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1、 1 第四单元教材分析第四单元教材分析 本单元讲授一些学生熟悉的动物园动物。它以第 3 单元的会话结构为基础以便让学生能更流利 地谈论这些动物 (或其他的事情) 的特征。 本单元还介绍更多的方位词 (如 inside, outside, in front of 和 behind) 在本单元中,学生应争取掌握(正确地说、读、写、使用)下列词汇和用语: elephant, kangaroo, lion, monkey, tiger, wolf, mountain, rock, tree, inside, outside, in front of, behind 要求学生练习说和写, 并能口头应答下

2、列单词和短语: giraffe, panda, snake, zebra, trunk, flowers, grass, leaves, river Does a have ? What does eat? What has ? What else has ? Where does live? 2 教学内容:Lesson25:Lions and Tigers 课时 1 教学目标:1、 知识与技能:本课要求学生能掌握单词:lion, tiger, elephant, kangaroo, 句型: Does a have a ? What has a ? What else has a ? 能把所学

3、单词、句型运用到日常 口语交流当中。 2、 情感态度价值观:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的 积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心。 教学重点、难点:本课重点单词、句型。 教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计: Lesson25:Lions and Tigers lion tiger elephant kangaroo Does a have a ? What has a ? What else has a ? 3 教学过程: 一 Class Opening and Review 1. GREETING 2. SING “OLD MACD

4、ONALD HAD A FARM” 3. PLAY A SENTENCE GAME Write Can a ? on the blackboard. Ask the students to call out the names of five animals and five actions in English. Make separate lists of these words on the blackboard and number each form one to five. Ask the students to call out numbers, in English, for

5、the first blank and then the second blank. Ask the class to answer each question it makes up. 二. New Concepts 1. SUTDENT BOOK: L25 N1 In Chinese, discuss the photograph at the beginning of this unit. a. What does the photograph show? b. Who has visited a zoo? 教学侧记 4 c. What animals did you see there

6、? Write zoo on the blackboard and say it a few times with the students. Explain that this unit is about zoo animals and that the students will learn four animals in this lesson. Point to each picture in Number1 as teacher and the students say lion, tiger, elephant and kangaroo a few times. Point to

7、each picture and say A has . Say each sentence with the students a few times. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. 2. STUDENT BOOK: L25 N2 Introduce the sentences: Does a have a ? What has a ? What else has a ? Show the students how to substitute different words in the structure. Tell the students there is something wrong with the picture. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. 3. DRILL T: Does a tiger have fur? C: Yes, it does. T: Does a tiger have a trunk? C: No, it does not. T: What has a truck? C: An elephant has a trunk. 三Class Closing. 教学反思: 5


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