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1、Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? 外研版外研版英语英语四四年级上册年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 第一课时 Lets sing together. Do you like tomatoes? What do you like? Free talk. Talk about food. Preview. I want noodles. I want rice. I also want juice with ice. Lets chant. Look and answer. Do you want some noodles? Do you want some

2、 rice? Do you want some juice? Do you want some juice with ice? Listen and chant. Watch the video. Listen and chant with it. Noodles and rice are very, very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Lets chant together. Noodles and rice are very, very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Here is a

3、food stall. There is some rice and noodles. We can call them Chinese fast food. Listen, point and find “Do you want?” Do you want some rice? No, thank you. Do you want some noodles? Yes, please. Do you want some rice? 这是生活中使用频率很高的一句日常用语,它用来征求对方的意见, 意思是“你想要吗?”,不管要与不要都要有礼貌地回答。 -Do you want some bread?

4、 -Yes, please./No, thank you. 例 注意:如果用”Yes, I do.” 或者 “No, I dont.” 来回答,就显得语气生 硬,给人一种不礼貌的感觉。所以,回答“Do you want?”时,尽 量用委婉客气的语气来回答,这样才显得礼貌。 Group work. 热情好客的小主人 六人一组,轮流扮演小主人招待客人,用“Do you want some?”来询问客人是否想要某种食物或饮料,其他成员用 “Yes, please. /No, thank you.”回答。 Look at the man, what is he doing? He is making

5、noodles. make noodles He is making two kinds of noodles. What are they? Noodles with tomato and egg. Noodles with meat and potato. What do you want? Pair work. -What do you want? -I want/ Watch and listen. Listen and answer. 1. What does the food stall sell? Chinese fast food. 2.What is the man doin

6、g? Hes making noodles. 3.What does Amy want? Noodles with tomato and egg. Listen and read after it. Look, Amy. Chinese fast food! Do you want some rice? No, thank you. Look at that man. What is he doing? Hes making noodles. Do you want some noodles? Yes, please. Here are noodles with tomato and egg,

7、 and noodles with potato and meat. What do you want? Noodles with tomato and egg, please. Mm, its nice! Read in roles according to the following information. Daming: Amy: Daming: Amy: Daming: Amy: Look, Amy. Chinese fast food! Do you want some rice? No, thank you. Look at that man. What is he doing?

8、 Hes making noodles. Do you want some noodles? Yes, please. Here are noodles with tomato and egg, and noodles with potato and meat. What do you want? Noodles with tomato and egg, please. Mm, its nice! Lets act out. Practise. 四到六人为一组,创设用餐情境,创编对话。 要用到的句型: -Do you want some? -Yes, please./No, thank you

9、. -What is he doing? -Hes -What do you want? -I want 一、选一选。 A. ice B. juice C. tomato D. egg E. potato 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._ C A B D E Try to do. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 2. Do you want some tomatoes? - _ A. Yes, I want. B. Yes, please. ( ) 3. Juice _ ice is very nice. A. at B. in C. with B ( ) 1. _ you want s

10、ome apples? -No, thank you. A. Do B. Are C. Is A C 1. 词汇:with, also, juice, ice, fast food, want, make, noodles, potato, tomato, egg, some. 2. 句型: -Do you want some? -Yes, please./No, thank you. -What do you want? -I want Sum up. 1.背过本课所学单词。 2.听、跟读活动二,并与同伴模仿表演。 3.结合本课学习内容创编一个新的chant。 Homework also与t

11、oo 都表示“也”。also用于句中(be/情/助之后,实意动词前)。 too用于句末。 She can play chess. I can also play chess. 例 She can play chess. I can play chess too. 例 want 动词“想要”。 I want some apples. 例 She wants to go home. 例 用法:want sth. 想要某物;want to do sth. 想要做某事。 some 量词“一些”。 I want some noodles. 例 She wants some water. 例 用法:修饰可

12、数名词复数;修饰不可数名词。 第二课时 Listen and chant. Noodles and rice are very, very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. 分组表演chant,选出表现最优组。 Noodles and rice are very, very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Pair work. -What do you want? -I want/ -Do you want some? -No, thank you. /Yes, please. Who are the

13、y? They are Bird and Panda. What does the panda want? Lets listen. Look and answer. Listen and say. Listen and answer. What does the panda want? Some noodles. Listen, read and translate. Do you want some noodles? Yes, please. Do you want some milk? No, thank you. Lets act out. Do you want some noodl

14、es? Yes, please. Practise. Group work. 我为野餐出份力 六人一组,每组制作或画出本组的野餐食物,之后在小 组内根据野餐食物互相询问:Do you want some? /What do you want? 并做好记录。 森林大派对 森林小动物要开派对了,为了开派对他们需要许多美 食。请同学们分别扮演厨师和森林里的小动物。厨师制作 食物的同时用句子Do you want some? /What do you want? 询问小动物想要什么食物。 一、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 你问别人“你想喝些果汁吗?”,应该说: A. Do you want some ju

15、ice? B. Do you like some juice? ( ) 2. 你说“这是土豆肉面”,应该说: A. Here are noodles with meat and potato. B. Here are noodles with tomato and egg. ( ) 3. 别人问你是否吃什么,你想说“不了,谢谢。”应该说: A, Yes, please. B. No. thank you. A A B Try to do. 二、连词成句。 1. potatoes, do, want, you, some (?) _ 2. want, you, what, do (?) _ 3. want, noodles, egg, with, tomato, do, and, you (?) _ Do you want some potatoes? What do you want? Do you want noodles with tomato and egg? 句型:-Do you want some? -Yes, please./No, thank you. Sum up. 1.背过本模块的单词与短语。 2.与同伴一起,画一些食物图片,运用本课核 心句型,开展对话。 Homework


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