1、册册 次:一年级上册次:一年级上册 学学 科:英语(外研社版)科:英语(外研社版)主讲人:赵霞主讲人:赵霞 学学 校:北京第二实验小学通州分校校:北京第二实验小学通州分校1 能够设计蝴蝶的颜色并涂色,主动与他人分享自己的作品,用 What colour?与他人交流各自蝴蝶的颜色。学习目标2 能够在游戏活动中描述物品的颜色,体验与同学一起游戏、涂色的乐趣。Lets have fun!Lets do it!3 Lets explore!能够梳理出交通信号灯的颜色所代表的含义,并能根据交通信号灯的不同颜色做出相应的动作。How many colours?Look and answer.What co
2、lour?Look and answer.Colour it blue.Trace and colour.Work in pairs.Trace,colour and say.Look and answer.Whats this?What colour?Lets colour the butterflywith crayons.Colour the butterfly.Choose five colours for numbers 2-6.Colour the butterfly.Colour the numbers on the butterfly.What colour?Share you
3、r work.ItsEvaluate each others work.Draw beautifully.Use different colours.Introduce the work clearly.ChecklistLook and answer.Who is he?Where is he?What is he doing?Watch the video and check.What is he doing?He is singing the traffic light song.Watch again and answer.What colour?Go!What colour?Stop
4、!What colour?Slow!Look and colour.Red is stop!Look and colour.Yellow is slow!Look and colour.Green is go!Look and answer.What are they?balloonskitesballsColour and say.What colour?yellowblueyellowblue?yellowColour and say.Can you find out the colours?Check your answers.red and yellow green and blackSummaryHomework1.借助单元学习自评表为本单元的学习做一次自我评价。2.设计一面彩旗,与班级同学分享。3.跟家人分享交通信号灯的颜色所代表的含义。