2021中考英语(人教版)一轮复习教材梳理练习18 九年级(全一册) Unit 7~ Unit 8.docx

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1、课时作业课时作业 18 九年级九年级(全一册全一册) Unit 7 Unit 8 .单项填空。 1.(2020 江苏盐城)Watching The Legend of Luo Xiaohei is a good to relax when youre tired. A.rule B.choice C.question D.skill 2.(2020 贵州毕节)The air pollution is very serious in our city.Something about it now. A.can do B.must do C.was done D.must be done 3.(2

2、020 海南改编)Uncle Liang has a great collection of watches. A.enjoyable B.valuable C.comfortable D.believable 4.(2020 江苏泰州)Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different way. I agree.Most poets(诗人) describe this season to a feeling of sadness,but in Lius eyes autumn is full of life and hope.

3、 A.excuse B.express C.expect D.explain 5.(2020 江苏南京)Maria is always full of because she takes exercise every day. A.energy B.talent C.humor D.wealth 6.(2020 四川)Is that Mary over there? It be her.She has gone to Kunming. A.may B.must C.cant D.mustnt 7.(2020 安徽淮南大通区模拟)Our teacher told us to junk food.

4、Its not healthy. A.pay attention to B.fall in love with C.keep away from D.get used to 8.(2020 安徽黄山天都中学模拟)Sorry,I cant go shopping with you because I have a meeting to that day. A.join B.attend C.attract D.appear 9.(2019 安徽界首实验中学模拟)We had a(n) journey.There was a heavy snow and the car broke down. A

5、.meaningless B.unfair C.awful D.impossible 10.(2019 安徽定远三中模拟)Dont your parents,Frank.Its impolite to do so. A.talk back to B.look up to C.look forward to D.pay attention to .完形填空。 (2020 云南) When I was in Grade 5,I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class.I have forgotten what the fight was abou

6、t,but I have never forgotten the 11 I learned that day. I thought that I was right and he was wrong and Tony just thought that I was wrong and he was right.The teacher,Mrs.Green,decided to teach us a very 12 lesson. Mrs.Green asked us to stand on each side of her desk.In the middle of her desk was a

7、 large,round object.I could 13 see that it was black.She asked Tony what 14 the object was.“White,” Tony answered.I couldnt 15 Tony said the object was white,when it was black!Another 16 started between us,this time about the color of the object. The teacher 17 me to go and stand where Tony was stan

8、ding and told him to come and stand where I had been.We 18 places,and now she asked me what the color of the object was,I had to answer,“ 19 .” It was an object with two differently colored 20 .From Tonys side it was white,but from my side it was black. 11.A.fight B.lesson C.teacher D.classmate 12.A

9、.difficult B.boring C.safe D.important 13.A.loudly B.widely C.clearly D.heavily 14.A.color B.size C.shape D.time 15.A.decide B.believe C.doubt D.promise 16.A.choice B.chance C.fight D.purpose 17.A.told B.supported C.enjoyed D.noticed 18.A.cleaned B.changed C.placed D.laid 19.A.White B.Black C.Brown

10、D.Purple 20.A.sizes B.sides C.shapes D.maps .补全对话。 (2021 预测) Jimmy:Lucy,have you ever heard of the Carnac Stones (卡纳克巨石林)? Lucy:21. Where are they? Jimmy:In France.The Carnac Stones are the largest collection of standing stones in the world. Lucy:Oh,really?22. Jimmy:More than 3,000. Lucy:Are they ol

11、d? Jimmy:Yes.23. Lucy:Whats the use of the stones? Jimmy:24. But I hear the stones have been removed (移开) to make way for roads.And some are used as building materials. Lucy:25. I think the government should protect them. Jimmy:I agree with you. A.Sounds nice. B.No,never. C.What a pity! D.Oh,its sti

12、ll a mystery. E.Who discovered them? F.How many standing stones are there? G.The earliest ones are over 6,500 years old. .阅读理解。 A (2020 内蒙古呼和浩特) Last week,some German parents who took their kids out of school early were stopped by the police at the airport.The police were making reports on students

13、who didnt have permission(许可) to miss school. Like many places,it is against the law to skip(不参加) school in Germany.Children over the age of 9 cant miss classes without permission from the school.But during busy travel times,some parents take their children out of school early to save money on vacat

14、ions.People can often save a lot of money on flights and hotels by going at a different time than others. Last weekend was the beginning of an important holiday period in Germany.People in charge of the schools asked the police to check and make sure that students werent leaving for vacations before

15、 they were allowed to. Police officers at three German airports looked for families with school-aged children.When they found them,the police pulled the families out of lines to talk with them.They wanted to find out if the parents had permission for the children to be out of school.If the children

16、did not have permission,the police reported the families to their schools and to the government.In all,the police reported about 20 families. These families will have two weeks to show that it was okay for their children to miss school.If they cant,they may have to pay as much as $1,200 as a fine(罚款

17、),or receive some other punishment. Germany is not the only place where parents have to pay fines if their children miss school.Many other countries and many of the states in the U.S.have similar laws. The good news is that the families were allowed to go on vacation after they talked to the police.

18、But they might have a big bill waiting for them when they get back. 26.Why do some German parents take their children out of school early during busy travel times? A.They can spend more time with their children. B.Their children will study by themselves. C.They want to save money. D.Their children c

19、an take online courses. 27.In Paragraph 4,police officers at three German airports wanted to . A.find students who skipped school without permission B.give punishment to the students there C.take students back to school D.wait for school managers 28.Which of the following can be the best title for t

20、he text? A.Laws on Vacations in Germany. B.Give Your Family a Perfect Vacation. C.Dont Skip School in Germany. D.Punishment Goes to Families. 29.Where does this text probably come from? A.A newspaper. B.A science report. C.A travel guide. D.A textbook. B (2021 预测) I woke up because of a strange soun

21、d.I saw something moving by my window.I was terrified and ran downstairs.I found my mom in the kitchen,getting my brother ready for school. “Mum,did you hear anything?I think I saw an alien.” “Are you all right?Just a dream!” Mum answered. Then I went back to my room.As I walked to the window,I crie

22、d.I saw a little alien,no more than three feet tall,with big and black eyes.It tried to run between my legs and escape through the window.Although I was scared,for some reason,I squeezed (挤) my legs together in time to catch it.It took out something and hurt me.I felt a terrible sense of nothingness

23、 and fainted (晕倒).Then I woke up. At first,I could hardly move.I wasnt sure whether it was a dream or not.I pulled myself out of the bed and walked downstairs.I saw my mom in the kitchen.She was really getting my brother ready for school,wearing her pink clothes.Then I realized it was just a dream b

24、ecause in my dream she was wearing her work clothes. From then on,I always dreamed about aliens and all the dreams felt so real.At that time,I really thought maybe I had some kind of relationship with aliens.About two months later,I stopped having such dreams.Later I realized that I used to have tho

25、se dreams because I always read books about aliens before I fell asleep! 30.What was the writers mom doing in his dream?(不超过 10个词) 31.What was the writers mom wearing in the dream?(不超过 10 个词) 32.Why did the writer have those dreams?(不超过 15 个词) .单词拼写。 33.(2019 四川德阳)Please remind the passengers not to

26、 s (吸烟) in the bus. 34.(2019 湖北荆门)Nowadays,the education of s (安全) has caught the attention of the whole society. 35.(2021 预测)All the people are trying their best to p (阻止)the fire from spreading. 36.(2021 预测)Its amazing that Mr.Li has put so much time and e (精力)into the project. 37.(2021 预测)Its the

27、 c (机会)the young man has been waiting for. .书面表达。 (2020 山西) 教育就是善意的干预。在我们的成长过程中时常会面对来自父母或老师的提醒与批评,有的同 学不理解,有的同学甚至会有过激的反应。如何客观、冷静地对待这种问题,需要我们认真、理性地 思考,并做出合理应对,这正是教育要达到的目的。 请针对以上现象,结合生活中的经历,写一篇短文。内容包括: your opinion about this phenomenon (现象) an experience you had/heard/saw what you have learned from i

28、t WORD BANK remind v.提醒 criticize v.批评 objective adj.客观的 calm adj.冷静的 reasonable adj.理性的 要求: 1.词数 80100; 2.参考词汇仅供参考。 课时作业 18 九年级(全一册) Unit 7 Unit 8 .1.B 考查名词辨析。句意:当你累的时候,观看罗小黑战记是一种放松的好选择。rule规 则,choice选择,question问题,skill 技能。故选 B项。 2.D 句意:我们城市的空气污染非常严重。现在必须做一些事了。句子主语 Something与谓语 动词 do存在动宾关系,需用被动语态,故

29、选 D项。 3.B enjoyable 令人愉悦的;valuable 有价值的;comfortable 舒适的;believable可相信的。句意:梁 叔叔收藏了很多的名表。 4.B 句意:刘禹锡的秋词用另一种方式来描写秋天。我同意。大多数诗人描写这 一季节来表达一种悲伤的感觉,但是在刘的眼睛里秋天充满了生命和希望。excuse原谅;express 表达;expect 期望,预料;explain 解释,说明。根据“a feeling of sadness”可知,应该是表达感情。故选 B项。 5.A 句意:Maria 总是精力饱满,因为她每天都锻炼。其他选项 talent 意为“才能”;humo

30、r意为“幽 默”;wealth意为“财富”,故选 A项。 6.C 句意:那位是 Mary吗?不可能是她。她去昆明了。may表示推测,意为“可 能”;must 表示肯定推测,意为“一定,必定”;cant 表示否定推测,意为“不可能”;mustnt 意为“禁 止”;根据下文“她去昆明了”可知,这个人不可能是她,故选 C项。 7.C 句意:我们的老师告诉我们要远离垃圾食品,它是不健康的。pay attention to注意;fall in love with爱上;keep away from远离;get used to习惯于。 8.B 句意:对不起,我不能和你一起去购物,因为我要出席一个会议。joi

31、n参加;attend 出席;attract 吸引;appear 出现。join一般指参加某个团体或组织。 9.C 根据后句“有一场大雪,汽车抛锚了”可知这次的旅行是“糟糕的”。awful“糟糕的;很坏的”。 10.A 根据“那样做是没礼貌的”可知前句的句意“不要对你的父母顶嘴”。talk back“顶嘴”。 .【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者小时候和一个叫 Tony的小朋友吵架,并且在 老师的教导下学会一个重要道理,“事物具有两面性,学会从他人的一面看待问题”。学会换位思 考。 11.B 句意:我已经忘记了打架的原因,但我永远不会忘记那天我得到的教训。fight“打 架”;lesson

32、“教训、课程”;teacher“老师”;classmate“同学”。结合语境可知,我永远不会忘记那天吵 架得到的教训。故选 B项。 12.D difficult“困难的”;boring“无聊的”;safe“安全的”;important“重要的”。句意:我们的老师,格 林夫人,决定给我们一个深刻的教训。teach sb.a lesson给某人一个教训,根据语境 a very important lesson一个深刻的教训。故选 D项。 13.C 句意:在她的桌子中央有一个又大又圆的东西,我可以清楚地看到它是黑色的。loudly“大 声地”;widely“广泛地”;clearly“清楚地”;hea

33、vily“严重地”。联系句意,我能清楚地看到那个黑色的 东西。故选 C项。 14.A 句意:她问 Tony那东西是什么颜色。color“颜色”;size“尺寸、大小”;shape“形状”;time“时 间”。根据后文句意 Tony说那个东西是白色的,可判断老师在问他这个东西的颜色是什么,故选 A项。 15.B 句意:我不敢相信托尼居然说那个东西是白色的,而它本来是黑色的!decide“决 定”;believe“相信”;doubt“质疑”;promise“保证”。文中表示我对 Tony 的回答非常惊讶,不能相信。 故选 B项。 16.C 句意:我们之间又发生了争吵,这次是关于物品的颜色。choi

34、ce选择;chance机会;fight 争 吵;purpose目的。根据前文“When I was in Grade 5,I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class.”可知,我们是再次发生争吵。 17.A 句意:老师告诉我去站在 Tony所站的位置。 18.B 句意:我们互换了位置。由上句老师的指令可知“我们交换了位置”。 19.A 联系上文内容可判断两人互换位置后看到的颜色正好相反,我看到了白色。故选 A项。 20.B 句意:这是一个有两个不同颜色边的物体。联系下文内容可判断,托尼站在我的位置看到 的是黑色,故选 B项。 .2125 BFG

35、DC .【主旨大意】这是一篇议论文。是对德国离校辍学、旷课孩子行为的一个议论,在德国是有 专门的法律来约束旷课和辍学学生及家长的。 26.C 细节理解题。问题句表述“为什么德国的家长在繁忙的旅游时期带孩子离开学校?”根据 第二段中的“But during busy travel times,some parents take their children out of school early to save money on vacations.”可知他们想省钱,故选 C项。 27.A 细节理解题。问题句表述“在第四段中三个机场的警察想做什么?”根据第四段“They wanted to fi

36、nd out if the parents had permission for the children to be out of school.”可知,警察其实 是排查离开学校且未经家长同意的孩子,故选 A项。 28.C 主旨大意题。问题句表述“对于文章来说哪一个标题可能是最好的?”通读文章可知作者 的目的是劝诫孩子们在德国不要辍学或旷课,故选 C项。 29.A 推理判断题。问题句表述“这篇文章可能来自哪?”通读文章可知本文是一篇议论性的报 道文章,很可能会来自报纸。文章不属于科技类,B选项错误,故选 A项。 30.She was getting the writers brother r

37、eady for school. 31.She was wearing her work clothes. 32.Because the writer always read books about aliens before he fell asleep! .33.smoke 34.safety 35.prevent 36.energy 37.chance .One possible version: As far as Im concerned,it is of great importance to stay calm and reasonable when our parents an

38、d teachers blame or criticize us,which is beneficial for our lifelong development. I still remember the day that I had an English class.Seeing Li Ming falling asleep,our teacher,Miss Hu,woke him up and reminded him to listen to her carefully.To my surprise,Li Ming rushed out of the classroom without

39、 permission.It was so impolite and rude to do so.Later,I talked with him and he realized that the teacher expected to help him develop a good habit and he wasnt so calm at that time.Therefore,he picked up his courage and said sorry to Miss Hu in front of the whole class. Its a good idea to keep calm and think about it for a moment whenever being blamed or criticized.Sometimes a small change of yourself may lead to a big difference to your life.


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