人教版(2024)七年级上册英语UNIT 3 My School教学课件80张.pptx

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1、UNIT 3 My SchoolSECTION AWhat is your school like?课时课时 1人教版(2024)七年级上册英语一、一、根据图片,用适当的介词或介词短语完成句子。根据图片,用适当的介词或介词短语完成句子。 is his two pet dogs.They have a walk(散步)together.2.Jane,a happy girl,is the box.3.Peter sits me.We are good friends.behindin front ofnext to二二三三一一二、二、句子翻译。句子翻译。4.我们学校有很

2、多建筑物。5.2024鞍山月考改编他的办公室在我们教室的后面。There are many buildings in our school.His office is behind our classroom.二二三三一一6.体育馆在哪儿?它在艺术楼的对面。7.易错题易错题2024大连月考改编有一条路穿过田地。Where is the gym?Its across from the art building.There is a way across the fields.二二三三一一8.易错题易错题 新学生找学校大厅,但是他们没有找到它。The new students look for t

3、he school hall,but they dont find it.二二三三一一三、三、2024盘锦月考改编盘锦月考改编阅读理解。阅读理解。(C)9.The school has a history of about years.A.600B.100C.60D.15C二二三三一一(C)10.Where can the students have a school dance party?A.In the classroom.B.In the library.C.In the school hall.D.In the computer building.C二二三三一一(C)11.Which

4、 of the following is TRUE?A.The school has 700 students now.B.The school has 6 classrooms.C.Students can read in the library after school.D.There is a sports filed and a music hall in Sun School.C二二三三一一(A)12.辽宁中考趋势题辽宁中考趋势题文章出处文章出处 In which part of a magazine can you read the passage?A.School.B.Life.

5、C.Sports.D.Family.点拨:推理判断题。本文主要介绍了点拨:推理判断题。本文主要介绍了Sun School的情况以及的情况以及校园的布局,是关于学校的介绍。故选校园的布局,是关于学校的介绍。故选A。A二二三三一一课时课时 2一、一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(B)1.A.sportB.informationC.forkD.northB二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八(D)2.A.room B.noodle C.goose D.book(B)3.A.pot B.note C.hot D.hobby(A)4.A.uncle B.June C.blue D

6、.rule(C)5.A.like B.bike C.ill D.findDBAC二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八二、二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。6.My little brother is two years old,but he can count from 1 to 100.He is so s .mart二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八7.The pet dog is (特别的)to our family.8.There is a big (白板)in the front of our classroom.9.Your sports fie

7、ld is very small,but ours is very (大的).10.I have some (重要的)information to tell you.specialwhiteboardlargeimportant二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八三、三、根据汉语提示或用所给词的适当形式填空。根据汉语提示或用所给词的适当形式填空。11.I buy books from a bookshop on the street (角落).12.Do you (注意到)the two (通知)on the wall?13.At school,we put our things in our (

8、抽屉)and (储物柜).14.There (be)a bed and two chairs in my bedroom.15.Whose cup is it?Its my English (teacher).cornernoticenoticesdrawerslockersisteachers二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八四、四、按要求完成句子,每空一词。按要求完成句子,每空一词。16.There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)books on the desk?17.There is some juice in the cup.(改为否定句)Th

9、ere juice in the cup.18.He sits in front of Jerry.(对画线部分提问)he?ArethereanyisntanyWheredoessit二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八19.Our classroom is very big.(对画线部分提问)is your classroom?20.Are there three model planes on the shelf?(作否定回答)No,.Whatliketherearent二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八五、五、句子翻译。句子翻译。21.请帮我贴一下这幅画。22.汤姆坐在教室的后面。23.黑板前

10、面有两个足球。Please help me put up the picture.Tom sits at the back of the classroom.There are two footballs in front of the blackboard.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八24.2024沈阳月考改编你的学校是什么样的?25.2024大连月考改编学校大厅的中间有一个读书角。Whats your school like?There is a reading corner in the middle of the school hall.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八六、六、20

11、24广州月考改编广州月考改编阅读理解。阅读理解。(C)26.We can see on the wall in Graces classroom.a map a clocksome notices some picturesCA.B.C.D.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八(B)27.Who likes English songs?A.Grace.B.Eric.C.Cindy.D.Kate.(B)28.gets the most(最多)“Likes”.A.The classroomB.The English CornerC.The sports fieldD.The blackboardBB二

12、二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八(A)29.Which one is true?A.Graces classroom is small with a whiteboard and a blackboard.B.The sports field in Cindys school is not big.C.Eric can talk in Chinese in the English Corner.D.The three students come from the same school.A二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八七、七、2024大连月考改编大连月考改编短文还原。短文还原。(有一个多余选项

13、有一个多余选项)Welcome to our classroom.There are 41 desks in the classroom.One is for our teacher and the other forty are for students.In the front is the teachers desk.30.The teachers cup is on the desk,too.EA.Look at my desk.B.My schoolbag is blue,too.C.That ping-pong bat is my gift for her.D.There is a

14、 locker next to the drawer.E.Two books and the teachers pens are on the desk.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八I sit in the middle of the classroom.31.My ruler,my English book and my pen are on the desk.My blue pencil box is also on the desk.My schoolbag is in the desk drawer.32.My favourite colour is blue.On the rig

15、ht of my desk is my good friend Amys desk.A red ping-pong bat is in her desk.33.A basketball is under her desk.She plays basketball with me in the P.E.class.ABCA.Look at my desk.B.My schoolbag is blue,too.C.That ping-pong bat is my gift for her.D.There is a locker next to the drawer.E.Two books and

16、the teachers pens are on the desk.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八八、八、高效练词汇高效练词汇 2024盘锦月考改编盘锦月考改编语篇填空。语篇填空。My name is Betty.I am twelve.I have some 34.(friend).We are middle school students.We 35.(be)in Class Two,Grade Seven.This is Miss Green.She is 36.(we)English teacher.friendsareour二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八This is my ne

17、w classroom.In the classroom you can see many desks with 37.(drawer)in the middle of the classroom.On one desk you can see some pencils.The red one is mine.The green one is 38.(Mike).And a teachers desk is 39.the front of the classroom.Whats on the blackboard?Oh,some important 40.(notice).Theres a s

18、mart whiteboard next to the blackboard.drawersMikesinnotices二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八Look!There are some lockers 41.the back of the classroom.We put our clothes in them.Our teacher asks us 42.(read)books at the reading corner in our classroom.atto read二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八I 43.(real)like my classroom because we c

19、an learn and have fun there.What is your classroom like?43题点拨:副词通常用来修饰动词。空缺处修饰动词题点拨:副词通常用来修饰动词。空缺处修饰动词like,表程度;表程度;really like“非常喜欢非常喜欢”。所以答案是。所以答案是really。really二二三三四四五五六六一一七七八八课时课时 3一、一、根据图片写出下列物品的名称。根据图片写出下列物品的名称。1.2.3.bookcasescreendrawer二二三三四四五五六六一一七七4.5.noticelocker二二三三四四五五六六一一七七二、二、用用be动词的适当形式

20、填空。动词的适当形式填空。6.There many books on the chair.7.there a pen on the desk?8.There a pen and two pencils in my pencil box.9.There two keys and a ruler in my schoolbag.10.there any books in your bag?areIsisareAre二二三三四四五五六六一一七七三、三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。按要求完成句子,每空一词。11.The gym is behind the library.(改为同义句)The libra

21、ry is the gym.12.There is a computer on the desk.(对画线部分提问)on the desk?infrontofWhats二二三三四四五五六六一一七七13.There are some apples on the tree.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)on the tree?,.14.There is one picture on the wall.(对画线部分提问)on the wall?15.There is some milk in the cup.(改为否定句)milk in the cup.ArethereanyapplesNothe

22、rearentHowmanypicturesarethereThereisntany二二三三四四五五六六一一七七四、四、句子翻译。句子翻译。16.屏幕在哪里?它在墙上。17.教室后面有两个书柜。Where is the screen?Its on the wall.There are two bookcases at the back of the classroom.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七18.读书角旁边有一个储物柜。19.运动场上有足球吗?是的,有。There is a locker next to the reading corner.Is there a football on

23、the sports field?Yes,there is.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七20.老师的办公室在餐厅的对面。21.2024鞍山月考改编他把通知张贴在黑板的中间。The teachers office is across from the dining hall.He puts up the notice in the middle of the blackboard.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七22.2024大连月考改编在这张全家福中,我坐在我的爸爸和妈妈中间。I sit between my father and my mother in the family photo.二二三

24、三四四五五六六一一七七五、五、阅读理解。阅读理解。(C)23.How is the English teacher?A.She is young.B.She is old.C.She is nice.D.She is cute.C二二三三四四五五六六一一七七(A)24.跨学科跨学科数学数学We can see green desks in the classroom.A.15B.16C.30D.31A二二三三四四五五六六一一七七(B)25.Whats the structure(结构)of the text?A B C DB二二三三四四五五六六一一七七点拨:根据第一段中点拨:根据第一段中“Co

25、me here,my friends!I am Jack.Look,this is a photo of my classroom.”和第四段和第四段“I like my classroom.”可知,第一段是统领段落,引出下文,介可知,第一段是统领段落,引出下文,介绍绍杰克的教室;第四段为总结段落,表明杰克喜欢他的教杰克的教室;第四段为总结段落,表明杰克喜欢他的教室;室;第二段和第三段分别介绍了教室内的桌椅和其他物第二段和第三段分别介绍了教室内的桌椅和其他物品。文章品。文章属于属于“总分总总分总”结构。故选结构。故选B。二二三三四四五五六六一一七七(A)26.Whats the best ti

26、tle(标题)for the text?A.My classroomB.My English teacherC.My deskD.My friendsA二二三三四四五五六六一一七七积累积累翻译下列短语。1.一张的照片 2.在墙上 a photo/picture ofon the wall二二三三四四五五六六一一七七拓展拓展根据图片用英语写出下列物品在教室中的位置。in the front of the classroomin the middle of the classroomat the back of the classroom二二三三四四五五六六一一七七六、六、短文还原。短文还原。(有

27、一个多余选项有一个多余选项)Im Sarah.Im a middle school student.Im in Sunshine Secondary School.27.Look at the picture.This is our school.28.There are thirty-two classrooms in the classroom building.Our sports field is behind the classroom building.The teachers offices are in the teachers building.Our library bui

28、lding is next to the teachers building.ACA.Im new here.B.We come from different countries.C.There are six large buildings in our school.D.Is the library building next to the science building?E.In the dining hall there are many tables and chairs.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七There are many books and magazines(杂志)in

29、the library.29.No,its in front of it.There are seven science rooms in it.Behind the science building is the dining hall.30.We have meals there.Welcome to our school.DEA.Im new here.B.We come from different countries.C.There are six large buildings in our school.D.Is the library building next to the

30、science building?E.In the dining hall there are many tables and chairs.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七七、七、2024大连月考改编大连月考改编语篇填空。语篇填空。文化意识文化意识跨文化意识跨文化意识What is the school life in America 31.?Do you know?A Chinese mother,Linda,in America tells us about it.like二二三三四四五五六六一一七七Linda has 32.daughter,Anna.She is 13 years old

31、.Anna 33.(study)in a private(私立的)middle school.She learns many 34.(subject)at school.She thinks maths 35.(be)very difficult,so she often asks her friends and classmates 36.(help)her.astudiessubjectsisto help二二三三四四五五六六一一七七We all know that Chinese students study 37.the same classroom,38.American stude

32、nts go to different classrooms.Annas classrooms are not the same,either.So she is always looking for(寻找)the classrooms.Anna wants 39.(get)into a good high school.Anna 40.(take)after-school classes after she finishes her last class at 3:00 p.m.Then she goes home.inbutto gettakes二二三三四四五五六六一一七七课时课时 4一、

33、一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1.辽宁人文信息题辽宁人文信息题Panjin rice is my favourite food because it is very d .2.Shanghai is a (现代的)city.People from different countries visit it every year.3.My new schoolbag is (相似的)to Floras.eliciousmodernsimilar二二三三四四五五六六一一七七4.(大多数)of the books on the bookcase are v

34、ery interesting.5.Please (举起)your hand if you have any questions.6.Please (发送)the email to me soon.Mostraisesend二二三三四四五五六六一一七七二、二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。7.Look at our new sports field!Its (amaze).8.Your idea (sound)really good.Lets do it together.9.There are many (flag)in front of the UN bu

35、ilding.10.2024沈阳月考改编This is my computer.Where is (your)?11.2024大连月考改编I think this is a good way (learn)English well.amazingsoundsflagsyoursto learn二二三三四四五五六六一一七七三、三、根据句意填空,使句子通顺、意思完整根据句意填空,使句子通顺、意思完整(每空限填一每空限填一词词)。12.The weather in winter is different that in spring.13.You are so kind,Jane.Thanks yo

36、ur help.14.I sit next an English girl on the first day of school.15.My school is large with a long history.How your school?fromfortoabout二二三三四四五五六六一一七七16.We often play basketball together the sports field after school.17.I like my new school it is large and beautiful.onbecause二二三三四四五五六六一一七七四、四、按要求完成

37、句子,每空一词。按要求完成句子,每空一词。18.I often play basketball on the sports field.(对画线部分提问)you often on the sports field?19.I like English because its very interesting.(对画线部分提问)you like English?WhatdodoWhydo二二三三四四五五六六一一七七20.The teachers building is behind the classroom building.(对画线部分提问)the teachers building?21.M

38、y new school is big and beautiful.(对画线部分提问)your new school?WhereisWhatslike二二三三四四五五六六一一七七五、五、句子翻译。句子翻译。22.我们每天在学校都玩得很开心。23.易错题易错题 他早上在健身房做体操。24.我想周一和你一起升旗。We have fun at school every day.He does exercises in the gym in the morning.I would like/want to raise the flag with you on Monday.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七

39、25.我的爱好和你的爱好相似。26.上课时间到了,再见。My hobby is similar to yours./My hobbies are similar to yours.Its time for class.Bye for now.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七27.易错题易错题 我们每周换座位因为那对我们的眼睛好。We change seats every week because it is good for our eyes.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七六、六、2024大连月考改编大连月考改编短文还原。短文还原。(有一个多余选项有一个多余选项)立德树人立德树人保护环境保护环境Ou

40、r school is a green school.Why is it green?First,we have a lot of plants and flowers in front of and behind every building.28.And some are green all year round.Our school looks like a beautiful garden.EA.My favourite place is the classroom building.B.Green is not only a colour.C.Our school is green

41、because we“go green”.D.And we have Tree-Planting Day every spring.E.Some plants are green in spring and summer.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七29.How do we“go green”?We have two green days every month.On green days,no students or teachers go to school by car.They walk or ride their bikes to school.And we also have Cl

42、ean-Up Day every month.On that day,students go to streets to pick up rubbish(捡垃圾).30.We plant trees at school.We have three green clubs(俱乐部).Everyone in the clubs loves those trees very much.CDA.My favourite place is the classroom building.B.Green is not only a colour.C.Our school is green because w

43、e“go green”.D.And we have Tree-Planting Day every spring.E.Some plants are green in spring and summer.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七31.It is about life.Please go green with us and make the world a more beautiful place.BA.My favourite place is the classroom building.B.Green is not only a colour.C.Our school is green

44、 because we“go green”.D.And we have Tree-Planting Day every spring.E.Some plants are green in spring and summer.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七补充设问补充设问开放设问开放设问Do you like the green school?Why?Write 30 words or more.Yes,I do.Because it is very beautiful.There are lots of plants and flowers in the green school and it

45、looks like a beautiful garden.I can study very well in the green school.二二三三四四五五六六一一七七七、七、高效练词汇高效练词汇 完形填空。完形填空。My name is Bill.I get up early every day.My mother cooks breakfast for me.After I have 32,I go to school.(C)32.A.lunchB.dinnerC.breakfast D.supperC二二三三四四五五六六一一七七My school is very beautiful.

46、There are many 33 _buildings in our school.Theyre classroom buildings,a lab building and 34 art building.I have 35 lessons in the classroom building.I have music and art in the 36 building.(A)33.A.modern B.smartC.busy D.funA(C)34.A.a B.theC.an D./(A)35.A.most B.littleC.important D.similar(D)36.A.lib

47、rary B.mathsC.sportsD.artCAD二二三三四四五五六六一一七七Im interested in(对感兴趣)many activities in our school.We 37 together in the gym every morning.Every Monday morning we 38 the flag.(B)37.A.watch TVB.do exercisesC.play the piano D.draw pictures(C)38.A.putB.change C.raise D.startBC二二三三四四五五六六一一七七We sometimes make

48、 food by ourselves(我们自己)on Saturday afternoon.So we can have many kinds of special and 39 food.(B)39.A.interesting B.deliciousC.amazing D.famousB二二三三四四五五六六一一七七All my teachers are very kind.I like all of them.But my favourite teacher is Miss Li.She is funny.Her 40 are very interesting.My classmates a

49、nd I all like her lessons.We often watch films and sing songs in class.(D)40.A.places B.sportsC.subjects D.lessonsD二二三三四四五五六六一一七七Im happy 41 every day and I like my school.(B)41.A.in the gym B.at schoolC.at home D.after classB二二三三四四五五六六一一七七课时课时 5一、一、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给单词的适在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给单词的适当形

50、式填空。当形式填空。1.There (be)a lot of juice in the bottle.2.Look at the screen!It is so smart and (amaze).3.I sit next to Jane.How your seat this week?4.Who sings in our classroom?I dont know,but the song (sound)beautiful.5.Are there (some)apples on the tree?No,there (be not).isamazingaboutsoundsanyarent二二


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