新高考读后续写 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx

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1、新高考读后续写什么是读后续写?评分解读 衔接 情节 语言 连贯StructureTitle:The Hidden TreasurePlotBeginningEndingRising ActionClimaxFalling ActionA StoryThe Given PassageContinuation Writingemotion5W读构续读时:抓4要素1 1 settingsetting(whenwhere)(whenwhere)2 2 main charactersmain characters3 3 plot-conflictplot-conflict4 4 themetheme构思

2、:看段首句构思续写两段情节、构思续写“四个点”内容、构思续写段落细节续写续写先正确-再追求生动高级衔接连贯读什么,写什么Read and Explore2022 全国新高考1卷 Davids run It was the day of the big cross-country run.Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest.I looked

3、around and finally spotted David,who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence.He was small for ten years old.His usual big toothy smile was absent today.I walked over and asked him why he wasnt with the other children.He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.What was wrong?He h

4、ad worked so hard for this event!I quickly searched the crowd for the schools coach and asked him what had happened.I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,he explained uncomfortably.I gave him the choice to run or not,and let him decide.I bit back my frustration(懊恼).I knew the

5、coach meant well-he thought he was doing the right thing.After making sure that David could run if he wanted,I turned to find him coming towards me,his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other c

6、hildren,but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular kid.He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing.That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team.It just took him longer-thats all.David had no

7、t missed a single practice,and although he always finished his run long after the other children,he did always finish.As a special education teacher at the school,I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.2022.6 全国新高考1卷whowhenwhere2022.6 全国新高考1卷续写两段开头语

8、Para1.Para2.IDavidWhat:David hesitate to run.Why:David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children.He was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at himPara 1:We sat down next to each other,but David wouldnt look at me.Para 2:I watched as David moved u

9、p to the starting line with the other runners.细读首句细读首句 阅读续写两段开头,你能得到什么信息?David 最终决定参赛最终决定参赛depressed,blue,frustratedInspired,in high spiritPara 1:We sat down next to each other,but David wouldnt look at me.Para 2:I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.How did David f

10、eel at this moment?What did I do and say?How did David react?How did I react?How did David perform on the field?Whats the ending of the story?构思情节构思情节l Action Responsel Negative Positivehang/lower ones head 低下头tap sb on the shoulder gently 轻拍某人的肩膀toe the line 踮起脚尖,准备起跑shoot like an arrow 像离弦的箭一样飞速奔跑

11、quicken ones steps 加快脚步trip over 绊倒battle ones way through 奋力通过1.高级表达动作描写:丰富细节丰富细节be torn between a rock and a hard place 进退两难,左右为难make up ones mind 下定决心burst into a big toothy smile 绽放出露齿笑容He was in high spirits and felt a sudden strength inside him.他情绪高涨,突然感觉内心充满力量。A flush of admiration and joy sw

12、ept over me.一股钦佩和喜悦之情涌上我的心头。2.高级表达情绪描写:丰富细节丰富细节非谓语动词 Trying to break the silence,I tapped him on the shoulder gently.我轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀,试图打破沉默。插入语 That familiar David,hard-working,determined,full of positive energy,came back.我们熟悉的那个努力、坚定、充满正能量的 David 回来了。3.高级句式:丰富细节丰富细节倒装句 Painful and a bit embarrassed as h

13、e was,he still dragged his feet to keep moving forward.尽管他很痛苦,也有点尴尬,但他还是拖着脚继续往前跑。with 复合结构 Thunderous applause broke out,with the name David echoing again and again.雷鸣般的掌声响起,人群中一遍又一遍回响着 David 的名字。丰富细节丰富细节David felt a sense of achievement welling up in his heart.“Everyone deserves a better version of

14、 themselves,”as the old saying goes.David 感到一股成就感涌上心头。俗话说:“每个人都应该拥有更好的自己。”4.主旨升华:丰富细节丰富细节Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking,wed know that no one is ordinary.And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.也许如果我们知道其他人在想什么,我们就会知道没有人是平凡的。我们一生中至少值得一次起立喝彩。With the power to

15、conquer himself,he can conquer anything on the way to a promising future.有了战胜自己的能力,他就能在通往光明未来的道路上战胜一切。4.主旨升华:丰富细节丰富细节Nothing will be impossible as long as you pay efforts and have a tough determination.只要你付出努力,有坚定的决心,一切就皆有可能实现。We sat down next to each other,but David wouldnt look at me.He hung his h

16、ead,trying to avoid eye contact with me.It was a tricky moment,calling for a good choice of words.Having thought it over,I mentioned some events which won peoples praise for his determination and perseverance.His face began to lighten.He added that even the judges thumbed up at him.The whistle went

17、off and the competitors began to take their places.To my joy,David slowly rose to his feet.范文赏析范文赏析动作描写,与首句过渡合理自然解决冲突,“我”鼓励 David 参赛神态描写承上启下,与 Para 2 首句 David 走向起跑线呼应I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.David stood firmly in his position,ignoring everything around.

18、Pushing forward without balance,he was left behind.However,when he made his way to the finish line,the spectators burst into thunderous cheers and applause.Inspired by the enthusiasm and encouragement,David quickened his pace in high spirits.It turned out that he achieved his best record ever.Seeing

19、 his confident smile,I sighed in relief.With the power to conquer himself,he can conquer anything on the way to a promising future.范文赏析范文赏析与首句衔接,展现 David 的决心情节合理,David 患有脑疾,跑得比别人慢展现同学们团结友爱动作描写升华主旨,战胜自我你该如何做?首先要确保:情节合理,篇幅满满,字体好看首先要确保:情节合理,篇幅满满,字体好看 (18+18+)有目的、有意识的去赏析和积累!有目的、有意识的去赏析和积累!大量的输入和厚厚的沉淀!多读勤背!大量的输入和厚厚的沉淀!多读勤背!Nothing will be impossible as long as you pay efforts and have a tough determination


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