读后续写积累背诵的心理活动句子 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx

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1、读后续写三部曲:一读二想三写 一、读 (读读所给的不完整故事,弄清大意和主题,理清故事的主要人物所给的不完整故事,弄清大意和主题,理清故事的主要人物和事和事件)。件)。(what,when,where,who,why,how)人人物时态和事件语言特色不要变物时态和事件语言特色不要变 二、想(仔仔细阅读细阅读所给所给两段的首句,结合正能量结尾,思考大致框架两段的首句,结合正能量结尾,思考大致框架。)。)三、写 (根根据据“所见所见/遇所想,所为所感遇所想,所为所感”等构思具体细节等构思具体细节。(环境描写,外貌描写,语言描写,动作描写,心里描写,神态描写)第一段大意:两个首句决定(第一段的大意既

2、要顺应第一段所给的首句,又要很好地过渡到第二段首句。第二段大意:第二个首句+故事正能量,弘扬真善弘扬真善美。美。1.助人为乐 2.误会和解 3.团队合作 4.亲情温暖 5.平凡幸福读后续写万能结尾句 1.I was sure that there was something glorious shining in her eyes.I got to know it was the grace of love.我非常确信她眼中有光芒闪耀,我深知那是爱的光辉。(kindness,forgiveness,friendship,courage,persistenceinsistence,gratitu

3、de.)2.Every single act of kindness will finally contribute to a better world as well as generosity,gratitude,and trust.(每一个善举最终都将有助于一个更美好的世界,慷慨,感激和信任也是。)续写最后升华句子1.1.世界总会给有梦想的人开路。世界总会给有梦想的人开路。The world always makes way for dreamers.The world always makes way for dreamers.2.2.每个人都是自己命运的建筑师每个人都是自己命运的建筑

4、师Everyone is the architect of his own fate.Everyone is the architect of his own fate.3 3苦难是磨炼人的好机会苦难是磨炼人的好机会Suffering is a good opportunity to cultivate peopleSuffering is a good opportunity to cultivate people4.4.事实上,每个人都有天赋。发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力。最终,你会创造奇迹。事实上,每个人都有天赋。发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力。最终,你会创造奇迹。In factI

5、n fact,everyone has talent.Be brave when you find it and wotk hard.In the endeveryone has talent.Be brave when you find it and wotk hard.In the end,youll create miracles.youll create miracles.5.5.战胜恐惧和实现目标需要决心和乐观。战胜恐惧和实现目标需要决心和乐观。Fighting fear and achieving goals require determination and optimism.F

6、ighting fear and achieving goals require determination and optimism.6.6.生命就是充满欢笑和泪水的。只有同时接受两者,我们才能享受生活。生命就是充满欢笑和泪水的。只有同时接受两者,我们才能享受生活。Life is full of laughter and tears.Only by accepting both can we enjoy life.Life is full of laughter and tears.Only by accepting both can we enjoy life.7.7.有时候一些小小的善行

7、也能带来巨大的改变有时候一些小小的善行也能带来巨大的改变Sometimes a little kindness can make a big difference.Sometimes a little kindness can make a big difference.8.8.有时候,一些小小的关爱也能融化人们内心的孤单。有时候,一些小小的关爱也能融化人们内心的孤单。Sometimes a little love can also melt peoples inner lonelinessSometimes a little love can also melt peoples inner

8、loneliness。9.9.一个小小的善行,无论是对施予者还是接受者,都是一份祝福。一个小小的善行,无论是对施予者还是接受者,都是一份祝福。A little good deed is a blessing to both the giver and the receiver.A little good deed is a blessing to both the giver and the receiver.10.10.永远不要低估你的行为的力量。永远不要低估你的行为的力量。Never underestimate the power of your actionNever underesti

9、mate the power of your action.表内心情绪的续写句子表内心情绪的续写句子 1.1.高兴,兴奋,喜乐、满意高兴,兴奋,喜乐、满意:(happy/delighted/glad.happy/delighted/glad.1.His face lit up like the sun.他的脸一下子亮起来。2.He wore a shining smile on his face.他脸上带着灿烂的微笑。2.2.悲伤烦恼悲伤烦恼:(sad/upset/frustrated.sad/upset/frustrated.1.He stood silently,tears rolling

10、 down his cheeks.他默默地站着,眼泪顺着脸颊滚落下来。2.She sobbed,hiding her face in her hands.她抽泣着,双手掩面。表内心情绪的续写句子表内心情绪的续写句子 3.愤怒生气(angry.1.When he heard this,he was turning with anger.当他听到这些话时,他气得转过脸来。2.He glared at me with burning eyes.他怒视着我。4.4.害怕害怕:(scary/afraid/frightened.scary/afraid/frightened.1.He turned to

11、me,with his eyes full of horror.他转向我,眼中充满了恐惧。2.I was dreadfully frightened.我怕得要命。表内心情绪的续写句子表内心情绪的续写句子 5.5.惊讶困惑:惊讶困惑:1.He seemed surprised to hear this.他听了这话似乎很吃惊。2.On learning the truth,he was totally shocked.得知真相后,他完全震惊了。6.6.感动感动:1.Tears filling her eyes,she offered her heartfelt gratitude.泪水盈满了她的眼

12、睛,她表达了她衷心的感谢。2.With tears streaming down her face,she 泪流满面,她.表内心情绪的续写句子表内心情绪的续写句子 7.7.宽慰满意:宽慰满意:1.When he heard this,he was wild with joy.当他听到这个消息时,他欣喜若狂。2.My face wore a satisfied expression.我一脸的心满意足。8.紧张:1.He got ants in his pants.他坐立不安。2.His heart beat wildly.他心跳得很快。3.He felt the heat in his body

13、 rising,and his cheeks blushing.他感到身体里的热量在上升,他的两颊发红。表内心情绪的续写句子表内心情绪的续写句子 9.骄傲 1.He was proud of what he had done.他为自己所做的事感到自豪。2.He burst with pride.他充满了自豪感。10.绝望失望 1.I felt hopeless/desperate.我感到绝望。2.So desperate was I that I drowned sadness in wine.我太绝望了,沉溺于悲伤当中。11.疲惫1.I covered my mouth to hide my yawn.我捂住嘴,不让别人看见我打哈欠。2.My legs were weak that I could hardly stand.我的腿发软,几乎站不起来。12.羞愧惭愧1.I felt my cheeks burning with shame.我羞愧得脸颊发烫。2.So ashamed did I feel that I was close to tears.(我羞愧得几乎要哭了)3.So ashamed was I that I could feel the blood rush to my face.我是如此的惭愧,以至于我脸如充血般发烫。


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