初中英语九年级全册-12-2 Unit 12 Section A (1a-2d)导学案.docx

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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A 1a-2d导学案【学习目标】1. 能掌握以下单词及短语:unexpected,by the time,backpack,oversleep,ring,givea lift。2. 掌握By the time I got outside,the bus had already left和When I got to school,I realized I had left my backpack at home句型。3. 掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。4. 通过本课的学习,学会合理安排时间,养成良好的

2、学习习惯,增强做事的计划性。【重点和难点】【学习重点】1能听懂别人叙述过去的事情。2能初步运用由when/before/by the time引导的时间状语从句叙述过去的事件。【学习难点】用过去完成时叙述过去的事件。【自学自查】单词自学自查一、根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1. He had a car and often gave me a _(搭便车) home.2. If you set your alarm clock, you wont _(睡过头).3. Kate _(遗忘) her backpack at home yesterday. 4. Dont give up. You

3、know hard work leads to_ (成功).5.Paul is a(n) (出乎意料的) visitor.短语自学自查二、 请认真阅读课文,找出下列重点短语。1.在淋浴_ 2某人发生了什么? _3.把落在家里_ 4.就在的时候_5.睡过头_ 6.上课迟到_7.停止运转,不工作了_ 8.捎(某人)一程_9.遗忘 10.在外面 课文自学自查完成教材1a-1c的任务1. 要求学生翻开课本P89,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务: Look at the pictures what happened to the girl. 2. 检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并

4、检查讨论。然后要求2-3名同学就What do you usually do in the morning?给出自己的答案,并把收集的答案列举在黑板上。3. 要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务: Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentences: 读出序号-读出所填单词-读出完整的句子 4. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。5. 完成教材1c的任务,要求学生模仿1a内容,进行对话练习。并邀请2-3对同学当堂进行演示。完成教材2a-2d的任务1. 要求学生翻开课本P90。播放录音一遍,完成2a,2

5、b的听力任务,然后个别检查,统一核对答案。2. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。3. 听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4分钟)1) I ran home to get my backpack.2) I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.3) She asked for out homework, but of course I didnt have it.4. 大声朗读听力材料。(1分钟)5. 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,

6、2b的信息编写故事的结尾,并和同伴分角色练习对话练习。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。6. 播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。【词汇和句式包】1Life is full of the unexpected. 生活充满了意外。P89 be full of = be filled with 充满;装满【小小翻译官】这个书包装满了书。The bag_ _ _ books.The bag books.2My alarm clock didnt go off!我的闹钟没有响!P90go off 发出响声;(食物或饮料)变质;熄灭,停止

7、运转【语境应用】写出划线短语的中文含义。1) Then the fire alarm went off. I just ran out. _2) Suddenly the lights went off. _3) Meat goes off quickly in hot weather. _3Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.幸运的是,卡尔的爸爸在街上看见了我,开车捎了我一程。P90luck n运气lucky adj.幸运的luckily adv.幸运地unluckily adv.不幸地【

8、拓展】完成短语。捎某人一程 give sb. 帮某人一把 give sb. 给某人打个电话 give sb. 给某人上课;给某人一个教训 give sb. 给某人一个机会give sb. 【语境串记】用luck的适当形式填空。He lost his job But ,he got a better job. How !Good sometimes happens out of expectation.4. By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.当我出来的时候,公共汽车已经走了。本句是by the time引导的时间状语从句,从句

9、是I got up,是一般过去时。主句the bus had already left是过去完成时。过去完成时表示在过去某个时间之前已经发生的动作或一直延续的动作或状态。它表示的动作所发生的时间是“过去的过去”,常用“助动词had+过去分词”构成。常与过去完成时连用的时间状语有:by(the end of)+过去的时间,for+段时间,since+点时间,when引导的时间状语从句(从句中谓语动词用过去时)等。例句:1)By the end of the match, they had kicked two goals and we had kicked four.到比赛结束时,他们已踢进两个

10、球,我们进了四个球。”2)By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom. 在她起床之前,她的弟弟已经进了盥洗室。【针对练习】1) By the end of last year, we _ about 2000 English words. A. were learning B. have learnt C. learnt D. had learnt2) Since 2000, Nanchang has become a new city. Everything _. A. is changed B

11、. was changed C. has changed D. had changed5. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. 当她到学校时,她意识到她把背包忘在家里了。表示“把某物忘在某处”要用词组leave sth. +place。e.g. Ive left my umbrella at home.我把伞忘在家里了。【拓展】forget forget意为“遗忘某物”,指忘记一件具体的东西,但不能有具体的地点。e.g. I forgot my umbrella yesterday .我

12、昨天忘了带伞。【针对练习】 Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh, my God! I _ it at home. A. hand in, forgot B. hand in, left C. hand out, forgot D. hand out, left 【达标检测】一、根据首字母或汉语提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. Dont give up. You know hard work leads to_ (成功).2.Paul is a(n) (出乎意料的) visitor.3.I was putting on

13、 my clothes when the telephone r .4.When I took out the umbrella, I r I took Toms by mistake.5.I Have you b_ your teeth?6. Yesterday I was late for school , my alarm clock didnt g_ off7. I put on some clothes and r_ out of the door to catch the bus.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Tom always (brush) his teeth tw

14、ice a day.2.Linda, there is only a little time left. We have to walk (quick).3.Before I got to the bus stop, the bus (start) moving.4.Maria, can you help your baby sister get (dress)?5. Maria_(finish)the email before her mother_(come)in after work last night.6.When I (get) to school, I realized I (l

15、eave) my homework at home.7. By the end of last week we_(learn)about 3,000 English words.三、单项选择。1.Why were you late for school this morning?Because my alarm clock didnt go off and I _.A. overslept B. completed C. changed D. missed2.Whats wrong with you?By the time I got to school,I realized I had _

16、my English book at home.A. left B. forgotten C. took D. brought3.She said when she got to the cinema,the film _ for 5 minutes.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on4.If you read a lot, your life will be full pleasure.A. by B. of C. for D. with5.The meeting _ by the time I got there

17、yesterday.A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun on6.What happened, Mike?_I got to school, the first class had been over.A. In time B. On time C. By the time D. At that time四、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.谢谢你用小汽车搭载我一程。Thank you for in your car.2.当我到达车站时,火车已经开走了。 I got to the station, the tr

18、ain . 3.当地震发生的时候,一些人仓促地跑出了大楼。Some people the building when the earthquake happened.4.当他进入教室时,他意识到他把背包忘在家里了。When he came into the classroom, he that he his backpack at home.5.今天早晨他的闹钟没响,所以他上班迟到了。His alarm clock didnt this morning so he arrived late for work.6到他们来我家的时候,我已经完成了所有的作业。_ _ _ they came to m

19、y home, I _ _ all my homework.五、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Sally. You look very unhappy. Whats wrong?B: Hi, Bob. (1)_A: What happened?B: This morning I got up late. When I got to the bus stop, the bus had left. (2)_A: Oh, you had to wait for about 20 minutes.B: Yes, and on the way I found

20、 that I had left my keys at home.A: (3)_B: Right. And when I got to school, I found my classmates werent at school. They had gone to help clean up the City Park. But I forgot we were going to do that.A: (4)_B: Yes, and I had to stay at school the whole morning. When I had a physics class in the afte

21、rnoon, I found that I had forgotten to bring my physics homework.A: Thats too bad. (5)_B: OK, I will.A. But you couldnt go back home again.B. So you returned home to get your keys?C. So you missed the chance to be a volunteer.D. But I like to be a volunteer.E. You should be more careful next time.F.

22、 Ive had a really bad day.G. So I had to wait for another bus. 参考答案:短语自学自查1.lift /ride 2.oversleep 3.left 4.success 5.unexpected【词汇和句式包】1. is full of; is filled with2. 1) 发出响声2) 熄灭3) 变质3. a lift;a hand;a ring;a lesson;a chance unluckily;luckily;lucky;luck4. DC5. B【达标检测】一1.success 2.unexpected 3.rang 4.realized 5.brushed 6.go 7.rushed 二1.brushed 2.quickly 3.had started/started 4.dressed 5.had finished came 6.got had left 7.had learnt三1-6 AADBCC四1.giving me a lift 2.By the time had left 3.rushed out of 4.realized had left 5.go off 6.By the time had finished五 15 FGBCE


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