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1、Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? 外研版外研版英语英语四四年级上册年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 第一课时 Watch and sing together. Lets review. -What are you doing? -Im - What is he/she doing? - Hes/Shes Amy is a kid. New words. 近义词 child-children Amy and Daming are kids. Listen, point and say. Look and answer. What are the kids do

2、ing? Theyre listening to music. What are they doing? Theyre playing football. Watch the video. Listen and read after it. Theyre listening to music. What are the kids doing? Theyre playing football. What are they doing? Role play and act out. Today lets have a trip by bus. 低碳出行计划乘坐公交出行 Now, lets get

3、on the bus. 辨别 get on 上车 get off 下车 Listen, point and find “-ing”. Look out of the bus window. We can see lots of interesting things. /i/ See you later. Look out of the bus window. We can see lots of interesting things. lots of = a lot of = many/much She has lots of/a lot of/many books. Look out of

4、the bus window. We can see lots of interesting things. interest(兴趣)+ ing =interesting things thing do taijiquan play chess Look at the people in the park. Look at the men between the trees. row a dragon boat drink soya milk -What are they doing? -Theyre What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan. W

5、hat are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat. What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. What are they doing? Theyre drinking soya milk! Lets chant. 心有灵犀心有灵犀 两人一组上台,背对背站好。其他同学根据老师的 图片提示说句子,如:They are doing taijiquan.台上 同学根据大家的句子做动作,动作一样通过考核,不一 样则失败! Watch the video. Listen and read after it. Lets

6、 get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things. Look at the people in the park. OK. What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Look at the men between the big trees. What are they doing? Theyre playing chess.

7、 Look at these girls. What are they drinking? Theyre drinking soya milk! Look at the clock. Its twelve now. Im hungry. Me too. Lets go! Listen and fill in the blanks. _ the people _ the park. _are they _? Theyre _taijiquan. What Look at in doing doing Look at the _ on the lake. _ are they _? Theyre

8、_ a dragon _. What doing rowing people boat Look at the _ _ the big trees. What are they doing? Theyre _ chess. playing men between Look at these girls. _ are they _? Theyre _ soya milk! What drinking drinking Look at the _. Its twelve now. Im _. Me too. Lets go! clock hungry Read in roles according

9、 to the following information. Daming: Amy: Daming: Amy: Daming: Amy: Daming: Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things. OK. Look at the people in the park. What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat.

10、 Read in roles according to the following information. Amy: Daming: Amy: Daming: Amy: Daming: Look at the men between the big trees. What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. Look at these girls. What are they drinking? Theyre drinking soya milk! Look at the clock. Its twelve now. Im hungry. Me too

11、. Lets go! Lets act out. Look and say. 观察老师带回的旅行照片,和同桌一起说一说照片观察老师带回的旅行照片,和同桌一起说一说照片 里的人都在干什么。里的人都在干什么。 坐公交低碳出行,保护环境,人人有责!坐公交低碳出行,保护环境,人人有责! 一、连一连。 A. do taijiquan B. row a dragon boat C. listen to music D. get on the bus E. play chess Try to do. 二、写出下列动词的现在分词。 row _ drink _ play _ do _ listen _ rowi

12、ng drinking playing doing listening 三、选择合适的答语。 ( ) What are they doing? ( ) Do you often row a boat? ( ) Lets drink soya milk. ( ) Are you reading a book? ( ) What are they drinking? D E A C A. Yes, I am. B. Soya milk. C. No, I dont. D. Theyre playing chess. E. Great. B 1. 词汇:kid, can, see, interest

13、ing, thing, people, boat, men, between, drink, clock, hungry. 2. 短语:get on, lots of, look at, do taijiquan, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soya milk, me too. 3. 句型:What are they doing? Theyre + doing Look at the Sum up. 1.背过本课所学单词、短语、动词现在分词。 2.听、跟读活动二,并与同伴模仿表演。 Homework can can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能够,

14、会” ,后加动词原形。 I can carry these books. 例 I can see the hill. 例 第二课时 我是小小足球员我是小小足球员 between get on soya milk thing men boat lots of interesting see can row kid people rule chess drink hungry clock 老师单击鼠标老师单击鼠标,出现,出现一个单词,看一个单词,看 哪组同学先读出来。先读出哪组同学先读出来。先读出来来后后, 用鼠标单击相应的球,足球射门成用鼠标单击相应的球,足球射门成 功,则功,则可加可加一分一分

15、。 What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan. What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat. What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. What are they doing? Theyre drinking soya milk! Lets do and chant. I do you say. 我做动作,你说短语。 Listen and say. I say you do. 我说短语,你做动作。 play chess drink soya milk

16、row a dragon boat do taijiquan Listen and choose. ( ) 1. Look at the people in the park. Theyre _. A. watching TV B. playing chess ( ) 2. What are they drinking? Theyre drinking _. A. soya milk B. milk B B Listen and read after it. A:What are they doing? B:Theyre playing chess. A:What are they doing

17、? B:Theyre drinking milk. Lets act out. 拿出事先准备的头饰、象棋、奶瓶等 道具,表演对话,注意语音语调及表情! Mime and say. playing basketball running rowing a boat swimming What are they doing? Theyre rowing a boat. Yes! Practise. 黄金搭档黄金搭档 四个人一组,两个同学一起做动作,一个同学用 “What are they doing ?”询问,另一个同学用 “They + are + 动词的ing 形式 + 其他.”回答。四人轮 流

18、进行。 Group work. 我是小小表演家 小组合作,使用句子“What are they doing? Theyre”编对话并且拿出自己带来的道具模拟情景, 比一比哪个组表演的逼真,颁发“奥斯卡”奖杯。 我是小小表演家 示例:Maomao的爸爸妈妈出差了,Maomao和弟弟妹妹在 家,妈妈打电话回来,询问Maomao和弟弟妹妹们的情况。 Mum: Hi, Maomao. This is Mum. What are you doing? Maomao: Im reading books. Mum: What are your little brother and sister doing?

19、 Maomao: My little brother is drinking soya milk and my sister is listening to music. 中西方眼中不同的龙 在西方神话传说中,dragon是一只巨大的蜥蜴,长着 翅膀,身上有鳞,拖着一条长长的蛇尾,能够从嘴中喷火。 在西方dragon是罪恶的象征,这来源于圣经中的故事。与 上帝作对的恶魔(Satan)被称为the great dragon。因此 在基督教中dragon总是代表邪恶。一些圣徒都以杀死 dragon为其业绩。在英语中,dragon所引起的联想与“龙” 在中文中所引起的联想完全不同,例如说一个人像dr

20、agon 这并不是一句好话。 在中国,“龙”是一个图腾形象。华夏民族的图腾形 象有一个演化过程。他是由多种动物综合而成的图腾形象, 如龙兼有蛇、兽、鱼等多种动物的形态,是以蛇为主的幻 想动物。这也反映了华夏民族不断融合的过程。在我国古 代传说中,龙也作为皇帝的象征。 有的词典为了区别汉语中的“龙”和英语中的dragon, 把中国的“龙”称为Chinese dragon,以区别于英语中的 dragon。 一、交际小高手。 ( ) 1. 你想知道小孩们在干什么,应该这样问: A. What are the kids doing? B. What is he doing? ( ) 2. 你想说他们在

21、下象棋时,应该这样说: A. Theyre playing chess. B. Theyre play chess. ( ) 3. 你饿了,你会这样说: A. Im hungry. B. Me too. ( ) 4. 你们在等车,公共汽车来了,你会这么说: A. Lets on the bus. B. Lets get on the bus. A A A B Try to do. 二、连词成句。 1.are, they, What, doing (?) _ 2. rowing, boat, dragon, They, a, are (.) _ 3. people, Look, the, at, trees, the, between (.) _ What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat. Look at the people between the trees. 1. 短语:play chess, do taijiquan, row a dragon boat, drink soya milk. 2. 句型:-What are they doing? -Theyre Sum up. 1.背过第一单元的单词、短语。 2.画一画动作图片,与同伴运用所学句型开展 对话。 Homework


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