河北省中考英语科考试说明完整版(DOC 191页).docx

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1、 标准化管理处编码BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N河北省中考英语科考试说明河北省中考英语科考试说明. 考试性质初中毕业生英语学业考试是义务教育阶段的终结性考试,其目的是全面、准确地考查初中毕业生在英语学习方面达到英语课程标准所规定的英语毕业水平的程度。考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中阶段学校招生的重要依据之一。初中毕业生英语学业考试本着有利于广大英语教师在实际教学中落实英语课程标准中所规定的目标,有利于学生改进学习方式、拓展英语学习渠道、提高英语学习效率,有利于全面、公正、客观、准确地评价学生英语学习的状况,充分发挥考试的正导向功能。中考英语科考试

2、是按照标准化测试要求设计的。. 考查内容英语课程标准中要求,义务教育结束时学生应有较明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度。能听懂教师有关熟悉话题的陈述并参与讨论。能就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见。能读懂供79年级学生阅读的简单读物和报刊、杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略。能根据提示起草和修改小作文。能与他人合作,解决问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务。能对自己的学习进行评价,总结学习方法。能利用多种教育资源进行学习。进一步增强对文化差异的理解与认识。英语学业考试主要侧重考查学生的语言技能、语言知识、跨文化交际意识和跨文化交际能力。具体考查学生英

3、语听、说、读、写等语言技能及灵活运用语言知识的能力。1. 听力技能听力技能指学生对口头语言材料的理解能力和从口头语言材料中获取信息的能力。具体要求是:l 能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; l 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点; l 能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; l 能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系; l 能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应; l 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。能听懂广播、电视、录音、录像中与本学段水平相当的英语有声语言材料。 2. 口语技能口语技能是指学生英语口头表达能力,指在具体语言环境中沟通信息、描述事物与情感、发表观点和意见的

4、能力。由于实际困难,我省现无法组织大范围的口语测试,英语学业考试中主要通过听力考查来间接考查学生的口语能力。鼓励有条件的地区积极进行英语口语测试的尝试。口语能力要求具体为:l 能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论; l 能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务; l 能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正; l 能有效地询问信息和请求帮助; l 能根据话题进行情景对话; l 能用英语表演短剧; l 能在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。3. 阅读技能阅读能力是英语学业考试主要考查内容之一,着重考查学生理解各种题材和体裁书面材料的能力以及从各种材料中获取信息的能力。具体要求是:l 能根据

5、上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; l 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; l 能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; l 能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; l 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; l 能利用字典等工具书进行学习; l 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。4.写的技能写的技能指学生运用所学语言知识与技能进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点的能力。具体要求为:l 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; l 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改; l 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; l 能简单描述人物

6、或事件; l 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。5. 语言知识的综合运用指学生在有意义的具体语境中运用语音、词汇、语法、语用等语言知识的能力。着重考查学生综合语言知识运用能力,不单纯考查知识点和机械记忆。6.词汇考查范围英语学业考试中着重考查英语课程标准中所规定的所有词汇。具体请参照词汇表。. 考试形式、难度要求及试卷结构考试采用闭卷笔试形式,总分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。试题难度比(约):3:5:2(容易题:30,中档难度题:50,难度较大题:20)。试题难度控制在左右。试卷由卷I和卷II两部分组成。卷I为客观性试题(选择题),包括听力第一节和笔试部分共七个大题,占85分

7、。卷II为非选择题,包括听力部分第二节和笔试部分共四个大题,占35分。卷I在机读卡上做答,卷II在试卷上做答。题型示例:卷I (选择题,共85分)听力部分(第一节)本部分共包含四个大题,主要测试学生的听力理解能力和获取信息的能力。(听力测试部分的非选择试题将在卷II中考查。)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。本题主要考查学生捕捉句子中关键信息的能力。.要求考生根据所听到的句子,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。【题例】1. A. $ 235B. $ 212C. $ 325录音材料: No. 1. These books cost me $ 235.答案: A【题例】2. A. I on

8、ly like the last story. B. I dont like the last story at all. C. I like the last story better than any other one.录音材料: No. 2. Of all the stories you told me, I like the last one best.答案: C(每个句子读两遍。). 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。主要考查学生对日常交际用语的理解和应答能力。要求考生根据所听到的句子,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。【题例】1. A. Beijing is great!B. Th

9、ank you. I hope so. C. You too. Thank you.录音材料: . Welcome to Beijing, and have a good time here. 答案: B 【题例】2. A. I guess so.B. I dont think so. C. I am happy for you.录音材料: No. 2. Tony, guess what Ill go to Europe with my mom next week.答案: C (每个句子读两遍。). 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。主要考查学生对所听对话及相关信息的理解能力。要求考生根据所听到的

10、简短对话和问题,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。【题例】1. Who is answering the phone A. Mary.B. John.C. Betty.录音材料: W: Good morning. Betty speaking.M: Hello. This is John. May I speak to MaryW: Im sorry, but she isnt in.Q: Who is answering the phone 答案: C【题例】2. Whats Alans favourite ball game ABC录音材料: W: Whats your favouri

11、te sport, AlanM: HmmIts really hard to say. I guess I like ball games.W: You mean you like playing basketball, football or somethingM: Uh-huh, and I like volleyball best.Q: Whats Alans favourite ball game答案: B(对话和问题读两遍。). 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。该部分所听内容为小语段和长对话。主要考查学生对所听语言材料的理解及获取关键信息的能力。首先,要求考生根据所听到的几个小语段

12、及每个语段后的2-3个问题,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项;然后再根据所听到的一段较长对话和5个问题,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。【题例】1. (1) Who have enjoyed the plastic shopping bags A. All the people. B. Chinese shoppers. D. Some Japanese people. (2) What does the speaker want to tell usA. Shopping can bring people some good habits.B. Shopping bags make

13、 shopping easy for shoppers. C. Shoppers should use cloth bags, baskets instead. 录音材料:We all have habits, but not all of them are good. For more than 10 years, Chinese shoppers have enjoyed free plastic shopping bags. These shopping bags made shopping easy for us, but at the same time, they also cau

14、sed a lot of problems to the environment. So try to use cloth bags, baskets or things like that. Question No. 1. Who have enjoyed the plastic shopping bagsQuestion No. 2. What does the speaker tell us答案:12 BC【题例】2. (1) When are they going to have a three-day weekendA. Next week. B. Next month. C. Th

15、e next day. (2) What season do you think it is nowA. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter. (3) What do they want to do on the beachA. To take walks. B. To go swimming. C. To see the sea. (4) What else can they do there A. To read and study. B. To read and see movies. C. To rest and have a chat.(5) Which of

16、the following is trueA. They can get relaxed on the beach.B. They can see many people on the beach.C. They have to call a hotel to keep a room.录音材料:M: You know, we have a three-day weekend next month. Do you want to go awayW: Thats a great idea! Where do you want to goM: To the beach.W: The beach in

17、 the winter M: We dont have to go swimming. We can take walks on the beach.W: But what else can we do thereM: Oh, there are plenty of things to do. We can read, go to the movies. I need to relax, dont youW: I sure do. You are right. The beach is a good idea. And there wont be so many people. Do you

18、think we need to call a hotel to keep a room for usM: No, I dont think so. There are lots of places to stay. Question No. 1. When are they going to have a three-day weekendQuestion No. 2. What season do you think it is nowQuestion No. 3. What do they want to do on the beachQuestion No. 4. What else

19、can they do thereQuestion No. 5. Which of the following is true答案: 15 BCABA(语段、对话和问题读两遍。)笔试部分V. 单项选择共20小题,每小题1分。主要考查学生对英语语言知识和简单表达形式等的掌握情况。要求考生根据句子意思,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。【题例】1. My father is _ engineer. He works very hard.A. a B. anC. theD. 不填答案:B【题例】2. Nick _ a new camera. He has taken lots of pictur

20、es with it.A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy答案:C【题例】3. You are growing so fast. Can you tell me _ nowA. how fast are youB. how fast you are C. how tall are youD. how tall you are答案:D. 完形填空本部分共10小题,每小题1分。主要是对学生英语综合水平的考查,即在特定语境中既考查英语基础知识的运用能力,还考查学生根据所给的内容进行正确的逻辑推理、综合判断和分析概括等能力。在一篇短文中留出10个空白,要

21、求考生根据上下文意思,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整。【题例】These days, it is easier for us to travel to other countries than ever before. However, there is a big difficulty that most of us 1 when we meet people in other countrieswe cannot communicate with them. There are 2 where English is still not spoken

22、, though it is the most widely known language. So, wouldnt it be 3 if there was one language that could be understood by anyone anywhere in the worldEsperanto that was created in 1887 may be the worlds 4 truly international language. In fact, although 5 artificial (人造的) languages have been already c

23、reated, only Esperanto has had much success. Its learners say that it is about four times 6 to learn than other languages. Spelling and pronunciation are both easy, too. For example, it does not have silent uu7 like the “h” in “honest”. If you 8 a word, you can spell it without any difficulty. The g

24、rammar is also as simple as possible: only sixteen basic 9 , no irregular verbs (不规则动词), only six verb endings.In short, Esperanto should be attractive (有吸引力的) as a language to learn, 10 there is a problem: how many people have met anyone who can really speak it Anyway, we hope that some day one lan

25、guage can be mastered easily by anyone.1. A. needB. missC. faceD. touch2. A. officesB. schoolsC. citiesD. places3. A. safeB. niceC. funnyD. difficult4. A. firstB. anotherC. lastD. other5. A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few6. A. betterB. easierC. slowerD. shorter 7. A. marksB. partsC. wordsD. letters

26、8. A. hearB. seeC. watchD. notice9. A. subjectsB. sentencesC. rules D. lessons10. A. andB. butC. so D. because 答案:15 C D B A D610 B D A C B.阅读理解本部分包括三篇文章,共15小题,每小题2分。要求考生根据所提供的短文内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。主要考查学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,培养其判断、推理及概括的能力。阅读材料的生词率不超过3,学生的阅读速度控制在每分钟5070个单词。【题例】 从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Jane Good

27、all first made friends with a chimp (黑猩猩) when she was one year old. On her first birthday her mother carried her to the zoo near her home and bought her a toy chimp. She loved her furry (毛绒) friend very much. At age 7, Jane Gooddall read Dr. Doolittle, a book about a doctor who could talk to animal

28、s. She wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal, too. She expected to go to Africa some day so that she could learn more about chimps. When Jane grew up, she still dreamed of going to Africa. She got her wish when she was 26 years old. She went to Gombe National Park where many chimps lived

29、in the forests. Jane watched the chimps closely day after day. She saw that they were a lot like people. They could think and make plans. They used tools. They showed their fear, pain, or pleasure. Sometimes, they fought. Often, they hugged (拥抱) and kissed.Scientists were surprised by what Jane saw.

30、 They knew that the relation between chimps and humans was the closest. However, they did not know they acted so much like us.Jane still has the toy chimp she was given as a child. She has studied her furry friends for over 30 years. Now, she speaks for them to groups around the world. She hopes tha

31、t what she has to say will make others do something to protect chimps from being hurt. 1. When Jane was 7, she wanted _.A. to read Dr. Doolittle againB. to talk to animals, tooC. to buy another toy chimpD. to meet a doctor at once2. Jane went to Gombe National Park to _.A. have a trip there B. train

32、 a baby chimpC. learn more about chimpsD. protect the chimps there3. The scientists were surprised when they heard that _.A. the chimps could act so much like humansB. Jane had been in Africa for such a long timeC. Jane watched the chimps closely day after dayD. Jane still had the toy chimp she was

33、given as a child 4. Jane speaks for chimps to groups around the world to _.A. help the scientists learn more about chimpsB. study her furry friends in some other countries C. make more people do something to protect chimpsD. let people know that chimps are lovely animals 5. From the passage, we can

34、learn that _.A. Jane found more about chimps than the scientists didB. Jane dreamed of going to Africa when she was 26C. Jane could talk to chimps with the help of the scientists D. Jane knew nothing about chimps before going to Africa答案:15. B C A C A卷II(非选择题,共35分)听力部分(第二节). 听短文(对话)填空主要考查学生对所听语言材料的理

35、解能力和正确获取信息的能力。为降低该试题难度,尽可能考查学生直接信息和主要信息。为降低该题难度,尽可能考查学生直接信息和主要信息。【题例】Information Sheet 1. Dr. Wang will give a talk on how to .2. There will be parts in Dr. Wangs talk. 3. The second part is about what is helpful to us. 4. The students are asked to take while listening to thetalk. 5. What the studen

36、ts write should include points.录音材料:Alright class, Dr. Wang will come to our school and give us a talk on how to keep healthy. Therere three parts in his talk. The first part is about what kinds of food are good for us. The second part is about what exercise is helpful to us, and the last one is wha

37、t we should do in our daily life. Well, Id like you to take notes while listening to the talk. You should write down the names of healthy food and the exercise you should take. You should also know why these foods are healthy and how the exercise is good for you. Finally, I want you to choose one ki

38、nd of exercise you think is good. Your notes dont have to be very long, but they must include important points. Well, please get ready for it.答案:1. keep healthy / be healthy / stay healthy2. three / 33. exercise4. notes5. important / main / key(短文或对话读两遍。)笔试部分IX. 任务型阅读任务型阅读旨在使试题贴近教学实际,提高试题的实效性和针对性,从而

39、进一步落实新课标要求,促进教育教学改革。共5个小题,每小题2分。考查形式如下:根据短文内容,设判断、选择、填空、填表格、完成句子、回答问题、英译汉等题型。试题既可按以上提到的任意一种形式出现,也可以以任意某2-3种形式出现(见所给例题)。【题Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you couldnt see. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingers. How do you feel, t

40、henWith medical knowledge and skills today, two-thirds of the worlds 42 million blind people should not have to suffer (受苦). Unluckily, rich countries have this knowledge, but developing countries do not. ORBIS is an international charitable organization (慈善组织). Its goal is to help fight blindness a

41、ll over the world. Inside a DC-8 airplane, there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest technology of helping the blind get sight again here. ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries. ORBIS helps those developing countries by

42、providing sight-saving training. It has taught over 35,000 doctors and nurses. They continue to treat thousands of blind people every year. They have travelled around the earth 3 times, visited 76 countries and treated over 20,000 blind people. They need your help to continue their work and free peo

43、ple from blindness.For just $38, you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps train a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your love can help them open th

44、eir eyes to the world.76题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77题完成句子;7879题简略回答问题;80题将文中划线句子译成汉语。76. Both rich and developing countries have the knowledge of helping blind people.【 】77. ORBIS goal is to_.78. How many doctors and nurses has ORBIS taught_79. What can you do for $380 according to the passage_80. _答案:

45、76. F 77. help fight blindness all over the world 78. It/ORBIS has taught over 35,000 doctors and nurses. / Over 35,000 (doctors and nurses).79. We / I can bring sight to 10 people. / Bring sight to 10 people. 80. 你(你们)的爱能够帮助他们重见光明。X. 词语运用主要考查学生在特定的语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。有以下几种题型:1. 根据句子的意思及汉语提示,写出词语的正确形式。【题例】1. Ill show my collection of _(邮票)to the class.答案:stamps 【题例】2. Do you know this table _(由制成)bamboo答案:is made of3. 用括


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