Unit 3 Section+A-1+111(1).ppt

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1、Section A Period 1 (1a2d) Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. short tall Description Words for People 描述人的形容词描述人的形容词 thin fat has short hair has long hair walk quietly yell loudly tall 高的高的 thin 瘦的瘦的 light 轻的轻的 calm 镇静的镇静的 serious 严肃的严肃的 outgoing 活泼的活泼的 weak 虚弱的虚弱的 heavy重的重的 wild 鲁莽的鲁莽的 funny 滑稽

2、的滑稽的 quiet 文静的文静的 strong 强壮的强壮的 Some pairs of opposites short 矮的矮的 fat 胖的胖的 Zhang Fei is strong and wild. Zhugeliang is calm and serious. LinDaiYu is weak and quiet. tall thin long hair quietly loudly short hair heavy short Match each word with its opposite. 1a tall / short long / short hair heavy /

3、 thin Pair WorkPair Work loudly / quietly A: I am short, but my friend B is tall. B: I am heavy, but my friend A is thin. Dont judge a person by his appearance. 不要根据长相来判断一个人。不要根据长相来判断一个人。 (不要以貌取人。)(不要以貌取人。) 行为漂亮才是漂亮。行为漂亮才是漂亮。 (1730 1774), an Anglo-Irish novelist, poet and playwright, best known for

4、his novel The Vicar of Wakefield (威克斐牧师传威克斐牧师传 ) Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture (1-3). 1b 1. Sam and Tom 2. Tara and Tina 3. Paul and Peter Look and say. Her hair is long. Her hair is_. longer Mrs. Zhang is heavy. Mrs. Black is_. heavier YaoMing is _than PanChangJiang. But PanCh

5、angJiang is _than YaoMing. taller funnier Tom is _than Sam. Sam is _than Tom. Tom Sam bigger smaller Jenny is _ _than Mary. Mary is _than Jenny. Jenny Mary more out-going quieter Bruce.Lee sings _than Mr.King Bruce.Lee Mr.King more loudly ZhangFei is _and _than KongMing. But Zhugeliang is _and _than

6、 him. wilder stronger smarter calmer Jet is _than Steven Jet.Lee Steven Chow more serious Yao Ming is taller than Mr.Zeng Mr.Zeng is shorter than Yao Ming. Zeng Zhiwei is more outgoing than Yao Ming. Han Hong is heavier than Sun Li. Sun Li is thinner than Han Hong. David Oliver Liu Xiang runs fast.

7、runs faster. Oliver runs faster than Liu Xiang. Warming-up Lets watch the video. Im bigger than you. Im taller than you. Im stronger than you. I run faster than you. Youre heavier than I am. than 比比 (用于比较级)(用于比较级) 比较级比较级 short - shorter small - smaller nice nicer safe safer - - - - - - big thin heav

8、y heavier happy happier big bigger thin thinner 单音节单音节 和部分和部分 双音节双音节 词词 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-er talltaller longlonger 以字母以字母e结尾的词结尾的词,在,在 词尾加词尾加-r finefiner latelater 重读闭音节词且词尾重读闭音节词且词尾 只有一个辅音字母,只有一个辅音字母, 双写辅音字母再加双写辅音字母再加-er bigbigger thinthinner 以“辅音字母以“辅音字母 + y”结结 尾尾的双音节词,先的双音节词,先把把 “y”改为“改为“i”再再加加-er eas

9、yeasier busybusier 形容词副词比较级形容词副词比较级的构成(的构成(1)规则变化规则变化: 多音节多音节形容词和形容词和部分双音节部分双音节形容词的比较级需要形容词的比较级需要 在其前加在其前加more构成。前面加构成。前面加more构成比较级的构成比较级的 形容词一般有以下几种情况:形容词一般有以下几种情况: 形容词副词比较级形容词副词比较级的构成(的构成(2)规则变化规则变化: delicious more delicious interesting more interesting importantmore important 1. 以以ing结尾的形容词。结尾的形容

10、词。 2.以以ful结尾的形容词。结尾的形容词。 3.以以ed结尾的形容词。结尾的形容词。 4.多音节的形容词。(三个或三个以上音节构成多音节的形容词。(三个或三个以上音节构成 的单词,我们把他们称为多音节,的单词,我们把他们称为多音节, 如:如:popular 就是多音节单词就是多音节单词 tiring more tiring boring more boring careful- more careful wonderful-more wonderful tired-more tired bored-more bored popular more popular difficultmore

11、 difficult funny heavy short tall thin hot outgoing important funnier heavier shorter taller thinner hotter more outgoing more important 比较级比较级,要变化要变化,词尾一般加词尾一般加er。 辅音字母若加辅音字母若加y,记得把记得把y变成变成i。 重读闭音节,单辅音字母要双写重读闭音节,单辅音字母要双写 。 如若遇上多音节,如若遇上多音节, 就要考虑加上就要考虑加上more。 nice late nicer later 词尾若有哑音词尾若有哑音e, 直接加直

12、接加r就可以。就可以。 good better Summary 形容词副词比较级形容词副词比较级 规则变化规则变化 不规则变不规则变 化化 Compare yourself with your partner. Pair WorkPair Work You are taller than me, but Im thinner than you. You are smarter than me, but Im funnier than you. taller heavier funnier thinner smarter more outgoing more friendly more hard

13、-working Task 5 Exercise Can you finish these sentences? 1.The desk is _(long) than that. 2. This T-shirt is too small. Please show me a _(big) one. 3. Tom goes to school _ (early) than me every day. 4. Who is _(thin) ,Tony or Bill? 5. My sister is always quiet, but I like talking. Im _(outgoing) th

14、an her. longer bigger earlier thinner more outgoing Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins. A: Thats Tara, isnt it? B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 1c - Is she Cherrie Ying ? - No, sh

15、e isnt. She is Sun Li. Cherrie Ying s hair is longer than hers. Sun Li Cherrie Ying - Is that Toms dog? - No, it isnt. Its Tinas. Toms dog is heavier than Tinas. Toms dog Tinas dog Johns ruler Janes ruler Is that Johns ruler? No, it isnt. Its Janes. Johns ruler is longer than Janes. Listen. Are the

16、words in the box used with -(i)er or more? -er / -ier more friendly outgoing 2a funny smart lazy fast high hard early hard-working Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxes. 2b Tina _ _ _ Tara _ _ _ is more outgoing than Tara. works as hard as Tina. Tina _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tara _

17、 _ _ is friendlier and funnier than Tara. can run faster and jump higher. is smarter. is lazier. gets up earlier than Tina. funny quiet smart outgoing thin fine fast big funnier quieter smarter more outgoing thinner finer faster bigger 写出下写出下 列形容词列形容词 的比较级的比较级 hard early slowly tired beautiful well/

18、good far bad/badly harder earlier more slowly more tired more beautiful better farther/further worse 写出下列副词的比较级写出下列副词的比较级 Who is heavier, Bob or Alan? Alan. Alan is heavier than Bob. Who is shorter? Bob is shorter than Alan. Who plays soccer better? Bob plays soccer better than Alan. Do they both li

19、ke sports? Yes, they do. Both Bob and Alan like sports. Bob Alan Mr.Yi : 80 kg, 180cm, short hair, play basketball well, get up at 7:00, runs at 12s/100m, serious, talk loudly, hardworking Mr.Huang: 66kg,175cm,short hair, play soccer well , get up at 6:30, runs at 13s/100m, funny, talk quietly, hard

20、working Tina and Tara are twins. They look similar but they are different. Tina than Tara .And she is and , too. Tina loves sports. So she can .than Tara. Tina thinks she .than Tara. But Tara thinks she works as hard as Tina. Tina .Tara. But Tina .than Tara. Tara always .than her. Tina and Tara are

21、twins. They look similar but they are different. Tina is more outgoing than Tara .And she is friendlier and funnier, too. Tina loves sports. So she can run faster and jump higher than Tara. Tina thinks she works harder than Tara. But Tara thinks she works as hard as Tina. Tina is smarter than Tara.

22、But Tina is lazier than Tara. Tara always gets up earlier than her. 2c Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on Page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom. Sam is smarter, taller, funnier and more hard-working. Sam gets up as early as Tom. Tom runs faster,

23、is thinner and is friendlier than Sam. 2d Role-play the conversation. Read 2d and answer the following questions 1.When did they have the sining competition ? 2.Who sang more clearly ? 3.Which one is Lisa? 4.Who danced better ? 5.What is the most important thing ? 6.Say key words in 2d Write and Gue

24、ss Write a few sentences to describe your friend, use than me, and then have the other students guess who your friend is. taller thinner smarter bigger eyes smaller nose longer hair more outgoing family name sits in the group/ in front of likes to is good at In case they cant guess it right, write o

25、ne or two more sentences about his/ her distinguishing feature. ExerciseExercise 1. Who is _(quiet), Ada or Jane? 2. David is much _ (tall) than Tom. 3. Miss Li is a little _ (outgoing) than her sister. 4. My father is very _ (good) at telling stories. 5. Jim is _ (short) than Lucy. quieter taller m

26、ore outgoing good shorter Find their differences in each picture. The more, the better. ChantChant I am happier, I am healthier. I can be taller, I will be stronger. My house is bigger, my room is cleaner. My friends are funnier, my grades are better. My school is more beautiful, my city is more com

27、fortable (舒适的舒适的). We are happier, our life is better. 一、按要求写出下列各词的正确形式一、按要求写出下列各词的正确形式 1 easy(比较级比较级):_ 2 different(名词名词):_ 3 many(比较级比较级):_ 4 serious(比较级比较级):_ 5 friendly(比较级比较级):_ easier difference more more serious friendlier 练练 习习 6 funny(比较级比较级)_ 7 outgoing(比较级比较级)_ 8 tall(反义词反义词)_ 9 beautiful

28、(比较级比较级)_ more beautiful more outgoing short easier 二、词汇二、词汇 1. Im tall but my sister is _(short). 2. My mother has long hair, and my sister has _ (long) hair. 3.This little baby is _ (outgoing) than that one. shorter longer more outgoing 4. In some ways we look the same, in some ways we look _(不同不同

29、). 5. Ann is a very _(安静的安静的) girl, she hardly makes noise. 6. Tom is _ _ than me.(更勤奋)更勤奋) different quiet more outgoing 1. The twins _ lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are 2. I like drawing and I am good _ it. A. in B. on C. at 3. That box is _ than others. A. more heavier B. heavy C.

30、much heavier 三、单项选择三、单项选择 B C C 4.Hes _ than his brother. A. strong B. stronger C. the stronger D. the strongest B 3.Which do you like _, tea or coffee? A.good B. better C. best D. the better B 二、句型转换。二、句型转换。 1.This picture looks beautiful, but that one looks more beautiful.(同义句同义句) That picture loo

31、ks _ _ _ this one. 2. She has longer hair than Emma.(同义句同义句) Her hair is _ _ _. more beautiful than longer than Emmas 3. My father is two years older than my mother. (同义句同义句) My mother is _ _ _ than my father. 4. Li Lei is taller than his twin brother. (同义句同义句) Li Lei is _ _ of the twins. 5._English_ math are very important. (两者都)两者都) two years younger the taller Both and


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