hello KET 考试 剑桥英语青少年版第一版Unit16ppt课件.ppt

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1、hello KET考试 剑桥英语青少版 A man who eats 5 huge hamburgers in just one minute A man who smashed 13 pieces of thick ice with body They are _. crazy mad Are there any mad things around you? Unit 16 Its a mad world What mad things happened to them? licence /laisns/ n.许可证,执照 balance /blns/ v. 保持平衡 brick n. 砖块

2、 onion / njn/ n. 洋葱 weight v. 称起来 1 Read and listen 1.How old is Len Vale Onslow? He is 103 years old. 2.Has he ever had an accident? No, he hasnt. 3.What does Hu Sealao hold the world record for? He holds the world record for the longest human hair. 4.What has John Evans balanced? He has balanced 6

3、2 books,101 bricks, 548 footballs, even a Mini car. 5. When was the last time when Susan Smith got out of the bed? It was 27 years ago. 6.How heavy did the onion weigh? It weighted 7.2kg. 1 Read and listen 2 Vocabulary cow snake rabbit tiger dog mouse frog horse cat 2 Vocabulary parrot tarantula all

4、igator 短吻鳄短吻鳄 狼蛛狼蛛 鹦鹉鹦鹉 3 Grammar Present perfect Tense 3 Grammar People have done some strange things. John has balanced a Mini car on his head. Hes never cut his hair. Have you ever seen anything like it? 影响 present I have eaten 10 apples. 3 Grammar We use the present perfect to talk about actions

5、 that happened some time up to now. Form: + present participle (过去分 词) have/has 过去分词? 规则变化:和动词过去式的变化一样 look looked study studied receive received Base form Past participle stop stopped AAA(原形原形原形) read read read cut cut cut AAB(原形原形过去分词) beat beat beaten AAB(原形原形过去分词) become became become run ran ru

6、n 不规则变化: ABB(原形过去式过去分词) bring brought brought catch caught caught meet met met make made made feel felt felt 不规则变化: 3 Grammar a Positive Negative I/you/we/theyveve (.) workeded he/she/its s (.)workeded I/you/we/they havent (have not) worked he/she/its s (.) workeded have has has 3 Grammar a Question

7、s Short answers _I/you/we/they worked ?ed ? _ he/she/it worked?ed? Yes, I/you/we/they havehave. No, I/you/we/they/ haventhavent. Yes, he/she/it hashas. No, he/she/it hasnthasnt. Have Has never ? ever ? 3 Grammar Hes never cut his hair. 从不从不 曾经曾经 Have you ever seen anything like it? 常位于句中!常位于句中! 3 Gr

8、ammar b Base form Past Participle be been do done go gone see seen write written bite bitten 3 Grammar b Base form Past Participle speak spoken eat eaten drive driven fly flown swim swum win won 3 Grammar c 1. Weve never lived (never/live) in a foreign country. 2. _she_ _(ever/study) a foreign langu

9、age? ever studied 3. I _ _ _(never/see) a tarantula. have never seen 4. _ you _ _(ever/drive) a car. Have ever driven 5. _ they _ _(ever/fly) in a helicopter? Have ever flown 6. Jack _ _ (stay) in Japan, but he _ _ _(never/eat) sushi. Has has stayed has never eaten 4 Read 1.How many times has John E

10、vans been in The Guinness Book of Records? 29 times. 2. What did he stand with in 1997? He stood with 101 bricks on his head. 3. When did he first break a record? In 1992. 4. How much money has he raised so far? Over 56,000. 5 Vocabulary a 1.raise 2.win 3.break 4.build 5.tell 6.take a.a risk b.a pri

11、ze c.a joke d.a record e.money f. a house 5 Vocabulary b wonwon brokebroke buildingbuilding raisesraises was takingwas taking tellstells 6 Read Elvis Lives Read 1.25 2.1977 3.Graceland 4.1956 5.1 000 000 000 6.Memphis a. b. c. d. e. f. 6 Read 1. successful pop record (paragraph 1) 2.people who love a famous person (paragraph 1) 3.very large (paragraph 5) Hit Fans Huge 4.between 40 and 60 years old (paragraph 6) 5.moving chairs for people who cant walk (paragraph 6) 6.Date when something happened in a past year (paragraph 8) Middle-aged 6 Read Wheelchair Anniversary


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