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1、对文档进行了格式和拼写矫正以及备注补充(*/*)但是主体还是网络资源,请谨慎使用,还有“说程序”一般都融合进了其它步骤,大部分都分开了,恩还有啊那个重新排版工程量太大我就不做了(好吧其实是懒)而且排版问题已经把强迫症逼疯,而且居然有的课文没!有!说!课!稿!所以翻译中请原谅各种中式英语(/)不完善的地方肯定有很多,不过我已经尽力了因为这事真的不好做!(。)接下来是一个big project。前方高能预警。体贴的我放上目录并将四册分别打包(*/*)然后你会发现到必修四的时候已经没有汉语了,能力有限请见谅(*/*)BOOK1 UNIT1 FRIENDSHIP 2UNIT2 ENGLISH AROU

2、ND THE WORLD 4UNIT3 TRAVEL JOURNAL 14UNIT4 EARTHQUAKE 18UNIT5 NELSON MANDELA-A MOADERN HERO 21BOOK1UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP READING ANNES BEST FRIEND(注意这篇说课稿讲的是reading的内容非全单元) Hello,Ladiesandgentlemen!TodayImhonoredtostandheretotalkaboutsomeofmyteachingideas.MytopicisAnnesBestFriendfromthereadingpartofUnit

3、1,Book1.Itismadeupofthefollowingparts. Part1Myunderstandingofthislesson(说教材) Theanalysisoftheteachingmaterial :Thislessonisareadingpassage.Itplaysaveryimportantpartinthisunit.Firstofall,bystudyingthisLesson,studentscanimprovetheirreadingabilityandlearnmoreaboutfriendsandfriendship.Duringtheworldwar,


5、ducation:Annelongsforfreedomandexperiencesnature. 1. Teachingaims.(1 Knowledgeaim:Understandthemainideaofthetext (2 Abilityaim:ImproveSsreadingskillsandreadingabilities (3 Emotionalaim:MakeSsknowfriendsarethosewhoyoucantelleverythingto,suchasyourdeepestfeedingsandthoughtsandyoucanmakefriendswithwhoe

6、verorwhateveryoulike,whetheritisanobjectorheisahuman. 2.Teachingimportantpoints. Howtounderstandthetext;Memorizethevocabularyandmastersomesentencestructures.3. Teachingdifficultpoints. ImproveSsabilitiesofreadingcomprehension. Mastertheusageofkeywordsandexpressions. Analyzethecomplexsentencestructur

7、es. UnderstandhowAnnefeltafterbeinginthehidingplace. Part2Myteachingtheories,methods,andteachingtools. (说教法&学法)1 Teachingtheories:Makethestudents understand therealmasters(students-centered),whileteachersactasadirector;combinethelanguagestructureswiththelanguagefunctions.2 Teachingmethods:Doubleacti

8、vitiesteachingmethod: Questionandansweractivityteachingmethod. Watchandlistenactivityteachingmethod.Freediscussionteachingmethod. Pairworkorindividualworkteachingmethod. 3 Teachingtools: A taperecorder;multimediaandtheBb(blackboard). Part3SomethingaboutmySs.(说学生)1 Theyknowsomethingaboutfriendsandfri

9、endshipthroughbooksortheirownexperiences. 2Theylackvocabularyandcannotanalyzethelongandcomplexsentences. 3 Someofthemarenotactiveinclassbecausetheyareafraidofmakingmistakes. Part4Myteachingsteps.(说教学程序) Step1 Greetings GreetSsasusual. Step2 Revision Revisethewarming-uppart.(showthemonthescreen) Step

10、3 Leadin Brainstormsomequestionstoleadinthepassage,suchas“Doyouhaveafriend?”,“Doesafriendalwayshavetobeaperson?”,“Doyouwanttoknowaforeigngirlsbestfriend?” Purpose:ArouseSsinterestinthislessonandleadinanewtopicAnnesBestfriend. Step4Fastreading Readthepassagequicklyandfindoutthetopicsentenceofeachpara

11、graph.(答案见p3板书设计) Purpose:improvestudentsreadingabilityandunderstandthecontentofeachparagraph. Method:Readthetextindividuallyandusequestionandansweractivity. Step5 Listening(Bookclosed) ListentothetapeandthendoExx.1onP3. Purpose:trainSslisteningability Method:listenandanswermethod Step6 IntensiveRea

12、ding Readthepassageagainandanswersomedetailedquestionsonthe screen. 1 AbouthowlonghadAnneandherfamilybeeninthehidingplacewhenshewrotethispartofherdiary? 2 HowdidAnnefeelaboutnaturebeforeshehidaway? 3 Whydoyouthinkherfeelingschangedtowardsnature? 4 WhydidAnnenolongerjustlikelookingatnatureoutofthewin

13、dow? Purpose:Furtherunderstandthetexttofindoutmoredetailsofthepassage. Step7 Languagepoints 1 Vocabulary (1)gothrough (2)setdown (3)aseriesof (4)onpurpose (5)inorderto (6)atdusk (7)entirely (8)facetoface 2 Importantsentences (1)Ivegrownsocrazyabouteverythingtodowithnature. (2)Therewasatimewhen (3)Is

14、tayedawakeonpurposeuntil (4)ItwasthefirsttimethatIdseenthenight (5)Itsnopleasurelookingthrough Purpose:1Mastertherequiredvocabularyandsentencestructures. 2Usethemfreely. Step8 Consolidation 1 Findoutthetopicsentences 2 Retellthetextaccordingtothetopicsentences Purpose:Iwanttoknowifmystudentsundersta

15、ndthetext. Step9Discussion ImagineyouhavetogointohidinglikeAnneandherfamily,whatwouldyoumissmost?Giveyourreasons. Purpose:TrainSsoralEnglishability. Step10Homework WriteanarticleonFriends. Purpose:1ImprovetheSswritingability. 2TraintheSsabilityofselfteachingandlookingupinformationbythemselves. Part5

16、Blackboarddesign(说板书设计)Unit1Friendship ReadingAnnesBestFriend 1 Mainideaofeachparagraph: Para.1Annemadeherdiaryherbestfriend. Para.2Annewroteherfeelingsinherdiary. Para.3Annemissednature. Para.4Annesawthenightfacetoface Para.5Annewantedtoexperiencenatureoutdoors. 2 Listening:Exx.1P3 3 Discussion:Exx

17、.3P3 Purpose:1 MakeSsfamiliarwiththepassage 2Makethedesigninductive,instructiveandartistic.UNIT2 ENGLISH AROUND THE WORLD(咳咳这篇文章有点难搞而且好的要收费因为穷所以动用了截图,想下载原文档地址在这里UNIT3 TRAVEL JOURNAL READING Journey Down the Mekong(同是reading内容)Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im greatly honored to have the opportu

18、nity to share my teaching ideas with you. Today my topic is “Journey down the Mekong” taken from unit 3,book 1. My presentation consists of 4 parts, They are : Analysis of the teaching material, Teaching methods and learning methods, Teaching procedure and Blackboard design.Part 1. Analysis of the t

19、eaching material.(说教材)This part consists of 4 aspects1. Status and function of this passage This reading passage is the highlight of this unit. It mainly talks about Wang Kun and his sisters dream of taking a great bike trip down the Mekong River, their preparation for the trip and some more details

20、 of the Mekong River. By studying of this unit, students will know how to make plan and preparation for a trip. So it not only contains the most important words and sentence structures of this unit but also embodies the theme of this whole unit.(Now lets come to the teaching aims, they are knowledge

21、 aims, ability aims and emotional aims. )2. Teaching aims. (1) Knowledge aims:to help Ss master the new words and useful expressions and learn to express future by present progressive tense (2) Ability aims: to develop Ss reading skills, such as skimming, scanning and the ability of reading between

22、lines. to let Ss use what they have learned to describe a trip.(3)Emotional aims: to simulate Ss love for nature and environment. to cultivate Ss international consciousness.(Thats all for the teaching aims, now lets come to the teaching important and difficult points.)3. The important and difficult

23、 points:The important point is to help Ss to master new words and expression. The difficult point is to help Ss to develop different reading skills and reading strategies.4. Analysis of the students(说学生)My students are first-grade students of senior high school. They have been learning English in ju

24、nior high school and have accumulated a certain number of vocabularies. They have mastered some simple learning strategies and skills with a preliminary ability of speaking and writing. However, the differences in students personality and English proficiency are very large. So my teaching design sho

25、uld have gradient to meet the need of different student. Travel is an interesting topic. I will seize the students psychological characteristics and stimulate students interest, so that they will learn to participate in the study, and learn to study in the participation.(Thats all for the first part

26、, now lets move to the second part.)Part2. Teaching methods and learning methods(说教法&学法)In order to finish the teaching aims above, Ill mainly use “Task-based Language Teaching method”, “Communicative Teaching method”. To make the class a student-centered one, the students are encouraged to work in

27、groups and learn cooperatively, so they have more opportunities to practice. Teacher acts as an organizer, a listener and a helper.And teaching aids are multi-media computer, tape-recorder and blackboard.Part3. Teaching procedures.(说教程)Now, lets come to the most important part, the teaching procedur

28、e. It includes 6 steps: Step I: Lead-in, Step II: pre-reading, Step III: While-reading, Step IV: Consolidation, Step V: Post-reading, Step: Homework.Step I: Lead-in (3 mins) When we learn this lesson, the students just came back from the National Day not long before. I will take advantage of this op

29、portunity to let the students share their travel experience in class. So they will enjoy the fun of traveling. And then I will introduce the topic of this lesson to the Ss: how to make plan and preparation for a travel.Purpose: Let the Ss talk about their travel experience will greatly stimulate the

30、ir interest in participating in the class.Step II : pre-reading (4 mins)1. T: Q1: Have you visited any river? Q2: How many great rivers do you know?Q3 : If you could travel down only one of them, which one would you choose? Why?Show the Ss some pictures of rivers, ask the Ss to guess the names of th

31、ese rivers.2. T: Have you visited the Mekong River? If no, lets learn something about it. Show the Ss the picture of Mekong and ask them to list the countries the Mekong River flows through. Then I will introduce some background information of Mekong to the students. Such us the Chinese part of the

32、river is called the Lancang river.Purpose: to arouse the Ss interest in learning. Improve the SS language expressing ability.Step III: While-reading (21mins)(While-reading is the main part and it will takes 21 mins. This step is divided into 3 parts.)1) Review new words Considering that the new word

33、s may affect the understanding of the text, so I will review the new words to the SS first, such us: ever since, persuaded, cycling, graduating, finally, schedule, fond of , shortcoming, stubborn, organize. 2)Fast reading:skimming &scanning During fast reading, I will ask the Ss to reading the whole

34、 passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph. Para1: Deciding to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river.Para2: Different attitudes between Wang Kun and Wang Wei.Para3: The preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river.Purpose: to train Ss reading ability, such as skim

35、ming and scanning. And help the Ss understand the general idea of the text.3) Careful reading: intensive readingLet the students read the passage again and do a T or F exercise. And if it is F, I will ask them to correct it. In this step, Im going to divide the Ss into four groups, and let them have

36、 a competition. The one who stand up fast and give the right answer can get ten marks for his group, the group which gets the highest mark will get a present.This exercise can help the Ss get the key information of the passage in a short time and can deepen the Ss understanding of the text.Step IV :

37、 Consolidation (6mins)1. Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and then ask them to read it aloud. Tell them to pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation while listening. At the same time they can enjoy the beauty of English language. And it can prepare the Ss for t

38、he retelling in next step. Purpose here is to improve Ss ability to grasp the main ideas when listening.2. let the Ss complete the forms paragraph by paragraph. Purpose here is to help Ss to get the habit of reading a passage as a whole, and pay attention to the organization of the text, as a result

39、 the Ss will fully understand the whole passage.3. ask Ss to retell the passage with the help of the key words in the form.Since the Ss in the class are in different levels, so I let them to fill in the blank to understand the meaning of the words and phrases better. ( Thats all for the while-readin

40、g. Now lets move to the fifth step.)Step V: Post-reading (10mins) -DiscussionIn this part students are asked to discuss in groups and list Wang Kuns and Wang Weis attitudes about the trip. After that, Ss are encouraged to express their attitudes with the whole class. Collect their answers and dont f

41、orget to praise them even if their answers may not be perfect.In this activity, discussion provides a vivid and active learning environment for Ss to communicate in English with newly learned language items. (Finally it comes to the homework.)Step:Homework (1min)1. Ss are required to read the text a

42、gain after class and figure out the meaning of some complex sentences.2. Do the exercises on P19; This can help Ss to consolidate what theyve learnt and make preparation for the next lessonPart4. Blackboard design.(说板书设计)On the top, there is the title of this lesson. On the left, there are main idea

43、s for each paragraph. On the right, there are some new words and expressions.Unit 3 Travel journalJourney down the MekongMain idea of each para.:Para1: deciding to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river.Para2: Different attitudes between Wang kun and Wang wei.Para3: The preparation before the

44、 trip and details about Mekong river.New words and expressionsThats all for my presentation. Thanks for your attention. UNIT4 EARTHQUAKE一、Analysis of the teaching material(说教材) Hello,Ladiesandgentlemen!TodayImhonoredtostandheretotalkaboutsomeofmyteachingideas.The center topic of this unit is“earthquake”, the content includes “the sleepless night of Tangshan, the earthquake of San Francisco in 1906, reconstruction after the earthquake in Tangshan, the basi


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