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1、听力解题技技巧总结解题技巧:圈关键词:whenwherewhyhowwhatl 圈名字(Jane,Tom,David.)l 圈时间(tomorrow,yesterday.)l 圈男女(问男的,听男的;问女的,听女的说)What does the man ask the woman to do?l 圈序数词:(first,second.)l 圈名词(relationship,suggestions.)浏览选项,预设答案:设置的问题越多,暴露的信息越多.从选项中推测对话发生的场景,可能在学校(school),hospital,office等,根据不完美原则一般都是有问题,一起解决问题(假设AB量选

2、项意思相反/相近,答案基本锁定A)选项:A.$20 B.$80 C.$ 200答案预设为B,应该是原价100元,20折扣=80美元注意答案一般出现在第二个说话人当中,注意转折but /however 后面一般就是答案unfortunately /wish /I would rather我宁愿.注意一个人说话语气语调暗含一些信息,声调表疑问,降调表肯定。夫妻之间会用“Dear,Darling”,陌生人之间会用“Excuse me”老板说话“命令式”例:20.Whats the speaker doing? A.Giving a speech B.Chairing a meeting C.Host

3、ing a program原文:Hello, welcome to my program.(选C.)注意最后一段独白的第一句话,很有可能暗含答案。如上文注意时间先后,尤其used to, in the past, many years ago, at present, in the future注意数字表达:数字一般要相加减1分钟表达:直接读,或用past(过了;相加)和to(相差,相减) 8:10eight ten /ten past eight 15分: quarter 8:15eight fifteen/fifteen past eight /a quarter past eight 9

4、:45nine forty five/ fifteen to ten/a quarter to ten离10点还差15分钟2年份表达:(三种读法,两两一读最常见) 两位而位读 1920nineteen twenty 1902nineteen oh two 先读百位再其它1949nineteen forty nine/nineteen hundred and forty nine 先读千再读个位或十位2008two thousand eight3折扣:20% discount = 8折 小/分数:1.5%one point(点) five percent.3/4three quarters/ t

5、hree fourths(分子用基数,分母大于2用序数+s)4电话号码门牌号:边听边记注意:thirteen (十三)thirty (三十)fourteen (十四)forty(四十)fifteen(十五)fifty(五十)5时间变化:take two days off 休两天假超前:earlierahead of time /in advance 准时: on time /on schedule推迟:put off/ delay /late / postpone例:When will the flight arrive?A.18:20 B.18:35 C.18:50. but后面是答案原文:

6、Its due at 6:20 pm,but it has a thirty minute delay because of bad weather. (18:20+30分钟=18:50)对话发生场景推测场景所听到的词Bank: account (账户) / cash (现金) / check/ savingsSchool:campus/ dormitory (宿舍)gradeslecture /exam (final / middle ) /make up (补考)/test (测试)/quiz (小测验)/ oral test (口试)/ pop test (事先说好的测试) /playg

7、round /teacher/ Chinese/ mathematics/ English/ history/ politics/ geography/ physics/chemistry/biology/ literature/ PE class /psychology(心理学) Restaurant:menusoupdrinkorderbilltip (小费) eat out/ take away外带/fast food/ book a table/ appetizer开胃菜/ main course主菜/ dessert/ service charge服务费/ bill /keep th

8、e change Station:train/ time table 时间表 /schedule /conductor (售票员) /fare(票价)Hospital:clinic诊所/health center卫生所 /physician内科医生/surgeon外科医生/dentist/ emergency急诊/prescribe开药方/check up检查/ pill/tablet药片/ injection/shot注射/operation手术/cold/ fever/ pain /cough /stomachache /headache /toothache/ trouble /temp

9、erature /nurse/doctor/patientdizzy (炫晕的)Hotel&airport:check in /check out/luggage (行李)/book a room/single room /double room /passenger/economy class(经济舱)/passport (护照) /business class (商务舱) /flight/single ticket (单程票)/ round-trip ticket (往返票) /full up客满Street: direction / accident / turn left /cross

10、 the street/ zebra line斑马线Cinema:film/movieClothing shop: wear/sizeBookstore/ library: book:sell 出售书店/ borrow /return 借出/归还图书馆/reference book参考书 /renew续借 /due到期 /overdue过期Post office:post/send/mail寄、letter/mail信、attachment电报、parcel/package包裹/ postage邮费Rent a house: rent /suburb /downtown /furnished配

11、家具 /untidy /noisy推测对话人物关系 teacherprofessorteacher student 学生与老师 husbandwife 丈夫与妻子(father-son/ daughter) bossemployeremployee/assistant 老板与员工(助理) doctor/nursepatient医生/护士与病人 waiter/ waitress customer服务员与顾客 salesman customer销售员与顾客 driver passenger司机与乘客 workmates /colleague /fellow workers 同事 classmates / schoolmates同学和roommates 室友teammates 队友. librarian reader图书管理员与读者 postman 快递员 stranger 陌生人观点意图态度:helpful 乐于助人的generous慷慨的selfish自私的bossy专横的stubborn 固执的 实在没听见,请及时放弃,调整心态看下一题。


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