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1、高频单词,计划与安排,常用句子,完形填空,阅读理解,短文填空,读写结合,高频单词,计划,1. 计划plan 2. 希望hope 3. 愿望wish 4. 决定decide 5. 心思mind 6. 一定sure 7. 可能maybe 8. 分成divide 9. 同意,赞成 agree 10. 梦想dream 11. 想要want 12. 实现achieve,安 排,1. 安排arrange 2. 组织organize 3. 尝试 try 4. 承诺promise 5. 目的purpose 6. 报道report 7. 回复reply 8. 归还return 9. 航行sail 10. 解决s

2、olve 11. 派遣send 12. 工程,项目project,1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time. 如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心。 2. A sports meeting will be held in our school next week. 下周我校将举行运动会。 3. I believe my dream will come true some day in the future. 我相信有朝一日我的梦想会实现。 4. Dont put off making a plan today, because Clean

3、-up Day is only two days later.我们今天不能推迟制订计划了,因为清扫日两天后就到了。 5. You cant promise to do anything that you are not able to make it. 你做不到的事,不要承诺。,常用句子,完形填空,As school kids, you may have many dreams. These dreams sometimes can be very 1 , such as winning the Nobel Prize. Sometimes they can be small. You jus

4、t want to 2 one of the top ten students in your class. Once you have a dream, you may try your best to make your dream 3 . No matter what difficulties you will meet and 4 hard they will be, you wont give up your dreams. If you can keep these in mind, you will succeed 5 . Dreams are important to all

5、of us.,So I dream every day. I dream of 6 my future husband on the Internet. He will be a handsome and strong man. I also dream of my future family. It will be a happy and warm one. As for my dream 7 , Id like to be an Internet engineer. I have to work on the Net everyday. It seems 8 for a woman, bu

6、t I like it very much. And Id like to make my working place like a family. Everyone is happy. We are like brothers and sisters, parents and 9 . The workmates are all willing to come to work every day.,Do you often have dreams? If you dont, dream with me. Life is really a pity 10 dreams. If you live

7、in your dreams, you can get a happier life.,( ) 1.A. small B. big C. realistic D. good ( ) 2.A. become B. get C. turn D. do ( ) 3.A. come back B. come down C. come across D. come true ( ) 4.A. what B. who C. when D. how ( ) 5.A. in the future B. in the past C. in a day D. after a while ( ) 6.A. hitt

8、ing B. meeting C. marrying D. catching,B,A,D,D,A,B,( ) 7.A. seat B. work C. job D. place ( ) 8.A. easy B. hard C. important D. interesting ( ) 9.A. friends B. teachers C. children D. classmates ( ) 10.A. with B. for C. on D. without,C,B,C,D,A,阅读理解,Many young people want to be pop stars. They think p

9、op stars are leading a happy and easy life. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but most time it is boring. The following chart is a days life of a pop star.,( ) 1. The pop star went back to the hotel on Feb. 10, 2007. A.

10、Once B. twice C. three times D. four times ( ) 2. According to the chart, the pop star was good at . A. singing B. dancing C. making faces D. playing the piano ( ) 3. The pop star felt after the performance. A. tired B. excited C. sad D. both A and B,B,A,D,( ) 4.The band did in the nights show than

11、in the rehearsal(彩排). A. better B. worse C. as badly as D. as well as ( ) 5.From the passage above we know that . A.the pop star went to the airport by underground B.the pop star stayed at the airport for two hours C.the pop star went to the radio station to sing a song D.the pop star went to bed wi

12、th TV and lights on,A,D,B,Astronauts used to only have freeze-dried powders and semi-liquid pastes for meals when they were carrying out their tasks in space. It was quite a hard life for them because they didnt have usual food as common people on earth. Now things may change. The US scientists want

13、 to grow vegetables in mini-greenhouses on the moon. They look forward to providing astronauts or space travelers with fine dinners of fresh vegetables in the future.,Paragon, a company that works with NASA, has designed a small greenhouse called “Lunar Oasis” . It looks like a bell jar put into a 4

14、6 cm-tall frame. The frame is designed to protect plants while they grow on the moon. They plan to send the small greenhouse into space in 2017. Scientists will put the brassica seed like a cabbage in the greenhouse. Then they will help them grow up in it. Because this kind of vegetable goes from se

15、ed to flower in just 14 days, it can complete its life cycle in just one night on the moon.,The moon greenhouse has been compared to an experiment at the South Pole. The South Pole greenhouse, now in its fifth year, allows workers living in the coldest place on earth to have tomatoes, lettuces, stra

16、wberries and herbs. But the moon greenhouse will come across more difficulties because we know little about how the things grow on the moon.,“Living on the moon seems so faraway. We dont know whether we can live on the moon or not in the future. But it is important that we do this research now. We w

17、ant to make a contribution to the future plan on the moon,” said Jane Poynter, president of Paragon.,( ) 6. Astronauts may have a better life in the future because the US scientists plan to . A. build a house on the moon B. grow vegetables of the moon C. send fresh vegetables to the moon D. change t

18、he environment of the moon ( ) 7. The “Lunar Oasis” designed by Paragon . A. is a big greenhouse B. looks like a bell C. has a frame D. is 46 cm tall ( ) 8. The underlined word “seed” may probably mean “ ” in Chinese. A. 种子 B. 小苗 C. 开花 D. 结果,B,C,A,( ) 6. Astronauts may have a better life in the futu

19、re because the US scientists plan to . A. build a house on the moon B. grow vegetables of the moon C. send fresh vegetables to the moon D. change the environment of the moon ( ) 7. The “Lunar Oasis” designed by Paragon . A. is a big greenhouse B. looks like a bell C. has a frame D. is 46 cm tall ( )

20、 8. The underlined word “seed” may probably mean “ ” in Chinese. A. 种子 B. 小苗 C. 开花 D. 结果,B,C,A,( ) 9. The workers living at the South Pole are able to have everything except . A. tomatoes B. lettuces C. strawberries D. cabbages ( ) 10. Whats the best title of this passage? A. Astronauts Carry out Ta

21、sks on the Moon B. Vegetables Growing Plan on the Moon C. A Greenhouse on the Moon D. How to Live on the Moon,D,B,C,配对阅读,( ) 11. Liu Ming went to the school dining hall for dinner. She was too late. When she got there, she found all the food had been eaten up. ( ) 12. Mike likes playing computer gam

22、es. But yesterday when he came back home after work, he found his computer stolen. He quickly dialed 110 to ask for help. ( ) 13. May was late for school yesterday because her alarm clock didnt work. Now she decides to buy a new alarm clock.,A,D,F,( ) 14. Sun Fei is a student of Grade Three. This su

23、mmer vacation she has to keep English diaries and send them to her English teacher by emails. But her family has no computers for her. ( ) 15. Judy will go to Beijing with her parents this summer vocation. They want to go there by train. Because there are a lot of people waiting outside the train st

24、ation for their tickets, they would like to buy the tickets somewhere else.,B,G,A. In our restaurant you can enjoy all kinds of food from different parts of China, such as Guangdong food, Sichuan food, Hunan food and so on. Students can get a discount of 80%. B. Welcome to Xinghuo Net Bar! We are th

25、e biggest bar in our town with the best service. You can surf the Internet freely. At the same time we will give you something to eat for free.,C. We serve you all kinds of computers in our center. Many of them are famous brands, such as Dell, IBM, Lenovo and so on. Come to choose the one you like. D. If you meet any crime (


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