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1、模块综合检测(三) 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) A These people are studying English.However,they are now facing some problems. I am Pablo.I work 50 hours a week as a taxi driver,so I talk to people all day.They understand me,but I know I make a lot of mistakes.No one corrects me.My v

2、ocabulary is strong.Grammar is my problem.Im trying to change little by little.For example, I dont use the past tense(时态) I always say, “I drive him to the office this morning”instead of“I drove him to the office this morning”. My name is Maria Luisa.Im teaching myself English,and Im good at grammar

3、.However, its really difficult to find ways to practice English.I live in an area where everyone speaks my language.My neighbors and friends speak Spanish.I can speak Spanish in the supermarket and at the post office. I am Li Ping.I understand the grammar and the readings in my class and I think my

4、writing is good,but Im very nervous when I speak English.I dont want to make any mistakes because Im afraid people will think that Im stupid.Also,my pronunciation isnt good.When I speak, people often say, “What?Say that again”. I am Yoshi.I have been in the United States for one year.Im studying har

5、d and I know grammar well,but the vocabulary is very difficult.When I listen,I dont understand many of the words.When I try to read, there are three or four new words in every sentence.I feel discouraged. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。很多人都在学习英语,每个人遇见的问 题各不相同。文章介绍了 Pablo、Maria Luisa、Li Ping 和 Yoshi 四人学习英语遇 见的不同的问题

6、。 1Who may say,“I go to bed late last night”? APablo. BMaria Luisa. CLi Ping. DYoshi. A 推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“For example,I dont use the past tense(时态)I always say,I drive him to the office this morninginstead ofI drove him to the office this morning ”可知Pablo不会使用过去时, 题干中“I go to bed late last night”属于过去时时

7、态错误,故 A 项正确。 2What would be the best advice for Maria Luisa? ATry to have a wide vocabulary. BDevelop a good knowledge of grammar. CRead as many English books as possible. DMake friends with English- speaking people. D 推理判断题。根据第三段后三句“I live in an area where everyone speaks my language.My neighbors a

8、nd friends speak Spanish.I can speak Spanish in the supermarket and at the post office.”可知,Maria Luisa 没有讲英语的环境,所以建 议让她和讲英语的人交朋友,创造出练习英语的环境。 3Why do people find it hard to understand Li Pings English? AShe cant pronounce words in English correctly. BShe speaks at a very fast speed. CHer grammar is t

9、errible. DHer voice is very low. A 细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句“Also,my pronunciation isnt good.When I speak,people often say,What?Say that again”可知,李萍 的发音很差,这是她英语不好的原因。 4What can we learn about Yoshi? AHe was born in the United States. BHe has a very small vocabulary. CHe has learned English for years. DHe is v

10、ery good at listening. B 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句“Im studying hard and I know grammar well,but the vocabulary is very difficult.”可知,Yoshi 的问题是词汇。 B Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.Thats right.If you can communicate in English,you can: Contact people from a

11、ll over the world.Talk about your ideas and opinions on the Internet discussion groups.Send e- mail to interesting people.Learn about their life and culture.Travel more easily.Communicate with people wherever you goEnglish is spoken in more than 100 countries.Ask directions,have a conversation,or.as

12、k for help.Who knows,maybe English will save your life someday! Push your career forward.If you want to find a good job in business, technology, or science,get out of that armchair and start learning English now! (If you already have a good job,start learning before you lose it!) Knowing English wil

13、l let you: Put “excellent knowledge of English” on your CV (履历)Get your dream job,and earn more money. Gain technical knowledge.English is the language of technology,especially high technology like computer science,genetics,and medicine.If youre going to read about technology,youll probably have to

14、do it in English. Learn computer science.Read technical articles without difficulty or write your own articles! Be a world- class businessperson.Its simple.International business is done in English.And all business today is international.So if you want to play,you have to know Englishto contact othe

15、r business people, go to conferences, read international business newspapers and magazines,etc. Become a better scientist.Contact scientists from other countries ,go to international conferences,and visit academic centers abroad.Learn about new scientific discoveries by reading papers,books,and maga

16、zines. Use your computer more effectively.Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them better and become a better employee. 【语篇解读】 本文为说明文,主要介绍了说英语和掌握好英语的益处。 5According to the passage,knowing English will let you . Atravel in your country more easily Bgain technical knowledg

17、e Ccontact people all over your country Dwatch television networks B 细节理解题。 根据文中的“Knowing English will let you: .Gain technical knowledge.”可知,掌握英语有助于获取技术知识。故选 B。 6Sending e- mail to interesting people is a way to . Alearn knowledge Bcontact people Cbecome a better scientist Dwork better B 细节理解题。根据第二

18、段中的“Contact people from all over the world.Talk about your ideas and opinions on the Internet discussion groups.Send e- mail to interesting people.”可知,给那些有趣的人发送邮件是和其他人联系的 一种方式。故选 B。 7A world- class business person may . Awrite his/her own articles Bread international business newspapers Ctalk about

19、his/her ideas and opinions Dread about technology B 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的内容可推断出,一个世界一流的商人 可能会读国际商业报纸。故选 B。 8If you dont learn English,you may lose . Ayour good job Byour family Cyour friends Dyour game A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If you already have a good job,start learning before you lose it!”可知,如果你不学英语的话,你有可能会失去你的

20、 工作。故选 A。 C Do you love bacon(熏猪肉)?Who doesnt,right?From time to time,you may have heard the phrase “bring home the bacon”Did you ever wonder what that means? Actually,“bring home the bacon”is a common phrase used to mean“to earn money” If youre“bringing home the bacon”, youre making money to bring

21、home to your family.So how is the meat connected with making money? One popular story holds that the phrase appeared in the 1100s in a small town of Great Dunmow in England.The church(教堂) in Great Dunmow would give a rasher of bacon as a reward to any man who could honestly say that he had not argue

22、d(争吵) with his wife for a year.Others believe the phrase got started in the 1500s at country fairs.One of the most popular competitions included catching a pig.The prize for it was that you got to keep it. Since the 1600s,the word“bacon”has been used to mean ones body.Because people often connect th

23、e body with ones ability to work and earn money, its believed that bacon finally took on that meaning,too.One way of earning money with ones body back then was the sport of boxing. On September 3,1906,boxer Joe Gans fought against Oliver Nelson for the world lightweight championship in Goldfield, Ne

24、vada.According to the Reno Evening Gazette,Joe received a telegram(电报) from his mother before the fight.It read: “Joe,the eyes of the world are on you.Everybody says you ought to win.Peter Jackson will tell me the news and you bring home the bacon.”Joe Gans did win the fight and the prize money that

25、 went along with the victory.He sent a telegram back to his mother, saying that he was“bringing home the bacon” Mrs. Gans was probably repeating a phrase she had heard before,but hers was the first us age that experts can find.Before long,the phrase was being used commonly in boxing,and it also quic

26、kly moved to other sports. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。介绍了英语俚语“bring home the bacon”的 含义和起源。 9Why does the author raise questions in Paragraph 1? ATo show his writing purpose. BTo lead to the topic of the text. CTo know the meaning of the phrase. DTo see how many people love bacon. B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了英语俚语“bring

27、home the bacon”的含义和起源,文章首段的问题是为了引出本文的主题俚语“bring home the bacon”。 10What does the phrase“bring home the bacon”mean? ASupport ones family financially. BBring family members together. CEarn money by selling bacon. DImprove a familys living conditions. A 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一、二句可知,“bring home the bacon” 的含义是“赚

28、取生活费”。 11Who could get the bacon in the 1100s in Great Dunmow? AThe one who never tells lies. BThe one who lives in peace with his wife. CThe one who wins a competition at the fair. DThe one who is strong enough to catch a pig. B 细节理解题。根据第三段的前两句可知,在 12 世纪的 Great Dunmow, 和妻子关系和睦的男人会被奖励。 12Why did Joe

29、 Gans mother send him a telegram? ATo ask Joe to buy some bacon. BTo tell Joe how to win the fight. CTo show what she expected from Joe. DTo introduce a new phrase to people. C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,对于拳击手而言,“bring home the bacon”的意思是“挣生活费”,Joe 的妈妈说“you bring home the bacon”,而赢得比赛就能得到奖金,由此可知,Joe 的妈妈在电报中

30、表达了她的 期待。 D There is a common belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill.There are,however,quite different ideas about how to teach it,or how much priority(优先) it must be given over gener

31、al language development and writing ability.The problem is,how to encourage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding him back with spelling. If spelling becomes the only point of his teachers interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to“play safe”He will write only words wit

32、hin his spelling range(范 围)Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content(内容) rather than technical(技术的) ability. I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible!There are far t

33、oo many spelling mistakes.”It may have been a sharp criticism(批评) of the pupils technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad thing for the teacher who had failed to read the composition(作文),which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings.The teacher was not wrong to dr

34、aw attention to the mistakes,but if his priority had centered on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more hope to seek improvement. 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了一篇作文的拼写与文章内容之间的关系。 13Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that . Astudents will

35、 be able to express their ideas more freely Bteachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes Cstudents will have more trust in writing Dstudents will learn to spell words correctly A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“The problem is,how to encourage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding h

36、im back with spelling.”以 及第二段最后一句“Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content(内容的) rather than technical(技术的) ability.”可知,老师鼓励学生使用字典是为了让学生自由地表达自己的想法。故 选 A。 14Which of the following about school education is true? ASchools are no longer interested in

37、spelling. BTeachers ask their students to write words within their spelling range. CSchools attach importance to word spelling. DTeachers think the expression of the children is the most important. C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill.

38、”可知,学校十分重视学生的 拼写能力。故选 C。 15The writer seems to think that the teachers judgment on that sensitive piece of writing is . Areasonable Bunfair Cfoolish Dcareless B 推理判断题。 根据第三段“It may have been a sharp criticism(批评) of the pupils technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad thing for the teach

39、er who had failed to read the composition(作文),which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings.”可判断出作者认为老师的评价是不公平的。故选 B。 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) The guy who tried to edit English The English vocabulary is not only huge,but also full of words that mean practically the sa

40、me thing.Get, obtain,acquire.Shine,gleam,glow,sparkle. 16 That was the thinking of a British writer named CK.Ogden,who in the 1930s proposed(提议) a new form of English with a vocabulary of just 850 words.He called the project Basic English. 17 Ogden arrived at his 850- word list through experimentati

41、on,rephrasing texts over and over until he was satisfied.The words he finally included were not necessarily the shortest or most concrete. 18 Because any verbal idea could be expressed with a small number of “operators”words like come,go,get,take, have,make,be,and do.Ogden argued that most verbs wer

42、e unnecessary.In Basic English,eat is“have a meal”,and forget is “go from memory” Winston Churchill was a fan of the concept as a way to get foreigners to speak English, and he encouraged the BBC to use it. 19 Roosevelt, who expressed mild interest,joked that Churchills famous speech about offering

43、his“blood,toil,tears, and sweat”to his country wouldnt have been so exciting if he“had been able to offer the British people only blood,work,eye water,and face water,which I understand is the best that Basic English can do with five famous words.” 20 Churchill didnt use it either.When seeking to exp

44、ress ourselves, we dont necessarily need fewer words;we need the right words.So its to our benefit to have a large supply on hand. ADo we really need them all? BHow many words are there in English? COgden himself didnt actually use Basic English. DPlenty of seemingly basic words did not make the lis

45、t at all. EHe also tried to persuade President Franklin Roosevelt to promote it. FHe believed it would make the language more efficient and easier to learn. G Despite attention from world leaders, Basic English never got very far off the drawing board. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了由奥格登创造出来的一种简化英 语基本英语。 16A 第一

46、段讲到英语的词汇量很大且有很多同义词,第二段提到“That was the thinking of a British writer”及奥格登将英语词汇量减到 850 个可知, 此处 应该是问“我们确实需要那么多词汇吗”。 17F 奥格登之所以创造基本英语是因为他觉得这样英语更容易学。 18 D 根据上文的“were not necessarily the shortest or most concrete”及下 文例举的例子可知,很多基础的词汇并没有出现在基本英语中。 19E 由下文的“Roosevelt,who expressed mild interest”可知,此处是 说丘吉尔也试图说

47、服罗斯福总统推广基本英语。 20C 根据下文的“Churchill didnt use it either.”可知,“奥格登并没有 真正使用基本英语”符合语境。 第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) Do you know how many languages there are in the world?There are about 5,500,but many of them are not considered very 21 .English is considered one of the most important

48、 languages because many people 22 it,not only in the UK and the US,but in other countries of the world.About 375 million speak it 23 their own language,and another 750 million use it as a 24 language.It is 25 to say how many people are learning it.Millions of boys and girls in schools are trying to do so. Many English children 26 French.French is also a very important language.Some children learn German, 27 ,Japanese and Russian,of which Chinese is getting more and more popular. Which is the best way to learn a language?We know that we all learnt the 28 language well when we wer


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