. If you are_9_, you will want more and more. But you will never know what the_10_will be.” The horse learned a

27、lesson and it was very regretful. 1.A.said B.spoke C.told D.talked 2.A.taller B.longer C.more beautiful D.thinner 3.A.lost B.changed C.kept D.returned 4.A.Although B.Because C.If D.While 5.A.received B.sent C.agreed D.disagreed 6.A.happy B.excited C.sad D.relaxed 7.A.lion B.camel C.tiger D.zebra 8.A

28、.in B.for C.with D.of 9.A.brave B.lazy C.clever D.greedy 10.A.result B.reason C.beginning D.excuse四,用单词的适当形式填空1. It _( hard ) rains these days. I hope it can rain later.2. She chose _( happy ) instead of wealth.3. He has no _( responsible ) to that accident.4. The dog is_( friend ) . You can touch h

29、im.5. It is your _( choose ) if you dont want to go.6. I wont forget the _( wonder ) trip.7. What did the _( strange ) say to you?8. May is the _( five ) month of a year.9. These two events have nothing in _( commonly ). 八年级(下) unit 6 Pets 单元测试卷选择填空1.My grandma is ill. My mother is caring for her. A

30、.taking into B.taking off C.taking care of D.taking up2.Nearly all the passengers died in the accident. A.Almost B.Actually C.Possibly D.Very3.”Sorry, I dont know.” She responded. A.said B.asked C.spoke D.answered4.It is said that the fire was caused by dry weather. A.got B.given C.made D.put5.Mary

31、is a common English name. A.normal B.simple C.difficult D.different6.-Did you do well in _English exam? -Yes, I got _”A”. A.the; a B.an; an C.the; an D.a; the7.-Allthe students are talking and laughing in the classroom. -Ah, its_.A.noisy B.lonely C.quiet D.strict8.-Our English teacher often says to

32、us,”_English well is very important.” -Thats true.A.Learn B.Learning C.Learned D.To learning9.-_the weather report, it will rain tomorrow. -I hope so. A.According to B.According C.Decided D.Deciding10.-I will wait_I hear from you. -I will write to you_possible.A.until; as soon as B.while; as fast as

33、 C.since; as quickly as D.because; as slowly as11.-He hardly helps others, does he? -_. He has few friends and no noe likes him.A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes, he doesnt. D.No, he does.12.-Many teenagers_the old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses. -Thats a good behaviour.A.

34、agree with B.worry about C.laugh at D.care for13.-Do you know what_the accident? -Yes, because of the bad weather. A.caused B.made C.got D.gave14.-How is he these days? -He is_than before. A.much healthy B.more healthier C.most healthierD.healthier15.-Then what did you you do? -I had no choice but _

35、as the teacher had told me. A.do B.doing C.to do D.does16.-You did_than Lucy. -But she did _than me. A.better; faster B.best; fastest C.good; fast D.well; fast17.-Why are you late? -Because I walked_. A.friendly B.lonely C.slowly D.quickly18.-Though they are twin sisters, they have nothing _. -Thats

36、 true. A.common B.in common C.on common D.at common19.-Mr Green is ill in hospital. -_. A.It doesnt matter B.Thats fine C.Im sorry to hear that D.Thank you very much20.-What did he say? -He asked_.A.if has your friend ever been here B.what I can do C.what I could do D.if your friend has ever been th

37、ere完形填空 A god has a horse. The horse was beautiful, but it wanted to become more beautiful. One day, the horse_1_about its wish with the god. It said ,”I want to be more beautiful.” The god said,”I dont know how to make you_2_. Tell me how you want to be _3_.” The horse said,” If you make my neck a

38、little longer, my upper body will be more beautiful. _4_you make my legs much thinner, my lower body will be more beautiful.” The god_5_and he turned the horse into a camel by magic. The horse felt a little_6_and started to cry,”Oh, no. I dont want to be a_7_!” The god said,”This is exactly what you

39、 asked for. You have become a camel. Never try to ask_8_more than I give you. If you are_9_, you will want more and more. But you will never know what the_10_will be.” The horse learned a lesson and it was very regretful.1.A.said B.spoke C.told D.talked 2.A.taller B.longer C.more beautiful D.thinner

40、3.A.lost B.changed C.kept D.returned 4.A.Although B.Because C.If D.While5.A.received B.sent C.agreed D.disagreed 6.A.happy B.excited C.sad D.relaxed7.A.lion B.camel C.tiger D.zebra 8.A.in B.for C.with D.of9.A.brave B.lazy C.clever D.greedy 10.A.result B.reason C.beginning D.excuse阅读理解A Many people l

41、ike keeping birds. Do you want to keep a bird? If you do, please first read it. It is not easy to keep a bird.1.Talk with some bird keepers or your vet(兽医). 2.Think about what kind of birds your family needs and how much you can spend on it.3.Read everything you can find about the bird that you want

42、.4.Think about if it fits your lifestyle. If you are too busy, you cant keep a bird. It needs your time.5.Think about if you can give the bird the time and love it needs.6.Think about if you can give it the cage, food, toys and vet care(兽医护理).7.Visit some pet shops. Then you may find a good but chea

43、p one.8.Buy a bird from a good shop.9.Take it to a vet for a few bird check-up.10.Take it home and give it the good care, the clean cage, nice food and lots of love.1.It is_to keep a bird. A.easy B.interesting C.hard D.exciting2.What should you do first when you want to keep a bird?A.Buy one in the shop. B.Talk with s


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