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1、云南省曲靖市师宗县平高中学(第四中学)2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题一、阅读理解Museums With Special Programs for Special Needs ChildrenChildrens museums are wonderful places for families to bond. For children with special needs, however, outings can be difficult. Luckily, more and more museums are reaching out to children with s

2、pecial needs.Please Touch MuseumPopular in Philadelphia, the Please Touch Museums “Play Without Boundaries” event is for special needs children, and they can dress up as an astronaut in Space Station.Boston Childrens MuseumAt Boston Childrens Museum, children with special needs and their families wi

3、ll find the museum is accessible. A limited number of wheelchairs (child and adult size), sound-reducing ear muffs, and amplified listening devices for KidStage Theater performance are available for free.Chicago Childrens MuseumThe Chicago Childrens Museum is a standout when it comes to events for s

4、pecial needs children. The museums “Play for All” events, held the second Saturday of each month, invite families and children with disabilities to the museum an hour prior to the usual opening. Pre-registration is required and the first 250 visitors receive free admission.Miani Childrens MuseumOne

5、Saturday each month, the Miami Childrens Museum closes to the general public and children can participate in creative actings and imaginative play while practising social interaction, communication skills and self-expression in a relaxing environment.1How many museums are mentioned in this AD?ATwo.B

6、Three.CFour.DFive.2Where will the children go if they are interested in exploring space?AMiami.BChicago.CBoston.DPhiladelphia.3What do we know about Boston Childrens Museum?AIt provides listening tools for free.BIt serves visitors with enough wheelchairs.CIt has a 16-page booklet with photographs.DI

7、t closes to the general public on weekends.Land of Love and PeaceXia Hong has been living in Tashikurgan Tajik autonomous county in the southwest of Xinjiang for the past six years. Her love for the cold and remote county comes from her unforgettable trips to the Tajik villages. Peoples kindness and

8、 hospitality (好客) left the deepest impression on her mind.After she moved there, Xia opened a caf. She mixes her coffee with local produce for fresh tastes and also gives her concoctions (混合物) lovely names for a lasting impression. “The juice lends the coffee a color, similar to what the sky looks l

9、ike from the Pamir Plateau (帕米尔高原),” she explains.Besides managing her caf, Xia loves traveling around the county, reading books, holding parties for friends and posting articles and videos online to share her experiences.Xia finds the leisurely lifestyle peaceful. “Sometimes, I just sit outside the

10、 caf and look at the mountains or clouds. The feeling is so good to be so close to nature,” she says.Xia hopes that her cafe and its special drinks become part of “unforgettable memories” of travelers who visit the county.4What impressed Xia Hong most about her trip to the Tajik village?AThe Pamir P

11、lateau.BThe friendly people.CThe low temperature.DThe beautiful nights.5How does Xia Hong make her coffee impressive?ABy using local produce and special names.BBy making it into a different color.CBy offering it in the early evening only.DBy adding some snow.6What does Xia Hong love in the county?AP

12、icnics with friends there.BTravelling at home and abroad.CThe feeling of being close to nature.DThe challenge of being alone.7What is the text mainly about?AA beautiful place worth visiting.BA special caf in a village.CA long trip in Xinjiang.DA traveler settling in a remote county.If a pancake coul

13、d dream, it might long for legs so it could jump off your breakfast plate in pursuit of a better, unchewed life. But legs arent necessary for something as flat as a pancake to jump around. A group of scientists have designed a pancake-shaped robot that can jump several times per second and higher th

14、an seven times its body height. The new robot named Hop, which swiftly jumps without feet, is an important contribution to the soft robotics.Many ground robots move by rolling or walking. But its more efficient for robots to jump over obstacles than to go around them. Although jumping can offer some

15、 robots a competitive edge, engineering that ability has been a challenge for robotics researchers. Some soft robots that store energy can perform a single impressive jump very infrequently. Some lightweight soft robots that dont store energy can jump frequently but cant jump high or far enough to s

16、uccessfully cross an obstacle.For inspiration, the researchers looked to gall midge larvae (瘿蚊幼虫) that miraculously throw themselves across distances 30 times as long as their loglike bodies. A gall midge larva bends its body and squeezes the liquid in its body to one end, making it rigid. The accum

17、ulation of liquid builds up pressure, and releasing the pressure sends it soaring. The robots body doesnt resemble that of a gall midge larva, but it jumps like one. Its body is made of two small plastic bags printed with electrodes (电极); the front bag is filled with liquid and the back one is fille

18、d with the same volume of air. The robot uses electricity to drive the flow of liquid, which causes the body to bend and generate force with the ground, resulting in a jump. And the air bag imitates the function of an animals tail, helping the robot maintain a stable position.While the robot is curr

19、ently restricted to Earth, it might be right at home exploring another planet. If this is true, the researchers robot might jump over dust y rocks and large holes on the moon or Mars, going where no pancake has gone before.8What does the author want to show by mentioning a pancake?AA pancakes dream

20、to have legs is unrealistic.BA robot is capable of serving a good pancake.CA pancake-shaped robot can jump without legs.DResearch on pancakes advances our understanding of robots.9What difficultly do robotics researchers have in developing Hop according to Paragraph 2?AHops avoiding an obstacle.BHop

21、s moving around by rolling.CHops performing one remarkable jump.DHops jumping high and far continuously.10What inspiration do the researchers draw from gall midge larvae?AThey are shaped like logs.BThey have tails to change positions.CThey bend their bodies and increase force.DThey are filled with l

22、iquid and have rigid bodies.11What is the authors attitude to the future of the new robot?AIntolerant.BPositive.CDoubtful.DUnclear.ChatGPT appears to have better “bedside manners” than some doctors at least when their written advice is rated for quality and empathy (同理心), a study has shown.The study

23、, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, used data from social news website Reddits Ask Docs forum, in which members can post medical questions answered by verified healthcare professionals. The team randomly sampled 195 exchanges from Ask Docs where a verified doctor responded to a public

24、 question. The original questions were then posed to the AI language model ChatGPT, which was asked to respond. Finally, a panel of three licensed healthcare professionals, who did not know whether the response came from a human physician or ChatGPT, rated the answers for quality and empathy.Overall

25、, the panel preferred ChatGPTs responses to those given by a human 79 percent of the time. ChatGPT responses were also rated good or very good quality 79 percent of the time, compared with 22 percent of doctors responses, and 45 percent of the ChatGPT answers were rated empathic or very empathic com

26、pared with just 5 percent of doctors replies.Christopher Longhurst, of UC San Diego Health, said: “These results suggest that tools like ChatGPT can efficiently draft high-quality, personalized medical advice for review by clinicians, and we are beginning that process at UCSD Health.”Professor James

27、 Davenport, of the University of Bath, who was not involved in the research, said: “The paper does not say that ChatGPT can replace doctors, but does, quite reasonably, call for further research into whether and how ChatGPT can assist physicians in response generation.”Some noted that, given ChatGPT

28、 was specifically designed to be likable, it was not surprising that it wrote texts that came across as empathic. It also tended to give longer, chattier answers than human doctors, which could have played a role in its higher ratings. Others cautioned against relying on language models for factual

29、information due to their tendency to generate made-up “facts”.12What does paragraph 2 mainly discuss about the study?AThe general outline.BThe statistical analysis.CThe theoretical basis.DThe data sources.13What is the percentage difference in empathy ratings between doctors responses and ChatGPTs r

30、esponses?A17 percent.B40 percent.C57 percent.D74 percent.14Whats Professor Davenports view regarding the papers proposal for additional investigation into ChatGPTs support for physicians?AIndifferent.BObjective.CConcerned.DDisapproving.15What concern was raised about using ChatGPT?AIts responses mig

31、ht be one-sided.BIt has limited factual knowledge.CIt can produce incorrect content.DIt is unable to offer high-quality advice.The Best Foods for Your BrainThe brain is an organ just like any otherit needs the right nutrients to function properly and there are certain foods that can support brain fu

32、nction and help make studying easier. 16 .Dark chocolateDark chocolate is bitter chocolate compared to milk chocolate. It uses cacao as its main ingredient. Dark chocolate promotes the development of both neurons and blood vessels (血管). 17 , but also its neuroprotective (神经保护) properties help to inc

33、rease memory and make learning easier over time.BerriesA lot of the benefits of berries come from antioxidants. Theyll help to increase neuroplasticity which allows your brain to make new connections or, in other words, keep learning. 18 Not only do seeds and nuts offer antioxidantsvitamin E, which

34、helps to protect the brain as you age, specificallybut they contain omega-3 fatty acids as well.Fatty fishFatty fish are a great source of omega-3s. These healthy unsaturated fats help in the long-term especially. They lead to lower beta-amyloid levels in the blood. This means that the clumps that d

35、amage the brain which leads to Alzheimers disease has been decreased. 19 .So, with foods like these, youll find your study session to be much more productive. 20 , try to make them a regular diet. One bag of sunflower seeds isnt going to protect your brain on its own.ASeeds and nutsBHere we break do

36、wn what foods are best for the brainCWhile this is good for the brain, it also helps heart healthDIf you want to achieve the long-term effects these foods offerETo get the most out of this food, youre going to want to eat fish about twice a weekFThis makes it not only a short-term focus boost throug

37、h increased blood flow in the brainGSome studies have shown that positive people who laugh often have increased life expectation二、完形填空On a hot afternoon Rhiannon was driving her old van down the highway. As she 21 her window to let in some fresh air, her car registration paper blew off the sun visor

38、 (防晒板) and onto the floor inside. When leaning down to 22 it, she accidentally drifted into oncoming traffic. In panic, she over-corrected and pulled the 23 sharply in the other direction. 24 , the van rolled over three times, and Rhiannon was thrown onto the road, lying in the middle of the road an

39、d bleeding, nearly 25 .A medical student witnessed the accident and came to her 26 . He covered Rhiannon with his coat and gave her emergency first aid, including 27 the wound on her left arm before the ambulance arrived. 28 , Rhiannon was rushed to a hospital where an emergency room doctor spent ho

40、urs 29 all the pieces of windshield (挡风玻璃) from her arm, and gave her three dozen stitches (缝针).Luckily, Rhiannon was saved. Not for the bandage, she would not have 30 long enough for the emergency personnel to arrive. Though Rhiannon didnt know him, she was grateful to the medical student who saved

41、 her life. So she 31 the words online, “Its a pity that I dont know your name. If you happen to see or hear this story and recognize yourself, thank you for your kind 32 .”Rhiannon also had a message for the other 33 heroes, “Please consider this a pay-it-forward letter of 34 a letter from the 35 yo

42、u helped who, for whatever reason, couldnt thank you themselves.”21Arolled downBbroke offCturned downDswitched off22AstickBgrabCtouchDpossess23AhandleBengineCwindowDwheel24AConsequentlyBAutomaticallyCFrequentlyDSlowly25AawakeBastonishedCunconsciousDcrazy26AvisionBactionCrescueDmind27AbandagingBcurin

43、gCpressingDuncovering28AWithout delayBOut of sympathyCFor certaintyDIn despair29AtidyingBremovingCcollectingDchecking30AsufferedBstruggledCstayedDsurvived31AsearchedBbrowsedCreceivedDposted32AguidanceBgestureCexpressionDencouragement33AtirelessBfaultlessCnamelessDspeechless34AapologyBapplicationCinv

44、itationDappreciation35ApeersBstrangersCrelativesDfellows三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 476 BC), there was a musician, 36 lived alone in a forest where he played the guqin, and his name was Yu Boya. One day, a passing woodcutter 37 (name) Zhong Ziqi was

45、intrigued (陶醉于) by the sounds of the musical instrument, and Mr. Zhong Ziqi 38 (he) listened with full attention. Yu 39 (sincere) played the guqin, causing various pictures in Zhongs imagination, such as flowing clouds and plunging waterfalls. Such was the 40 (connect) between performing and listeni

46、ng. They became bosom friends (挚友). After many years, when the woodcutter died, Yu decided 41 (smash) his instrument and never to play again since he was sure that he would never again have someone like Zhong to so intuitively understand his music.Indeed, the guqin the favored instrument of Confuciu

47、s was 42 essential musical instrument of ancient Chinas educated elite (精英). It 43 (add) to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2008.In April, when President Xi Jinping 44 (meet) with French President Emmanuel Macron, a classic guqin piece, High Mountain and Flowing Water, was played to celebrate the friendship and mutual understanding 45 the two countries.四、书


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