Unit 3 Where did you go?第3课时 PartB Let's try&Let's talk 教案.docx

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1、Unit 3 Where did you go?教案第三课时(B. Lets try Lets talk)教学目标1.能够听、说、认读单词beach;能在实际情景中运用句型“Where did you go .? How did you go there ? What did you do there?”谈论假期活动。(语言能力)2.能有中国幅员辽阔的意识,热爱祖国的大好山河。(文化意识)3.能根据图片推测对话的关键信息,并根据关键词概括对话的主要内容。(思维品质)4.能积极参与课堂活动,在学习过程中主动思考探究。(学习能力)教学重点1.能理解并掌握Lets talk版块的对话。2.能运用所学

2、句型简单介绍自己假期所做的事。教学难点熟练运用所学的一般疑问句句型“Was it .?”“Did you .?”及其答句谈论过去的周末活动。教学过程设计意图Step 1 Revision&Lead in通过游戏sharp eyes,让学生在轻松的氛围中快速复习动词过去式短语。利用月份图引出寒假/暑假的概念及英文表达,引导学生自由谈论寒假活动,为后面的学习做铺垫。随后利用情景图自然地引入本课时的主人公。 Revision Sharp eyesPPT依次呈现A. Lets learn版块的核心短语,学生看课件动画,快速读出短语,看看谁的反应最快。T: Good morning, boys and

3、girls! Weve learned some phrases last time. Do you remember them? Lets play a game - sharp eyes. Look at the planes, say the phrases on it. Who is the fastest? Lets go! S1: . Lead in1.教师出示月份,引导学生谈论日期,引出寒假及暑假的概念。T: There are twelve months in a year. When is the winter holiday?Ss: Its in January or Fe

4、bruary.T: Great! When is the summer holiday? Ss: Its in July and August.T: Wonderful! Read after me, winter holiday, winter holiday, summer holiday, summer holiday.2.教师引导学生谈论寒假(/暑假)活动:Where did you go over the winter/summer holiday? What did you do? How did you feel?3.PPT呈现Wu Binbin、Amy和Sarah交谈的图片,介

5、绍听力活动的背景:Wu Binbin and Amy meet Sarah at school. 教师引导学生阅读第一个问题,然后提问:What are they talking about? Can you guess? 让学生进行听前猜测。T: Look! Wu Binbin and Amy meet Sarah at school. What are they talking about? Can you guess?S1: School!S2: Holidays!.Step 2 Presentation&Practice教师引导学生在听前先预测,并学会在听中捕捉关键句,听后阅读听力材料

6、回答问题,充分理解文本内容。利用图片教学新词汇,并带领学生感受祖国的大好河山。让学生看图预测对话涉及的内容,带着问题听音频和看视频,整体感知对话内容,捕捉对话细节,然后带领学生阅读对话,帮助他们准确理解对话内容。在整个过程中培养学生主动思考探究的意识。通过输出练习,让学生真正掌握对话内容,为实际语用作准备。 Presentation(对话学习)Lets try1.教师引导学生读Lets try版块的题目并猜测答案。2.播放Lets try版块的音频,学生听录音,选出正确答案。然后师生共同核对答案。3.PPT呈现听力文本,教师带领学生阅读并标注解题关键句。4.教师提问:How was Sarah

7、s winter holiday? Where did she go? What did she do there? 学生回顾刚刚读过的听力材料,回答问题。5.PPT呈现情景图,帮助学生准确理解“I bought some gifts. This is for you, Binbin. This is for you, Amy. Wow, thanks.”,注意强调bought是动词buy的过去式,让学生注意单词发音。6.PPT呈现西湖的美景图,教授西湖的英文表达the West Lake。7.教师提问:Did you go to Hangzhou? How did you go there?

8、 What was the West Lake like? What else could we do in the West Lake? 引导学生谈论杭州西湖。Lets talk1.教师提问:Sarah went to Hangzhou last winter holiday.What about Amy? Where did she go last winter holiday? How did she go there?What did she do? 引导学生预测对话内容。2.PPT呈现Lets talk版块Amy的五张旅行插图,教师提问: Here are some pictures

9、 of Amys trip. What can you know from the pictures? 引导学生看图预测。3.学生看Day 1的插图,回答最初提出的前两个问题: Where did Amy go last winter holiday? How did she go there?4.PPT呈现沙滩的情景图,教师教授单词beach,播放Lets talk版块的音频,引导学生听录音填空。5.PPT再次呈现Lets talk版块Amy的五张旅行插图,教师提问:What did Amy do on the first/second/. day? 引导学生看图猜测Amy三亚之行的细节,简

10、单教学短语went swimming和took pictures。6.教师播放Lets talk版块的视频,学生看视频回答第三个问题:What did Amy do?7.PPT呈现Lets talk版块的对话,教师带领学生阅读,逐句讲解对话内容,并划出回答问题的关键词句。然后再次播放Lets talk版块的音频,学生听录音跟读,提醒学生模仿正确的语音和语调。 Practice1.PPT呈现Amys winter holiday的思维导图,教师引导学生根据思维导图中的问题回顾细节。2.学生三人一组,分角色表演Lets talk版块的对话。3.PPT呈现对话框架,学生两人一组,依据实际情况填空,然

11、后进行对话练习。4.PPT呈现语言支架及插图,教师引导学生结合图片回顾Lets talk版块的内容,以Amy的口吻介绍自己的寒假旅行。Step 3 Consolidation&Extension分组谈论自己的寒假假期,激发学生的表达欲望,提升学生的语用能力。Talk about your winter holiday 教师提问:Where did you go over your winter holiday? Who did you go with? How did you go there? What did you do? 学生四人一组,围绕四个问题涉及的四个方面介绍自己的寒假活动。然后

12、教师请学生代表上台介绍自己的寒假活动,优秀者给予适当奖励。Step 4 Summary&Homework1.小结:师生先共同口头总结,再用PPT完整呈现。Key words: beach, be far from, by plane, took pictures, went swimmingKey sentences: Where did you go over the winter holiday? How did you go there? We went there by plane. What did you do there? I took lots of pictures and

13、I went swimming.Sounds great!2.作业。1. Listen, read and recite “Lets talk”.2. Talk about your winter/summer holiday.板书设计Unit 3 Where did you go?第三课时Where did you go .?How did you go there?When did you go there?What did you do there?教学反思本课时依旧是基于一般过去时的交际课。课前复习旧知,然后由寒暑假的概念导入本课时的话题。在Lets try版块,引导学生观察并预测听力内容,借助图片帮助学生理解听力文本细节,学生能更轻松、自然地由Sarahs winter holiday进入Lets talk版块Amys winter holiday的学习。随后让学生带着问题听音频和看视频,逐步加深学生对对话内容的理解。在巩固练习环节,让学生根据Amys winter holiday的思维导图以Amy的口吻描述寒假旅行,然后逐步过渡到介绍自己的寒假活动,突出学生的学习自主性,调动他们的学习积极性,提升语言运用能力。5


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