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1、2023届陕西省高三教学质量检测试题 (一)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Istanbul&FacesTitledTimeless City:Istanbul&Faces, the Turkey photography exhibition celebrates the 30th anniversary of Istanbul and Shanghais sistership. The 42-year-old photographer focuses on the distinctive(独特的)historical quarters and the atmosp

2、here that spreads in Istanbul. His work also pays respects to its people as well, with well-defined portraits. Date:Till Jan. 18, 10 a. m. -4 p. m.Venue:Shanghai Art Collection Museum. Knitted WorksThe knitted(编织的)show is aimed at raising awareness of post natal depression. The works were created by

3、 more than 20 mothers from different cities. All the knitted dolls and other works will be sold with the profits(利益)going to charity when the exhibition ends. If you are interested in the knitted works, you can order a special piece. Date:Till Jan. 1, 7 a. m. -9p. m.Venue:Bl Jinxiu Fun. Old Shanghai

4、 TeahouseThe newly-opened zone at Shanghai Dungeon features nostalgic sets and experiences for visitors to havescary fun. Visitors can wear traditional Chinese costumes and take photos with the performers. Date:Daily, 11 a. m. -8 p. m.Venue:Mosaic Shanghai Mail. Musical TitanicThe Tony Awards winnin

5、g musicalTitanicis in Shanghai with more than 100 characters cast. The impressive stage effects promise to take the audience to the bottom of the ocean. Date:Till Jan 22, 2 p. m. -7:30 p. m.Venue:SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.1Where should you go if you want to learn more about Turkeys history?AShang

6、hai Art Collection Museum.BMosaic Shanghai Mail.CB1 Jinxiu Fun.DSAIC Shanghai Culture Square.2What can we know about knitted works?APeople can have a talk with the creators.BAll the works can be sold when the show begins.CThe show offers people chances to learn how to make one.DThey were made by peo

7、ple from different places.3What makes the Musical Titanic special?AIts opening time is the longest.BIt raises money for a special purpose.CIt offers a lifelike experience under water.DIt allows interacting with performers.Having worked for more than a decade in finance in the oil industry in Canada,

8、 Tori Fahey found herself wanting more from life. But it wasnt through desperation that her circumstances changed: “I didnt get fed up and storm off, nothing like that; it was curiosity about other interests and wanting to experience something new.”Fahey left her job and completed an MBA before sett

9、ing up a move to New York to begin a degree. However, the opportunity of an open year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen touring cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-about adventure was now becoming a possibility: The ride in Africa had been on my fantasy list. It was a mom

10、ent when I realised that I could do anything, so I should.Fahey rode across Africa, a 7,500-mile trip that took four months. The whole experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said: “Bicycles provide a literal freedom. You dont allow yourself to feel like that in everyday life because there are

11、so many distractions. But when you re out on the bike and theres nothing else, you re really free to experience what life is.”Post-degree, Fahey worked on projects with the UNDP(United Nations Development Project) in Montenegro with the aim of bringing investment to rural communities. It was while w

12、orking on these projects that the seeds were sown for the next new investment. “It was through my trip across Africa that I discovered pannier and rack systems inconvenient and I was never going to use them again.” Little did she know this would lead her to start up her own company.In 2013, Apidura

13、was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so. Its now a successful global brand, but Fahey remains reflective about what else the company can do for people.4Why did Fahey leave her job in Canada?AShe was

14、 bored with the job.BShe was disappointed with life.CShe wanted to add new dimensions to her life.DShe found it hard to adjust to the circumstances.5Which can best describe Faheys ride experience in Africa?ADemanding.BLiberating.CEventful.DDangerous.6Why did Fahey launch Apidura?ATo encourage bicycl

15、e traveling.BTo make her investment profitable.CTo help cyclists carry traveling stuff.DTo increase the pleasure of riding bikes.7What is the passage mainly about?AA tough path to fame.BAn adventure across Africa.CThe benefits of green travelling.DThe story behind the birth of Apidura.Blowing bubble

16、s is fun! The best thing about bubbles is that its easy to make your own bubble solution (溶液). You can make as much as you want and blow as many bubbles as youd like. If you add a “secret” ingredient (配料), youll get bigger and stronger bubbles! Do just as follows:Measure 6 cups of water into one con

17、tainer, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let bubbles form while you stir.Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin (甘油) or 1/4 cup of corn syrup (玉米淀粉) and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together.You can use th

18、e solution right away, but to make even better bubbles, put the lid on the container and let your super bubble solution sit overnight. The soap mixture on the outside of a bubble is actually made of three very thin layers: soap, water, and another layer of soap. A bubble pops when the water that is

19、trapped between the layers of soap evaporates (蒸发). The glycerin or corn syrup mixes with the soap to make it thicker. The thicker skin of the bubbles keeps the water from evaporating as quickly, so they last longer. It also makes them stronger, so you can blow bigger bubbles.Dip a bubble wand or st

20、raw into the mixture, slowly pull it out, wait a few seconds, and then blow. If you dont have a ready-made “bubble wand”, you can make your own by cutting off the end of the bulb of a plastic pipet. Dip the cut end in solution and blow through the narrow end. You can also make a loop out of thin wir

21、e or pipe cleaner. Just twist a round end on your wire to blow the bubbles through. You can even make it heart-shaped, square or use other shapes if youre clever enough to bend it well.8For what purpose is the text is written?ATo argue.BTo advertise.CTo entertain.DTo instruct.9What does the secret i

22、n making bigger and stronger bubbles lies in?AThe soap.BThe corn syrup.CThe water.DThe straw.10What can you use a bubble wand to do?ABlow bubbles.BMix the solution.CMeasure soap.DShape wires.11What can we infer from paragraph 4?AMore soap, more bubbles.BLess water, better bubbles.CThicker layers, bi

23、gger bubbles.DStronger skin, bigger bubbles.In the near future, instead of going to your wardrobe (衣柜) to choose something to throw on for your next video call, you might turn to your virtual wardrobe to pick out a 3D digital dress to wear. At least, thats what a number of people in the fashion and

24、tech space are relying on as more businesses look to the promise of digital fashion. Moreover, those virtual clothes wont just be for your video calls, but could eventually be worn all over the virtual world, and eventually, perhaps, viewed on your body in the real world through the Augmented Realit

25、y (AR) glasses. “There are more and more second worlds where you can express yourself. But there is probably an underestimation of the value being attached to individuals who want to express themselves in a virtual world with a virtual product, through a virtual image,”a marketing officer Robert sai

26、d. As the field develops, there are two ways of using digital clotheswearing them yourself through AR and providing digital clothes for your virtual body. But why should we replace our physical clothes? Supporters say theres unlimited creative expression through digital clothes, which now look incre

27、asingly more elegant thanks to developments in 3D and AR technology. “Clothing represents an expression of a personality. It always exists in the physical world, and it will exist in the virtual world,” said Simon Whitehouse, a designer. He explained, “From the brand side, its incredibly profitable

28、to sell clothes without producing physical clothes. Its reinventing an entire supply chain. Theres no water usage, theres very limited CO2 emission. There are no samples being sent out or returned. There are no show rooms, and theres no physical prototype (实物模型).”12What can you probably do in the ne

29、ar future according to paragraph 1?AOpen a virtual fashion clothing store.BDesign 3D digital clothes for yourself.CBuy a bigger wardrobe for your bedroom.DWear virtual clothes made by digital technology.13What can we infer from Simons words in paragraph 3?AAR technology will bring a challenge to peo

30、ple.BOnes character will be seen in the virtual world.CDigital clothes will be more convenient for people.DOnes expression only can be seen in the physical world.14What is Simons attitude to digital clothing?AApproving.BDoubtful.CUnclear.DGrateful.15What is the text mainly about?AThe increase in AR

31、glasses.BThe digital fashion in the future.CThe virtual body in digital clothes.DAR glasses made by new technology.二、七选五Throwing a party is a great way to get all your favorite people in one place for music, conversation, of course, food. _16_, when you are the one planning the party. Not to worry;

32、your planning will be a breeze if you plan ahead of time and take the process course by course, from appetizers (开胃菜) to desserts.Ask your guests about food restrictions before you start preparing food. For guests with food allergies or on diets, ask them to make their own restrictions clear. And as

33、k if any guests are vegetarians and provide dishes accordingly. _17_.Choose an appetizer-only meal for a relaxing inexpensive party. Youll save money and preparation time, and be able to socialize more with your guests. _18_, so guests arent thrown off when no main course is served. Youll want to of

34、fer your guests some variety of taste in your appetizers for a more satisfying meal._19_. If your appetizers are just the start of a more formal meal with a main course, you keep it a bit simpler. Plan just a few handful of chips and a couple of cookies for your each guest, if youre serving a main c

35、ourse afterwards.Prepare fruits and vegetables. Many guests will want a fresh, healthy option to start off a meal. A fruit tray or veggie platter with carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli is an easy and colorful addition to your appetizer spread. _20_. Besides, youd better offer quick snacks like nuts,

36、or chips.AServe a substantial main course if necessaryBServe light, simple snacks before a main courseCYou should detail it on the invitation that only appetizers will be servedDSo you should make thoughtful preparations for each of your guestsEIts a good idea to have a few vegetarian options availa

37、ble regardlessFBut it can be stressful to prepare food for guests with all different preferencesGLook for ripe fruits and fresh vegetables that are in season for the best tasting ingredients三、完形填空We are at that time of year when students are crazily selecting courses for their upcoming year of unive

38、rsity. I love getting to talk with first-year students about what _21_they want to take and what they hope to do with their degree in future.Best of all, I love the students that come in well-prepared and _22_about all of the courses those students who say, “I cant choose, there are so many that sou

39、nd interesting.” On the other hand, there are the few students that have not yet found their _23_and some that just dont seem to want to be here at all. When I ask, “What courses are you most excited about taking?” and the _24_is, “Whatever course is the easiest.” I think, “Wow, you are to _25_ a lo

40、t of lessons in the subject of life.”I learned those lessons when I was going into my second year of university. A friend of mine, Jeff, was a year behind because he had been diagnosed with cancer and had been _26_intensive chemotherapy (化疗) during what should have been his first year. I spent many

41、days up on the cancer_27_visiting Jeff.During my second year, Jeff was able to _28_his first year courses and on the days when he was _29_to it, he would rally (聚集,重整) all of his energy and go to class. Jeff was told that his diagnosis was _30_and that there was nothing more that they could do for h

42、im. Jeff knew that these were the last weeks of his life and his _31_was not to go sky-diving and visit exotic lands; all he wanted to do was be a(n) _32_20-year-old and go to his classes at university.Jeff would have known that he was never going to _33_and yet he was able to see the _34_of educati

43、on and spent his last few weeks learning. _35_Jeff was learning about Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus, he was also teaching me an important life-long lesson Live in the moment!It doesnt seem _36_, but really he taught me the importance of taking full advantage of the _37_things in life. The best th

44、ings in life are not those rare moments that are _38_, but those everyday moments, the regular ways that _39_our time. Find inspiration at every stage of life, and it will always _40_success and happiness.21AchancesBuniversitiesCsubjectsDmeasures22AenthusiasticBabsorbedCdevotedDinvolved23AenergyBpas

45、sionCconfidenceDfaith24AsituationBharvestCresponseDpresence25Aagree withBmeet withCargue withDplay with26Agoing throughBgoing byCgoing aboutDgoing for27AoperationBsurvivalCwardDexperiment28Aask forBregister forCcall forDseek for29ApleasedBaliveCcontentDequal30AterminalBcriticalCaccidentalDnatural31A


47、r40Astick toBadapt toCcontribute toDobject to四、用单词的适当形式完成短文语法填空Confucianism, developed from thoughts by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, is a philosophical system which has become_41_importantpart of Chinese culture. It_42_ (set)up by Confucius (551-479BC) and later was developed by philosophers, including Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, Wang


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