人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx

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人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx_第1页
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人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx_第2页
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人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx_第3页
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人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx_第4页
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人教版八上Unit 4 What's the best movie theater -Section A Grammar focus3a—3c-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:104d3).docx_第5页
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1、 1 Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Grammar Focus(3a-3c) Grade Grade 8 Designer Liu Yingjun Topic Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Grammar Focus (3a-3c) Teaching Method The Situational Teaching Method Task-based Language Teaching Method Period time 40 minutes Type of lesson New lesson Object

2、ives Knowledge Objectives: Take a good look at and learn superlatives with - (i)est and most. Ability Objective: Be able to use -est or most structure orally by the end of the class. Moral Objectives: Understand more of ourselves, the classmates and our country through practice and use of the new la

3、nguage amazing people and amazing country! Teaching Key Points Understand the rules of the superlative forms. (-est/iest and most) e.g. is the cheapest of the three. is the most expensive among the restaurants. has the worst service but it is the closest. takes the least time on the way. Teaching Di

4、fficult Points Make comparisons with superlatives. Learning Strategies Memory Strategies Cooperation Task-based Language Learning Method Preparation Handout for students Multimedia courseware Teaching Procedures Teaching Activities Learning Activities Purposes Step 1 Warming-up and lead- in: Self-in

5、troduction as a tour guide for the school trip. 1. Teacher introduces herself as a tour guide to the students. 2. Teacher shows the learning goals and explains them to the students. 1. Students listen to the teacher and know that they are going to have a school trip. 2. Students read the learning go

6、als of this lesson. 1. To arouse students interests in this lesson. 2. To help students know what they are going to learn in this lesson. 2 Teaching Procedures Teaching Activities Learning Activities Purposes Step 2 Presentation: I want to know you! 1. Teacher shows a wheel which is filled with diff

7、erent adjectives and adverbs. And tells the students about the game rules. 2. Teacher asks students questions. Like: Who is hard-working? Who is more hard-working? Who is the most hard-working in your class? Students ask and answer questions according to the words they choose. Like: Lucy is hard-wor

8、king. Lily is more hard-working than her. Andy is the most hard-working in our class. 1. To learn more about the rules of superlative forms. 2. To lead the students to know themselves and their classmates better so that they can learn from others when they make comparisons. Step 3 Guessing Game: Chi

9、na is so amazing! 1. Teacher shows a sentence China is so amazing on the screen and explains the game rules to the students. 2. Teacher helps the students click the words they choose. There will be different tasks with different information about our motherland, including four tasks: Task1. Answer t

10、he question Task2. Look and guess Task3. Read and guess Task4. Think and guess 1. Students listen to the teacher carefully and learn the game rules. 2. Students choose the words they like and finish the tasks. Task 1. -What mountain is 8844.43 meters high in China? -Qomolangma is the highest mountai

11、n in the world. Task 2. Students look at the pictures and guess the place. The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. Task 3. They are fat and cute , black and white. They only live in China and are more famous than any other animal to Chinese. People over the world love them 1. To practice th

12、e superlative forms in daily use. 2. To enrich the students knowledge about our country. 3. To lead the students to feel proud of our motherland. 3 and were doing our best to look after them. Pandas are the most famous of all the animals in China. Task 4. Information: This an old trading road. It be

13、gins at Changan. The main product is silk. The Silk Road is the oldest trading route in the world. Step 4 Delicious food in Xian Teacher introduces three great places for lunch to the students. Students talk about the places with the superlative forms. To practice how to compare things with superlat

14、ive forms. Step 5 Travel Plan Along the Silk Road 1. Teacher shows a chart about travel information of the five big cities along the Silk Road: Xining, Urumqi, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Xian. 2. Teacher leads the students to make comparisons of these five cities with the comparative and superlative form

15、s. 3. Teacher tells the students to decide on which city they think is the best choice and tell others why. 1. Students observe the information chart carefully. 2. Students make comparisons of these five cities with the comparative and superlative forms according to the clues given. 3. Students disc

16、uss in groups and then give a report on which city they think is the best choice. 1. To make students practice the positive, comparative and superlative forms while making comparisons. 2. To cultivate students abilities of making plans and decisions. 3. To develop students observation skills and sum

17、marizing abilities. 4 Teaching Procedures Teaching Activities Learning Activities Purposes Step 6 Summary 1. Teacher leads the students to summary what they have learnt in this lesson. a. Learned the forms of superlatives. b. planned a trip along the Silk Road using the new language. c. Teacher lead

18、s the students to summarize in this way: 2. China is an amazing country. It has the worlds highest (high) mountains. The Yangtze River is its longest (long). Pandas are the most famous (famous) of all the animals in our country. The Silk Road is the oldest (old) trading road to the world. When we pl

19、an a trip, making choices doesnt mean to choose the the best (good) or the the most expensive (expensive) one, but the most proper (proper) one. 1. Students summarize the rules of the superlative forms by themselves. 2. Students talk about our amazing China and how to make wise choices with the help

20、 of teacher. 1. To lead the students to summarize the rules of superlative forms. 2. Let students realize that theyd better think carefully before making wise choices. Step 7 Assessment Chart Teacher shows an assessment chart including these three questions: 1. Whats your active behavior in this cla

21、ss? 2. What do you need to improve? 3. Who is your idol in this class? 1. Students think about their performances including good and poor aspects. 2. Students talk about who they should learn from in this lesson. 1. To help the students keep a good habit of introspection. 2. To lead the students rea

22、lize their idols are around them in the class and 5 Teaching Procedures Teaching Activities Learning Activities Purposes Teacher encourages the students to try their best to make progress. they should learn from them. Step 8 Homework Level A: Write a letter to tell me your favorite place to travel w

23、ith superlatives.(70 words) Level B: Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. Level C: 3a. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets (Page 27). Blackboard Design 课前反思:课前反思: 本节课所授课程内容为人教版新目标八年级上册 Unit4 Whats the best movie theater? Grammar Focus 部分形容词、副词

24、最高级板块。主要教学任务 是引导学生通过复习练习已经掌握的形容词及副词的比较级知识过渡到本节课 形容词及副词最高级变化规律知识学习,并最终能灵活运用最高级结构作对比。 本节课是一节语法课,如单纯利用传统的语法讲授方式进行授课,学生一定会感 觉课堂单调枯燥且效率低下。所以我力求结合新课程理念,合理整合课本,化身 导游,将情境设置为和学生一起探讨学校旅行。通过自我介绍, 了解游客, 大美 中国到西安美食(整合课本 3a),到最后创设“丝绸之路学校旅游” (整合课本 3b,3c)真实情景,引导学生在实际运用过程中学习新知识。我认为这种教学方 式让学生在体验运用中去学习, 可以能更有效地提高课堂效率及

25、学生的学习积极 性。 所以我尽力使我的课堂活动环节设计丰富多样,力求让学生面对每一个任务 时都觉得耳目一新,并最终通过积极参与课堂活动掌握本节课目标知识。我认为 本节课设计的亮点有: 1. 课前出示“Are you ready?”幻灯片并配有英文歌曲。意在培养学生养 成良好的英语学习习惯,并引导学生在轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中投入到课堂学习。 2. 情境创设真实,老师做导游,和学生们一起开启 School trip.整节课堂 6 围绕这一情境开展,学生兴趣盎然。 3注重新旧知识衔接。根据学生已经掌握的第三单元学习的形容词、副词 比较级知识为基础,拓展延伸学习最高级变化规律。另外在很多环节有意识地巩

26、固前期重点词汇,如 outgoing, talented, funny 等等。 4课堂活动以形容词、副词最高级规律变化内容为主线。设计丰富多样, 富有创造性。最大程度地使学生积极广泛参与各项课堂活动。 5任务链层次分明,从简至难。将本节课重难点分了四个环节来突破: I want to know you. China is so amazing. Delicious Food in Xian 和 Travel Plan Along the Silk Road. 6 板书的最终呈现是由学生对最高级规律变化进行了总结归纳。 简单明了, 又检测了学生最高级规律掌握情况。 7. 根据教学内容分析和学情分

27、析,预设了学生本节课易错点并有针对性地 在课堂活动中突出讲解及训练。 8. 通过 I want to know you. China is so amazing 和 Travel Plan Along the Silk Road 等环节渗透情感态度目标。并将本节课情感态度不仅呈现为向身 边榜样学习, 爱我祖国。 也同时提醒孩子们应通过认真思考才能做出明智的选择。 9.作业是根据本节课学习目标分层布置。 课堂环节的 Travel Plan Along the Silk Road 为 A 层次作业充分铺垫。I want to know you.部分为 B 层次作业做 出了铺垫。Delicious Food in Xian 环节为 C 层次作业做好了铺垫。体现了作 业为巩固当堂所学,检验学习效果的功能。


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