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1、高中英读后续写万能句情绪描写类目录页面CONTENTS PAGE1表达愤怒3表达哀伤沮丧2表达愉悦4表达恐惧担忧表达愤怒011.表达愤怒1.He stamped his feet in anger.气得跺脚2.His face twisted with anger.他气的脸都扭曲了。3.His voice trembled with anger.气的声音发抖4.She stood in a rage,stormed out and slammed the door.一怒之下站起来,冲出房间,狠狠摔门1.表达愤怒5.His wife glared/glowered at him.怒目而视6.un

2、able to contain his anger,waving his fist in the air无法控制他的愤怒,在空中挥舞着他的拳头7.He clenched his fists in anger.他愤怒地撰紧拳头8.There was a flash of anger in his eyes.他的眼睛闪过-道愤怒;1.表达愤怒9.could feel my cheeks flush with anger.我的脸颊因发怒而红10.be furious with sb/at sth.对某人/某事大发雷霆11.glare at his brother and shout in despa

3、ir,with anger boiling upinside.怒视着他的弟弟,绝望地大喊,心中怒火中烧;表达愉悦022.表达愉悦1.feel on top of the world/be tickled pink/be on cloud nine/be wild with joy.很高兴2.with her heart pounding/beating violently/racing with excitement她的心激动得直跳3.A smile of understanding/A faint smile crossed会心的微笑划过他的脸庞4.Laughter lingered aro

4、und the room.笑声在房间里回荡5.beam at sb/The childrens faces beamed with pleasure/joy眉开眼笑2.表达愉悦6.Her face brightened/itup.喜形于色7.Joy welled up inside her.喜悦涌上心头8.I was pleased beyond description.喜不胜言9.She wore a shining smile on her face.脸上带着灿烂的笑容10.She shed tears of joy.高兴的流下了眼泪11.She was overwhelmed by ha

5、ppiness/excitement.满心欢喜12.Amusement gleamed in his eyes.他眼里露出愉悦的深情2.表达愉悦13.His face glowed/reddened with delight他高兴得满脸通红14.Tears of happiness flowed down/trickled down ones cheeks流下了幸福的泪水15.She giggled behind her hands.捂嘴咯咯地笑16.As he listened,his mouth split into a big smile.咧嘴笑17.His face expanded

6、with a satisfied smile.绽开满意得笑容18.Her flushed face was shining with excitement.兴奋得满脸通红2.表达愉悦19.The smile on her face shone like a diamond.她脸上的笑容如钻石闪耀20.He marched out the class,whistling a merry tune.吹着轻快的口哨21.She couldnt restrain anymore,and burst out laughing.再也无法克制22.Our faces lit up at her words.

7、她的话让我们喜形于色23.Mr.Shores face lit up with relief喜形于色表达哀伤沮丧033.表达哀伤沮丧1.depressed抑郁的:frustrated/upset沮丧的:sorrowful悲伤的:disappointed:painful2.Tears blurred her eyes.泪水模糊了她的双眼。Tears broke free.泪水夺眶而出3./feel down in the dumps/be in low spirits.情绪低落4.I tried to fight/hold back tears.强忍住泪水5.They were immersed

8、 in sorrow/despair/desperation/hopelessness.沉浸在悲痛之中3.表达哀伤沮丧6.A gale was blowing,making them unable to open their eyes.Worse still/To make matters worse the temperature droped dramatically,plunging them into deep despair.狂风大作,让他们睁不开眼睛。更糟糕的是,温度骤降,他们陷入了深深的绝望中7.He was suddenly thrown into a world of dar

9、kness and sank into hopelessness.他突然被投入黑暗之中,陷入了绝望8.Her hands shaking,she was on the verge/edge of tears/collapse.她的手在颤抖,快要哭了崩溃3.表达哀伤沮丧9.I was overwhelmed by/consumed with guilt and shame.我内心充满内疚和羞愧10.Upon hearing the bad news,she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly wit

10、h tears streaming/rolling down her cheeks.个坏消息,一阵悲伤袭来她忍不住痛苦地哭了起来,泪水顺着脸颊流下来。11.I have a splitting headache.头痛欲裂3.表达哀伤沮丧12.A wave/surge of pain/sadness ran over him.一阵痛楚袭上他的心头。13.Her face was clouded with grief.脸因悲伤而变得阴沉。14.The little girl was wailing miserably.痛苦的哀嚎15.She sobbed,hiding her face in he

11、r hands.抽泣着,用双手捂着脸3.表达哀伤沮丧16.They sat there with gloomy looks on their faces.面带愁容17.The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.脸上蒙上了-层愁云18.I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.在悲伤的海洋里沉浮19.His wifes disease took away his appetite.茶饭不思20.Words cannot express my sorrow/Words failed me.言语无

12、法表达我的哀伤3.表达哀伤沮丧21.Seeing this made my heart sink.看到这个让我心情沉重22.A ripple of regret welled up inside me.一阵后悔涌上心头23.A ripple of fear passed through him.一阵恐惧传遍他全身表达恐惧、担忧044.表达恐惧、担忧1.I am frozen/rigid with fear.吓得我动都不敢动2.She was choked with fear.吓得透不过气来了3.Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.她

13、脸色苍白,站在那张口结舌4.Her heart beat so violently/wildly that she felt nearly suffocated.她的心跳的厉害,几乎要室息了4.表达恐惧、担忧5.She shook all over,feeling like sitting on pins and needles.浑身发抖,感到坐立不安6.A wave of panic flooded/swept/ran over me.一阵恐惧向我袭来7.When my brother was nowhere to be seen,I felt so scared that my throa

14、t tightened and my knees felt weak.当我到处找不到我弟弟时,我害怕得嗓子发紧,膝盖发软。8.was dragging through the rain,my mind drawing a blank.我在雨中艰难前行,脑子一片空白。4.表达恐惧、担忧9.I shook/trembled with fear/terror/horror/fright/dread.因害怕恐惧而发抖1O.Fear slowly creeps upon her.恐惧慢慢爬上她的心头(creep-crept-crept)11.Her eyes were wide with horror.

15、她吓的睁大眼睛12.Billys eyebrows knitted together.眉毛皱在一起13.A chill went up his back as he turned around in fear.他背后袭来-阵寒意4.表达恐惧、担忧14.The sea roaring,was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.大海在咆哮,我被深深的恐惧所控制,手心出汗4.表达恐惧、担忧14.The sea roaring,was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.大海在咆哮,我被深深的恐惧所控制,手心出汗Thank You


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