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1、 语法填空语法填空 颐和园最强颐和园最强“扫地僧扫地僧”张旭火了张旭火了 近日,颐和园的一位保洁员因对古建历史如数家珍而在网络上意外走红。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。单词的正确形式。A recent video featuring a cleaner at Beijings Summer Palace has become unexpectedly popular on the Internet.In the video,he 1._(passionate)shares information about the

2、 parks buildings with tourists while using a broom and a cloth.“One day during a routine inspection,I noticed a few tourists who appeared somewhat 2._(confuse)while reading books,so I approached them to offer some 3._(assistant),”Zhang Xu said.He continued,“In addition to our regular cleaning duties

3、,we also provide 4._(addition)services like giving directions,answering questions,and offering explanations.I never expected these 5._(gain)so much attention;in reality,its just a very ordinary part of our job.”Born in 1984,Zhang Xu is a native of Yanqing,Beijing,6._ served as a soldier for two year

4、s.After being discharged from the army,he came to work for the Beijing Environmental Sanitation Group two years ago and 7._(send)to the Summer Palace as the captain of the cleaning team of the four major scenic 8._(spot).In his free time,Zhang Xu frequently turns 9._ various books and gathers inform

5、ation online.He conducts research and subsequently,has become a bit of 10._ expert at the Summer Palace.1.passionately,考查词性转换,形容词充满激情的转换成副词,修饰shares动词,作状语。2.confused 表示“人感到迷惑的”,作表语,和appeared构成系表结构。3.assistance,考查词性转换,形容词转换为名词,作offer的宾语。4.additional,名词转换为形容词,修饰servuces,作定语。5.to gain,考查动词不定式,前面已经有谓语ex

6、pected,expect sb/sth to do sth.6.who,考查定语从句中的关系代词,非限制性定从,作主语指人用who.7.was sent,考查谓语的用法,一般过去时的被动语态,时态参考and前面的时态。8.spots,名词的复数形式,景点不止一处。spot还有动词的用法,看见之意。9.to,考查介词的用法,turn to表示求助于、转向。句中理解为“查阅各种书籍”。平时要注意短语的积累。10.an,考查冠词,expert可数,以元音开始,所以是an。The Summer Palace:A Brief Introduction 颐和园主景区由万寿山、昆明湖组成,全园占地3.08

7、平方公里,水面约占四分之三。园内现存各式宫殿、园林古建7万平方米,并以珍贵的文物藏品闻名于世,是第一批全国重点文物保护单位。The Summer Palace landscape,dominated mainly by Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake,covers an area of 3.08 square kilometers,three quarters of which is under water.Its 70,000 square meters of building space features a variety of palaces,garde

8、ns and other ancient-style architectural structures.Well known for its large and priceless collection of cultural relics,it was among the first group of historical and cultural heritage sites in China to be placed under special state protection.颐和园集传统造园艺术之大成,借景周围的山水环境,既有皇家园林恢弘富丽的气势,又充满了自然之趣,高度体现了中国园

9、林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的造园准则。The Summer Palace is a monument to classical Chinese architecture,in terms of both garden design and construction.Borrowing scenes from surrounding landscapes,it radiates not only the grandeur of an imperial garden but also the beauty of nature in a seamless combination that best i

10、llustrates the guiding principle of traditional Chinese garden design:“The works of men should match the works of Heaven”.一九九八年十二月,颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录,并予以如下评价:1)北京的颐和园是对中国风景园林造园艺术的一种杰出的展现,将人造景观与大自然和谐地融为一体;2)颐和园是中国的造园思想和实践的集中体现,而这种思想和实践对整个东方园林艺术文化形式的发展起了关键性的作用;3)以颐和园为代表的中国皇家园林是世界几大文明之一的有力象征。In Decem

11、ber 1998,UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List with the following comments:1)The Summer Palace in Beijing is an outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese landscape garden design,incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole;2)The Summer Pala

12、ce epitomizes the philosophy and practice of Chinese garden design,which played a key role in the development of this cultural form throughout the east;3)The imperial Chinese garden,illustrated by the Summer Palace,is a potent symbol of one of the major world civilizations.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先假

13、设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文日记,记录你陪美国朋友后顺序,写一篇英文日记,记录你陪美国朋友Mike游览游览颐和园的全过程。注意:颐和园的全过程。注意:词数不少于词数不少于60。Today I accompanied Mike to the Summer Palace.It is unforgettable for both of us.Early in the morning,we arrived at the park,thrilled and delighted.Seeing the grand gate of the Summer Place,Mik

14、e felt quite amazed.As soon as we entered the park,Mike was attracted by the ancient buildings.Then we decided to climb to the top of the hill to enjoy the wonderful view.All the way up the hill,I told Mike the history of the Summer Palace.He was deeply absorbed in the stories and impressed by the b

15、eauty of the palaces and the scenery of the park.Later,we went boating on the Kunming Lake.Mike was interested in the long bridge over the lake and took a lot of photos.Meanwhile,I explained to him why the bridge was constructed like this.Before we knew it,the sun was setting.It was time to leave.Mi

16、ke couldnt help expressing his admiration at Chinese architecture.When I heard what he said,I was filled with pride!假定你是李华,你的英国好友Simon得知你参加了学校组织的“走进北京”研学活动,写信询问你活动情况。请你给他回信,内容包括:1活动目的;2活动过程:参观故宫博物院,登长城,观看京剧表演,品尝北京小吃等;3你的感受。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:研学Handson InquiryBased Learning(HIBL)【参考范文

17、】Dear Simon,Im writing to tell you about our HIBL“Into Beijing”last week.The purpose of this activity was to help students better understand Chinese culture.First,we visited the National Palace Museum,and we were amazed at the beautifully designed palaces.After that,we climbed the Great Wall.Standin

18、g on the top of it,we felt excited and proud.Then,we enjoyed the performance of Beijing Opera and the local snacks.This trip was really meaningful and educational.I sincerely invite you to China and experience Chinese culture one day in person.Yours,Li Hua The Summer Palace in Beijing 北京颐和园北京颐和园 翻译训

19、练翻译训练 颐和园(颐和园(the Summer Palace)位于北京市西北部的位于北京市西北部的海淀区,距北京市中心海淀区,距北京市中心15公里。它是中国最大、公里。它是中国最大、保存最完好的皇家园林。颐和园有著名的自然风保存最完好的皇家园林。颐和园有著名的自然风景和人文景观景和人文景观(cultural landscape),因此它也一直因此它也一直被公认为是被公认为是“皇家园林博物馆皇家园林博物馆”。顾和园始建于顾和园始建于1750年,作为一座豪华的皇家花园年,作为一座豪华的皇家花园供皇室成员休息和娱乐。清朝末期,颐和园成为供皇室成员休息和娱乐。清朝末期,颐和园成为了皇家成员的主要居住

20、地。它位列世界遗产了皇家成员的主要居住地。它位列世界遗产(the World Heritage Sites)目录,也是中国第一批国家目录,也是中国第一批国家5A级旅游景区之一。级旅游景区之一。The Summer Palace is situated in the Haidian District,northwest of Beijing City,15 kilometers from central Beijing.It is the largest and most well-preserved royal park in China.It also has long been recog

21、nizcd as“the Museum of Royal Gardens”with famous natural view and cultural landscape.The construction started in 1750 as a luxurious royal garden for royal families to rest and entertain.It became the main residence of royal members in the end of the Qing Dynasty.It not only ranks amongst the World

22、Heritage Sites but also is one of the first national AAAAA tourist spots in China.During Chinas dynastIc period,emperors planned the city of Beijing 56._ arranged the residential areas according to social classes.The term“hutong”,57._(original)meaning“water well”in Mongolian,appeared first during th

23、e Yuan Dynasty.In the Ming Dynasty,the center was the Forbidden City,58._(surround)in concentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City.Citizens of higher social status 59._(permit)to live closer to the center of the circles.The large siheyuan of these high-ranking officials and wealthy busine

24、ssmen often 60._(feature)beautifully carved and painted roof beams and pillars.The hutongs they formed were orderly,lined by 61._(space)homes and walled gardens.Farther from the center lived the commoners and laborers.Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and 62._(simple)in design and decoration,

25、and the hutongs were narrower.Hutongs represent an important cultural element of the city of Beijing.Thanks to Beijings long history 63._ capital for six dynasties,almost every hutong has its stories,and some are even associated with historic 64._(event).In contrast to the court life and upper-class

26、 culture represented by the Forbidden City,Summer Palace,and the Temple of Heaven,the hutongs reflect 65._culture of grassroots Beijingers.从语篇结构而言,本文是典型的说明文,采用直白法开门见山亮明语篇主题:北京城根据元朝的原先礼制安排城市建设和居民区域,这是第一段内容。第二段内容则是具体讲解北京城四合院和胡同的样式情况,也就是how的内容。第三段主要讲述这样设计安排的意义所在,也就是四合院和胡同反映了北京城草根一族的文化风俗,主要是what部分的内容。Du

27、ring Chinas dynastic period,emperors planned the city of Beijing 56 and arranged the residential areas according to social classes.The term“hutong”,57 originally(original)meaning“water well”in Mongolian,appeared first during the Yuan Dynasty.56.and 考平行结构,谓语动词 planned 和 arranged 并列。57.originally 考副词作

28、时间状语,最初=first表达:表达:dynasty n.王朝;dynastic/dans.tk/adj.王朝的residential areas 住宅区、居民区social calsses 社会阶级water well 水井 In the Ming Dynasty,the center was the Forbidden City,58 surrounded in concentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City.Citizens of higher social classes 59 were permitted(permit)

29、to live closer to the center of the circles.The large siheyuan of these high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen often 60 featured(feature)beautifully carved and painted roof beams and pillars(柱子).The hutongs they formed were orderly,lined by 61 spacious(space)homes and walled gardens.Farther

30、from the center lived the commoners and laborers.Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and 62 simpler(simple)in design and decoration,and the hutongs were narrower.58.surrounded 考非谓语,关键词 by,过去分词作后置定语修饰 the Forbidden City;语法点与本段 lined by 及本篇最后一句的 represented by 一致。59.were permitted 考被动语态,注意考被动语态,注

31、意 permit 需要双写需要双写 t。句意。句意“社会地位高的人被允许住在紫禁城周边社会地位高的人被允许住在紫禁城周边”。60.featured 考时态,考时态,feature v.以以为特色,是为特色,是的特征的特征=be characterized by。句意。句意“达官、富商的大达官、富商的大型四合院有着精美雕饰的屋梁和柱子型四合院有着精美雕饰的屋梁和柱子”。61.spacious 考名词变形容词,考名词变形容词,space n.空间;空间;spacious adj.宽敞的。句意宽敞的。句意“他们建造的胡同鳞次栉比,宽敞的他们建造的胡同鳞次栉比,宽敞的房屋与围墙隔断的花园沿着胡同排列成

32、行房屋与围墙隔断的花园沿着胡同排列成行”。62.simpler 考形容词比较级,句意考形容词比较级,句意“老百姓住的四合老百姓住的四合院规模更小,设计装饰更简单,形成的胡同更狭窄院规模更小,设计装饰更简单,形成的胡同更狭窄”。far 在此修饰比较级。在此修饰比较级。表达:表达:the Forbidden City 紫禁城inner city 内城;outer city 外城be permitted to do sth 被允许做某事high-ranking officials 达官orderly 整齐的farther(far的比较级)更远 Hutongs represent an importa

33、nt cultural element of the city Beijing.Thanks to Beijings long history 63 as capital of China,almost every hutong has its stories,and some are even associated with historic 64 events(event).In contrast to the court life and upper-class culture represented by the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,and

34、 the Temple of Heaven,the hutongs reflect 65 the culture of grassroots Beijingers.63.as 考介词,as 作为,句意“北京历史悠久,为中国古都”64.events 考名词单复数,historic events 历史事件 65.the 考定冠词,特指北京草根文化 表达:表达:represent 代表,象征cultural element 文化元素be associated with 与有联系in contrast to 与形成鲜明对比court life 宫廷生活upper class 上流社会the Summer Palace 颐和园the Temple of Heaven 天坛grassroots n.平民百姓;adj.草根的


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