英语人教版高中选择性必修一(2019新编)第一单元Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking学案.docx

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1、Section Reading and Thinking重点词汇讲解Point1 crucial用法详解crucial adj.至关重要的;关键性的;决定性的This aid money is crucial to the governments economic policies.这笔援助金对政府的经济政策至关重要。Consumers confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.消费者的信心是经济复苏的关键。归纳拓展be crucial to对至关重要play a crucial role/part in sth.在(方面)起关键作用be of

2、 crucial importance非常重要a crucial period关键时期经典例题根据汉语意思完成句子(1)你的意见对这个计划至关重要。Your opinion the plan.(2)在孩子们适龄时为他们提供应有的教育至关重要。 to provide the children with efficient education suitable to their age.(3)他的健康状况对我们来说至关重要。His health to us all.参考答案(1)is crucial to(2)It is crucial(3)is of crucial importancePoin

3、t2 committed用法详解committed adj.坚定的,尽心尽力的The party has a core of committed supporters.该党派有一批坚定的支持者。归纳拓展commit v.承诺;保证;做(错事);忠于committed adj.坚定的,尽心尽力的commitment n.承诺,投入,忠诚,奉献The most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger.最尴尬的电子邮件错误通常是在生气的时候犯的。commit oneself to sth./doing=be committed to s

4、th./doing致力于,以为己任The government has committed itself to improving the health service in the countryside.政府已作出承诺要改善农村的医疗条件。We are fully committed to Equal Opportunity policies.我们完全支持机会均等政策。In order to build a harmonious world, all countries must be committed to coexisting peacefully.建立和谐世界,必须致力于实现各国和

5、谐共处。特别提醒词组中的to 为介词,后接名词或动名词,类似短语还有:devote oneself to=be devoted to投身于, 致力于be addicted to对上瘾, 沉溺于be used to习惯于look forward to盼望,期待经典例题单句语法填空(1)The prison sentence he received was based on the number of crimes he (commit).(2)I thank you for your continued support and (commit).(3)He loved playing this

6、instrument, and was committed to (practice) it.(4)He admits that recently he has become addicted to (play) online games.(5)Neighbors devoted their spare time to (help)others rebuild homes.参考答案(1)had committed句意:他被判刑的年限取决于他犯罪的次数。设空处的动词时态表过去(received)之前发生,故用过去完成时。(2)commitment句意:我谨对你们的不断支持和承诺表示感谢。此处需要

7、名词形式。(3)practicing句意:他喜欢演奏这种乐器并坚持练习。词组be committed to中的to为介词,后面需接动名词。(4)playing句意:他承认最近沉迷于网络游戏。词组be/become addicted to中的to为介词,后面需接动名词。(5)helping句意:邻居们把自己的空闲时间用于帮助他人重建家园。词组devoteto/be devoted to中的to为介词,后面需要接动名词。Point3 objective用法详解(1)n.目标,目的 (同:aim, purpose, goal)Another way of setting realistic goal

8、s is to analyze your short and long term objectives.另一种设定实际目标的方法是分析你的短期和长期目标。The company was formed in 1996, with the objective of providing a solution for urban wireless geolocation.公司组建于1996年,目标是为城市无线定位提供解决方案。(2)adj.客观的,公正的Its hard to give an objective opinion about your own children.对于自己的孩子很难给予客观

9、的意见。Scientists need to be objective when doing research.科学家做研究时要客观。归纳拓展with the objective of目的是achieve/meet an objective达到目标set an objective制定目标main/primary objective主要/首要目标be objective about对是客观的objectively客观地经典例题1.单句语法填空(1)We simply want to inform people (objective) of the events. (2)The method of

10、 analysis must be objective evaluating accident rate.2.根据汉语意思完成句子(1)我们的主要目标是将孩子安然无恙地找回来。 was the recovery of the child safe and well.(2)我认为新闻记者应该是完全客观的。I believe that a journalist .参考答案1.(1) objectively句意:我们只是想把事件客观地告诉人们。需要用副词修饰动词inform。(2) about句意:对于评价事故率的分析方法必须是客观的。be objective about对是客观的。2.(1)Our

11、 main objective (2) should be completely objectivePoint4 evaluate用法详解evaluate vt.评价,评估,估计。常见搭配:evaluate+how/whether评估/评价I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work.没看到他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。We need to evaluate how well the method is working.我们需要评价这一方法产生的效果。归纳拓展evaluation n.估计,评价We need to carry out

12、a proper evaluation of the new system.我们要对新系统进行合理的评估。经典例题单句语法填空(1) I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair (evaluate).(2)It is widely acknowledged that students should be (evaluate) in terms of overall quality. 参考答案 (1) evaluation句意:我听说学生们给了这位新老师一个不公平的评价。形容词后面需接名词。 (2)evaluated句意:人们普遍认为应该

13、从整体质量方面评价学生。此句为被动语态,故用过去分词。Point5 property用法详解(1)n.C性质,性能,特征A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.无线电信号既具有电的特性又具有磁的特性。Wormwood is a plant with medical properties.艾草是一种具有药用价值的植物。(2)n.U财产,所有权;不动产;房地产It is important that we should take good care of public property.爱护公物很重要。Any prope

14、rty which does not sell within six weeks is overpriced.任何房产如果6周内还卖不出去就说明定价过高。归纳拓展intellectual property知识产权,著作权property right产权经典例题翻译句子(1)Kids are not our property. They are free._(2)Compare the physical properties of the two substances._(3)The price of property has risen enormously._参考答案(1)孩子不是我们的财产

15、,他们是自由的。(2)比较一下这两种物质的物理特性。(3)房地产的价格大幅度地上升了。Point6 distinct用法详解distinct adj.清晰的,清楚的;有区别的,明显不同的His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.他说话声音不大,但字字清晰。Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct.虽然这些植物看起来很相似,但它们实际上是截然不同的。The package should be appealing enough to make it

16、distinct from other lipsticks and attract consumers attention.包装应该具有足够的吸引力与其他的口红相区别来吸引消费者的注意力。The African elephant is divided into two distinct species.非洲象分为两个不同的种类。归纳拓展be distinct from与不同distinguish v.区分,辨别distinction n.差别,区别,不同make/draw a distinction between A and B区别A和Bdistinctly adv.不同地,清楚地disti

17、nctive adj.有特色的,与众不同的经典例题单句语法填空(1)He pronounces (distinct).(2)It wouldnt have to be a big talent, just enough so that she might gain some sense of (distinct).(3)The between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious that it is not easy to between people from the two countries. (distinct)(4)Those two sug

18、gestions are quite distinct each other.参考答案(1)distinctly句意:他发音清晰。用副词修饰动词。(2)distinction句意:并不需要太大的天赋,只要足以让她获得与众不同的感觉就行了。介词of后用名词形式。(3)distinction;distinguish句意:中国人和日本人之间的差别不是很明显,以致很难区分这两个国家的人。(4)from句意:那两个建议截然不同。Point7 try doing用法详解try doing尝试做(含有试试看的意味)try to do尽力,设法做John isnt here. Try phoning his

19、home number.约翰不在这里,试试打他家里的电话。Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.不要为成功而努力,而要为做一个有价值的人而努力。辨析比较try to do与manage to do 易混词组区别例句try to do强调动作,不表示结果如何Ill try to get downtown this afternoon but I dont know if I can make it.今天下午我想去市中心,但不知是否能去成。manage to do强调结果,表示经过一番努

20、力之后做成某事How do you manage to stay so slim?你是怎么保持这么苗条的?归纳拓展类似的用法还有:mean doing sth.意味着做某事mean to do sth欲意/打算做某事regret doing 后悔做了某事(已做)regret to do sth.遗憾要去做某事(未做)stop doing sth.停止做某事stop to do sth.停下来去做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做)remember to do sth.记得要去做某事(未做)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已做)forget to do

21、sth.忘记要做某事(未做)经典例题1.单句语法填空(1)Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried (live) alone, but she didnt like it and moved back home.(2)When he was 16, he tried (enter) university in Switzerland, but failed due to his low scores.(3)I didnt mean (eat) anything but the ice cream looked so goo

22、d that I couldnt help trying it. 2.根据汉语意思完成句子(1)尝试反着做,看看会发生什么。 the opposite and see what happens.(2)老师们经常向学生灌输“岁月不待人”的思想。Teachers often rub into the pupils that time and tide wait for no man.参考答案1.(1)livingtry doing sth.尝试做某事。(2) to entertry to do sth.设法/尽力做某事。(3) to eatmean to do欲意/打算做。2.(1)Try doi

23、ng(2)try to doPoint8 obtain用法详解(1)vt.(尤指经努力)获得,赢得After she obtained a bachelors degree, she went on with her study for a masters degree.获得学士学位后,她继续学习争取(获得)硕士学位。These national parks obtained financial support from tourist companies.这些国家公园得到了旅游公司的财力支持。obtain advice/information/permission得到忠告/信息/许可(2)v

24、i.(规章、习俗等)存在,流行These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件不再适用。归纳拓展obtainable (正式)adj.可获得的,能得到的The form is obtainable at your local post office.可在当地邮局获得该表格。经典例题单句语法填空(1)The longer this situation (obtain),the more extensive the problems become.(2)(obtain) her degree,she answered 81 questions on over 10 pa

25、pers.(3)Im afraid that the record you asked for is no longer (obtain).参考答案(1)obtains句意:这种局面持续的时间越长,问题波及的范围就越大。主语为第三人称单数。(2)To obtain句意:为了获得学位,她回答了10多页纸上的81个问题。to obtain表目的。(3)obtainable做表语应该用形容词形式。Point9 acknowledge用法详解(1)vt.承认(属实、权威等)She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.她拒不承认改革的必要性。He is

26、widely acknowledged to be/as the best player in the world.普遍认为他是世界最佳球员。(2)vt.(公开)感谢、答谢I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses. 我对本地几家企业的资助表示感谢。归纳拓展acknowledge to be/as承认是/为be acknowledged to be/as被认为是acknowledge doing/having done sth. 承认做了某事It is widely acknowledged

27、that普遍认为acknowledgementn.承认;致谢,鸣谢辨析比较acknowledge,recognize与admit易混词区别例句acknowledge指公开承认隐瞒或否认过的事情With so much evidence against him,he had to acknowledge his error.在这么多证据面前,他不得不承认他的错误。recognize指正式承认主权、权利等They refused to recognize the countrys independence.他们拒绝正式承认这个国家的独立。admit通常指因外界压力、良心或判断而承认某事的存在或真实

28、性,含不情愿之意The accused man admitted his guilt.被告承认了他的罪行。经典例题1.判断下列句子中acknowledge的含义(1)If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about Chinaits influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways. (2)I would like to a

29、cknowledge all the help I have received from my family. 2.一句多译正如大家所公认的,除非我们创造一个污染更少的世界,否则我们不可能看到更蓝的天空。(1) we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world. (it做形式主语)(2),we can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world. (定语从句) 3.根据汉语意思完成句子(1)没有确凿的证据,他拒绝承认偷了

30、那位女士的钱包。With no solid evidence, he refused to the ladys purse.(2)普京被广泛地认为是全世界一位杰出的政治人物。 Putin an outstanding political figure all over the world.参考答案1. (1)(公开)承认(2)感谢2. (1) It is acknowledged that(2) As is acknowledged3. (1) acknowledge/admit stealing(2) is widely acknowledged to be/asPoint10 analys

31、e用法详解analyse vt.分析My tutor explained that I should read lots of different texts that contain different opinions and analyse what I read.我的导师解释说,我应该阅读大量的有关不同观点的文章, 并进行分析。The job involves gathering and analysing data.这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。归纳拓展analysis (pl. analyses) n.分析in the last/final analysis总之;归根结底analys

32、t n.分析者,化验员 analytical adj.分析的,善于分析的经典例题1.单句语法填空(1)By (analyse) the parts of the sentence we can learn more about English grammar.(2)In the final (analyse), I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.2.单项选择The team are working hard to the problem so that they can find the best solution.A

33、.faceB.preventC.raise D.analyse参考答案1.(1)analysing句意:分析句子成分,我们就能多了解一些英语语法。介词by后接动名词。(2)analysis句意:总之,我认为我们都同情剧中的女主人公。形容词final后接名词。in the last/final analysis总之;归根结底。2.D句意:这个团队正努力分析这个问题,以便能找到最好的解决办法。考查动词词义辨析。face面对;prevent阻止;raise提出;analyse分析。根据语境可知答案为D项。Point11 conclude用法详解conclude vt.得出结论The scientis

34、ts concluded from their research that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer.科学家们从他们的研究中得出结论:地球变得越来越暖和了。It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about bad􀆳 tables,” given that they􀆳re profitable. 我们可以得出这样的结论:考虑到餐馆的盈利能力,餐馆老板们不需要过分担心“不好”的桌子。归纳拓展concl

35、ude from从中推断出conclusion n.结论;推论 draw/reach/come to/lead to a conclusion得出结论in conclusion最后;总之conclusive adj.结论性的,有说服力的经典例题1.单句语法填空(1)The research lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its (conclude) are doubtful.(2) conclusion, we have benefited from the activity. 2.翻译句子我从自己的经历中得出一个结论:有志者,事竟成。_3.单项选择

36、When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to it with important points. A.conclude B.lead C.avoid D.hold参考答案1.(1)conclusions(2)Inin conclusion总之。2.I drew/reached/came to/led to a conclusion from my own experiences that where there is a will, there is a way.3.A句意:当小组讨论接近尾声时,一定要用要点来结束讨论。P

37、oint12 insist用法详解(1)insist意为“坚决要求,坚决主张(做某事)”时,宾语从句用虚拟语气,即谓语动词should do的形式。should可以省略。I insist that you (should) take immediate action to put this right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。(2)insist意为“坚持说;坚持认为”时,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。The doctor insisted that the sick man was still at risk then.医生坚持说这位病人当时仍然处于危险中。All the doct

38、ors insisted that he was badly wounded and that he should be operated on at once.所有的医生都坚称他受伤严重,并坚持要求他应该立刻接受手术。归纳拓展insist on sth.坚称某事;坚决要求某事insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事She kept insisting on her innocence. 她再三坚称自己无罪。I might fail, but anyhow I insist on doing it. I never lose heart.我可能会失败,但无论怎样,我会坚持做的。我永

39、不灰心。经典例题单句语法填空(1)They insisted that we (send) to the countryside to work as practice teachers.(2)His friends insisted he (have) no connection with drugs.(3)He insisted that he (be) not ill, but the doctor insisted that he (take) medicine.(4)That is not love, and you know it.Why do you insist on (call) it love?参考答案(1)should be sent句意:他们坚持要我们下乡当实习教师。(2)had句意:他的朋友们坚持认为他与毒品毫无关联。(3)was;should take句意:他坚持说他没有病,但医生坚持要他服药。(4)calling句意:那不是爱,你知道的。你为什么坚持称它为爱呢? insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事。


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